package org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import org.jruby.ast.AssignableNode; import org.jruby.ast.CallNode; import org.jruby.ast.ClassNode; import org.jruby.ast.ClassVarAsgnNode; import org.jruby.ast.ClassVarDeclNode; import org.jruby.ast.ClassVarNode; import org.jruby.ast.Colon2Node; import org.jruby.ast.ConstNode; import org.jruby.ast.DAsgnNode; import org.jruby.ast.DVarNode; import org.jruby.ast.DefnNode; import org.jruby.ast.DefsNode; import org.jruby.ast.FCallNode; import org.jruby.ast.GlobalAsgnNode; import org.jruby.ast.GlobalVarNode; import org.jruby.ast.InstAsgnNode; import org.jruby.ast.InstVarNode; import org.jruby.ast.ListNode; import org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode; import org.jruby.ast.LocalVarNode; import org.jruby.ast.ModuleNode; import org.jruby.ast.Node; import org.jruby.ast.ReturnNode; import org.jruby.ast.SelfNode; import org.jruby.ast.VCallNode; import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.SyntaxException; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.RubyCore; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.parser.ReturnVisitor; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.core.parser.RubyParser; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.core.util.ASTUtil; import; import; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti.util.ClosestSpanningNodeLocator; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti.util.INodeAcceptor; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti.util.MethodDefinitionLocator; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti.util.MethodInvocationLocator; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti.util.OffsetNodeLocator; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ti.util.ScopedNodeLocator; public class DataFlowTypeInferrer implements ITypeInferrer { private static final boolean VERBOSE = false; private void sysout(String string) { if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println(string); } } private void prettyPrint(Node node) { sysout("----------------------------------------\n" + "Node: " + node.getClass().getSimpleName() + "\n" + "Source:\n[" + node.getPosition().getStartOffset() + ".." + node.getPosition().getEndOffset() + "]\n" + source.substring(node.getPosition().getStartOffset(), node.getPosition().getEndOffset()) + "\n" + "----------------------------------------"); } TypeInferenceHelper helper; private String source; private Node rootNode; // To detect cycles in dataflow graph private List<Node> inferNodeStack; public List<ITypeGuess> infer(String source, int offset) { if (source == null) return Collections.emptyList(); this.rootNode = null; try { this.rootNode = (new RubyParser()).parse(source).getAST(); } catch (SyntaxException se) { return Collections.emptyList(); } catch (Exception e) { RubyCore.log(e); return Collections.emptyList(); } List<ITypeGuess> guesses = new LinkedList<ITypeGuess>(); this.helper = TypeInferenceHelper.Instance(); this.source = source; this.inferNodeStack = new LinkedList<Node>(); Node node = OffsetNodeLocator.Instance().getNodeAtOffset(rootNode, offset); if (node == null) { return null; } guesses = inferNodeType(node); guesses = redistributeGuessConfidences(guesses); guesses = combineSameGuesses(guesses); return guesses; } private List<ITypeGuess> combineSameGuesses(List<ITypeGuess> guesses) { // TODO If we have two String guesses at 50%, add them back together as one String guess at 100%! Map<String, Integer> combined = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (ITypeGuess typeGuess : guesses) { Integer percent = combined.get(typeGuess.getType()); if (percent == null) { combined.put(typeGuess.getType(), typeGuess.getConfidence()); } else { combined.put(typeGuess.getType(), percent + typeGuess.getConfidence()); } } List<ITypeGuess> combinedGuesses = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(combined.size()); for (String type : combined.keySet()) { combinedGuesses.add(new BasicTypeGuess(type, combined.get(type))); } return combinedGuesses; } /** * Redistribute the confidence percentages. I.e. if guesses contains three guesses, each at 100%, they will now each * be 33%. * * @param guesses * Guesses to redistribute * @return Guesses with confidences redistributes */ private List<ITypeGuess> redistributeGuessConfidences(List<ITypeGuess> guesses) { int sum = 0; for (ITypeGuess guess : guesses) { if (guess == null) continue; sum += guess.getConfidence(); } List<ITypeGuess> newGuesses = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(guesses.size()); for (ITypeGuess guess : guesses) { if (guess == null) continue; ITypeGuess newGuess = new BasicTypeGuess(guess.getType(), (int) (((double) guess.getConfidence()) / ((double) sum) * 100.0)); newGuesses.add(newGuess); } return newGuesses; } // Infer the type of specified node private List<ITypeGuess> inferNodeType(Node node) { if (node == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } sysout("Inferring node: " + node.getClass().getSimpleName()); List<ITypeGuess> guesses = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(1); // Detect cycles in data flow graph if (inferNodeStack.indexOf(node) != -1) { sysout("Data flow graph cycle detected:"); prettyPrint(node); return guesses; } // Push node onto stack inferNodeStack.add(0, node); if (isSelfReferenceNode(node)) { ITypeGuess guess = getSelfReferenceNodeType(node); if (guess != null) guesses.add(guess); } if (isAssignmentNode(node)) { guesses.addAll(inferNodeType(getAssignmentNodeValueNode(node))); } if (isTypeDefinitionNode(node)) { ITypeGuess guess = getTypeDefinitionNodeType(node); if (guess != null) guesses.add(guess); } if (isConstantNode(node)) { guesses.add(getConstantNodeType(node)); } if (node instanceof LocalVarNode) { guesses.addAll(getLocalVarReferenceNodeTypes((LocalVarNode) node)); } if (node instanceof DVarNode) { guesses.addAll(getDVarReferenceNodeTypes((DVarNode) node)); } if (node instanceof InstVarNode) { guesses.addAll(getInstanceVarReferenceNodeTypes((InstVarNode) node)); } if (node instanceof ClassVarNode) { guesses.addAll(getClassVarReferenceNodeTypes((ClassVarNode) node)); } if (node instanceof GlobalVarNode) { guesses.addAll(getGlobalVarReferenceNodeTypes((GlobalVarNode) node)); } if (isCallNode(node)) { guesses.addAll(getCallNodeTypes(node)); } // PSEUDOCODE: // if ( element is_a(instvar or global)) { // ALREADY USING THIS: // types = sum(typeOfEach(getThingsAssignedInto(element, :within => element.lexicalScope))); // return types if any found; // CAN STILL FALLBACK TO: // //otherwise // usages = list of places where element is passed as a param; // sameTypedElements = list of elements passed into the same method-param-location element is; // types = sum(typeOfEach(sameTypedElements)); // return types if any found; // CAN STILL FALLBACK TO: // //otherwise // methods = list of methods invoked against element; // types = sum(typesRespondingToAllOfThese); // return types; // } // if ( element is_a(method invocation)) { // ALREADY USING THIS: // klass = typeOf(receiver); // // // nice special case: check for accessors/mutators // // hook for "magic" combinations; (class << ActiveRecord::Base).find(*) => ArrayOf[klass], etc. // // defNode = findDefinition(receiver,method_name); // return findReturnedTypesInDefNode(); // } // Pop node from stack inferNodeStack.remove(0); return guesses; } private boolean isConstantNode(Node node) { return (node instanceof Colon2Node) || (node instanceof ConstNode) || (null != LiteralNodeTypeNames.get(node.getClass().getSimpleName())); } // Look up from LiteralNodeTypeNames private ITypeGuess getConstantNodeType(Node node) { if (node instanceof ConstNode) { return new BasicTypeGuess(((ConstNode) node).getName(), 100); } if (node instanceof Colon2Node) { String name = ASTUtil.getFullyQualifiedName((Colon2Node) node); return new BasicTypeGuess(name, 100); } return new BasicTypeGuess(LiteralNodeTypeNames.get(node.getClass().getSimpleName()), 100); } private boolean isTypeDefinitionNode(Node node) { return (node instanceof ClassNode) || (node instanceof ModuleNode); } private ITypeGuess getTypeDefinitionNodeType(Node node) { String typeNodeName = helper.getTypeNodeName(node); if (typeNodeName != null) { return new BasicTypeGuess(typeNodeName, 100); } RubyCore.log("Unable to determine type node's name: " + node); return null; } private boolean isSelfReferenceNode(Node node) { return (node instanceof SelfNode); } private ITypeGuess getSelfReferenceNodeType(Node node) { Node enclosingTypeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); return getTypeDefinitionNodeType(enclosingTypeNode); } private List<Node> findAllSendersOfMethod(String typeName, String methodName) { return MethodInvocationLocator.Instance().findMethodInvocations(rootNode, typeName, methodName, new DataFlowTypeInferrer()); } private List<Node> findAllMethodDefinitions(String typeName, String methodName) { return MethodDefinitionLocator.Instance().findMethodDefinitions(rootNode, typeName, methodName); } private List<Node> findRetvalExprs(Node methodNode) { ReturnVisitor visitor = new ReturnVisitor(); visitor.acceptNode(methodNode); List<Node> returnNodes = visitor.getReturnValues(); List<Node> retvalExprs = new ArrayList<Node>(returnNodes.size()); for (Node returnNode : returnNodes) { if (returnNode instanceof ReturnNode) { retvalExprs.add(((ReturnNode) returnNode).getValueNode()); } else { retvalExprs.add(returnNode); } } sysout("Found " + retvalExprs.size() + " + retval exprs in method " + helper.getMethodDefinitionNodeName(methodNode)); return retvalExprs; } private Node findEnclosingMethodNode(Node node) { Node enclosingScopeNode = ClosestSpanningNodeLocator.Instance().findClosestSpanner(rootNode, node.getPosition().getStartOffset(), new INodeAcceptor() { public boolean doesAccept(Node node) { return (node instanceof DefnNode) || (node instanceof DefsNode); } }); if (enclosingScopeNode == null) { enclosingScopeNode = rootNode; } return enclosingScopeNode; } private Node findEnclosingTypeNode(Node node) { Node enclosingTypeNode = ClosestSpanningNodeLocator.Instance().findClosestSpanner(rootNode, node.getPosition().getStartOffset(), new INodeAcceptor() { public boolean doesAccept(Node node) { return (node instanceof ClassNode) || (node instanceof ModuleNode); } }); // TODO: Handle reference inside metaclass block: // class << foo; [[INFER]] ..... if (enclosingTypeNode == null) { enclosingTypeNode = rootNode; } return enclosingTypeNode; } private List<ITypeGuess> getLocalVarReferenceNodeTypes(LocalVarNode node) { List<ITypeGuess> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(1); // Get enclosing scope Node enclosingScopeNode = findEnclosingMethodNode(node); if (enclosingScopeNode == rootNode) { sysout("localvarnode outside a method!"); enclosingScopeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); } // TODO: ScopedNodeLocator doesn't ensure that returned asgns are prior to the ref... relevant to algo? // Are there prior assigns into this ref within the scope? final String localVarName = helper.getVarName(node); CopyOnWriteArrayList<Node> localAssignsIntoNode = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Node>(ScopedNodeLocator.Instance().findNodesInScope(enclosingScopeNode, new INodeAcceptor() { public boolean doesAccept(Node acceptNode) { if (acceptNode instanceof LocalAsgnNode) { return (((LocalAsgnNode) acceptNode).getName().equals(localVarName)); } return false; } })); // If so, return the sum of the RHSes' type inferences if ((localAssignsIntoNode != null) && (localAssignsIntoNode.size() > 0)) { for (Node asgnNode : localAssignsIntoNode) { possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(((AssignableNode) asgnNode).getValueNode())); } return possibleTypes; } // No prior assigns; if is an arg, find send-exprs into that arg, return sum of their inferences if (helper.isArgumentInMethod(localVarName, enclosingScopeNode)) { // Rename for clarity Node enclosingMethodNode = enclosingScopeNode; sysout("Is arg in method"); // Get enclosing type name Node enclosingTypeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); String enclosingTypeName = "Kernel"; if (enclosingTypeNode != rootNode) { enclosingTypeName = helper.getTypeNodeName(enclosingTypeNode); } // Get enclosing method name String enclosingMethodName = helper.getMethodDefinitionNodeName(enclosingMethodNode); sysout("Inferring type of argument " + localVarName + " in method " + enclosingMethodName); // Find index of param ListNode argsListNode = helper.getArgsListNode(enclosingMethodNode); int paramIndex = helper.getArgIndex(argsListNode, localVarName); // Find all send-exprs to the enclosing method List<Node> sendExprs = findAllSendersOfMethod(enclosingTypeName, enclosingMethodName); sysout("Found " + sendExprs.size() + " senders: "); // Find all arg-exprs in the send-exprs that flow into the local var List<Node> argExprs = new ArrayList<Node>(sendExprs.size()); for (Node sendExpr : sendExprs) { prettyPrint(sendExpr); argExprs.add(helper.findNthArgExprInSendExpr(paramIndex, sendExpr)); } sysout("Inflowing argexprs:" + argExprs.size()); // Sum the inferred type of each arg-exprs that flows into the local var for (Node argExpr : argExprs) { prettyPrint(argExpr); possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(argExpr)); } return possibleTypes; } sysout("bottom"); // No prior assigns and is not an arg; return empty set of guesses. return possibleTypes; } private List<ITypeGuess> getDVarReferenceNodeTypes(DVarNode node) { List<ITypeGuess> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(1); Node enclosingScopeNode = findEnclosingMethodNode(node); if (enclosingScopeNode == rootNode) { enclosingScopeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); } // Find assignments into this variable final String varName = node.getName(); List<Node> dynAsgnNodes = ScopedNodeLocator.Instance().findNodesInScope(enclosingScopeNode, new INodeAcceptor() { public boolean doesAccept(Node acceptNode) { if (acceptNode instanceof DAsgnNode) { return (((DAsgnNode) acceptNode).getName().equals(varName)); } return false; } }); // Sum the inferred type of assignment RHSes if (dynAsgnNodes != null) { for (Node dynAsgnNode : dynAsgnNodes) { possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(((DAsgnNode) dynAsgnNode).getValueNode())); } } return possibleTypes; } private List<ITypeGuess> getInstanceVarReferenceNodeTypes(InstVarNode node) { List<ITypeGuess> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(1); Node enclosingTypeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); // Find assignments into this variable final String instanceVarName = helper.getVarName(node); List<Node> instAsgnNodes = ScopedNodeLocator.Instance().findNodesInScope(enclosingTypeNode, new INodeAcceptor() { public boolean doesAccept(Node acceptNode) { if (acceptNode instanceof InstAsgnNode) { return (((InstAsgnNode) acceptNode).getName().equals(instanceVarName)); } return false; } }); // TODO: also collect calls to [parentype].instvarname= // Sum the inferred type of assignment RHSes if (instAsgnNodes != null) { for (Node instAsgnNode : instAsgnNodes) { possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(((InstAsgnNode) instAsgnNode).getValueNode())); } } return possibleTypes; } private List<ITypeGuess> getClassVarReferenceNodeTypes(ClassVarNode node) { List<ITypeGuess> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(1); Node enclosingTypeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); // Find assignments into this variable final String classVarName = helper.getVarName(node); prettyPrint(enclosingTypeNode); List<Node> classAsgnNodes = ScopedNodeLocator.Instance().findNodesInScope(enclosingTypeNode, new INodeAcceptor() { public boolean doesAccept(Node acceptNode) { if (acceptNode instanceof ClassVarAsgnNode) { return (((ClassVarAsgnNode) acceptNode).getName().equals(classVarName)); } else if (acceptNode instanceof ClassVarDeclNode) { return (((ClassVarDeclNode) acceptNode).getName().equals(classVarName)); } return false; } }); // TODO: class Klass;@@x=5;@@x=6;@@x;end # @@x=5 is parsed as a ClassDeclNode, and so is @@x=6. Do // ClassAsgnNodes ever pop up??? // TODO: also collect calls to [parentypeklass].classvarname= // Sum the inferred type of assignment RHSes if (classAsgnNodes != null) { sysout("asgns not null: " + classAsgnNodes.size()); for (Node classAsgnNode : classAsgnNodes) { if (classAsgnNode instanceof ClassVarAsgnNode) { possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(((ClassVarAsgnNode) classAsgnNode).getValueNode())); } if (classAsgnNode instanceof ClassVarDeclNode) { possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(((ClassVarDeclNode) classAsgnNode).getValueNode())); } } } return possibleTypes; } private List<ITypeGuess> getGlobalVarReferenceNodeTypes(GlobalVarNode node) { List<ITypeGuess> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(1); // Find assignments into this variable final String globalVarName = helper.getVarName(node); List<Node> globalAsgnNodes = ScopedNodeLocator.Instance().findNodesInScope(rootNode, new INodeAcceptor() { public boolean doesAccept(Node acceptNode) { if (acceptNode instanceof GlobalAsgnNode) { return (((GlobalAsgnNode) acceptNode).getName().equals(globalVarName)); } return false; } }); // Sum the inferred type of assignment RHSes for (Node globalAsgnNode : globalAsgnNodes) { possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(((GlobalAsgnNode) globalAsgnNode).getValueNode())); } return possibleTypes; } private boolean isAssignmentNode(Node node) { return (node instanceof LocalAsgnNode) || (node instanceof InstAsgnNode) || (node instanceof GlobalAsgnNode); } private Node getAssignmentNodeValueNode(Node node) { if (node instanceof InstAsgnNode) { return ((InstAsgnNode) node).getValueNode(); } if (node instanceof LocalAsgnNode) { return ((LocalAsgnNode) node).getValueNode(); } if (node instanceof GlobalAsgnNode) { return ((GlobalAsgnNode) node).getValueNode(); } return null; } private boolean isCallNode(Node node) { return (node instanceof CallNode) || (node instanceof FCallNode) || (node instanceof VCallNode); } private List<ITypeGuess> getCallNodeTypes(Node node) { String methodName = helper.getCallNodeMethodName(node); // Handle class instantiations separately if (methodName.equals("new")) { return getInstantiationCallNodeTypes(node); } List<ITypeGuess> possibleTypes = new LinkedList<ITypeGuess>(); // heuristic for common method which should return known types, i.e to_s, to_i possibleTypes.addAll(TypicalMethodReturnNames.get(methodName)); List<String> receiverTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (node instanceof CallNode) { List<ITypeGuess> receiverTypeInferences = inferNodeType(((CallNode) node).getReceiverNode()); if (receiverTypeInferences != null && receiverTypeInferences.size() > 0) { for (ITypeGuess typeGuess : receiverTypeInferences) { if (typeGuess == null) continue; receiverTypes.add(typeGuess.getType()); } } } else if ((node instanceof FCallNode) || (node instanceof VCallNode)) { String receiverTypeName = helper.getTypeNodeName(findEnclosingTypeNode(node)); if (receiverTypeName == null) { receiverTypeName = "Kernel"; } receiverTypes.add(receiverTypeName); } List<Node> defnNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (String receiverType : receiverTypes) { // TODO: Find method defnnode, sum types of its retval-exprs List<Node> result = findAllMethodDefinitions(receiverType, methodName); defnNodes.addAll(result); sysout("Receiver type name: " + receiverType); sysout(" " + result.size() + " defnnodes found"); } // For each send-expr, collect all retval-exprs List<Node> retvalExprs = new LinkedList<Node>(); for (Node defnNode : defnNodes) { retvalExprs.addAll(findRetvalExprs(defnNode)); } // Sum possible types for all retval-exprs for (Node retvalExpr : retvalExprs) { possibleTypes.addAll(inferNodeType(retvalExpr)); } return possibleTypes; } private List<ITypeGuess> getInstantiationCallNodeTypes(Node node) { List<ITypeGuess> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<ITypeGuess>(1); if (node instanceof CallNode) { Node receiverNode = ((CallNode) node).getReceiverNode(); return inferNodeType(receiverNode); } if (node instanceof FCallNode) { Node enclosingTypeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); possibleTypes.add(getTypeDefinitionNodeType(enclosingTypeNode)); } if (node instanceof VCallNode) { Node enclosingTypeNode = findEnclosingTypeNode(node); possibleTypes.add(getTypeDefinitionNodeType(enclosingTypeNode)); } return possibleTypes; } }