package org.epic.regexp.views; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory; import org.eclipse.ui.part.*; import; import org.eclipse.jface.action.*; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ui.*; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import*; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.*; import; import; import org.epic.regexp.RegExpPlugin; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import gnu.regexp.RE; import gnu.regexp.REMatch; import gnu.regexp.REException; public class RegExpView extends ViewPart { class focusListener implements FocusListener { public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { activeInput = e.getSource(); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { } }; class DebugInfo { private RE re; private List subexpressions = new ArrayList(); private List bracketsInRegexp = new ArrayList(); private List allMatches = new ArrayList(); private String input; private String regexp; private String matchString; private boolean matchesInitialized = false; private int matchingBracketsCount = 0; int eflags = 0; public DebugInfo() { } public void setInput(String input) { this.input = input; } public void setRegexp(String regexp) { this.regexp = regexp; } public void setMatchString(String match) { this.matchString = match; } public String getInput() { return input; } public String getRegExp() { return regexp; } public String getMatchString() { return matchString; } public void addBracketPosition(int start, int end) { bracketsInRegexp.add(new SubexpressionPos(start, end)); } public void addSubexpressionPosition(int start, int end) { subexpressions.add(new SubexpressionPos(start, end)); } public SubexpressionPos getSubexpressionPosition(int index) { return (SubexpressionPos) subexpressions.get(index); } public int getSubexpressionCount() { return subexpressions.size(); } public REMatch[] getMatches(int index) { int checkEflags = 0; if (ignoreCaseCheckBox.getSelection()) { checkEflags |= RE.REG_ICASE; } if (multilineCheckBox.getSelection()) { checkEflags |= RE.REG_MULTILINE; } if (!matchesInitialized || eflags != checkEflags) { eflags = checkEflags; initMatches(); } return (REMatch[]) allMatches.toArray(new REMatch[0]); } public int geMatchingBracketsCount() { return matchingBracketsCount; } public void initMatches() { // Get longest match String reg = null; boolean found = false; RE re = null; this.allMatches.clear(); try { for (int i = bracketsInRegexp.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SubexpressionPos pos = (SubexpressionPos) bracketsInRegexp .get(i); reg = regexp.substring(0, pos.getEnd() + 1); re = new RE(reg, eflags); if (re.getAllMatches(matchString).length > 0) { matchingBracketsCount = i + 1; found = true; break; } } if (re != null && found) { REMatch[] matches = re.getAllMatches(matchString); for (int j = 0; j < matches.length; j++) { this.allMatches.add(matches[j]); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.matchesInitialized = true; } }; class SubexpressionPos { int start; int end; public SubexpressionPos(int start, int end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; } private int getStart() { return start; } private int getEnd() { return end; } }; private Composite panel; private List colorTable = new ArrayList(); private Action validateAction, cutAction, copyAction, pasteAction; private Action stopDebugAction, forwardDebugAction, backDebugAction; private StyledText regExpText; private StyledText matchText; private Label resultImageLabel; private Button ignoreCaseCheckBox, multilineCheckBox; private Object activeInput = null; private DebugInfo debugInfo = null; private int debugPosition = 0; private static final String SHORTCUTS_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = "org.epic.regexp.shortcuts"; /** * The constructor. */ public RegExpView() { } /** * This is a callback that will allow us to create the viewer and initialize * it. */ public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { makeActions(); contributeToActionBars(); panel = new Composite(parent, SWT.NULL); //Create a data that takes up the extra space in the dialog . buildColorTable(); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 4; panel.setLayout(layout); GridData data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; panel.setLayoutData(data); data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); data.horizontalSpan = 1; Label regExpLabel = new Label(panel, SWT.NONE); regExpLabel.setText("Regular Expression:"); regExpLabel.setLayoutData(data); data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); data.horizontalSpan = 1; resultImageLabel = new Label(panel, SWT.NONE); resultUnknown(); resultImageLabel.setLayoutData(data); // Insert CheckBoxes data = new GridData(); data.horizontalSpan = 1; ignoreCaseCheckBox = new Button(panel, SWT.CHECK); ignoreCaseCheckBox.setText("ignore case"); ignoreCaseCheckBox.setLayoutData(data); data = new GridData(); data.horizontalSpan = 1; multilineCheckBox = new Button(panel, SWT.CHECK); multilineCheckBox.setText("multiline"); multilineCheckBox.setLayoutData(data); //RegExp data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); data.horizontalSpan = 4; regExpText = new StyledText(panel, SWT.BORDER); regExpText.setLayoutData(data); regExpText.addFocusListener(new focusListener()); data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); data.horizontalSpan = 4; Label matchTextLabel = new Label(panel, SWT.NONE); matchTextLabel.setText("Text to match against:"); matchTextLabel.setLayoutData(data); //Match text data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL | GridData.FILL_VERTICAL); data.horizontalSpan = 4; matchText = new StyledText(panel, SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); matchText.setLayoutData(data); matchText.addFocusListener(new focusListener()); //set the actions for the global action handler IActionBars bars = getViewSite().getActionBars(); bars.setGlobalActionHandler(ActionFactory.CUT.getId(), cutAction); bars.setGlobalActionHandler(ActionFactory.COPY.getId(), copyAction); bars.setGlobalActionHandler(ActionFactory.PASTE.getId(), pasteAction); hookContextMenu(); } private void resultUnknown() { setResultLabelImage(RegExpImages.RESULT_GRAY, "Validation not yet run"); } private void hookContextMenu() { MenuManager menuMgr = new MenuManager("#PopupMenu"); menuMgr.setRemoveAllWhenShown(true); menuMgr.addMenuListener(new IMenuListener() { public void menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager manager) { fillContextMenu(manager); } }); Menu menuRegExp = menuMgr.createContextMenu(regExpText); regExpText.setMenu(menuRegExp); Menu menuMatch = menuMgr.createContextMenu(matchText); matchText.setMenu(menuMatch); //getSite().registerContextMenu(menuMgr, ); } private void fillContextMenu(IMenuManager manager) { manager.add(cutAction); manager.add(copyAction); manager.add(pasteAction); createShortcutsMenu(manager); // Other plug-ins can contribute there actions here manager.add(new Separator("Additions")); } private void buildColorTable() { Display display = panel.getDisplay(); colorTable.add(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE)); colorTable.add(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK)); colorTable.add(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_RED)); colorTable.add(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_DARK_GRAY)); colorTable.add(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_DARK_GREEN)); colorTable.add(new Color(display, 255, 127, 0)); colorTable.add(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA)); colorTable.add(new Color(display, 201, 141, 141)); colorTable.add(new Color(display, 214, 179, 74)); colorTable.add(new Color(display, 204, 74, 214)); } private void createShortcutsMenu(IMenuManager mgr) { IMenuManager submenu = new MenuManager("Shortcuts"); mgr.add(submenu); Action shortcut; try { File shortcutsFile = new File(RegExpPlugin.getPlugInDir() + File.separator + "shortcuts"); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(shortcutsFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fin)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "\t"); if (st.countTokens() == 2) { final String shortc = st.nextToken(); String descr = st.nextToken(); shortcut = new Action() { public void run() { insertShortcut(shortc); } }; shortcut.setText(shortc + " - " + descr); submenu.add(shortcut); //} mgr.update(true); } else if (st.countTokens() == 1) { String token = st.nextToken(); if (token.equals("<DEL>")) { submenu.add(new Separator()); } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void contributeToActionBars() { IActionBars bars = getViewSite().getActionBars(); fillLocalToolBar(bars.getToolBarManager()); } private void fillLocalToolBar(IToolBarManager manager) { manager.add(stopDebugAction); manager.add(backDebugAction); manager.add(forwardDebugAction); manager.add(new Separator()); manager.add(validateAction); } private void makeActions() { // Reset debug action stopDebugAction = new Action() { public void run() { resetDebug(); } }; stopDebugAction.setText("Reset"); stopDebugAction.setToolTipText("Reset"); stopDebugAction.setImageDescriptor(RegExpImages.ICON_DEBUG_STOP); // Back debug action backDebugAction = new Action() { public void run() { backDebug(); } }; backDebugAction.setText("Backward"); backDebugAction.setToolTipText("Backward"); backDebugAction.setImageDescriptor(RegExpImages.ICON_DEBUG_BACK); // Forward debug action forwardDebugAction = new Action() { public void run() { forwardDebug(); } }; forwardDebugAction.setText("Forward"); forwardDebugAction.setToolTipText("Forward"); forwardDebugAction.setImageDescriptor(RegExpImages.ICON_DEBUG_FORWARD); // Validation action validateAction = new Action() { public void run() { validateRegExp(); } }; validateAction.setText("Validate RegExp"); validateAction.setToolTipText("Validate RegExp"); validateAction.setImageDescriptor(RegExpImages.ICON_RUN); // Cut action cutAction = new Action("Cut", RegExpImages.EDIT_CUT) { public void run() { ((StyledText) activeInput).cut(); } }; // Copy action copyAction = new Action("Copy", RegExpImages.EDIT_COPY) { public void run() { ((StyledText) activeInput).copy(); } }; // Paste action pasteAction = new Action("Paste", RegExpImages.EDIT_PASTE) { public void run() { ((StyledText) activeInput).paste(); } }; } private void insertShortcut(String text) { int selCount = regExpText.getSelectionCount(); int pos = regExpText.getCaretOffset(); regExpText.insert(text); // Adjust carret offset if no selection was available, // so carret is placed after the inserted text if (selCount == 0) { regExpText.setCaretOffset(pos + text.length()); } } public void validateRegExp() { boolean result = false; int eflags = 0; // Reset style regExpText.setStyleRange(null); // Reset debug poition counter debugPosition = 0; if (ignoreCaseCheckBox.getSelection()) { eflags |= RE.REG_ICASE; } if (multilineCheckBox.getSelection()) { eflags |= RE.REG_MULTILINE; } try { RE re = new RE(regExpText.getText(), eflags); REMatch[] matches = re.getAllMatches(matchText.getText()); String matchesString = ""; result = matches.length > 0 ? true : false; // Reset style matchText.setStyleRange(null); for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { int color = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= re.getNumSubs(); j++) { StyleRange styleRange = new StyleRange(); styleRange.start = matches[i].getStartIndex(j); styleRange.length = matches[i].getEndIndex(j) - matches[i].getStartIndex(j); Display display = panel.getDisplay(); styleRange.foreground = display .getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE); //styleRange.fontStyle = SWT.BOLD; styleRange.background = (Color) colorTable.get(color); matchText.setStyleRange(styleRange); // Update text position matchText.setTopIndex(styleRange.start); matchText.setCaretOffset(styleRange.start); int offsetFromLine = styleRange.start - matchText.getOffsetAtLine(matchText .getLineAtOffset(styleRange.start)); matchText.setHorizontalIndex(offsetFromLine); matchText.redraw(); if (++color > colorTable.size()) { color = 0; } } } } catch (REException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (result) { resultMatches(); } else { resultDoesNotMatch(); } } private void resultDoesNotMatch() { setResultLabelImage(RegExpImages.RESULT_RED, "Does not match"); } private void resultMatches() { setResultLabelImage(RegExpImages.RESULT_GREEN, "Matches"); } public void setResultLabelImage(ImageDescriptor descr, String tooltip) { Image labelImage = new Image(resultImageLabel.getDisplay(), descr .getImageData()); labelImage.setBackground(panel.getBackground()); resultImageLabel.setImage(labelImage); resultImageLabel.setToolTipText(tooltip); } /** * Passing the focus request to the viewer's control. */ public void setFocus() { //regExpText.setFocus(); } private void buildDebugRegExp(String input, String match) { String convInput; String result = ""; RE re = null; boolean inBracket = false; boolean escape = false; String character; int start = 0, end = 0; int bracketStart = 0; debugInfo = new DebugInfo(); debugInfo.setInput(input); debugInfo.setMatchString(match); try { // Replace escaped characters re = new RE("\\[^.]"); convInput = re.substitute(input, ".."); if (convInput.indexOf('(') == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { character = input.substring(i, i + 1); if (!inBracket) { re = new RE("[\\[\\{]"); if (re.isMatch(character)) { bracketStart = result.length(); result += "(" + character; inBracket = true; start = i; } else { if (!escape) { bracketStart = result.length(); result += "("; start = i; } else { escape = false; } result += character; if (character.equals("\\")) { escape = true; continue; } if ((i + 1) < input.length()) { String nextChar = input.substring(i + 1, i + 2); re = new RE("[\\*\\+]"); if (re.isMatch(nextChar)) { result += nextChar; i++; } } if ((i + 1) < input.length()) { String nextChar = input.substring(i + 1, i + 2); re = new RE("[\\?]"); if (re.isMatch(nextChar)) { result += nextChar; i++; } } result += ")"; debugInfo.addSubexpressionPosition(start, i + 1); debugInfo.addBracketPosition(bracketStart, result .length() - 1); } } else { re = new RE("[\\]\\}]"); if (re.isMatch(character)) { if ((i + 1) < input.length()) { String nextChar = input.substring(i + 1, i + 2); if (nextChar.equals("{")) { result += character + nextChar; i++; continue; } re = new RE("[\\+\\*]"); if (re.isMatch(nextChar)) { result += character + nextChar; i++; if ((i + 1) < input.length()) { nextChar = input .substring(i + 1, i + 2); re = new RE("[\\?]"); if (re.isMatch(nextChar)) { result += nextChar; i++; } } result += ")"; debugInfo.addSubexpressionPosition(start, i + 1); debugInfo.addBracketPosition(bracketStart, result.length() - 1); inBracket = false; } else { result += character + ")"; debugInfo.addSubexpressionPosition(start, i + 1); debugInfo.addBracketPosition(bracketStart, result.length() - 1); inBracket = false; } } // If it's the last character else { result += character + ")"; debugInfo .addSubexpressionPosition(start, i + 1); debugInfo.addBracketPosition(bracketStart, result.length() - 1); inBracket = false; } } else { result += character; } } } } else { // Handle pre-formatted regexp //.................................. result = input; re = new RE("\\((.*?)\\)"); REMatch[] matches = re.getAllMatches(convInput); for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= re.getNumSubs(); j++) { start = matches[i].getStartIndex(j); end = matches[i].getEndIndex(j); debugInfo.addSubexpressionPosition(start, end); debugInfo.addBracketPosition(start, end); } } } } catch (Exception e) { result = null; e.printStackTrace(); } debugInfo.setRegexp(result); } private void resetDebug() { debugPosition = 0; regExpText.setStyleRange(null); matchText.setStyleRange(null); resultUnknown(); } private void backDebug() { showDebugResult(debugPosition - 1); } private void forwardDebug() { showDebugResult(debugPosition + 1); } private void showDebugResult(int position) { if (debugInfo == null) { buildDebugRegExp(regExpText.getText(), matchText.getText()); position = 1; } else if (!debugInfo.getInput().equals(regExpText.getText()) || !debugInfo.getMatchString().equals(matchText.getText())) { buildDebugRegExp(regExpText.getText(), matchText.getText()); position = 1; } // Nothing to do if (position > debugInfo.getSubexpressionCount() || position < 1) { return; } REMatch[] matches = debugInfo.getMatches(position - 1); debugPosition = position; StyleRange styleRangeRegExp = new StyleRange(); Display display = panel.getDisplay(); styleRangeRegExp.background = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE); styleRangeRegExp.foreground = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE); // Colour the regexp SubexpressionPos pos = debugInfo.getSubexpressionPosition(position - 1); //Reset style regExpText.setStyleRange(null); styleRangeRegExp.start = pos.getStart(); styleRangeRegExp.length = pos.getEnd() - pos.getStart(); regExpText.setStyleRange(styleRangeRegExp); // Update text position regExpText.setTopIndex(styleRangeRegExp.start); regExpText.setCaretOffset(styleRangeRegExp.start); int offsetFromLine = styleRangeRegExp.start - regExpText.getOffsetAtLine(regExpText .getLineAtOffset(styleRangeRegExp.start)); regExpText.setHorizontalIndex(offsetFromLine); regExpText.redraw(); // Colour the matching text matchText.setStyleRange(null); if (position <= debugInfo.geMatchingBracketsCount()) { resultMatches(); for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { StyleRange styleRangeMatch = new StyleRange(); styleRangeMatch.background = display .getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE); styleRangeMatch.foreground = display .getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE); styleRangeMatch.start = matches[i].getStartIndex(position); styleRangeMatch.length = matches[i].getEndIndex(position) - matches[i].getStartIndex(position); matchText.setStyleRange(styleRangeMatch); // Update text position matchText.setTopIndex(styleRangeMatch.start); matchText.setCaretOffset(styleRangeMatch.start); offsetFromLine = styleRangeMatch.start - matchText.getOffsetAtLine(matchText .getLineAtOffset(styleRangeMatch.start)); matchText.setHorizontalIndex(offsetFromLine); matchText.redraw(); } } else { resultDoesNotMatch(); } } /** * @param regExpText * The regExpText to set. */ public void setRegExpText(String regexp) { regExpText.setText(regexp); } /** * @param matchText * The matchText to set. */ public void setMatchText(String text) { matchText.setText(text); } /** * @param state * The state of the ingore checkbox, <code>true</code> or * <code>false</code> */ public void setIgnoreCaseCheckbox(boolean state) { ignoreCaseCheckBox.setSelection(state); } /** * @param state * The state of the multiline checkbox, <code>true</code> or * <code>false</code> */ public void setMultilineCheckbox(boolean state) { multilineCheckBox.setSelection(state); } }