package org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti; import java.util.List; import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Tests related to matching references. * * @author Jason Morrison * */ public class ReferenceMatchTest extends TestCase { private IReferenceFinder referenceFinder; public void setUp() { referenceFinder = new DefaultReferenceFinder(); } private void assertReferencesEquals( String source, int offset, String matchName, int[][] offsets ) { List <ISourcePosition> references = referenceFinder.findReferences(source, offset); assertEquals( offsets.length, references.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++ ) { assertEquals( offsets[i][0], references.get(i).getStartOffset() ); assertEquals( offsets[i][1], references.get(i).getEndOffset() ); assertEquals( matchName, source.substring(references.get(i).getStartOffset(), references.get(i).getEndOffset())); } } /** * Match locals within ClassNode::DefnNode */ public void testLocalVariableMatches() { String source = "class Klass;def foo(x);puts x*2;end;def bar;my_var = 5;my_var = 6;puts my_var;foo(my_var);end;end"; int[][] offsets = {{44,50},{55,61},{71,77},{82,88}}; assertReferencesEquals( source, 46, "my_var", offsets ); } /** * Match locals within Kernel::DefnNode */ public void testLocalVariablesInKernelDefnScope() { String source = "def foo;my_var=5;puts my_var*2;end"; int[][] offsets = {{8,14},{22,28}}; assertReferencesEquals( source, 10, "my_var", offsets ); } /** * Match locals in Kernel */ public void testLocalVariablesInKernelScope() { String source = "my_var = 5;puts my_var*2;other_var = my_var * my_var"; int[][] offsets = {{0,6},{16,22},{37,43},{46,52}}; assertReferencesEquals( source, 1, "my_var", offsets ); } /** * Match instance vars inside one ClassNode across DefnNode */ public void testInstanceVariableMatches() { String source = "class Klass;def foo(param);@inst_var = param;puts @inst_var;end;def bar;y @inst_var;end;end"; int[][] offsets = {{27,36},{50,59},{74,83}}; assertReferencesEquals( source, 29, "@inst_var", offsets ); } /** * Match instance vars inside two DefnNodes, each in a separate ClassNode (for the same class) */ public void testInstanceVariableMatchInReopenedClass() { String source = "class Klass;def foo;@inst_var=5;end;end;class Klass;def bar;@inst_var=6;end;end"; int[][] offsets = {{20,29},{60,69}}; assertReferencesEquals( source, 23, "@inst_var", offsets ); } /** * Test matching a local variable before, inside, and after a block. */ public void testLocalVariableMatchesIntoBlockScope() { String source = "class Klass;def foo;my_var = 5;5.times { puts my_var };puts my_var;end;end"; int[][] offsets = {{20,26},{46,52},{60,66}}; assertReferencesEquals( source, 23, "my_var", offsets ); } /** * Test referencing a global variable in various contexts. * */ public void testGlobalVariableMatches() { String source = "$foo = 'bar';class Klass;def foo;$foo = 5;end;def bar;puts $foo;end;end;puts $foo"; int[][] offsets = {{0,4},{33,37},{59,63},{77,81}}; assertReferencesEquals(source, 0, "$foo", offsets); } //todo: Method invocation tests get into territory where a more formal approach is needed (i.e. DDP) // Sub-goals are becoming necessary, i.e. for determining arg-type to match selectors by more // than name, and determining receiver-type to match selectors applied to other same-typed receivers. // public void testMethodInvocationMatchInsideMethod() { // String source = "class Klass;def foo;my_var = 5;y = my_var.to_s;puts y.to_s;end;end"; // int[][] offsets = {{42,46},{54,58}}; // assertReferencesEquals( source, 42, "to_s", offsets ); // } // // public void testMethodInvocationMatchInKernelScope() { // String source = "my_var = 5;y = my_var.to_s;puts y.to_s"; // int[][] offsets = {{22,26},{34,38}}; // assertReferencesEquals(source, 22, "to_s", offsets); // } // // public void testStaticMethodInvocationMatchInKernelScope() { // String source = "puts 5;puts 6;puts 7;"; // int[][] offsets = {{0,4},{7,11},{14,18}}; // assertReferencesEquals( source, 0, "puts", offsets ); // } // // public void testMethodInvocationMatchAgainstMultipleInstancesOfSameType() { // String source = "xvar = 5;yvar = 6;puts xvar.to_s;puts yvar.to_s"; // int[][] offsets = {{28,32},{43,47}}; // assertReferencesEquals(source, 28, "to_s", offsets); // } /** * Test matching against ConstNodes; specifically class references */ public void testTypeMatches() { String source = "f =;class Klass;def foo;c = String;end;end;class MyString < String;end"; int[][] offsets = {{4,10},{39,45},{71,77}}; assertReferencesEquals( source, 5, "String", offsets ); } }