/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.undertow.annotationprocessor; import org.jboss.classfilewriter.ClassFile; import org.jboss.classfilewriter.ClassMethod; import org.jboss.classfilewriter.code.CodeAttribute; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @author Stuart Douglas * @author Emanuel Muckenhuber */ public class ResponseParserGenerator extends AbstractParserGenerator { //class names public static final String PARSE_STATE_CLASS = "io.undertow.client.http.ResponseParseState"; public static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_CLASS = "io.undertow.client.http.HttpResponseBuilder"; //parsing states public static final int VERSION = 0; public static final int STATUS_CODE = 1; public static final int REASON_PHRASE = 2; public static final int AFTER_REASON_PHRASE = 3; public static final int HEADER = 4; public static final int HEADER_VALUE = 5; public static final int PARSE_COMPLETE = 6; public ResponseParserGenerator(String existingClassName) { super(PARSE_STATE_CLASS, HTTP_RESPONSE_CLASS, "()V", existingClassName); } @Override protected void createStateMachines(final String[] httpVerbs, final String[] httpVersions, final String[] standardHeaders, final String className, final ClassFile file, final ClassMethod sctor, final AtomicInteger fieldCounter) { createStateMachine(httpVersions, className, file, sctor, fieldCounter, HANDLE_HTTP_VERSION, new VersionStateMachine()); createStateMachine(standardHeaders, className, file, sctor, fieldCounter, HANDLE_HEADER, new HeaderStateMachine()); } private static class HeaderStateMachine implements CustomStateMachine { @Override public boolean isHeader() { return true; } @Override public void handleOtherToken(final CodeAttribute c) { c.aload(PARSE_STATE_VAR); c.swap(); c.putfield(PARSE_STATE_CLASS, "nextHeader", HTTP_STRING_DESCRIPTOR); } @Override public void handleStateMachineMatchedToken(final CodeAttribute c) { c.aload(PARSE_STATE_VAR); c.swap(); c.putfield(PARSE_STATE_CLASS, "nextHeader", HTTP_STRING_DESCRIPTOR); } @Override public void updateParseState(final CodeAttribute c) { c.pop(); c.aload(PARSE_STATE_VAR); c.iconst(HEADER_VALUE); c.putfield(PARSE_STATE_CLASS, "state", "I"); } @Override public boolean initialNewlineMeansRequestDone() { return true; } } private static class VersionStateMachine implements CustomStateMachine { @Override public boolean isHeader() { return false; } @Override public void handleOtherToken(final CodeAttribute c) { c.aload(HTTP_RESULT); c.swap(); c.invokevirtual(HTTP_RESPONSE_CLASS, "setProtocol", "(" + HTTP_STRING_DESCRIPTOR + ")V"); } @Override public void handleStateMachineMatchedToken(final CodeAttribute c) { c.aload(HTTP_RESULT); c.swap(); c.invokevirtual(HTTP_RESPONSE_CLASS, "setProtocol", "(" + HTTP_STRING_DESCRIPTOR + ")V"); } @Override public void updateParseState(final CodeAttribute c) { c.aload(PARSE_STATE_VAR); c.swap(); c.putfield(PARSE_STATE_CLASS, "leftOver", "B"); c.aload(PARSE_STATE_VAR); c.iconst(STATUS_CODE); c.putfield(PARSE_STATE_CLASS, "state", "I"); } @Override public boolean initialNewlineMeansRequestDone() { return false; } } }