/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * NeuralNetwork.java * Copyright (C) 2008 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.classifiers.pmml.consumer; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.RevisionUtils; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.core.pmml.*; /** * Class implementing import of PMML Neural Network model. Can be used as a Weka * classifier for prediction (buildClassifier() raises an Exception). * * @author Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com) * @version $Revision 1.0 $ */ public class NeuralNetwork extends PMMLClassifier { /** * For serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4545904813133921249L; /** * Small inner class for a NeuralInput (essentially just * wraps a DerivedField and adds an ID) */ static class NeuralInput implements Serializable { /** * For serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1902233762824835563L; /** Field that this input refers to */ private DerivedFieldMetaInfo m_field; /** ID string */ private String m_ID = null; private String getID() { return m_ID; } protected NeuralInput(Element input, MiningSchema miningSchema) throws Exception { m_ID = input.getAttribute("id"); NodeList fL = input.getElementsByTagName("DerivedField"); if (fL.getLength() != 1) { throw new Exception("[NeuralInput] expecting just one derived field!"); } Element dF = (Element)fL.item(0); Instances allFields = miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances(); ArrayList<Attribute> fieldDefs = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); for (int i = 0; i < allFields.numAttributes(); i++) { fieldDefs.add(allFields.attribute(i)); } m_field = new DerivedFieldMetaInfo(dF, fieldDefs, miningSchema.getTransformationDictionary()); } protected double getValue(double[] incoming) throws Exception { return m_field.getDerivedValue(incoming); } public String toString() { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); temp.append("Nueral input (" + getID() + ")\n"); temp.append(m_field); return temp.toString(); } } /** * Inner class representing a layer in the network. */ class NeuralLayer implements Serializable { /** * For serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8386042001675763922L; /** The number of neurons in this layer */ private int m_numNeurons = 0; /** Activation function (if defined, overrides one in NeuralNetwork) */ private ActivationFunction m_layerActivationFunction = null; /** Threshold (if defined overrides one in NeuralNetwork) */ private double m_layerThreshold = Double.NaN; /** Width (if defined overrides one in NeuralNetwork) */ private double m_layerWidth = Double.NaN; /** Altitude (if defined overrides one in NeuralNetwork) */ private double m_layerAltitude = Double.NaN; /** Normalization (if defined overrides one in NeuralNetwork) */ private Normalization m_layerNormalization = null; /** The neurons at this hidden layer */ private Neuron[] m_layerNeurons = null; /** Stores the output of this layer (for given inputs) */ private HashMap<String, Double> m_layerOutput = new HashMap<String, Double>(); protected NeuralLayer(Element layerE) { String activationFunction = layerE.getAttribute("activationFunction"); if (activationFunction != null && activationFunction.length() > 0) { for (ActivationFunction a : ActivationFunction.values()) { if (a.toString().equals(activationFunction)) { m_layerActivationFunction = a; break; } } } else { // use the network-level activation function m_layerActivationFunction = m_activationFunction; } String threshold = layerE.getAttribute("threshold"); if (threshold != null && threshold.length() > 0) { m_layerThreshold = Double.parseDouble(threshold); } else { // use network-level threshold m_layerThreshold = m_threshold; } String width = layerE.getAttribute("width"); if (width != null && width.length() > 0) { m_layerWidth = Double.parseDouble(width); } else { // use network-level width m_layerWidth = m_width; } String altitude = layerE.getAttribute("altitude"); if (altitude != null && altitude.length() > 0) { m_layerAltitude = Double.parseDouble(altitude); } else { // use network-level altitude m_layerAltitude = m_altitude; } String normMethod = layerE.getAttribute("normalizationMethod"); if (normMethod != null && normMethod.length() > 0) { for (Normalization n : Normalization.values()) { if (n.toString().equals(normMethod)) { m_layerNormalization = n; break; } } } else { // use network-level normalization method m_layerNormalization = m_normalizationMethod; } NodeList neuronL = layerE.getElementsByTagName("Neuron"); m_numNeurons = neuronL.getLength(); m_layerNeurons = new Neuron[m_numNeurons]; for (int i = 0; i < neuronL.getLength(); i++) { Node neuronN = neuronL.item(i); if (neuronN.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { m_layerNeurons[i] = new Neuron((Element)neuronN, this); } } } protected ActivationFunction getActivationFunction() { return m_layerActivationFunction; } protected double getThreshold() { return m_layerThreshold; } protected double getWidth() { return m_layerWidth; } protected double getAltitude() { return m_layerAltitude; } protected Normalization getNormalization() { return m_layerNormalization; } /** * Compute the output values for this layer. * * @param incoming the incoming values * @return the output values for this layer * @throws Exception if there is a problem computing the outputs */ protected HashMap<String, Double> computeOutput(HashMap<String, Double> incoming) throws Exception { m_layerOutput.clear(); double normSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_layerNeurons.length; i++) { double neuronOut = m_layerNeurons[i].getValue(incoming); String neuronID = m_layerNeurons[i].getID(); if (m_layerNormalization == Normalization.SOFTMAX) { normSum += Math.exp(neuronOut); } else if (m_layerNormalization == Normalization.SIMPLEMAX) { normSum += neuronOut; } //System.err.println("Inserting ID " + neuronID + " " + neuronOut); m_layerOutput.put(neuronID, neuronOut); } // apply the normalization (if necessary) if (m_layerNormalization != Normalization.NONE) { for (int i = 0; i < m_layerNeurons.length; i++) { double val = m_layerOutput.get(m_layerNeurons[i].getID()); // System.err.println("Normalizing ID " + m_layerNeurons[i].getID() + " " + val); if (m_layerNormalization == Normalization.SOFTMAX) { val = Math.exp(val) / normSum; } else { val = (val / normSum); } m_layerOutput.put(m_layerNeurons[i].getID(), val); } } return m_layerOutput; } public String toString() { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); temp.append("activation: " + getActivationFunction() + "\n"); if (!Double.isNaN(getThreshold())) { temp.append("threshold: " + getThreshold() + "\n"); } if (!Double.isNaN(getWidth())) { temp.append("width: " + getWidth() + "\n"); } if (!Double.isNaN(getAltitude())) { temp.append("altitude: " + getAltitude() + "\n"); } temp.append("normalization: " + m_layerNormalization + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < m_numNeurons; i++) { temp.append(m_layerNeurons[i] + "\n"); } return temp.toString(); } } /** * Inner class encapsulating a Neuron */ static class Neuron implements Serializable { /** * For serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3817434025682603443L; /** ID string */ private String m_ID = null; /** The layer we belong to (for accessing activation function, threshold etc.) */ private NeuralLayer m_layer; /** The bias */ private double m_bias = 0.0; /** The width (if defined overrides the one in NeuralLayer or NeuralNetwork) */ private double m_neuronWidth = Double.NaN; /** The altitude (if defined overrides the one in NeuralLayer or NeuralNetwork) */ private double m_neuronAltitude = Double.NaN; /** The IDs of the neurons/neural inputs that we are connected to */ private String[] m_connectionIDs = null; /** The weights corresponding to the connections */ private double[] m_weights = null; protected Neuron(Element neuronE, NeuralLayer layer) { m_layer = layer; m_ID = neuronE.getAttribute("id"); String bias = neuronE.getAttribute("bias"); if (bias != null && bias.length() > 0) { m_bias = Double.parseDouble(bias); } String width = neuronE.getAttribute("width"); if (width != null && width.length() > 0) { m_neuronWidth = Double.parseDouble(width); } String altitude = neuronE.getAttribute("altitude"); if (altitude != null && altitude.length() > 0) { m_neuronAltitude = Double.parseDouble(altitude); } // get the connection details NodeList conL = neuronE.getElementsByTagName("Con"); m_connectionIDs = new String[conL.getLength()]; m_weights = new double[conL.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < conL.getLength(); i++) { Node conN = conL.item(i); if (conN.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element conE = (Element)conN; m_connectionIDs[i] = conE.getAttribute("from"); String weight = conE.getAttribute("weight"); m_weights[i] = Double.parseDouble(weight); } } } protected String getID() { return m_ID; } /** * Compute the output of this Neuron. * * @param incoming a Map of input values. The keys are the IDs * of incoming connections (either neural inputs or neurons) and * the values are the output values of the neural input/neuron in * question. * * @return the output of this neuron * @throws Exception if any of our incoming connection IDs cannot be * located in the Map */ protected double getValue(HashMap<String, Double> incoming) throws Exception { double z = 0; double result = Double.NaN; double width = (Double.isNaN(m_neuronWidth)) ? m_layer.getWidth() : m_neuronWidth; z = m_bias; for (int i = 0; i < m_connectionIDs.length; i++) { Double inVal = incoming.get(m_connectionIDs[i]); if (inVal == null) { throw new Exception("[Neuron] unable to find connection " + m_connectionIDs[i] + " in input Map!"); } if (m_layer.getActivationFunction() != ActivationFunction.RADIALBASIS) { // multiply with weight double inV = inVal.doubleValue() * m_weights[i]; z += inV; } else { // Euclidean distance to the center (stored in m_weights) double inV = Math.pow((inVal.doubleValue() - m_weights[i]), 2.0); z += inV; } } // apply the width if necessary if (m_layer.getActivationFunction() == ActivationFunction.RADIALBASIS) { z /= (2.0 * (width * width)); } double threshold = m_layer.getThreshold(); double altitude = (Double.isNaN(m_neuronAltitude)) ? m_layer.getAltitude() : m_neuronAltitude; double fanIn = m_connectionIDs.length; result = m_layer.getActivationFunction().eval(z, threshold, altitude, fanIn); return result; } public String toString() { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); temp.append("Nueron (" + m_ID + ") [bias:" + m_bias); if (!Double.isNaN(m_neuronWidth)) { temp.append(" width:" + m_neuronWidth); } if (!Double.isNaN(m_neuronAltitude)) { temp.append(" altitude:" + m_neuronAltitude); } temp.append("]\n"); temp.append(" con. (ID:weight): "); for (int i = 0; i < m_connectionIDs.length; i++) { temp.append(m_connectionIDs[i] + ":" + Utils.doubleToString(m_weights[i], 2)); if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0 || i == m_connectionIDs.length - 1) { temp.append("\n "); } else { temp.append(", "); } } return temp.toString(); } } static class NeuralOutputs implements Serializable { /** * For serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -233611113950482952L; /** The neurons we are mapping */ private String[] m_outputNeurons = null; /** * In the case of a nominal class, the index of the value * being predicted by each output neuron */ private int[] m_categoricalIndexes = null; /** The class attribute we are mapping to */ private Attribute m_classAttribute = null; /** Used when the class is numeric */ private NormContinuous m_regressionMapping = null; protected NeuralOutputs(Element outputs, MiningSchema miningSchema) throws Exception { m_classAttribute = miningSchema.getMiningSchemaAsInstances().classAttribute(); int vals = (m_classAttribute.isNumeric()) ? 1 : m_classAttribute.numValues(); m_outputNeurons = new String[vals]; m_categoricalIndexes = new int[vals]; NodeList outputL = outputs.getElementsByTagName("NeuralOutput"); if (outputL.getLength() != m_outputNeurons.length) { throw new Exception("[NeuralOutputs] the number of neural outputs does not match " + "the number expected!"); } for (int i = 0; i < outputL.getLength(); i++) { Node outputN = outputL.item(i); if (outputN.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element outputE = (Element)outputN; // get the ID for this output neuron m_outputNeurons[i] = outputE.getAttribute("outputNeuron"); if (m_classAttribute.isNumeric()) { // get the single norm continuous NodeList contL = outputE.getElementsByTagName("NormContinuous"); if (contL.getLength() != 1) { throw new Exception("[NeuralOutputs] Should be exactly one norm continuous element " + "for numeric class!"); } Node normContNode = contL.item(0); String attName = ((Element)normContNode).getAttribute("field"); Attribute dummyTargetDef = new Attribute(attName); ArrayList<Attribute> dummyFieldDefs = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); dummyFieldDefs.add(dummyTargetDef); m_regressionMapping = new NormContinuous((Element)normContNode, FieldMetaInfo.Optype.CONTINUOUS, dummyFieldDefs); break; } else { // we just need to grab the categorical value (out of the NormDiscrete element) // that this output neuron is associated with NodeList discL = outputE.getElementsByTagName("NormDiscrete"); if (discL.getLength() != 1) { throw new Exception("[NeuralOutputs] Should be only one norm discrete element " + "per derived field/neural output for a nominal class!"); } Node normDiscNode = discL.item(0); String attValue = ((Element)normDiscNode).getAttribute("value"); int index = m_classAttribute.indexOfValue(attValue); if (index < 0) { throw new Exception("[NeuralOutputs] Can't find specified target value " + attValue + " in class attribute " + m_classAttribute.name()); } m_categoricalIndexes[i] = index; } } } } /** * Compute the output. Either a probability distribution or a single * value (regression). * * @param incoming the values from the last hidden layer * @param preds the array to fill with predicted values * @throws Exception if there is a problem computing the output */ protected void getOuput(HashMap<String, Double> incoming, double[] preds) throws Exception { if (preds.length != m_outputNeurons.length) { throw new Exception("[NeuralOutputs] Incorrect number of predictions requested: " + preds.length + "requested, " + m_outputNeurons.length + " expected"); } for (int i = 0; i < m_outputNeurons.length; i++) { Double neuronOut = incoming.get(m_outputNeurons[i]); if (neuronOut == null) { throw new Exception("[NeuralOutputs] Unable to find output neuron " + m_outputNeurons[i] + " in the incoming HashMap!!"); } if (m_classAttribute.isNumeric()) { // will be only one output neuron anyway preds[0] = neuronOut.doubleValue(); preds[0] = m_regressionMapping.getResultInverse(preds); } else { // clip at zero // preds[m_categoricalIndexes[i]] = (neuronOut < 0) ? 0.0 : neuronOut; preds[m_categoricalIndexes[i]] = neuronOut; } } if (m_classAttribute.isNominal()) { // check for negative values and adjust double min = preds[Utils.minIndex(preds)]; if (min < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < preds.length; i++) { preds[i] -= min; } } // do a simplemax normalization Utils.normalize(preds); } } public String toString() { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < m_outputNeurons.length; i++) { temp.append("Output neuron (" + m_outputNeurons[i] + ")\n"); temp.append("mapping:\n"); if (m_classAttribute.isNumeric()) { temp.append(m_regressionMapping +"\n"); } else { temp.append(m_classAttribute.name() + " = " + m_classAttribute.value(m_categoricalIndexes[i]) + "\n"); } } return temp.toString(); } } /** * Enumerated type for the mining function */ enum MiningFunction { CLASSIFICATION, REGRESSION; } /** The mining function */ protected MiningFunction m_functionType = MiningFunction.CLASSIFICATION; /** * Enumerated type for the activation function. */ enum ActivationFunction { THRESHOLD("threshold") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { if (z > threshold) { return 1.0; } return 0.0; } }, LOGISTIC("logistic") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-z)); } }, TANH("tanh") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { double a = Math.exp( z ); double b = Math.exp( -z ); return ((a-b)/(a+b)); //return (1.0 - Math.exp(-2.0 * z)) / (1.0 + Math.exp(-2.0 * z)); } }, IDENTITY("identity") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return z; } }, EXPONENTIAL("exponential") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return Math.exp(z); } }, RECIPROCAL("reciprocal") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return 1.0 / z; } }, SQUARE("square") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return z * z; } }, GAUSS("gauss") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return Math.exp(-(z * z)); } }, SINE("sine") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return Math.sin(z); } }, COSINE("cosine") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return Math.cos(z); } }, ELLICOT("ellicot") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return z / (1.0 + Math.abs(z)); } }, ARCTAN("arctan") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return 2.0 * Math.atan(z) / Math.PI; } }, RADIALBASIS("radialBasis") { double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn) { return Math.exp(fanIn * Math.log(altitude) - z); } }; abstract double eval(double z, double threshold, double altitude, double fanIn); private final String m_stringVal; ActivationFunction(String name) { m_stringVal = name; } public String toString() { return m_stringVal; } } /** The activation function to use */ protected ActivationFunction m_activationFunction = ActivationFunction.ARCTAN; /** * Enumerated type for the normalization method */ enum Normalization { NONE ("none"), SIMPLEMAX ("simplemax"), SOFTMAX ("softmax"); private final String m_stringVal; Normalization(String name) { m_stringVal = name; } public String toString() { return m_stringVal; } } /** The normalization method */ protected Normalization m_normalizationMethod = Normalization.NONE; /** Threshold activation */ protected double m_threshold = 0.0; // default = 0 /** Width for radial basis */ protected double m_width = Double.NaN; // no default /** Altitude for radial basis */ protected double m_altitude = 1.0; // default = 1 /** The number of inputs to the network */ protected int m_numberOfInputs = 0; /** Number of hidden layers in the network */ protected int m_numberOfLayers = 0; /** The inputs to the network */ protected NeuralInput[] m_inputs = null; /** A map for storing network input values (computed from an incoming instance) */ protected HashMap<String, Double> m_inputMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); /** The hidden layers in the network */ protected NeuralLayer[] m_layers = null; /** The outputs of the network */ protected NeuralOutputs m_outputs = null; public NeuralNetwork(Element model, Instances dataDictionary, MiningSchema miningSchema) throws Exception { super(dataDictionary, miningSchema); String fn = model.getAttribute("functionName"); if (fn.equals("regression")) { m_functionType = MiningFunction.REGRESSION; } String act = model.getAttribute("activationFunction"); if (act == null || act.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("[NeuralNetwork] no activation functon defined"); } // get the activation function for (ActivationFunction a : ActivationFunction.values()) { if (a.toString().equals(act)) { m_activationFunction = a; break; } } // get the normalization method (if specified) String norm = model.getAttribute("normalizationMethod"); if (norm != null && norm.length() > 0) { for (Normalization n : Normalization.values()) { if (n.toString().equals(norm)) { m_normalizationMethod = n; break; } } } String thresh = model.getAttribute("threshold"); if (thresh != null && thresh.length() > 0) { m_threshold = Double.parseDouble(thresh); } String width = model.getAttribute("width"); if (width != null && width.length() > 0) { m_width = Double.parseDouble(width); } String alt = model.getAttribute("altitude"); if (alt != null && alt.length() > 0) { m_altitude = Double.parseDouble(alt); } // get all the inputs NodeList inputL = model.getElementsByTagName("NeuralInput"); m_numberOfInputs = inputL.getLength(); m_inputs = new NeuralInput[m_numberOfInputs]; for (int i = 0; i < m_numberOfInputs; i++) { Node inputN = inputL.item(i); if (inputN.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { NeuralInput nI = new NeuralInput((Element)inputN, m_miningSchema); m_inputs[i] = nI; } } // get the layers NodeList layerL = model.getElementsByTagName("NeuralLayer"); m_numberOfLayers = layerL.getLength(); m_layers = new NeuralLayer[m_numberOfLayers]; for (int i = 0; i < m_numberOfLayers; i++) { Node layerN = layerL.item(i); if (layerN.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { NeuralLayer nL = new NeuralLayer((Element)layerN); m_layers[i] = nL; } } // get the outputs NodeList outputL = model.getElementsByTagName("NeuralOutputs"); if (outputL.getLength() != 1) { throw new Exception("[NeuralNetwork] Should be just one NeuralOutputs element defined!"); } m_outputs = new NeuralOutputs((Element)outputL.item(0), m_miningSchema); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see weka.core.RevisionHandler#getRevision() */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 5987 $"); } /** * Classifies the given test instance. The instance has to belong to a * dataset when it's being classified. * * @param inst the instance to be classified * @return the predicted most likely class for the instance or * Utils.missingValue() if no prediction is made * @exception Exception if an error occurred during the prediction */ public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance inst) throws Exception { if (!m_initialized) { mapToMiningSchema(inst.dataset()); } double[] preds = null; if (m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().classAttribute().isNumeric()) { preds = new double[1]; } else { preds = new double[m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().classAttribute().numValues()]; } double[] incoming = m_fieldsMap.instanceToSchema(inst, m_miningSchema); boolean hasMissing = false; for (int i = 0; i < incoming.length; i++) { if (i != m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().classIndex() && Double.isNaN(incoming[i])) { hasMissing = true; //System.err.println("Missing value for att : " + m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().attribute(i).name()); break; } } if (hasMissing) { if (!m_miningSchema.hasTargetMetaData()) { String message = "[NeuralNetwork] WARNING: Instance to predict has missing value(s) but " + "there is no missing value handling meta data and no " + "prior probabilities/default value to fall back to. No " + "prediction will be made (" + ((m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().classAttribute().isNominal() || m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().classAttribute().isString()) ? "zero probabilities output)." : "NaN output)."); if (m_log == null) { System.err.println(message); } else { m_log.logMessage(message); } if (m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().classAttribute().isNumeric()) { preds[0] = Utils.missingValue(); } return preds; } else { // use prior probablilities/default value TargetMetaInfo targetData = m_miningSchema.getTargetMetaData(); if (m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances().classAttribute().isNumeric()) { preds[0] = targetData.getDefaultValue(); } else { Instances miningSchemaI = m_miningSchema.getFieldsAsInstances(); for (int i = 0; i < miningSchemaI.classAttribute().numValues(); i++) { preds[i] = targetData.getPriorProbability(miningSchemaI.classAttribute().value(i)); } } return preds; } } else { // construct the input to the network for this instance m_inputMap.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_inputs.length; i++) { double networkInVal = m_inputs[i].getValue(incoming); String ID = m_inputs[i].getID(); m_inputMap.put(ID, networkInVal); } // now compute the output of each layer HashMap<String, Double> layerOut = m_layers[0].computeOutput(m_inputMap); for (int i = 1; i < m_layers.length; i++) { layerOut = m_layers[i].computeOutput(layerOut); } // now do the output m_outputs.getOuput(layerOut, preds); } return preds; } public String toString() { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); temp.append("PMML version " + getPMMLVersion()); if (!getCreatorApplication().equals("?")) { temp.append("\nApplication: " + getCreatorApplication()); } temp.append("\nPMML Model: Neural network"); temp.append("\n\n"); temp.append(m_miningSchema); temp.append("Inputs:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < m_inputs.length; i++) { temp.append(m_inputs[i] + "\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < m_layers.length; i++) { temp.append("Layer: " + (i+1) + "\n"); temp.append(m_layers[i] + "\n"); } temp.append("Outputs:\n"); temp.append(m_outputs); return temp.toString(); } }