package restx.plugins; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter; import jline.console.completer.Completer; import jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import restx.factory.Component; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * User: xavierhanin * Date: 5/4/13 * Time: 2:32 PM */ @Component public class PluginsShellCommand extends StdShellCommand { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PluginsShellCommand.class); /* * this is the default exlcusions list used when fetching plugins (to avoid confusion between lib and plugins dir): * - we exclude the main modules already part of the shell itself (shell and shell-manager) * - we exclude logback-classic, to avoid a SLF4J warning at startup if multiple bindings are present */ private static final List<String> defaultExcludes = ImmutableList.of( "io.restx:restx-shell", "io.restx:restx-shell-manager", "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic"); private static final ModulesManager.DownloadOptions defaultDownloadOptions = new ModulesManager.DownloadOptions.Builder().exclusions(defaultExcludes).build(); public PluginsShellCommand() { super(ImmutableList.of("shell"), "manages the shell itself: install / update plugins, upgrade restx shell version"); } @Override protected String resourceMan() { return "restx/plugins/"; } @Override protected Optional<? extends ShellCommandRunner> doMatch(String line) { final List<String> args = splitArgs(line); if (args.size() < 2) { return Optional.absent(); } switch (args.get(1)) { case "install": return Optional.<ShellCommandRunner>of(new InstallPluginRunner(args)); case "upgrade": return Optional.<ShellCommandRunner>of(new UpgradeShellRunner()); } return Optional.absent(); } @Override public Iterable<Completer> getCompleters() { return ImmutableList.<Completer>of( new ArgumentCompleter(new StringsCompleter("shell"), new StringsCompleter("install", "upgrade"))); } @Override public void start(RestxShell shell) throws IOException { File versionFile = new File(shell.installLocation().toFile(), shell.version()); if (versionFile.exists()) { // upgrade check already done return; } try { // upgrading to a new version, we check if plugins need to be upgraded File[] pluginFiles = pluginFiles(pluginsDir(shell)); if (pluginFiles.length == 0) { // no plugin installed, nothing to upgrade return; } shell.printIn("upgrading to " + shell.version() + " ...", RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_YELLOW); shell.println(""); ModulesManager modulesManager = new ModulesManager( new URL(""), ShellIvy.loadIvy(shell)); List<ModuleDescriptor> plugins = modulesManager.searchModules("category=shell"); Set<String> allJars = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<String> keepJars = new LinkedHashSet<>(); List<ModuleDescriptor> pluginsToInstall = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> unmatchedPlugins = new ArrayList<>(); for (File pluginFile : pluginFiles) { try { List<String> desc = Files.readLines(pluginFile, Charsets.UTF_8); String id = desc.get(0); ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModulesManager.toMrid(id); List<String> jars = desc.subList(2, desc.size()); allJars.addAll(jars); ModuleDescriptor matchingModule = findMatchingPlugin(plugins, mrid); if (matchingModule == null) { keepJars.addAll(jars); unmatchedPlugins.add(id); } else if (ModulesManager.toMrid(matchingModule.getId()).getRevision() .equals(mrid.getRevision())) { // up to date keepJars.addAll(jars); } else { pluginsToInstall.add(matchingModule); } } catch (Exception e) { shell.printIn("error while parsing plugin file " + pluginFile + ": " + e, RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_RED); shell.println(""); } } if (!unmatchedPlugins.isEmpty()) { shell.printIn("found unmanaged installed plugins, they won't be upgraded automatically:\n" + Joiner.on("\n").join(unmatchedPlugins), RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_YELLOW); shell.println(""); } Set<String> jarsToRemove = new LinkedHashSet<>(); jarsToRemove.addAll(allJars); jarsToRemove.removeAll(keepJars); for (String jarToRemove : jarsToRemove) { logger.debug("removing {}", jarToRemove); new File(jarToRemove).delete(); } if (!pluginsToInstall.isEmpty()) { int count = 0; shell.println("found " + pluginsToInstall.size() + " plugins to upgrade"); for (ModuleDescriptor md : pluginsToInstall) { if (installPlugin(shell, modulesManager, pluginsDir(shell), md)) { count++; } } if (count > 0) { shell.println("upgraded " + count + " plugins, restarting shell"); shell.restart(); } } } finally { Files.write(, versionFile, Charsets.UTF_8); } } private ModuleDescriptor findMatchingPlugin(List<ModuleDescriptor> plugins, ModuleRevisionId mrid) { ModuleDescriptor matchingModule = null; for (ModuleDescriptor plugin : plugins) { ModuleRevisionId pluginId = ModulesManager.toMrid(plugin.getId()); if (pluginId.getModuleId().equals(mrid.getModuleId())) { matchingModule = plugin; break; } } return matchingModule; } private class InstallPluginRunner implements ShellCommandRunner { private final Optional<List<String>> pluginIds; public InstallPluginRunner(List<String> args) { if (args.size() > 2) { pluginIds = Optional.<List<String>>of(new ArrayList<>(args.subList(2, args.size()))); } else { pluginIds = Optional.absent(); } } @Override public void run(RestxShell shell) throws Exception { ModulesManager modulesManager = new ModulesManager( new URL(""), ShellIvy.loadIvy(shell)); shell.println("looking for plugins..."); List<ModuleDescriptor> plugins = modulesManager.searchModules("category=shell"); Iterable<String> selected = null; if (!pluginIds.isPresent()) { shell.printIn("found " + plugins.size() + " available plugins", RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_CYAN); shell.println(""); for (int i = 0; i < plugins.size(); i++) { ModuleDescriptor plugin = plugins.get(i); shell.printIn(String.format(" [%3d] %s%n", i + 1, plugin.getId()), RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_PURPLE); shell.println("\t\t" + plugin.getDescription()); } String sel = shell.ask("Which plugin would you like to install (eg '1 3 5')? \nYou can also provide a plugin id in the form <groupId>:<moduleId>:<version>\n plugin to install: ", ""); selected = Splitter.on(" ").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(sel); } else { selected = pluginIds.get(); } File pluginsDir = pluginsDir(shell); int count = 0; for (String s : selected) { ModuleDescriptor md; if (CharMatcher.DIGIT.matchesAllOf(s)) { int i = Integer.parseInt(s); md = plugins.get(i - 1); } else { md = new ModuleDescriptor(s, "shell", ""); } if (installPlugin(shell, modulesManager, pluginsDir, md)) { count++; } } if (count > 0) { shell.printIn("installed " + count + " plugins, restarting shell to take them into account", RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_GREEN); shell.println(""); shell.restart(); } else { shell.println("no plugin installed"); } } } private boolean installPlugin(RestxShell shell, ModulesManager modulesManager, File pluginsDir, ModuleDescriptor md) throws IOException { shell.printIn("installing " + md.getId() + "...", RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_CYAN); shell.println(""); try { List<File> copied =, pluginsDir, defaultDownloadOptions); if (!copied.isEmpty()) { shell.printIn("installed " + md.getId(), RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_GREEN); shell.println(""); Files.write(md.getId() + "\n" + + "\n" + Joiner.on("\n").join(copied), pluginFile(pluginsDir, md), Charsets.UTF_8); return true; } else { shell.printIn("problem while installing " + md.getId(), RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_RED); shell.println(""); } } catch (IOException e) { shell.printIn("IO problem while installing " + md.getId() + "\n" + e.getMessage(), RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_RED); shell.println(""); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { shell.printIn(e.getMessage(), RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_RED); shell.println(""); } return false; } private File pluginsDir(RestxShell shell) { return new File(shell.installLocation().toFile(), "plugins"); } private File pluginFile(File pluginsDir, ModuleDescriptor md) { return new File(pluginsDir, md.getModuleId() + ".plugin"); } private File[] pluginFiles(File pluginsDir) { File[] files = pluginsDir.listFiles(new PatternFilenameFilter(".*\\.plugin")); return files == null ? new File[0] : files; } private class UpgradeShellRunner implements ShellCommandRunner { @Override public void run(RestxShell shell) throws Exception { shell.println("checking for upgrade of restx shell..."); try (Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new URL("").openStream(), Charsets.UTF_8)) { List<String> parts = CharStreams.readLines(reader); if (parts.size() < 2) { shell.printIn( "unexpected content at, try again later or contact the group.\n", RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_RED); shell.println("content: "); shell.println(Joiner.on("\n").join(parts)); return; } String version = parts.get(0); String url = parts.get(1); if (!version.equals(shell.version())) { shell.printIn("upgrading to " + version, RestxShell.AnsiCodes.ANSI_GREEN); shell.println(""); shell.println("please wait while downloading new version, this may take a while..."); boolean isWindows = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("win") >= 0; String archiveExt = isWindows ? ".zip" : ".tar.gz"; String scriptExt = isWindows ? ".bat" : ".sh"; URL source = new URL(url + archiveExt);, shell.installLocation().resolve("upgrade" + archiveExt).toFile()); Resources.asByteSource(Resources.getResource(PluginsShellCommand.class, "upgrade" + scriptExt)) .copyTo(Files.asByteSink(shell.installLocation().resolve("upgrade" + scriptExt).toFile())); shell.println("downloaded version " + version + ", restarting"); shell.restart(); } } } } }