package restx; import; import; import; import restx.factory.Component; import; /** * This filter is used to set a Cache-Control no-cache header on responses. * * This disable caching by default on resources, the content of them being most of the time dynamic, it's * easier to have cache disabled by default. * * This can be configured in the settings with the cachedResources, which allow to set the restx paths on which this * filter should not be applied. * * Moreover, this filter won't set the Cache-Control header if it's already set, so it doesn't prevent other more * specific caching strategies. * * Finally, it's also possible to disable this filter as any other Restx component, by setting * restx.activation::restx.GzipFilter::CacheFilter=false */ @Component(priority = -100) public class CacheFilter implements RestxFilter { private final ImmutableList<String> paths; public CacheFilter(AppSettings settings) { ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String s : Splitter.on(",").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(settings.cachedResources())) { builder.add(s); } paths =; } @Override public Optional<RestxHandlerMatch> match(RestxRequest req) { for (String path : paths) { if (req.getRestxPath().startsWith(path)) { return Optional.absent(); } } return Optional.of( new RestxHandlerMatch(new StdRestxRequestMatch("*", req.getRestxPath()), new RestxHandler() { @Override public void handle(RestxRequestMatch match, RestxRequest req, RestxResponse resp, RestxContext ctx) throws IOException { ctx.nextHandlerMatch().handle(req, resp, ctx.withListener(new AbstractRouteLifecycleListener() { @Override public void onBeforeWriteContent(RestxRequest req, RestxResponse resp) { if (!resp.getHeader("Cache-Control").isPresent()) { resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); } } })); } })); } }