/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.undertow.servlet; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.nio.file.Path; import javax.servlet.Filter; import javax.servlet.Servlet; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; import io.undertow.servlet.api.DeploymentManager; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; import org.jboss.logging.Messages; /** * messages start at 10000 * * @author Stuart Douglas */ @MessageBundle(projectCode = "UT") public interface UndertowServletMessages { UndertowServletMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(UndertowServletMessages.class); @Message(id = 10000, value = "%s cannot be null") IllegalArgumentException paramCannotBeNull(String param); @Message(id = 10001, value = "%s cannot be null for %s named %s") IllegalArgumentException paramCannotBeNull(String param, String componentType, String name); @Message(id = 10002, value = "Deployments can only be removed when in undeployed state, but state was %s") IllegalStateException canOnlyRemoveDeploymentsWhenUndeployed(DeploymentManager.State state); @Message(id = 10003, value = "Cannot call getInputStream(), getReader() already called") IllegalStateException getReaderAlreadyCalled(); @Message(id = 10004, value = "Cannot call getReader(), getInputStream() already called") IllegalStateException getInputStreamAlreadyCalled(); @Message(id = 10005, value = "Cannot call getOutputStream(), getWriter() already called") IllegalStateException getWriterAlreadyCalled(); @Message(id = 10006, value = "Cannot call getWriter(), getOutputStream() already called") IllegalStateException getOutputStreamAlreadyCalled(); @Message(id = 10007, value = "Two servlets specified with same mapping %s") IllegalArgumentException twoServletsWithSameMapping(String path); @Message(id = 10008, value = "Header %s cannot be converted to a date") IllegalArgumentException headerCannotBeConvertedToDate(String header); @Message(id = 10009, value = "Servlet %s of type %s does not implement javax.servlet.Servlet") IllegalArgumentException servletMustImplementServlet(String name, Class<? extends Servlet> servletClass); @Message(id = 10010, value = "%s of type %s must have a default constructor") IllegalArgumentException componentMustHaveDefaultConstructor(String componentType, Class<?> componentClass); @Message(id = 10011, value = "Filter %s of type %s does not implement javax.servlet.Filter") IllegalArgumentException filterMustImplementFilter(String name, Class<? extends Filter> filterClass); @Message(id = 10012, value = "Listener class %s must implement at least one listener interface") IllegalArgumentException listenerMustImplementListenerClass(Class<?> listenerClass); @Message(id = 10013, value = "Could not instantiate %s") ServletException couldNotInstantiateComponent(String name, @Cause Exception e); @Message(id = 10014, value = "Could not load class %s") RuntimeException cannotLoadClass(String className, @Cause Exception e); @Message(id = 10015, value = "Could not delete file %s") IOException deleteFailed(Path file); @Message(id = 10016, value = "Not a multi part request") ServletException notAMultiPartRequest(); @Message(id = 10017, value = "Request was neither the original request object or a ServletRequestWrapper") IllegalArgumentException requestNoOfCorrectType(); @Message(id = 10018, value = "Async not started") IllegalStateException asyncNotStarted(); @Message(id = 10019, value = "Response already commited") IllegalStateException responseAlreadyCommited(); @Message(id = 10020, value = "Content has been written") IllegalStateException contentHasBeenWritten(); @Message(id = 10021, value = "Path %s must start with a /") MalformedURLException pathMustStartWithSlash(String path); @Message(id = 10022, value = "Session is invalid") IllegalStateException sessionIsInvalid(); @Message(id = 10023, value = "Request %s was not original or a wrapper") IllegalArgumentException requestWasNotOriginalOrWrapper(ServletRequest request); @Message(id = 10024, value = "Response %s was not original or a wrapper") IllegalArgumentException responseWasNotOriginalOrWrapper(ServletResponse response); @Message(id = 10025, value = "Async request already dispatched") IllegalStateException asyncRequestAlreadyDispatched(); @Message(id = 10026, value = "Async is not supported for this request, as not all filters or Servlets were marked as supporting async") IllegalStateException startAsyncNotAllowed(); @Message(id = 10027, value = "Not implemented") IllegalStateException notImplemented(); @Message(id = 10028, value = "Async processing already started") IllegalStateException asyncAlreadyStarted(); @Message(id = 10029, value = "Stream is closed") IOException streamIsClosed(); @Message(id = 10030, value = "User already logged in") ServletException userAlreadyLoggedIn(); @Message(id = 10031, value = "Login failed") ServletException loginFailed(); @Message(id = 10032, value = "Authenticationfailed") ServletException authenticationFailed(); @Message(id = 10033, value = "No session") IllegalStateException noSession(); @Message(id = 10034, value = "Stream not in async mode") IllegalStateException streamNotInAsyncMode(); @Message(id = 10035, value = "Stream in async mode was not ready for IO operation") IllegalStateException streamNotReady(); @Message(id = 10036, value = "Listener has already been set") IllegalStateException listenerAlreadySet(); @Message(id = 10037, value = "When stream is in async mode a write can only be made from the listener callback") IllegalStateException writeCanOnlyBeMadeFromListenerCallback(); @Message(id = 10038, value = "No web socket handler was provided to the web socket servlet") ServletException noWebSocketHandler(); @Message(id = 10039, value = "Unknown authentication mechanism %s") RuntimeException unknownAuthenticationMechanism(String mechName); @Message(id = 10040, value = "More than one default error page %s and %s") IllegalStateException moreThanOneDefaultErrorPage(String defaultErrorPage, String location); @Message(id = 10041, value = "The servlet context has already been initialized, you can only call this method from a ServletContainerInitializer or a ServletContextListener") IllegalStateException servletContextAlreadyInitialized(); @Message(id = 10042, value = "This method cannot be called from a servlet context listener that has been added programatically") UnsupportedOperationException cannotCallFromProgramaticListener(); @Message(id = 10043, value = "Cannot add servlet context listener from a programatically added listener") IllegalArgumentException cannotAddServletContextListener(); @Message(id = 10044, value = "listener cannot be null") NullPointerException listenerCannotBeNull(); @Message(id = 10045, value = "SSL cannot be combined with any other method") IllegalArgumentException sslCannotBeCombinedWithAnyOtherMethod(); @Message(id = 10046, value = "No servlet context at %s to dispatch to") IllegalArgumentException couldNotFindContextToDispatchTo(String originalContextPath); @Message(id = 10047, value = "Name was null") NullPointerException nullName(); @Message(id = 10048, value = "Can only handle HTTP type of request / response: %s / %s") IllegalArgumentException invalidRequestResponseType(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response); @Message(id = 10049, value = "Async request already returned to container") IllegalStateException asyncRequestAlreadyReturnedToContainer(); @Message(id = 10050, value = "Filter %s used in filter mapping %s not found") IllegalStateException filterNotFound(String filterName, String mapping); @Message(id = 10051, value = "Deployment %s has stopped") ServletException deploymentStopped(String deployment); @Message(id = 10052, value = "Header name was null") NullPointerException headerNameWasNull(); @Message(id = 10053, value = "No confidential port is available to redirect the current request.") IllegalStateException noConfidentialPortAvailable(); @Message(id = 10054, value = "Unable to create an instance factory for %s") RuntimeException couldNotCreateFactory(String className, @Cause Exception e); @Message(id = 10055, value = "Listener is not started") IllegalStateException listenerIsNotStarted(); @Message(id = 10056, value = "path was not set") IllegalStateException pathWasNotSet(); }