/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.undertow.util; import io.undertow.UndertowMessages; import io.undertow.connector.ByteBufferPool; import org.xnio.ChannelExceptionHandler; import org.xnio.ChannelListener; import org.xnio.ChannelListeners; import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer; import org.xnio.channels.Channels; import org.xnio.channels.StreamSinkChannel; import org.xnio.channels.StreamSourceChannel; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.Channel; /** * @author Stuart Douglas */ public class Transfer { /** * Initiate a low-copy transfer between two stream channels. The pool should be a direct buffer pool for best * performance. * * @param source the source channel * @param sink the target channel * @param sourceListener the source listener to set and call when the transfer is complete, or {@code null} to clear the listener at that time * @param sinkListener the target listener to set and call when the transfer is complete, or {@code null} to clear the listener at that time * @param readExceptionHandler the read exception handler to call if an error occurs during a read operation * @param writeExceptionHandler the write exception handler to call if an error occurs during a write operation * @param pool the pool from which the transfer buffer should be allocated */ public static <I extends StreamSourceChannel, O extends StreamSinkChannel> void initiateTransfer(final I source, final O sink, final ChannelListener<? super I> sourceListener, final ChannelListener<? super O> sinkListener, final ChannelExceptionHandler<? super I> readExceptionHandler, final ChannelExceptionHandler<? super O> writeExceptionHandler, ByteBufferPool pool) { if (pool == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("pool"); } final PooledByteBuffer allocated = pool.allocate(); boolean free = true; try { final ByteBuffer buffer = allocated.getBuffer(); long read; for(;;) { try { read = source.read(buffer); buffer.flip(); } catch (IOException e) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelExceptionHandler(source, readExceptionHandler, e); return; } if (read == 0 && !buffer.hasRemaining()) { break; } if (read == -1 && !buffer.hasRemaining()) { done(source, sink, sourceListener, sinkListener); return; } while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { final int res; try { res = sink.write(buffer); } catch (IOException e) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelExceptionHandler(sink, writeExceptionHandler, e); return; } if (res == 0) { break; } } if(buffer.hasRemaining()) { break; } buffer.clear(); } PooledByteBuffer current = null; if(buffer.hasRemaining()) { current = allocated; free = false; } final TransferListener<I, O> listener = new TransferListener<I, O>(pool, current, source, sink, sourceListener, sinkListener, writeExceptionHandler, readExceptionHandler, read == -1); sink.getWriteSetter().set(listener); source.getReadSetter().set(listener); //we resume both reads and writes, as we want to keep trying to fill the buffer if(current == null || buffer.capacity() != buffer.remaining()) { //we don't resume if the buffer is 100% full source.resumeReads(); } if(current != null) { //we don't resume writes if we have nothing to write sink.resumeWrites(); } } finally { if (free) { allocated.close(); } } } private static <I extends StreamSourceChannel, O extends StreamSinkChannel> void done(I source, O sink, ChannelListener<? super I> sourceListener, ChannelListener<? super O> sinkListener) { Channels.setReadListener(source, sourceListener); if (sourceListener == null) { source.suspendReads(); } else { source.wakeupReads(); } Channels.setWriteListener(sink, sinkListener); if (sinkListener == null) { sink.suspendWrites(); } else { sink.wakeupWrites(); } } static final class TransferListener<I extends StreamSourceChannel, O extends StreamSinkChannel> implements ChannelListener<Channel> { private PooledByteBuffer pooledBuffer; private final ByteBufferPool pool; private final I source; private final O sink; private final ChannelListener<? super I> sourceListener; private final ChannelListener<? super O> sinkListener; private final ChannelExceptionHandler<? super O> writeExceptionHandler; private final ChannelExceptionHandler<? super I> readExceptionHandler; private boolean sourceDone; private boolean done = false; TransferListener(ByteBufferPool pool, final PooledByteBuffer pooledBuffer, final I source, final O sink, final ChannelListener<? super I> sourceListener, final ChannelListener<? super O> sinkListener, final ChannelExceptionHandler<? super O> writeExceptionHandler, final ChannelExceptionHandler<? super I> readExceptionHandler, boolean sourceDone) { this.pool = pool; this.pooledBuffer = pooledBuffer; this.source = source; this.sink = sink; this.sourceListener = sourceListener; this.sinkListener = sinkListener; this.writeExceptionHandler = writeExceptionHandler; this.readExceptionHandler = readExceptionHandler; this.sourceDone = sourceDone; } public void handleEvent(final Channel channel) { if(done) { if(channel instanceof StreamSinkChannel) { ((StreamSinkChannel) channel).suspendWrites(); } else if(channel instanceof StreamSourceChannel) { ((StreamSourceChannel)channel).suspendReads(); } return; } boolean noWrite = false; if (pooledBuffer == null) { pooledBuffer = pool.allocate(); noWrite = true; } else if(channel instanceof StreamSourceChannel) { noWrite = true; //attempt a read first, as this is a read notification pooledBuffer.getBuffer().compact(); } final ByteBuffer buffer = pooledBuffer.getBuffer(); try { long read; for(;;) { boolean writeFailed = false; //always attempt to write first if we have the buffer if(!noWrite) { while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { final int res; try { res = sink.write(buffer); } catch (IOException e) { pooledBuffer.close(); pooledBuffer = null; done = true; ChannelListeners.invokeChannelExceptionHandler(sink, writeExceptionHandler, e); return; } if (res == 0) { writeFailed = true; break; } } if(sourceDone && !buffer.hasRemaining()) { done = true; done(source, sink, sourceListener, sinkListener); return; } buffer.compact(); } noWrite = false; if(buffer.hasRemaining() && !sourceDone) { try { read = source.read(buffer); buffer.flip(); } catch (IOException e) { pooledBuffer.close(); pooledBuffer = null; done = true; ChannelListeners.invokeChannelExceptionHandler(source, readExceptionHandler, e); return; } if (read == 0) { break; } else if(read == -1) { sourceDone = true; if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) { done = true; done(source, sink, sourceListener, sinkListener); return; } } } else { buffer.flip(); if(writeFailed) { break; } } } //suspend writes if there is nothing to write if(!buffer.hasRemaining()) { sink.suspendWrites(); } else if(!sink.isWriteResumed()) { sink.resumeWrites(); } //suspend reads if there is nothing to read if(buffer.remaining() == buffer.capacity()) { source.suspendReads(); } else if(!source.isReadResumed()){ source.resumeReads(); } } finally { if (pooledBuffer != null && !buffer.hasRemaining()) { pooledBuffer.close(); pooledBuffer = null; } } } public String toString() { return "Transfer channel listener (" + source + " to " + sink + ") -> (" + sourceListener + " and " + sinkListener + ")"; } } }