package com.barbarysoftware.watchservice; import com.barbarysoftware.jna.*; import com.sun.jna.NativeLong; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * This class contains the bulk of my implementation of the Watch Service API. It hooks into Carbon's * File System Events API. * * @author Steve McLeod */ class MacOSXListeningWatchService extends AbstractWatchService { // need to keep reference to callbacks to prevent garbage collection @SuppressWarnings({"MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection"}) private final List<CarbonAPI.FSEventStreamCallback> callbackList = new ArrayList<CarbonAPI.FSEventStreamCallback>(); private final List<CFRunLoopThread> threadList = new ArrayList<CFRunLoopThread>(); @Override WatchKey register(WatchableFile watchableFile, WatchEvent.Kind<?>[] events, WatchEvent.Modifier... modifers) throws IOException { final File file = watchableFile.getFile(); final Map<File, Long> lastModifiedMap = createLastModifiedMap(file); final String s = file.getAbsolutePath(); final Pointer[] values = {CFStringRef.toCFString(s).getPointer()}; final CFArrayRef pathsToWatch = CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.CFArrayCreate(null, values, CFIndex.valueOf(1), null); final MacOSXWatchKey watchKey = new MacOSXWatchKey(this, events); final double latency = 1.0; /* Latency in seconds */ final long kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow = -1; // this is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF final int kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer = 0x00000002; final CarbonAPI.FSEventStreamCallback callback = new MacOSXListeningCallback(watchKey, lastModifiedMap); callbackList.add(callback); final FSEventStreamRef stream = CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.FSEventStreamCreate( Pointer.NULL, callback, Pointer.NULL, pathsToWatch, kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, latency, kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer); final CFRunLoopThread thread = new CFRunLoopThread(stream, file); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); threadList.add(thread); return watchKey; } public static class CFRunLoopThread extends Thread { private final FSEventStreamRef streamRef; private CFRunLoopRef runLoop; public CFRunLoopThread(FSEventStreamRef streamRef, File file) { super("WatchService for " + file); this.streamRef = streamRef; } @Override public void run() { runLoop = CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); final CFStringRef runLoopMode = CFStringRef.toCFString("kCFRunLoopDefaultMode"); CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(streamRef, runLoop, runLoopMode); CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.FSEventStreamStart(streamRef); CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.CFRunLoopRun(); } public CFRunLoopRef getRunLoop() { return runLoop; } public FSEventStreamRef getStreamRef() { return streamRef; } } private Map<File, Long> createLastModifiedMap(File file) { Map<File, Long> lastModifiedMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<File, Long>(); for (File child : recursiveListFiles(file)) { lastModifiedMap.put(child, child.lastModified()); } return lastModifiedMap; } private static Set<File> recursiveListFiles(File file) { Set<File> files = new HashSet<File>(); files.add(file.getAbsoluteFile()); if (file.isDirectory()) { for (File child : file.listFiles()) { files.addAll(recursiveListFiles(child)); } } return files; } @Override void implClose() throws IOException { for (CFRunLoopThread thread : threadList) { CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.CFRunLoopStop(thread.getRunLoop()); CarbonAPI.INSTANCE.FSEventStreamStop(thread.getStreamRef()); } threadList.clear(); callbackList.clear(); } private static class MacOSXListeningCallback implements CarbonAPI.FSEventStreamCallback { private final MacOSXWatchKey watchKey; private final Map<File, Long> lastModifiedMap; private MacOSXListeningCallback(MacOSXWatchKey watchKey, Map<File, Long> lastModifiedMap) { this.watchKey = watchKey; this.lastModifiedMap = lastModifiedMap; } public void invoke(FSEventStreamRef streamRef, Pointer clientCallBackInfo, NativeLong numEvents, Pointer eventPaths, Pointer /* array of unsigned int */ eventFlags, /* array of unsigned long */ Pointer eventIds) { final int length = numEvents.intValue(); for (String folderName : eventPaths.getStringArray(0, length)) { final Set<File> filesOnDisk = recursiveListFiles(new File(folderName)); final List<File> createdFiles = findCreatedFiles(filesOnDisk); final List<File> modifiedFiles = findModifiedFiles(filesOnDisk); final List<File> deletedFiles = findDeletedFiles(folderName, filesOnDisk); for (File file : createdFiles) { if (watchKey.isReportCreateEvents()) { watchKey.signalEvent(StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_CREATE, file); } lastModifiedMap.put(file, file.lastModified()); } for (File file : modifiedFiles) { if (watchKey.isReportModifyEvents()) { watchKey.signalEvent(StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY, file); } lastModifiedMap.put(file, file.lastModified()); } for (File file : deletedFiles) { if (watchKey.isReportDeleteEvents()) { watchKey.signalEvent(StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_DELETE, file); } lastModifiedMap.remove(file); } } } private List<File> findModifiedFiles(Set<File> filesOnDisk) { List<File> modifiedFileList = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File file : filesOnDisk) { final Long lastModified = lastModifiedMap.get(file); if (lastModified != null && lastModified != file.lastModified()) { modifiedFileList.add(file); } } return modifiedFileList; } private List<File> findCreatedFiles(Set<File> filesOnDisk) { List<File> createdFileList = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File file : filesOnDisk) { if (!lastModifiedMap.containsKey(file)) { createdFileList.add(file); } } return createdFileList; } private List<File> findDeletedFiles(String folderName, Set<File> filesOnDisk) { List<File> deletedFileList = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File file : lastModifiedMap.keySet()) { if (file.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(folderName) && !filesOnDisk.contains(file)) { deletedFileList.add(file); } } return deletedFileList; } } }