package samplest.factory; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import java.util.Enumeration; import restx.common.RestxConfig; import restx.factory.Factory; import restx.factory.FilteredWarehouse; /** * @author apeyrard */ public class FilteredWarehouseTest { /** * Clears properties starting with "restx.test." before every test method. */ @Rule public TestRule clearProperties = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base, Description description) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { Enumeration<?> properties = System.getProperties().propertyNames(); while (properties.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) properties.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith("restx.test.")) { System.clearProperty(key); } } base.evaluate(); } }; } }; /* The two tests above permit to validate that RestxConfig and String component are built only once, and inherited from the main factory warehouse. Except if we use a FilteredWarehouse to wrap the main factory's warehouse, and to filter RestxConfig and String classes. */ @Test public void should_inherit_restx_config_and_ignore_new_value() { // create a property that will be transformed into a ConfigElement System.setProperty("", "where is Waldo ?"); // create a factory, and try to get some settings, property must be found Factory mainFactory = Factory.builder() .addFromServiceLoader() .build(); assertThat(mainFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsFoo.class).foo()).isEqualTo("where is Waldo ?"); assertThat(mainFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsBar.class).bar()).isEqualTo("bar"); // change the value of bar System.setProperty("", "in the top right corner"); // create a sub factory Factory subFactory = Factory.builder() .addFromServiceLoader() .addWarehouseProvider(mainFactory.getWarehouse()) .build(); assertThat(subFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsFoo.class).foo()).isEqualTo("where is Waldo ?"); assertThat(subFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsBar.class).bar()).isEqualTo("bar"); } @Test public void should_filter_restx_config_and_initialize_a_new_one() { // create a property that will be transformed into a ConfigElement System.setProperty("", "where is Waldo ?"); // create a factory, and try to get some settings, property must be found Factory mainFactory = Factory.builder() .addFromServiceLoader() .build(); assertThat(mainFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsFoo.class).foo()).isEqualTo("where is Waldo ?"); assertThat(mainFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsBar.class).bar()).isEqualTo("bar"); // change the value of bar System.setProperty("", "in the top right corner"); // create a sub factory Factory subFactory = Factory.builder() .addFromServiceLoader() .addWarehouseProvider( FilteredWarehouse.excludingClasses(mainFactory.getWarehouse(), RestxConfig.class, String.class, TestSettingsFooConfig.class, TestSettingsBarConfig.class)) .build(); assertThat(subFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsFoo.class).foo()).isEqualTo("where is Waldo ?"); assertThat(subFactory.getComponent(TestSettingsBar.class).bar()).isEqualTo("in the top right corner"); } }