/* * RapidMiner * * Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by RapidMiner and the contributors * * Complete list of developers available at our web site: * * http://rapidminer.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ package com.rapidminer.tools; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorException; import com.rapidminer.operator.nio.model.CSVResultSetConfiguration; /** * @author Tobias Malbrecht, Marco Boeck, Nils Woehler */ public class LineParser { private enum SplitMachineState { NEW_SPLIT, START_WHITESPACE, WRITE_NOT_QUOTE, QUOTE_OPENED, QUOTE_CLOSED, WRITE_QUOTE, ERROR, END_OF_LINE } public static final String DEFAULT_COMMENT_CHARACTER_STRING = "#"; public static final String DEFAULT_SPLIT_EXPRESSION = ",\\s*|;\\s*"; public static final String SPLIT_BY_TAB_EXPRESSION = "\t"; public static final String SPLIT_BY_SPACE_EXPRESSION = "\\s"; public static final String SPLIT_BY_COMMA_EXPRESSION = ","; public static final String SPLIT_BY_SEMICOLON_EXPRESSION = ";"; public static final char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER = '"'; public static final char DEFAULT_QUOTE_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = '\\'; private static final char NONE = 0; private Charset encoding; private boolean skipComments = true; private String commentCharacterString = DEFAULT_COMMENT_CHARACTER_STRING; private Pattern splitPattern = Pattern.compile(DEFAULT_SPLIT_EXPRESSION); private boolean useQuotes = true; private char quoteCharacter = DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER; private char quoteEscapeCharacter = DEFAULT_QUOTE_ESCAPE_CHARACTER; private boolean trimLine = true; public LineParser() { } public LineParser(CSVResultSetConfiguration configuration) throws OperatorException { this(); configure(configuration); } public void setEncoding(Charset encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } public Charset getEncoding() { return encoding; } public boolean isTrimLine() { return trimLine; } public boolean isSkipComments() { return skipComments; } public String getSplitExpression() { return splitPattern.toString(); } public String getCommentCharacters() { return commentCharacterString; } public boolean isUseQuotes() { return useQuotes; } public char getQuoteCharacter() { return quoteCharacter; } public char getQuoteEscapeCharacter() { return quoteEscapeCharacter; } public void setTrimLine(boolean trimLine) { this.trimLine = trimLine; } public void setSkipComments(boolean skipComments) { this.skipComments = skipComments; } public void setCommentCharacters(String commentCharacters) { this.commentCharacterString = commentCharacters; } public void setSplitExpression(String splitExpression) throws OperatorException { try { if (splitExpression == null) { splitExpression = ""; } this.splitPattern = Pattern.compile(splitExpression); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw new OperatorException("Malformed split expression: " + splitExpression); } } public void setUseQuotes(boolean useQuotes) { this.useQuotes = useQuotes; } public void setQuoteCharacter(char quoteCharacter) { this.quoteCharacter = quoteCharacter; } public void setQuoteEscapeCharacter(char quoteEscapeCharacter) { this.quoteEscapeCharacter = quoteEscapeCharacter; } public String[] parse(String line) throws CSVParseException { line = removeComment(line); if (line == null || "".equals(line.trim())) { return null; } return split(line); } public String removeComment(String line) { String resultingLine = line; if (skipComments) { for (int i = 0; i < commentCharacterString.length(); i++) { int commentCharacterIndex = line.indexOf(commentCharacterString.charAt(i)); if (commentCharacterIndex >= 0) { resultingLine = line.substring(0, commentCharacterIndex); if (line.trim().length() == 0) { return null; } } } } return resultingLine; } public String[] split(String line) throws CSVParseException { if (splitPattern == null) { return new String[] { line }; } // if (useQuotes) { if (splitPattern.toString().length() > 1) { return split(line, splitPattern, trimLine, useQuotes ? quoteCharacter : NONE, quoteEscapeCharacter); } else if (splitPattern.toString().length() == 1) { return fastSplit(line, splitPattern.toString().charAt(0), trimLine, useQuotes ? quoteCharacter : NONE, quoteEscapeCharacter); } else { return new String[] {line}; } // } else { //// return fastSplit(line, splitPattern.toString().charAt(0), trimLine, quoteCharacter, quoteEscapeCharacter); // return split(line, splitPattern, trimLine); // } } public static String[] split(String line, Pattern splitPattern, boolean trimLine) throws CSVParseException { String[] splittedString = splitPattern.split(trimLine ? line.trim() : line); return splittedString; } public static String[] split(String line, Pattern splitPattern, boolean trimLine, char quoteCharacter, char quoteEscapeCharacter) throws CSVParseException { // String s = Tools.escapeQuoteCharsInQuotes(trimLine ? line.trim() : line, splitPattern, quoteCharacter, quoteEscapeCharacter, true); String s = line; return Tools.quotedSplit(trimLine ? s.trim() : s, splitPattern, quoteCharacter, quoteEscapeCharacter); } /** * Splits the given line at each split character which is not in quotes and not following an escape character. * * @param line the string to be splitted * @param splitChar the character which seperates the values, e.g. for the line {@code value1;"30.545";value3} it would be ';' * @param trimLine true if preceding and appending whitespaces of the line should be removed; false otherwise * @param quoteChar the character used for value quotes, e.g. for the line {@code value1;"30.545";value3} it would be '"' * @param escapeChar the character used to escape the following character. The character following an escape character will always be part of the result * and will not be used as a quote or split character. For example, if set to '\', the line {@code val\;ue1;"30.545";value3} would result in * [val;ue1],[30.545],[value3] * @return an array with the splitted strings */ public static String[] fastSplit(String line, char splitChar, boolean trimLine, char quoteChar, char escapeChar) throws CSVParseException { List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>(); /** holding the temporary split string */ StringBuilder tempString = new StringBuilder(); /** character read in iteration i */ //Character currentChar = null; /** character which would be read in iteration i+1 */ //Character nextChar = null; /** error message to display */ String errorMessage = ""; /** column index where the error occured */ int errorColumnIndex = 0; /** string with the last 10 characters read before the error occured */ String errorLastFewReadChars = ""; /** current state of the SplitMachine */ SplitMachineState machineState = SplitMachineState.NEW_SPLIT; // trim wanted? line = trimLine ? line.trim() : line; // go through the line for (int i = 0; i<line.length(); i++) { // read current character and next character (if applicaple) char currentChar = line.charAt(i); char nextChar; if (i + 1 < line.length()) { nextChar = line.charAt(i+1); } else { nextChar = NONE; } // run through our split machine switch(machineState) { case NEW_SPLIT: tempString.setLength(0); //faster?? if (currentChar == splitChar) { resultList.add(""); if(nextChar == NONE) { resultList.add(""); tempString = new StringBuilder(); machineState = SplitMachineState.END_OF_LINE; } continue; } if (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\t') { machineState = SplitMachineState.START_WHITESPACE; continue; } if (currentChar == quoteChar) { tempString.append(currentChar); machineState = SplitMachineState.QUOTE_OPENED; continue; } if (currentChar == escapeChar) { if (nextChar == NONE) { // special case: escape char followed by EndOfLine -> empty value resultList.add(""); machineState = SplitMachineState.NEW_SPLIT; continue; } // next character was escaped, therefore add it to the string and bypass it in loop tempString.append(nextChar); i++; machineState = SplitMachineState.WRITE_NOT_QUOTE; continue; } tempString.append(currentChar); machineState = SplitMachineState.WRITE_NOT_QUOTE; continue; case START_WHITESPACE: if (currentChar == splitChar) { resultList.add(""); machineState = SplitMachineState.NEW_SPLIT; continue; } if (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\t') { continue; } if (currentChar == quoteChar) { tempString.append(currentChar); machineState = SplitMachineState.QUOTE_OPENED; continue; } if (currentChar == escapeChar) { if (nextChar == NONE) { // special case: escape char followed by EndOfLine -> empty value resultList.add(null); machineState = SplitMachineState.END_OF_LINE; continue; } // next character was escaped, therefore add it to the string and bypass it in loop tempString.append(nextChar); i++; machineState = SplitMachineState.WRITE_NOT_QUOTE; continue; } tempString.append(currentChar); machineState = SplitMachineState.WRITE_NOT_QUOTE; continue; case WRITE_NOT_QUOTE: if (currentChar == splitChar) { resultList.add(tempString.toString()); // splitChar at end of line handling if (nextChar == NONE) { resultList.add(""); tempString = new StringBuilder(); machineState = SplitMachineState.END_OF_LINE; continue; } machineState = SplitMachineState.NEW_SPLIT; continue; } if (currentChar == escapeChar) { if (nextChar == NONE) { // special case: escape char followed by EndOfLine -> string read so far w/o escape char resultList.add(tempString.toString().trim()); machineState = SplitMachineState.END_OF_LINE; continue; } // next character was escaped, therefore add it to the string and bypass it in loop tempString.append(nextChar); i++; continue; } if (currentChar == quoteChar) { // error handling errorMessage = "Value quote misplaced"; errorColumnIndex = i; if (tempString.length() < 10) { StringBuilder errorCharBuf = new StringBuilder(); errorCharBuf.append(tempString); if (errorCharBuf.length() > 0) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } for (int j=errorCharBuf.length(), k = resultList.size()-1;j<20;j++, k--) { if (k < 0) { break; } errorCharBuf.insert(0, resultList.get(k)); if (errorCharBuf.length() < 18) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } j = errorCharBuf.length(); } errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.setLength(19); errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.append(currentChar); errorLastFewReadChars = errorCharBuf.toString(); } else { errorLastFewReadChars = tempString.substring(tempString.length()-9).toString() + currentChar; } machineState = SplitMachineState.ERROR; continue; } tempString.append(currentChar); continue; case END_OF_LINE: // nothing to do here break; case QUOTE_OPENED: if (currentChar == quoteChar) { tempString.append(currentChar); machineState = SplitMachineState.QUOTE_CLOSED; continue; } if (currentChar == escapeChar) { if (nextChar == NONE) { // special case: quote char followed by escape char followed by EndOfLine -> error errorMessage = "Value quotes malformed"; errorColumnIndex = i; if (tempString.length() < 10) { StringBuilder errorCharBuf = new StringBuilder(); errorCharBuf.append(tempString); if (errorCharBuf.length() > 0) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } for (int j=errorCharBuf.length(), k = resultList.size()-1;j<20;j++, k--) { if (k < 0) { break; } errorCharBuf.insert(0, resultList.get(k)); if (errorCharBuf.length() < 18) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } j = errorCharBuf.length(); } errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.setLength(19); errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.append(currentChar); errorLastFewReadChars = errorCharBuf.toString(); } else { errorLastFewReadChars = tempString.substring(tempString.length()-9).toString() + currentChar; } machineState = SplitMachineState.ERROR; continue; } // next character was escaped, therefore add it to the string and bypass it in loop tempString.append(nextChar); i++; machineState = SplitMachineState.WRITE_QUOTE; continue; } tempString.append(currentChar); machineState = SplitMachineState.WRITE_QUOTE; continue; case WRITE_QUOTE: // special case: double quotes (eg. "") are used to escape the quote character. Excel exports it so... if (nextChar != NONE && nextChar == quoteChar && currentChar == quoteChar ){ tempString.append(nextChar); i++; continue; } if (currentChar == quoteChar) { tempString.append(currentChar); machineState = SplitMachineState.QUOTE_CLOSED; continue; } if (currentChar == escapeChar) { if (nextChar == NONE) { // special case: quote char followed by char* followed by escape char followed by EndOfLine -> error errorMessage = "Value quotes malformed"; errorColumnIndex = i; if (tempString.length() < 10) { StringBuilder errorCharBuf = new StringBuilder(); errorCharBuf.append(tempString); if (errorCharBuf.length() > 0) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } for (int j=errorCharBuf.length(), k = resultList.size()-1;j<20;j++, k--) { if (k < 0) { break; } errorCharBuf.insert(0, resultList.get(k)); if (errorCharBuf.length() < 18) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } j = errorCharBuf.length(); } errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.setLength(19); errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.append(currentChar); errorLastFewReadChars = errorCharBuf.toString(); } else { errorLastFewReadChars = tempString.substring(tempString.length()-9).toString() + currentChar; } machineState = SplitMachineState.ERROR; // needs to be thrown here as the loop exists after this pass throw new CSVParseException(errorMessage + " at position " + i + ". Last characters read: " + errorLastFewReadChars); } // next character was escaped, therefore add it to the string and bypass it in loop tempString.append(nextChar); i++; continue; } tempString.append(currentChar); continue; case QUOTE_CLOSED: if (currentChar == splitChar) { // remove quotes if (tempString.charAt(0) == quoteChar && tempString.charAt(tempString.length()-1) == quoteChar) { // IF YOU DO NOT WANT "abc " to become "abc", (w/o the quotes) remove .trim() ! Check the last string handling for similiar case! resultList.add(tempString.substring(1, tempString.length()-1).trim()); } else { // this should not occur, malformed quotes should be caught earlier resultList.add(tempString.toString()); } // splitChar at end of line handling if (nextChar == NONE) { resultList.add(""); tempString = new StringBuilder(); machineState = SplitMachineState.END_OF_LINE; continue; } machineState = SplitMachineState.NEW_SPLIT; continue; } if (currentChar == ' ' || (currentChar == '\t')) { // delete whitespaces after closing quotes continue; } // error handling errorMessage = "Unexpected character after closed value quote"; errorColumnIndex = i; if (tempString.length() < 10) { StringBuilder errorCharBuf = new StringBuilder(); errorCharBuf.append(tempString); if (errorCharBuf.length() > 0) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } for (int j=errorCharBuf.length(), k = resultList.size()-1;j<20;j++, k--) { if (k < 0) { break; } errorCharBuf.insert(0, resultList.get(k)); if (errorCharBuf.length() < 18) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } j = errorCharBuf.length(); } errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.setLength(19); errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.append(currentChar); errorLastFewReadChars = errorCharBuf.toString(); } else { errorLastFewReadChars = tempString.substring(tempString.length()-9).toString() + currentChar; } // needs to be thrown here as the loop exists after this pass throw new CSVParseException(errorMessage + " at position " + i + ". Last characters read: " + errorLastFewReadChars); case ERROR: throw new CSVParseException(errorMessage + " at position " + i + ". Last characters read: " + errorLastFewReadChars); } } // last string handling // error state, malformed quote if (machineState == SplitMachineState.QUOTE_OPENED || machineState == SplitMachineState.WRITE_QUOTE) { errorMessage = "Value quotes not closed"; errorColumnIndex = line.length()-1; if (tempString.length() < 10) { StringBuilder errorCharBuf = new StringBuilder(); errorCharBuf.append(tempString); if (errorCharBuf.length() > 0) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } for (int j=errorCharBuf.length(), k = resultList.size()-1;j<20;j++, k--) { if (k < 0) { break; } errorCharBuf.insert(0, resultList.get(k)); if (errorCharBuf.length() < 18) { errorCharBuf.insert(0, splitChar); } j = errorCharBuf.length(); } errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorCharBuf.setLength(20); errorCharBuf.reverse(); errorLastFewReadChars = errorCharBuf.toString(); } else { errorLastFewReadChars = tempString.substring(tempString.length()-10).toString(); } throw new CSVParseException(errorMessage + " at position " + errorColumnIndex + ". Last characters read: " + errorLastFewReadChars); } else { // add the last string to the list if (tempString.length() > 0) { // remove quotes if state QUOTE_CLOSED was reached if (machineState == SplitMachineState.QUOTE_CLOSED && tempString.charAt(0) == quoteChar && tempString.charAt(tempString.length()-1) == quoteChar) { // IF YOU DO NOT WANT "abc " to become "abc", (w/o the quotes) remove .trim() ! resultList.add(tempString.substring(1, tempString.length()-1).trim()); tempString = new StringBuilder(); } else { resultList.add(tempString.toString()); tempString = new StringBuilder(); } } } String[] resultArray = new String[resultList.size()]; resultList.toArray(resultArray); return resultArray; } public void configure(CSVResultSetConfiguration configuration) throws OperatorException { setTrimLine(configuration.isTrimLines()); setSkipComments(configuration.isSkipComments()); setSplitExpression(configuration.getColumnSeparators()); setUseQuotes(configuration.isUseQuotes()); setQuoteCharacter(configuration.getQuoteCharacter()); setQuoteEscapeCharacter(configuration.getEscapeCharacter()); setCommentCharacters(configuration.getCommentCharacters()); setEncoding(configuration.getEncoding()); } }