package edu.isistan.uima.unified.algorithms.similarity; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import net.didion.jwnl.JWNLException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Rago extends SimilarityMeasure { private double factor = 50; private int depth; private PointerUtils utils; protected Rago() { utils = PointerUtils.getInstance(); } @Override protected void config(Map<String, String> params) throws Exception { if (params.containsKey("depth")) depth = Integer.parseInt(params.remove("depth")); else depth = 3; } @Override public double getSimilarity(Synset s1, Synset s2) throws JWNLException { //see if the similarity is already cached and... Double cached = getFromCache(s1, s2); //if it is then simply return it if (cached != null) return cached.doubleValue(); double d = 0; Set<String> words1 = getSimilars(s1); Set<String> words2 = getSimilars(s2); for(String w1 : words1) { String root1 = stem(w1); for(String w2 : words2) { String root2 = stem(w2); if(root1.equalsIgnoreCase(root2)) d++; } } double sim = normalize(d); //cache and return the calculated similarity return addToCache(s1, s2, sim); } private double normalize(double d) { double s = d / Math.sqrt( Math.pow(d, 2.0) + factor ); return s; } public Set<String> getSimilars(Synset synset) throws JWNLException { Set<String> words = new HashSet<String>(); if(synset != null) { words.addAll(extract(synset)); if(synset.getPOS() == POS.VERB) words.addAll(navigateVerb(synset, depth)); if(synset.getPOS() == POS.NOUN) words.addAll(navigateNoun(synset, depth)); if(synset.getPOS() == POS.ADJECTIVE) words.addAll(navigateAdjective(synset, depth)); if(synset.getPOS() == POS.ADVERB) words.addAll(navigateAdverb(synset, depth)); } return words; } private List<String> navigateNoun(Synset synset, int depth) throws JWNLException { List<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); PointerTargetTree hyperTree = utils.getHypernymTree(synset, depth); PointerTargetTree hypoTree = utils.getHyponymTree(synset, depth); PointerTargetNodeList coorList = utils.getCoordinateTerms(synset); PointerTargetNodeList meroList = utils.getMeronyms(synset); PointerTargetNodeList holoList = utils.getHolonyms(synset); words.addAll(transverse(hyperTree.getRootNode())); words.addAll(transverse(hypoTree.getRootNode())); words.addAll(transverse(coorList)); words.addAll(transverse(meroList)); words.addAll(transverse(holoList)); return words; } private List<String> navigateVerb(Synset synset, int depth) throws JWNLException { List<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); PointerTargetTree hyperTree = utils.getHypernymTree(synset, depth); PointerTargetNodeList coorList = utils.getCoordinateTerms(synset); PointerTargetTree entailTree = utils.getEntailmentTree(synset, depth); PointerTargetTree causeTree = utils.getCauseTree(synset, depth); PointerTargetNodeList groupList = utils.getVerbGroup(synset); //TODO Troponyms words.addAll(transverse(hyperTree.getRootNode())); words.addAll(transverse(coorList)); words.addAll(transverse(entailTree.getRootNode())); words.addAll(transverse(causeTree.getRootNode())); words.addAll(transverse(groupList)); return words; } private List<String> navigateAdjective(Synset synset, int depth) throws JWNLException { List<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); PointerTargetNodeList partList = utils.getParticipleOf(synset); PointerTargetNodeList derivList = utils.getDerived(synset); PointerTargetTree synTree = utils.getSynonymTree(synset, depth); words.addAll(transverse(partList)); words.addAll(transverse(derivList)); words.addAll(transverse(synTree.getRootNode())); return words; } private List<String> navigateAdverb(Synset synset, int depth) throws JWNLException { List<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); return words; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private List<String> transverse(PointerTargetTreeNode root) { List<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); words.addAll(extract(root.getSynset())); PointerTargetTreeNodeList nodeList = root.getChildTreeList(); if(nodeList != null) { Iterator it = nodeList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PointerTargetTreeNode child = (PointerTargetTreeNode); words.addAll(transverse(child)); } } return words; } private List<String> transverse(PointerTargetNodeList list) { List<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PointerTargetNode node = (PointerTargetNode); words.addAll(extract(node.getSynset())); } return words; } private List<String> extract(Synset s) { List<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); for(Word w : s.getWords()) { words.add(w.getLemma()); } return words; } private String stem(String word) { return word; } }