/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * Distribution.java * Copyright (C) 1999 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.classifiers.trees.j48; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.RevisionHandler; import weka.core.RevisionUtils; import weka.core.Utils; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * Class for handling a distribution of class values. * * @author Eibe Frank (eibe@cs.waikato.ac.nz) * @version $Revision: 1.12 $ */ public class Distribution implements Cloneable, Serializable, RevisionHandler { /** for serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8526859638230806576L; /** Weight of instances per class per bag. */ private double m_perClassPerBag[][]; /** Weight of instances per bag. */ private double m_perBag[]; /** Weight of instances per class. */ private double m_perClass[]; /** Total weight of instances. */ private double totaL; /** * Creates and initializes a new distribution. */ public Distribution(int numBags,int numClasses) { int i; m_perClassPerBag = new double [numBags][0]; m_perBag = new double [numBags]; m_perClass = new double [numClasses]; for (i=0;i<numBags;i++) m_perClassPerBag[i] = new double [numClasses]; totaL = 0; } /** * Creates and initializes a new distribution using the given * array. WARNING: it just copies a reference to this array. */ public Distribution(double [][] table) { int i, j; m_perClassPerBag = table; m_perBag = new double [table.length]; m_perClass = new double [table[0].length]; for (i = 0; i < table.length; i++) for (j = 0; j < table[i].length; j++) { m_perBag[i] += table[i][j]; m_perClass[j] += table[i][j]; totaL += table[i][j]; } } /** * Creates a distribution with only one bag according * to instances in source. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public Distribution(Instances source) throws Exception { m_perClassPerBag = new double [1][0]; m_perBag = new double [1]; totaL = 0; m_perClass = new double [source.numClasses()]; m_perClassPerBag[0] = new double [source.numClasses()]; Enumeration enu = source.enumerateInstances(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) add(0,(Instance) enu.nextElement()); } /** * Creates a distribution according to given instances and * split model. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public Distribution(Instances source, ClassifierSplitModel modelToUse) throws Exception { int index; Instance instance; double[] weights; m_perClassPerBag = new double [modelToUse.numSubsets()][0]; m_perBag = new double [modelToUse.numSubsets()]; totaL = 0; m_perClass = new double [source.numClasses()]; for (int i = 0; i < modelToUse.numSubsets(); i++) m_perClassPerBag[i] = new double [source.numClasses()]; Enumeration enu = source.enumerateInstances(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { instance = (Instance) enu.nextElement(); index = modelToUse.whichSubset(instance); if (index != -1) add(index, instance); else { weights = modelToUse.weights(instance); addWeights(instance, weights); } } } /** * Creates distribution with only one bag by merging all * bags of given distribution. */ public Distribution(Distribution toMerge) { totaL = toMerge.totaL; m_perClass = new double [toMerge.numClasses()]; System.arraycopy(toMerge.m_perClass,0,m_perClass,0,toMerge.numClasses()); m_perClassPerBag = new double [1] [0]; m_perClassPerBag[0] = new double [toMerge.numClasses()]; System.arraycopy(toMerge.m_perClass,0,m_perClassPerBag[0],0, toMerge.numClasses()); m_perBag = new double [1]; m_perBag[0] = totaL; } /** * Creates distribution with two bags by merging all bags apart of * the indicated one. */ public Distribution(Distribution toMerge, int index) { int i; totaL = toMerge.totaL; m_perClass = new double [toMerge.numClasses()]; System.arraycopy(toMerge.m_perClass,0,m_perClass,0,toMerge.numClasses()); m_perClassPerBag = new double [2] [0]; m_perClassPerBag[0] = new double [toMerge.numClasses()]; System.arraycopy(toMerge.m_perClassPerBag[index],0,m_perClassPerBag[0],0, toMerge.numClasses()); m_perClassPerBag[1] = new double [toMerge.numClasses()]; for (i=0;i<toMerge.numClasses();i++) m_perClassPerBag[1][i] = toMerge.m_perClass[i]-m_perClassPerBag[0][i]; m_perBag = new double [2]; m_perBag[0] = toMerge.m_perBag[index]; m_perBag[1] = totaL-m_perBag[0]; } /** * Returns number of non-empty bags of distribution. */ public final int actualNumBags() { int returnValue = 0; int i; for (i=0;i<m_perBag.length;i++) if (Utils.gr(m_perBag[i],0)) returnValue++; return returnValue; } /** * Returns number of classes actually occuring in distribution. */ public final int actualNumClasses() { int returnValue = 0; int i; for (i=0;i<m_perClass.length;i++) if (Utils.gr(m_perClass[i],0)) returnValue++; return returnValue; } /** * Returns number of classes actually occuring in given bag. */ public final int actualNumClasses(int bagIndex) { int returnValue = 0; int i; for (i=0;i<m_perClass.length;i++) if (Utils.gr(m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][i],0)) returnValue++; return returnValue; } /** * Adds given instance to given bag. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void add(int bagIndex,Instance instance) throws Exception { int classIndex; double weight; classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); weight = instance.weight(); m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex] = m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex]+weight; m_perBag[bagIndex] = m_perBag[bagIndex]+weight; m_perClass[classIndex] = m_perClass[classIndex]+weight; totaL = totaL+weight; } /** * Subtracts given instance from given bag. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void sub(int bagIndex,Instance instance) throws Exception { int classIndex; double weight; classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); weight = instance.weight(); m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex] = m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex]-weight; m_perBag[bagIndex] = m_perBag[bagIndex]-weight; m_perClass[classIndex] = m_perClass[classIndex]-weight; totaL = totaL-weight; } /** * Adds counts to given bag. */ public final void add(int bagIndex, double[] counts) { double sum = Utils.sum(counts); for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][i] += counts[i]; m_perBag[bagIndex] = m_perBag[bagIndex]+sum; for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) m_perClass[i] = m_perClass[i]+counts[i]; totaL = totaL+sum; } /** * Adds all instances with unknown values for given attribute, weighted * according to frequency of instances in each bag. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void addInstWithUnknown(Instances source, int attIndex) throws Exception { double [] probs; double weight,newWeight; int classIndex; Instance instance; int j; probs = new double [m_perBag.length]; for (j=0;j<m_perBag.length;j++) { if (Utils.eq(totaL, 0)) { probs[j] = 1.0 / probs.length; } else { probs[j] = m_perBag[j]/totaL; } } Enumeration enu = source.enumerateInstances(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { instance = (Instance) enu.nextElement(); if (instance.isMissing(attIndex)) { classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); weight = instance.weight(); m_perClass[classIndex] = m_perClass[classIndex]+weight; totaL = totaL+weight; for (j = 0; j < m_perBag.length; j++) { newWeight = probs[j]*weight; m_perClassPerBag[j][classIndex] = m_perClassPerBag[j][classIndex]+ newWeight; m_perBag[j] = m_perBag[j]+newWeight; } } } } /** * Adds all instances in given range to given bag. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void addRange(int bagIndex,Instances source, int startIndex, int lastPlusOne) throws Exception { double sumOfWeights = 0; int classIndex; Instance instance; int i; for (i = startIndex; i < lastPlusOne; i++) { instance = (Instance) source.instance(i); classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); sumOfWeights = sumOfWeights+instance.weight(); m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex] += instance.weight(); m_perClass[classIndex] += instance.weight(); } m_perBag[bagIndex] += sumOfWeights; totaL += sumOfWeights; } /** * Adds given instance to all bags weighting it according to given weights. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void addWeights(Instance instance, double [] weights) throws Exception { int classIndex; int i; classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); for (i=0;i<m_perBag.length;i++) { double weight = instance.weight() * weights[i]; m_perClassPerBag[i][classIndex] = m_perClassPerBag[i][classIndex] + weight; m_perBag[i] = m_perBag[i] + weight; m_perClass[classIndex] = m_perClass[classIndex] + weight; totaL = totaL + weight; } } /** * Checks if at least two bags contain a minimum number of instances. */ public final boolean check(double minNoObj) { int counter = 0; int i; for (i=0;i<m_perBag.length;i++) if (Utils.grOrEq(m_perBag[i],minNoObj)) counter++; if (counter > 1) return true; else return false; } /** * Clones distribution (Deep copy of distribution). */ public final Object clone() { int i,j; Distribution newDistribution = new Distribution (m_perBag.length, m_perClass.length); for (i=0;i<m_perBag.length;i++) { newDistribution.m_perBag[i] = m_perBag[i]; for (j=0;j<m_perClass.length;j++) newDistribution.m_perClassPerBag[i][j] = m_perClassPerBag[i][j]; } for (j=0;j<m_perClass.length;j++) newDistribution.m_perClass[j] = m_perClass[j]; newDistribution.totaL = totaL; return newDistribution; } /** * Deletes given instance from given bag. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void del(int bagIndex,Instance instance) throws Exception { int classIndex; double weight; classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); weight = instance.weight(); m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex] = m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex]-weight; m_perBag[bagIndex] = m_perBag[bagIndex]-weight; m_perClass[classIndex] = m_perClass[classIndex]-weight; totaL = totaL-weight; } /** * Deletes all instances in given range from given bag. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void delRange(int bagIndex,Instances source, int startIndex, int lastPlusOne) throws Exception { double sumOfWeights = 0; int classIndex; Instance instance; int i; for (i = startIndex; i < lastPlusOne; i++) { instance = (Instance) source.instance(i); classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); sumOfWeights = sumOfWeights+instance.weight(); m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex] -= instance.weight(); m_perClass[classIndex] -= instance.weight(); } m_perBag[bagIndex] -= sumOfWeights; totaL -= sumOfWeights; } /** * Prints distribution. */ public final String dumpDistribution() { StringBuffer text; int i,j; text = new StringBuffer(); for (i=0;i<m_perBag.length;i++) { text.append("Bag num "+i+"\n"); for (j=0;j<m_perClass.length;j++) text.append("Class num "+j+" "+m_perClassPerBag[i][j]+"\n"); } return text.toString(); } /** * Sets all counts to zero. */ public final void initialize() { for (int i = 0; i < m_perClass.length; i++) m_perClass[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_perBag.length; i++) m_perBag[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_perBag.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < m_perClass.length; j++) m_perClassPerBag[i][j] = 0; totaL = 0; } /** * Returns matrix with distribution of class values. */ public final double[][] matrix() { return m_perClassPerBag; } /** * Returns index of bag containing maximum number of instances. */ public final int maxBag() { double max; int maxIndex; int i; max = 0; maxIndex = -1; for (i=0;i<m_perBag.length;i++) if (Utils.grOrEq(m_perBag[i],max)) { max = m_perBag[i]; maxIndex = i; } return maxIndex; } /** * Returns class with highest frequency over all bags. */ public final int maxClass() { double maxCount = 0; int maxIndex = 0; int i; for (i=0;i<m_perClass.length;i++) if (Utils.gr(m_perClass[i],maxCount)) { maxCount = m_perClass[i]; maxIndex = i; } return maxIndex; } /** * Returns class with highest frequency for given bag. */ public final int maxClass(int index) { double maxCount = 0; int maxIndex = 0; int i; if (Utils.gr(m_perBag[index],0)) { for (i=0;i<m_perClass.length;i++) if (Utils.gr(m_perClassPerBag[index][i],maxCount)) { maxCount = m_perClassPerBag[index][i]; maxIndex = i; } return maxIndex; }else return maxClass(); } /** * Returns number of bags. */ public final int numBags() { return m_perBag.length; } /** * Returns number of classes. */ public final int numClasses() { return m_perClass.length; } /** * Returns perClass(maxClass()). */ public final double numCorrect() { return m_perClass[maxClass()]; } /** * Returns perClassPerBag(index,maxClass(index)). */ public final double numCorrect(int index) { return m_perClassPerBag[index][maxClass(index)]; } /** * Returns total-numCorrect(). */ public final double numIncorrect() { return totaL-numCorrect(); } /** * Returns perBag(index)-numCorrect(index). */ public final double numIncorrect(int index) { return m_perBag[index]-numCorrect(index); } /** * Returns number of (possibly fractional) instances of given class in * given bag. */ public final double perClassPerBag(int bagIndex, int classIndex) { return m_perClassPerBag[bagIndex][classIndex]; } /** * Returns number of (possibly fractional) instances in given bag. */ public final double perBag(int bagIndex) { return m_perBag[bagIndex]; } /** * Returns number of (possibly fractional) instances of given class. */ public final double perClass(int classIndex) { return m_perClass[classIndex]; } /** * Returns relative frequency of class over all bags with * Laplace correction. */ public final double laplaceProb(int classIndex) { return (m_perClass[classIndex] + 1) / (totaL + (double) m_perClass.length); } /** * Returns relative frequency of class for given bag. */ public final double laplaceProb(int classIndex, int intIndex) { if (Utils.gr(m_perBag[intIndex],0)) return (m_perClassPerBag[intIndex][classIndex] + 1.0) / (m_perBag[intIndex] + (double) m_perClass.length); else return laplaceProb(classIndex); } /** * Returns relative frequency of class over all bags. */ public final double prob(int classIndex) { if (!Utils.eq(totaL, 0)) { return m_perClass[classIndex]/totaL; } else { return 0; } } /** * Returns relative frequency of class for given bag. */ public final double prob(int classIndex,int intIndex) { if (Utils.gr(m_perBag[intIndex],0)) return m_perClassPerBag[intIndex][classIndex]/m_perBag[intIndex]; else return prob(classIndex); } /** * Subtracts the given distribution from this one. The results * has only one bag. */ public final Distribution subtract(Distribution toSubstract) { Distribution newDist = new Distribution(1,m_perClass.length); newDist.m_perBag[0] = totaL-toSubstract.totaL; newDist.totaL = newDist.m_perBag[0]; for (int i = 0; i < m_perClass.length; i++) { newDist.m_perClassPerBag[0][i] = m_perClass[i] - toSubstract.m_perClass[i]; newDist.m_perClass[i] = newDist.m_perClassPerBag[0][i]; } return newDist; } /** * Returns total number of (possibly fractional) instances. */ public final double total() { return totaL; } /** * Shifts given instance from one bag to another one. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void shift(int from,int to,Instance instance) throws Exception { int classIndex; double weight; classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); weight = instance.weight(); m_perClassPerBag[from][classIndex] -= weight; m_perClassPerBag[to][classIndex] += weight; m_perBag[from] -= weight; m_perBag[to] += weight; } /** * Shifts all instances in given range from one bag to another one. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public final void shiftRange(int from,int to,Instances source, int startIndex,int lastPlusOne) throws Exception { int classIndex; double weight; Instance instance; int i; for (i = startIndex; i < lastPlusOne; i++) { instance = (Instance) source.instance(i); classIndex = (int)instance.classValue(); weight = instance.weight(); m_perClassPerBag[from][classIndex] -= weight; m_perClassPerBag[to][classIndex] += weight; m_perBag[from] -= weight; m_perBag[to] += weight; } } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 1.12 $"); } }