/* * RapidMiner * * Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by RapidMiner and the contributors * * Complete list of developers available at our web site: * * http://rapidminer.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ package com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Transparency; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.panel.Overlay; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.Pannable; import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.data.Range; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush.listener.LinkAndBrushSelection; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush.listener.LinkAndBrushSelection.SelectionType; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush.listener.LinkAndBrushSelectionListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush.plots.LinkAndBrushPlot; import com.rapidminer.gui.plotter.CoordinateTransformation; import com.rapidminer.gui.plotter.NullCoordinateTransformation; import com.rapidminer.tools.container.Pair; /** * A Swing GUI component for displaying a {@link JFreeChart} object. The chart will be buffered. * <P> * * @author Nils Woehler * */ public class LinkAndBrushChartPanel extends ChartPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private boolean zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection; private boolean blockSelectionOrZoom = false; /** * This is a transformation which transforms the components coordinates to screen coordinates. If is null, no * transformation is needed. */ private transient CoordinateTransformation coordinateTransformation = new NullCoordinateTransformation(); private transient List<WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener>> listeners = new LinkedList<WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener>>(); public LinkAndBrushChartPanel(JFreeChart chart, boolean zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection) { super(chart, 600, 400, 200, 133, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DRAW_WIDTH, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DRAW_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_BUFFER_USED, false, // copy false, // properties false, // save false, // print false, // zoom true); // tooltips this.zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection = zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection; setInitialDelay(200); setMouseWheelEnabled(false); } public LinkAndBrushChartPanel(JFreeChart chart, int defaultWidth, int defaultHeigth, int minDrawWidth, int minDrawHeigth, boolean zoomOnLinkAndBrush) { super(chart, defaultWidth, defaultHeigth, minDrawWidth, minDrawHeigth, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DRAW_WIDTH, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DRAW_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_BUFFER_USED, false, // copy false, // properties false, // save false, // print false, // zoom true); // tooltips this.zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection = zoomOnLinkAndBrush; setInitialDelay(200); setMouseWheelEnabled(false); } public LinkAndBrushChartPanel(JFreeChart chart, int defaultWidth, int defaultHeigth, int minDrawWidth, int minDrawHeigth, boolean zoomOnLinkAndBrush, boolean useBuffer) { super(chart, defaultWidth, defaultHeigth, minDrawWidth, minDrawHeigth, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DRAW_WIDTH, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DRAW_HEIGHT, useBuffer, false, // copy false, // properties false, // save false, // print false, // zoom true); // tooltips this.zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection = zoomOnLinkAndBrush; setMouseWheelEnabled(false); } @Override public void restoreAutoBounds() { Plot plot = getChart().getPlot(); if (plot == null) { return; } // here we tweak the notify flag on the plot so that only // one notification happens even though we update multiple // axes... boolean savedNotify = plot.isNotify(); plot.setNotify(false); if (plot instanceof LinkAndBrushPlot) { LinkAndBrushPlot LABPlot = (LinkAndBrushPlot) plot; List<Pair<Integer, Range>> zoomedDomainAxisRanges = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Range>>(); List<Pair<Integer, Range>> zoomedRangeAxisRanges = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Range>>(); zoomedDomainAxisRanges.addAll(LABPlot.restoreAutoDomainAxisBounds(zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection)); zoomedRangeAxisRanges.addAll(LABPlot.restoreAutoRangeAxisBounds(zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection)); if (zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection) { informLinkAndBrushSelectionListeners(new LinkAndBrushSelection(SelectionType.RESTORE_AUTO_BOUNDS, zoomedDomainAxisRanges, zoomedRangeAxisRanges)); } else { informLinkAndBrushSelectionListeners(new LinkAndBrushSelection(SelectionType.RESTORE_SELECTION, zoomedDomainAxisRanges, zoomedRangeAxisRanges)); } } else { restoreAutoDomainBounds(); restoreAutoRangeBounds(); } plot.setNotify(savedNotify); } @Override public void zoom(Rectangle2D selection) { // get the origin of the zoom selection in the Java2D space used for // drawing the chart (that is, before any scaling to fit the panel) Point2D selectOrigin = translateScreenToJava2D(new Point((int) Math.ceil(selection.getX()), (int) Math.ceil(selection.getY()))); PlotRenderingInfo plotInfo = getChartRenderingInfo().getPlotInfo(); Rectangle2D scaledDataArea = getScreenDataArea((int) selection.getCenterX(), (int) selection.getCenterY()); if ((selection.getHeight() > 0) && (selection.getWidth() > 0)) { double hLower = (selection.getMinX() - scaledDataArea.getMinX()) / scaledDataArea.getWidth(); double hUpper = (selection.getMaxX() - scaledDataArea.getMinX()) / scaledDataArea.getWidth(); double vLower = (scaledDataArea.getMaxY() - selection.getMaxY()) / scaledDataArea.getHeight(); double vUpper = (scaledDataArea.getMaxY() - selection.getMinY()) / scaledDataArea.getHeight(); Plot p = getChart().getPlot(); if (p instanceof LinkAndBrushPlot) { PlotOrientation orientation = null; if (p instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot xyPlot = (XYPlot) p; orientation = xyPlot.getOrientation(); } if (p instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot categoryPlot = (CategoryPlot) p; orientation = categoryPlot.getOrientation(); } // here we tweak the notify flag on the plot so that only // one notification happens even though we update multiple // axes... boolean savedNotify = p.isNotify(); p.setNotify(false); LinkAndBrushPlot LABPlot = (LinkAndBrushPlot) p; List<Pair<Integer, Range>> zoomedDomainAxisRanges = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Range>>(); List<Pair<Integer, Range>> zoomedRangeAxisRanges = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Range>>(); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { zoomedDomainAxisRanges.addAll(LABPlot.calculateDomainAxesZoom(vLower, vUpper, zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection)); zoomedRangeAxisRanges.addAll(LABPlot.calculateRangeAxesZoom(hLower, hUpper, plotInfo, selectOrigin, zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection)); } else { zoomedDomainAxisRanges.addAll(LABPlot.calculateDomainAxesZoom(hLower, hUpper, zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection)); zoomedRangeAxisRanges.addAll(LABPlot.calculateRangeAxesZoom(vLower, vUpper, plotInfo, selectOrigin, zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection)); } p.setNotify(savedNotify); if (zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection) { informLinkAndBrushSelectionListeners(new LinkAndBrushSelection(SelectionType.ZOOM_IN, zoomedDomainAxisRanges, zoomedRangeAxisRanges)); } else { informLinkAndBrushSelectionListeners(new LinkAndBrushSelection(SelectionType.SELECTION, zoomedDomainAxisRanges, zoomedRangeAxisRanges)); } } else { super.zoom(selection); } } } /** * If set to <code>true</code>, will zoom on selection, otherwise will do a selection. * @param zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection */ public void setZoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection(boolean zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection) { this.zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection = zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection; } /** * Returns whether the panel will zoom on selection or not. * @return */ public boolean getZoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection() { return zoomOnLinkAndBrushSelection; } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if (getChart() == null) { return; } Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create(); // first determine the size of the chart rendering area... Dimension size = getSize(); Insets insets = getInsets(); Rectangle2D available = new Rectangle2D.Double(insets.left, insets.top, size.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right, size.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom); // work out if scaling is required... boolean scale = false; double drawWidth = available.getWidth(); double drawHeight = available.getHeight(); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("scaleX"), 1.0); // this.scaleX = 1.0; setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("scaleY"), 1.0); // this.scaleY = 1.0; if (drawWidth < getMinimumDrawWidth()) { setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("scaleX"), drawWidth / getMinimumDrawWidth()); // this.scaleX = drawWidth / getMinimumDrawWidth(); drawWidth = getMinimumDrawWidth(); scale = true; } else if (drawWidth > getMaximumDrawWidth()) { setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("scaleX"), drawWidth / getMaximumDrawWidth()); // this.scaleX = drawWidth / getMaximumDrawWidth(); drawWidth = getMaximumDrawWidth(); scale = true; } if (drawHeight < getMinimumDrawHeight()) { setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("scaleY"), drawHeight / getMinimumDrawHeight()); // this.scaleY = drawHeight / getMinimumDrawHeight(); drawHeight = getMinimumDrawHeight(); scale = true; } else if (drawHeight > getMaximumDrawHeight()) { setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("scaleY"), drawHeight / getMaximumDrawHeight()); // this.scaleY = drawHeight / getMaximumDrawHeight(); drawHeight = getMaximumDrawHeight(); scale = true; } Rectangle2D chartArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, drawWidth, drawHeight); // are we using the chart buffer? if ((Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("useBuffer")) { // do we need to resize the buffer? if ((getChartFieldValueByName("chartBuffer") == null) || ((Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferWidth") != available.getWidth()) || ((Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferHeight") != available.getHeight())) { setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("chartBufferWidth"), (int) available.getWidth()); // this.chartBufferWidth = (int) available.getWidth(); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("chartBufferHeight"), (int) available.getHeight()); // this.chartBufferHeight = (int) available.getHeight(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = g2.getDeviceConfiguration(); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("chartBuffer"), gc.createCompatibleImage((Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferWidth"), (Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferHeight"), Transparency.TRANSLUCENT)); // this.chartBuffer = gc.createCompatibleImage(this.chartBufferWidth, this.chartBufferHeight, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT); setRefreshBuffer(true); } // do we need to redraw the buffer? if (getRefreshBuffer()) { setRefreshBuffer(false); // clear the flag Rectangle2D bufferArea = new Rectangle2D.Double( 0, 0, (Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferWidth"), (Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferHeight")); Graphics2D bufferG2 = (Graphics2D)( (Image) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBuffer")).getGraphics(); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, (Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferWidth"), (Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBufferHeight")); bufferG2.setPaint(getBackground()); bufferG2.fill(r); if (scale) { AffineTransform saved = bufferG2.getTransform(); AffineTransform st = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( (Double) getChartFieldValueByName("scaleX"), (Double) getChartFieldValueByName("scaleY")); bufferG2.transform(st); getChart().draw(bufferG2, chartArea, getAnchor(), getChartRenderingInfo()); bufferG2.setTransform(saved); } else { getChart().draw(bufferG2, bufferArea, getAnchor(), getChartRenderingInfo()); } } // zap the buffer onto the panel... g2.drawImage((Image) getChartFieldValueByName("chartBuffer"), insets.left, insets.top, this); } // or redrawing the chart every time... else { AffineTransform saved = g2.getTransform(); g2.translate(insets.left, insets.top); if (scale) { AffineTransform st = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( (Double) getChartFieldValueByName("scaleX"), (Double) getChartFieldValueByName("scaleY")); g2.transform(st); } getChart().draw(g2, chartArea, getAnchor(), getChartRenderingInfo()); g2.setTransform(saved); } Iterator iterator = ((List) getChartFieldValueByName("overlays")).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Overlay overlay = (Overlay) iterator.next(); overlay.paintOverlay(g2, this); } // redraw the zoom rectangle (if present) - if useBuffer is false, // we use XOR so we can XOR the rectangle away again without redrawing // the chart drawZoomRectangle(g2, !(Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("useBuffer")); g2.dispose(); setAnchor(null); setVerticalTraceLine(null); setHorizontalTraceLine(null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Overlay> getOverlayList() { return ((List<Overlay>) getChartFieldValueByName("overlays")); } public void setOverlayList(List<Overlay> list) { setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("overlays"), list); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // this is used to only allow left mouse button zoom / selection if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { blockSelectionOrZoom = true; } else { blockSelectionOrZoom = false; } super.mousePressed(e); } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { // when not allowed to zoom / select, return if (blockSelectionOrZoom) { return; } // if the popup menu has already been triggered, then ignore dragging... if (getChartFieldValueByName("popup") != null && ((JPopupMenu) getChartFieldValueByName("popup")).isShowing()) { return; } // handle panning if we have a start point if (getChartFieldValueByName("panLast") != null) { double dx = e.getX() - ((Point) getChartFieldValueByName("panLast")).getX(); double dy = e.getY() - ((Point) getChartFieldValueByName("panLast")).getY(); if (dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) { return; } double wPercent = -dx / ((Double) getChartFieldValueByName("panW")); double hPercent = dy / ((Double) getChartFieldValueByName("panH")); boolean old = getChart().getPlot().isNotify(); getChart().getPlot().setNotify(false); Pannable p = (Pannable) getChart().getPlot(); if (p.getOrientation() == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { p.panDomainAxes(wPercent, getChartRenderingInfo().getPlotInfo(), (Point) getChartFieldValueByName("panLast")); p.panRangeAxes(hPercent, getChartRenderingInfo().getPlotInfo(), (Point) getChartFieldValueByName("panLast")); } else { p.panDomainAxes(hPercent, getChartRenderingInfo().getPlotInfo(), (Point) getChartFieldValueByName("panLast")); p.panRangeAxes(wPercent, getChartRenderingInfo().getPlotInfo(), (Point) getChartFieldValueByName("panLast")); } setChartFieldValue((getChartFieldByName("panLast")), e.getPoint()); getChart().getPlot().setNotify(old); return; } // if no initial zoom point was set, ignore dragging... if (getChartFieldValueByName("zoomPoint") == null) { return; } Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics(); // erase the previous zoom rectangle (if any). We only need to do // this is we are using XOR mode, which we do when we're not using // the buffer (if there is a buffer, then at the end of this method we // just trigger a repaint) if (!(Boolean)getChartFieldValueByName("useBuffer")) { drawZoomRectangle(g2, true); } boolean hZoom = false; boolean vZoom = false; if ((PlotOrientation) getChartFieldValueByName("orientation") == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { hZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("rangeZoomable"); vZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("domainZoomable"); } else { hZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("domainZoomable"); vZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("rangeZoomable"); } Point2D zoomPoint = (Point2D) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomPoint"); Rectangle2D scaledDataArea = getScreenDataArea((int) zoomPoint.getX(), (int) zoomPoint.getY()); if (hZoom && vZoom) { // selected rectangle shouldn't extend outside the data area... double xmax = Math.min(e.getX(), scaledDataArea.getMaxX()); double ymax = Math.min(e.getY(), scaledDataArea.getMaxY()); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("zoomRectangle"), new Rectangle2D.Double( zoomPoint.getX(), zoomPoint.getY(), xmax - zoomPoint.getX(), ymax - zoomPoint.getY())); } else if (hZoom) { double xmax = Math.min(e.getX(), scaledDataArea.getMaxX()); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("zoomRectangle"), new Rectangle2D.Double( zoomPoint.getX(), scaledDataArea.getMinY(), xmax - zoomPoint.getX(), scaledDataArea.getHeight())); } else if (vZoom) { double ymax = Math.min(e.getY(), scaledDataArea.getMaxY()); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("zoomRectangle"), new Rectangle2D.Double( scaledDataArea.getMinX(), zoomPoint.getY(), scaledDataArea.getWidth(), ymax - zoomPoint.getY())); } // Draw the new zoom rectangle... if ((Boolean)getChartFieldValueByName("useBuffer")) { repaint(); } else { // with no buffer, we use XOR to draw the rectangle "over" the // chart... drawZoomRectangle(g2, true); } g2.dispose(); } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { // if we've been panning, we need to reset now that the mouse is // released... Rectangle2D zoomRectangle = (Rectangle2D) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomRectangle"); Point2D zoomPoint = (Point2D) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomPoint"); if (getChartFieldValueByName("panLast") != null) { setChartFieldValue((getChartFieldByName("panLast")), null); setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } else if (zoomRectangle != null) { boolean hZoom = false; boolean vZoom = false; if ((PlotOrientation) getChartFieldValueByName("orientation") == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { hZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("rangeZoomable"); vZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("domainZoomable"); } else { hZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("domainZoomable"); vZoom = (Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("rangeZoomable"); } boolean zoomTrigger1 = hZoom && Math.abs(e.getX() - zoomPoint.getX()) >= (Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomTriggerDistance"); boolean zoomTrigger2 = vZoom && Math.abs(e.getY() - zoomPoint.getY()) >= (Integer) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomTriggerDistance"); if (zoomTrigger1 || zoomTrigger2) { if ((hZoom && (e.getX() < zoomPoint.getX())) || (vZoom && (e.getY() < zoomPoint.getY()))) { restoreAutoBounds(); } else { double x, y, w, h; Rectangle2D screenDataArea = getScreenDataArea( (int) zoomPoint.getX(), (int) zoomPoint.getY()); double maxX = screenDataArea.getMaxX(); double maxY = screenDataArea.getMaxY(); // for mouseReleased event, (horizontalZoom || verticalZoom) // will be true, so we can just test for either being false; // otherwise both are true if (!vZoom) { x = zoomPoint.getX(); y = screenDataArea.getMinY(); w = Math.min(zoomRectangle.getWidth(), maxX - zoomPoint.getX()); h = screenDataArea.getHeight(); } else if (!hZoom) { x = screenDataArea.getMinX(); y = zoomPoint.getY(); w = screenDataArea.getWidth(); h = Math.min(zoomRectangle.getHeight(), maxY - zoomPoint.getY()); } else { x = zoomPoint.getX(); y = zoomPoint.getY(); w = Math.min(zoomRectangle.getWidth(), maxX - zoomPoint.getX()); h = Math.min(zoomRectangle.getHeight(), maxY - zoomPoint.getY()); } Rectangle2D zoomArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, w, h); zoom(zoomArea); } setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("zoomPoint"), null); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("zoomRectangle"), null); } else { // erase the zoom rectangle Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics(); if ((Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("useBuffer")) { repaint(); } else { drawZoomRectangle(g2, true); } g2.dispose(); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("zoomPoint"), null); setChartFieldValue(getChartFieldByName("zoomRectangle"), null); } } else if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { if (getChartFieldValueByName("popup") != null) { displayPopupMenu(e.getX(), e.getY()); } } } /** * Draws zoom rectangle (if present). * The drawing is performed in XOR mode, therefore * when this method is called twice in a row, * the second call will completely restore the state * of the canvas. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param xor use XOR for drawing? */ private void drawZoomRectangle(Graphics2D g2, boolean xor) { Rectangle2D zoomRectangle = (Rectangle2D) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomRectangle"); if (zoomRectangle != null) { // fix rectangle parameters when chart is transformed zoomRectangle = coordinateTransformation.transformRectangle(zoomRectangle, this); if (!(coordinateTransformation instanceof NullCoordinateTransformation)) { g2 = coordinateTransformation.getTransformedGraphics(this); } if (xor) { // Set XOR mode to draw the zoom rectangle g2.setXORMode(Color.gray); } if ((Boolean) getChartFieldValueByName("fillZoomRectangle")) { g2.setPaint((Paint) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomFillPaint")); g2.fill(zoomRectangle); } else { g2.setPaint((Paint) getChartFieldValueByName("zoomOutlinePaint")); g2.draw(zoomRectangle); } if (xor) { // Reset to the default 'overwrite' mode g2.setPaintMode(); } } } /** * Add a {@link LinkAndBrushSelectionListener}. * The listener is saved as a {@link WeakReference}. Thus listener must not be hidden (anonymous) classes! */ public void addLinkAndBrushSelectionListener(LinkAndBrushSelectionListener l) { listeners.add(new WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener>(l)); } /** * Remove a {@link LinkAndBrushSelectionListener}. * @param l */ public void removeLinkAndBrushSelectionListener(LinkAndBrushSelectionListener l) { Iterator<WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener>> it = listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener> wrl = it.next(); LinkAndBrushSelectionListener listener = wrl.get(); if(listener == l || listener == null){ it.remove(); } } } /** * Informs all {@link LinkAndBrushSelectionListener} of a {@link LinkAndBrushSelection}. * @param e */ public void informLinkAndBrushSelectionListeners(LinkAndBrushSelection e) { // create a copy to avoid ConcurrentModificationException when informing and remove listener happens List<WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener>> listenersCopy = new LinkedList<WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener>>(); listenersCopy.addAll(listeners); Iterator<WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener>> it = listenersCopy.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { WeakReference<LinkAndBrushSelectionListener> wrl = it.next(); LinkAndBrushSelectionListener l = wrl.get(); if (l != null) { l.selectedLinkAndBrushRectangle(e); } else { it.remove(); } } } /** * Returns the value of a {@link Field} of the {@link ChartPanel}. * If the field can not be found, returns {@code null}. * @param name the name of the {@link Field} * @return */ private Object getChartFieldValueByName(String name) { try { Field field = ChartPanel.class.getDeclaredField(name); field.setAccessible(true); Object value = field.get(this); field.setAccessible(false); return value; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns the {@link Field} of the {@link ChartPanel}. * If the field can not be found, returns {@code null}. * @param name the name of the {@link Field} * @return */ private Field getChartFieldByName(String name) { try { Field field = ChartPanel.class.getDeclaredField(name); field.setAccessible(true); return field; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Sets the given value for the given {@link Field}. * @param field the {@link Field} to change * @param value the new value for the {@link Field} */ private void setChartFieldValue(Field field, Object value) { try { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(this, value); field.setAccessible(false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method sets the coordinate transformation for this component. */ public void setCoordinateTransformation(CoordinateTransformation transformation) { this.coordinateTransformation = transformation; } }