package; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import restx.RestxRequestMatch; import restx.http.HttpStatus; import restx.RestxRequest; import restx.WebException; import restx.factory.Component; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A simple implementation of security manager which throws 401 WebException if * no principal is associated with current session and the permission is not , and 403 if no permission is matched. */ @Component public class StdRestxSecurityManager implements RestxSecurityManager { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StdRestxSecurityManager.class); protected final PermissionFactory permissionFactory; public StdRestxSecurityManager(PermissionFactory permissionFactory) { this.permissionFactory = permissionFactory; } @Override public void check(RestxRequest request, RestxRequestMatch requestMatch, Permission permission) { if (permissionFactory.isOpen(permission)) { return; } Optional<? extends RestxPrincipal> principal = RestxSession.current().getPrincipal(); if (!principal.isPresent()) { logger.debug("no principal found: request={}", request); throw new WebException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); } Optional<? extends Permission> match = permission.has(principal.get(), createRoleInterpolationMapFrom(request, requestMatch)); if (match.isPresent()) { logger.debug("permission matched: request={} principal={} perm={}", request, principal.get(), match.get()); return; } logger.debug("permission not matched: request={} principal={} permission={}", request, principal.get(), permission); throw new WebException(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } protected Map<String, String> createRoleInterpolationMapFrom(RestxRequest request, RestxRequestMatch match) { Map<String, String> roleInterpolationMap = new HashMap<>(); if(request != null) { // When we have more than 1 query param value for a given key, subjectively keeping only the first one // I don't think these multi-values query params should be taken into consideration when interpolating roles // but I don't want to remove it from interpolation map either "if values.size()>1" roleInterpolationMap.putAll(Maps.transformValues(request.getQueryParams(), new Function<List<String>, String>(){ @Override public String apply(List<String> input) { return Iterables.getFirst(input, null); } })); } if(match != null) { roleInterpolationMap.putAll(match.getPathParams()); } return roleInterpolationMap; } }