package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.IField; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.ILoadpathContainer; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.ILoadpathEntry; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.IMember; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.IRubyElement; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.IRubyElementDelta; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.IRubyModel; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.IRubyProject; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.ISourceFolderRoot; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.RubyCore; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.RubyModelException; import; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.core.LoadpathEntry; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.core.RubyModelManager; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.core.RubyProject; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.core.SourceFolder; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.core.util.Util; public class RubySearchScope extends AbstractSearchScope implements IRubySearchScope { private List<IRubyElement> elements; /* * The paths of the resources in this search scope (or the classpath entries' paths if the resources are projects) */ private ArrayList<String> projectPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); // container paths projects private int[] projectIndexes; // Indexes of projects in list private String[] containerPaths; // path to the container (e.g. /P/src, /P/lib.jar, c:\temp\mylib.jar) private String[] relativePaths; // path relative to the container (e.g. x/y/Z.class, x/y, (empty)) private boolean[] isPkgPath; // in the case of packages, matches must be direct children of the folder private int pathsCount; private int threshold; private IPath[] enclosingProjectsAndJars; public RubySearchScope() { this(5); } private RubySearchScope(int size) { initialize(size); } protected void initialize(int size) { this.pathsCount = 0; this.threshold = size; // size represents the expected number of elements int extraRoom = (int) (size * 1.75f); if (this.threshold == extraRoom) extraRoom++; this.relativePaths = new String[extraRoom]; this.containerPaths = new String[extraRoom]; this.projectPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); this.projectIndexes = new int[extraRoom]; this.isPkgPath = new boolean[extraRoom]; this.enclosingProjectsAndJars = new IPath[0]; } /* * E.g. 1. /P/src/pkg/ 2. /P/src/pkg 3. /P/lib.jar|org/eclipse/jdt/core/IJavaElement.class 4. * /home/mylib.jar|x/y/z/X.class 5. c:\temp\mylib.jar|x/y/Y.class * @see IJavaSearchScope#encloses(String) */ public boolean encloses(String resourcePathString) { // resource in workspace (case 1 or 2) int index1 = indexOf(resourcePathString); if (index1 >= 0) return true; // resource in external file for (int i = 0; i < this.containerPaths.length; i++) { String containerPath = this.containerPaths[i]; if (containerPath == null) continue; if (resourcePathString.startsWith(containerPath)) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns paths list index of given path or -1 if not found. NOTE: Use indexOf(String, String) for path inside jars * * @param fullPath * the full path of the resource, e.g. 1. /P/src/pkg/ 2. /P/src/pkg */ private int indexOf(String fullPath) { // cannot guess the index of the container path // fallback to sequentially looking at all known paths for (int i = 0, length = this.relativePaths.length; i < length; i++) { String currentRelativePath = this.relativePaths[i]; if (currentRelativePath == null) continue; String currentContainerPath = this.containerPaths[i]; String currentFullPath = currentRelativePath.length() == 0 ? currentContainerPath : (currentContainerPath + '/' + currentRelativePath); if (encloses(currentFullPath, fullPath, i)) return i; } return -1; } /* * Returns whether the enclosing path encloses the given path (or is equal to it) */ private boolean encloses(String enclosingPath, String path, int index) { // normalize given path as it can come from outside path = normalize(path); int pathLength = path.length(); int enclosingLength = enclosingPath.length(); if (pathLength < enclosingLength) { return false; } if (enclosingLength == 0) { return true; } if (pathLength == enclosingLength) { return path.equals(enclosingPath); } if (!this.isPkgPath[index]) { return path.startsWith(enclosingPath) && path.charAt(enclosingLength) == '/'; } else { // if looking at a package, this scope encloses the given path // if the given path is a direct child of the folder // or if the given path path is the folder path (see bug 13919 Declaration for package not found if scope is // not project) if (path.startsWith(enclosingPath) && ((enclosingPath.length() == path.lastIndexOf('/')) || (enclosingPath.length() == path.length()))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds the given path to this search scope. Remember if subfolders need to be included and associated access * restriction as well. */ private void add(String projectPath, String relativePath, String containerPath, boolean isPackage) { // normalize containerPath and relativePath containerPath = normalize(containerPath); relativePath = normalize(relativePath); int length = this.containerPaths.length, index = (containerPath.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % length; String currentRelativePath, currentContainerPath; while ((currentRelativePath = this.relativePaths[index]) != null && (currentContainerPath = this.containerPaths[index]) != null) { if (currentRelativePath.equals(relativePath) && currentContainerPath.equals(containerPath)) return; if (++index == length) { index = 0; } } int idx = this.projectPaths.indexOf(projectPath); if (idx == -1) { // store project in separated list to minimize memory footprint this.projectPaths.add(projectPath); idx = this.projectPaths.indexOf(projectPath); } this.projectIndexes[index] = idx; this.relativePaths[index] = relativePath; this.containerPaths[index] = containerPath; this.isPkgPath[index] = isPackage; // assumes the threshold is never equal to the size of the table if (++this.pathsCount > this.threshold) rehash(); } /** * Add a path to current java search scope or all project fragment roots if null. Use project resolved classpath to * retrieve and store access restriction on each classpath entry. Recurse if dependent projects are found. * * @param rubyProject * Project used to get resolved classpath entries * @param pathToAdd * Path to add in case of single element or null if user want to add all project package fragment roots * @param includeMask * Mask to apply on classpath entries * @param visitedProjects * Set to avoid infinite recursion * @param referringEntry * Project raw entry in referring project classpath * @throws RubyModelException * May happen while getting java model info */ void add(RubyProject rubyProject, IPath pathToAdd, int includeMask, HashSet visitedProjects, ILoadpathEntry referringEntry) throws RubyModelException { IProject project = rubyProject.getProject(); if (!project.isAccessible() || !visitedProjects.add(project)) return; IPath projectPath = project.getFullPath(); String projectPathString = projectPath.toString(); this.addEnclosingProjectOrJar(projectPath); ILoadpathEntry[] entries = rubyProject.getResolvedLoadpath(true); IRubyModel model = rubyProject.getRubyModel(); RubyModelManager.PerProjectInfo perProjectInfo = rubyProject.getPerProjectInfo(); for (int i = 0, length = entries.length; i < length; i++) { ILoadpathEntry entry = entries[i]; LoadpathEntry cpEntry = (LoadpathEntry) entry; if (referringEntry != null) { // Add only exported entries. // Source folder are implicitly exported. if (!entry.isExported() && entry.getEntryKind() != ILoadpathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) continue; cpEntry = cpEntry.combineWith((LoadpathEntry) referringEntry); // cpEntry = ((LoadpathEntry)referringEntry).combineWith(cpEntry); } switch (entry.getEntryKind()) { case ILoadpathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY: ILoadpathEntry rawEntry = null; Map resolvedPathToRawEntries = perProjectInfo.resolvedPathToRawEntries; if (resolvedPathToRawEntries != null) { rawEntry = (ILoadpathEntry) resolvedPathToRawEntries.get(entry.getPath()); } if (rawEntry == null) break; switch (rawEntry.getEntryKind()) { case ILoadpathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY: case ILoadpathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE: if ((includeMask & APPLICATION_LIBRARIES) != 0) { IPath path = entry.getPath(); if (pathToAdd == null || pathToAdd.equals(path)) { String pathToString = path.getDevice() == null ? path.toString() : path .toOSString(); add(projectPath.toString(), "", pathToString, false/* not a package */); //$NON-NLS-1$ addEnclosingProjectOrJar(path); } } break; case ILoadpathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER: ILoadpathContainer container = RubyCore.getLoadpathContainer(rawEntry.getPath(), rubyProject); if (container == null) break; if ((container.getKind() == ILoadpathContainer.K_APPLICATION && (includeMask & APPLICATION_LIBRARIES) != 0) || (includeMask & SYSTEM_LIBRARIES) != 0) { IPath path = entry.getPath(); if (pathToAdd == null || pathToAdd.equals(path)) { String pathToString = path.getDevice() == null ? path.toString() : path .toOSString(); add(projectPath.toString(), "", pathToString, false/* not a package */); //$NON-NLS-1$ addEnclosingProjectOrJar(path); } } break; } break; case ILoadpathEntry.CPE_PROJECT: if ((includeMask & REFERENCED_PROJECTS) != 0) { IPath path = entry.getPath(); if (pathToAdd == null || pathToAdd.equals(path)) { add((RubyProject) model.getRubyProject(entry.getPath().lastSegment()), null, includeMask, visitedProjects, cpEntry); } } break; case ILoadpathEntry.CPE_SOURCE: if ((includeMask & SOURCES) != 0) { IPath path = entry.getPath(); if (pathToAdd == null || pathToAdd.equals(path)) { add(projectPath.toString(), Util.relativePath(path, 1/* remove project segment */), projectPathString, false/* not a package */); } } break; } } } private void addEnclosingProjectOrJar(IPath path) { int length = this.enclosingProjectsAndJars.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (this.enclosingProjectsAndJars[i].equals(path)) return; } System.arraycopy(this.enclosingProjectsAndJars, 0, this.enclosingProjectsAndJars = new IPath[length + 1], 0, length); this.enclosingProjectsAndJars[length] = path; } /* * Removes trailing slashes from the given path */ private String normalize(String path) { int pathLength = path.length(); int index = pathLength - 1; while (index >= 0 && path.charAt(index) == '/') index--; if (index != pathLength - 1) return path.substring(0, index + 1); return path; } private void rehash() { RubySearchScope newScope = new RubySearchScope(this.pathsCount * 2); // double the number of expected elements newScope.projectPaths.ensureCapacity(this.projectPaths.size()); String currentPath; for (int i = this.relativePaths.length; --i >= 0;) if ((currentPath = this.relativePaths[i]) != null) { int idx = this.projectIndexes[i]; if (this.projectPaths.size() <= idx) { newScope.add(currentPath, this.containerPaths[i], this.isPkgPath[i]); } else { String projectPath = idx == -1 ? null : (String) this.projectPaths.get(idx); newScope.add(projectPath, currentPath, this.containerPaths[i], this.isPkgPath[i]); } } this.relativePaths = newScope.relativePaths; this.containerPaths = newScope.containerPaths; this.projectPaths = newScope.projectPaths; this.projectIndexes = newScope.projectIndexes; this.isPkgPath = newScope.isPkgPath; this.threshold = newScope.threshold; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see IJavaSearchScope#enclosingProjectsAndJars() */ public IPath[] enclosingProjectsAndJars() { return this.enclosingProjectsAndJars; } /** * Add ruby project all fragment roots to current ruby search scope. * * @see #add(RubyProject, IPath, int, HashSet, ILoadpathEntry) */ public void add(RubyProject project, int includeMask, HashSet visitedProject) throws RubyModelException { add(project, null, includeMask, visitedProject, null); } /** * Add an element to the ruby search scope. * * @param element * The element we want to add to current ruby search scope * @throws RubyModelException * May happen if some Ruby Model info are not available */ public void add(IRubyElement element) throws RubyModelException { IPath containerPath = null; String containerPathToString = null; int includeMask = SOURCES | APPLICATION_LIBRARIES | SYSTEM_LIBRARIES; switch (element.getElementType()) { case IRubyElement.RUBY_MODEL: // a workspace sope should be used break; case IRubyElement.RUBY_PROJECT: add((RubyProject) element, null, includeMask, new HashSet(2), null); break; case IRubyElement.SOURCE_FOLDER_ROOT: ISourceFolderRoot root = (ISourceFolderRoot) element; containerPath = root.getPath(); containerPathToString = containerPath.getDevice() == null ? containerPath.toString() : containerPath .toOSString(); IResource rootResource = root.getResource(); if (rootResource != null && rootResource.isAccessible()) { String relativePath = Util.relativePath(rootResource.getFullPath(), containerPath.segmentCount()); add(relativePath, containerPathToString, false/* not a package */); } else { add("", containerPathToString, false/* not a package */); //$NON-NLS-1$ } break; case IRubyElement.SOURCE_FOLDER: root = (ISourceFolderRoot) element.getParent(); if (root.isExternal()) { String relativePath = Util.concatWith(((SourceFolder) element).names, '/'); containerPath = root.getPath(); containerPathToString = containerPath.getDevice() == null ? containerPath.toString() : containerPath.toOSString(); add(relativePath, containerPathToString, true/* package */); } else { IResource resource = element.getResource(); if (resource != null) { if (resource.isAccessible()) { containerPath = root.getParent().getPath(); } else { // for working copies, get resource container full path containerPath = resource.getParent().getFullPath(); } containerPathToString = containerPath.getDevice() == null ? containerPath.toString() : containerPath.toOSString(); String relativePath = Util.relativePath(resource.getFullPath(), containerPath.segmentCount()); add(relativePath, containerPathToString, true/* package */); } } break; default: // remember sub-script ruby elements if (element instanceof IMember) { if (this.elements == null) { this.elements = new ArrayList<IRubyElement>(); } this.elements.add(element); } root = (ISourceFolderRoot) element.getAncestor(IRubyElement.SOURCE_FOLDER_ROOT); containerPath = root.getPath(); String relativePath = Util.relativePath(getPath(element, true/* full path */), 0/* * remove project * segment */); containerPathToString = containerPath.getDevice() == null ? containerPath.toString() : containerPath .toOSString(); add(relativePath, containerPathToString, false/* not a package */); } if (containerPath != null) addEnclosingProjectOrJar(containerPath); } /** * Adds the given path to this search scope. Remember if subfolders need to be included and associated access * restriction as well. */ private void add(String relativePath, String containerPath, boolean isPackage) { // normalize containerPath and relativePath containerPath = normalize(containerPath); relativePath = normalize(relativePath); int length = this.containerPaths.length, index = (containerPath.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % length; String currentRelativePath, currentContainerPath; while ((currentRelativePath = this.relativePaths[index]) != null && (currentContainerPath = this.containerPaths[index]) != null) { if (currentRelativePath.equals(relativePath) && currentContainerPath.equals(containerPath)) return; if (++index == length) { index = 0; } } this.relativePaths[index] = relativePath; this.containerPaths[index] = containerPath; this.isPkgPath[index] = isPackage; // assumes the threshold is never equal to the size of the table if (++this.pathsCount > this.threshold) rehash(); } private IPath getPath(IRubyElement element, boolean relativeToRoot) { switch (element.getElementType()) { case IRubyElement.RUBY_MODEL: return Path.EMPTY; case IRubyElement.RUBY_PROJECT: return element.getPath(); case IRubyElement.SOURCE_FOLDER_ROOT: if (relativeToRoot) return Path.EMPTY; return element.getPath(); case IRubyElement.SOURCE_FOLDER: String relativePath = Util.concatWith(((SourceFolder) element).names, '/'); return getPath(element.getParent(), relativeToRoot).append(new Path(relativePath)); case IRubyElement.SCRIPT: return getPath(element.getParent(), relativeToRoot).append(new Path(element.getElementName())); default: return getPath(element.getParent(), relativeToRoot); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see IRubySearchScope#encloses(IRubyElement) */ public boolean encloses(IRubyElement element) { if (this.elements != null) { for (int i = 0, length = this.elements.size(); i < length; i++) { IRubyElement scopeElement = this.elements.get(i); // If we're searching for a field and scoped to something lower than a type, we need to expand scope if (element instanceof IField) { if (element.isType(IRubyElement.GLOBAL)) // globals are scoped to file { scopeElement = scopeElement.getAncestor(IRubyElement.SCRIPT); } else // instance and class vars get scoped to type { scopeElement = scopeElement.getAncestor(IRubyElement.TYPE); } } IRubyElement searchedElement = element; while (searchedElement != null) { if (searchedElement.equals(scopeElement)) return true; searchedElement = searchedElement.getParent(); } } return false; } ISourceFolderRoot root = (ISourceFolderRoot) element.getAncestor(IRubyElement.SOURCE_FOLDER_ROOT); if (root != null && root.isExternal()) { // external IPath rootPath = root.getPath(); String rootPathToString = rootPath.getDevice() == null ? rootPath.toString() : rootPath.toOSString(); IPath relativePath = getPath(element, true/* relative path */); return indexOf(rootPathToString, relativePath.toString()) >= 0; } // resource in workspace String fullResourcePathString = getPath(element, false/* full path */).toString(); return indexOf(fullResourcePathString) >= 0; } /** * Returns paths list index of given path or -1 if not found. * * @param containerPath * the path of the container, e.g. 1. /P/src 2. /P 3. /P/lib.jar 4. /home/mylib.jar 5. c:\temp\mylib.jar * @param relativePath * the forward slash path relatively to the container, e.g. 1. x/y/Z.class 2. x/y 3. 4. (empty) */ private int indexOf(String containerPath, String relativePath) { // use the hash to get faster comparison int length = this.containerPaths.length, index = (containerPath.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % length; String currentContainerPath; while ((currentContainerPath = this.containerPaths[index]) != null) { if (currentContainerPath.equals(containerPath)) { String currentRelativePath = this.relativePaths[index]; if (encloses(currentRelativePath, relativePath, index)) return index; } if (++index == length) { index = 0; } } return -1; } /* * @see AbstractSearchScope#processDelta(IRubyElementDelta) */ public void processDelta(IRubyElementDelta delta, int eventType) { switch (delta.getKind()) { case IRubyElementDelta.CHANGED: IRubyElementDelta[] children = delta.getAffectedChildren(); for (int i = 0, length = children.length; i < length; i++) { IRubyElementDelta child = children[i]; this.processDelta(child, eventType); } break; case IRubyElementDelta.REMOVED: IRubyElement element = delta.getElement(); if (this.encloses(element)) { if (this.elements != null) { this.elements.remove(element); } IPath path = null; switch (element.getElementType()) { case IRubyElement.RUBY_PROJECT: path = ((IRubyProject)element).getProject().getFullPath(); case IRubyElement.SOURCE_FOLDER_ROOT: if (path == null) { path = ((ISourceFolderRoot)element).getPath(); } int toRemove = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this.pathsCount; i++) { if (this.relativePaths[i].equals(path)) { // TODO (jerome) this compares String and IPath ! toRemove = i; break; } } if (toRemove != -1) { this.relativePaths[toRemove] = null; rehash(); } } } break; } } }