/* * RapidMiner * * Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by RapidMiner and the contributors * * Complete list of developers available at our web site: * * http://rapidminer.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ package com.rapidminer.parameter; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Vector; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.rapidminer.io.process.XMLTools; import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.InputPort; import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.MetaDataChangeListener; import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.AttributeMetaData; import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.ExampleSetMetaData; import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.MetaData; import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.ModelMetaData; import com.rapidminer.tools.Ontology; import com.rapidminer.tools.XMLException; /** * This attribute type supports the user by let him select an attribute name from a combo box * of known attribute names. For long lists, auto completion and filtering of the drop down menu * eases the handling. * For knowing attribute names before process execution a valid meta data transformation must be performed. Otherwise * the user might type in the name, instead of choosing. * * @author Sebastian Land */ public class ParameterTypeAttribute extends ParameterTypeString { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4177652183651031337L; private static final String ELEMENT_ALLOWED_TYPES = "AllowedTypes"; private static final String ELEMENT_ALLOWED_TYPE = "Type"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_INPUT_PORT = "port-name"; //private transient InputPort inPort; private MetaDataProvider metaDataProvider; private int[] allowedValueTypes; public ParameterTypeAttribute(Element element) throws XMLException { super(element); allowedValueTypes = XMLTools.getChildTagsContentAsIntArray(XMLTools.getChildElement(element, ELEMENT_ALLOWED_TYPES, true), ELEMENT_ALLOWED_TYPE); //operator.getInputPorts().getPortByName(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_INPUT_PORT)); } public ParameterTypeAttribute(final String key, String description, InputPort inPort) { this(key, description, inPort, false); } public ParameterTypeAttribute(final String key, String description, InputPort inPort, int...valueTypes) { this(key, description, inPort, false, valueTypes); } public ParameterTypeAttribute(final String key, String description, InputPort inPort, boolean optional) { this(key, description, inPort, optional, Ontology.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); } public ParameterTypeAttribute(final String key, String description, InputPort inPort, boolean optional, boolean expert) { this(key, description, inPort, optional, Ontology.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); setExpert(expert); } public ParameterTypeAttribute(final String key, String description, InputPort inPort, boolean optional, boolean expert, int...valueTypes) { this(key, description, inPort, optional, Ontology.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); setExpert(expert); allowedValueTypes = valueTypes; } public ParameterTypeAttribute(final String key, String description, final InputPort inPort, boolean optional, int...valueTypes) { this(key, description, new MetaDataProvider() { @Override public MetaData getMetaData() { if (inPort != null) { return inPort.getMetaData(); } else { return null; } } @Override public void addMetaDataChangeListener(MetaDataChangeListener l) { inPort.registerMetaDataChangeListener(l); } @Override public void removeMetaDataChangeListener(MetaDataChangeListener l) { inPort.removeMetaDataChangeListener(l); } }, optional, valueTypes); } public ParameterTypeAttribute(final String key, String description, MetaDataProvider metaDataProvider, boolean optional, int...valueTypes) { super(key, description, optional); this.metaDataProvider = metaDataProvider; allowedValueTypes = valueTypes; } public Vector<String> getAttributeNames() { Vector<String> names = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> regularNames = new Vector<String>(); MetaData metaData = getMetaData(); if (metaData != null) { if (metaData instanceof ExampleSetMetaData) { ExampleSetMetaData emd = (ExampleSetMetaData) metaData; for (AttributeMetaData amd : emd.getAllAttributes()) { if (!isFilteredOut(amd) && isOfAllowedType(amd.getValueType())) { if (amd.isSpecial()) names.add(amd.getName()); else regularNames.add(amd.getName()); } } } else if (metaData instanceof ModelMetaData) { ModelMetaData mmd = (ModelMetaData) metaData; if (mmd != null) { ExampleSetMetaData emd = mmd.getTrainingSetMetaData(); if (emd != null) { for (AttributeMetaData amd : emd.getAllAttributes()) { if (!isFilteredOut(amd) && isOfAllowedType(amd.getValueType())) if (amd.isSpecial()) names.add(amd.getName()); else regularNames.add(amd.getName()); } } } } } Collections.sort(names); Collections.sort(regularNames); names.addAll(regularNames); return names; } private boolean isOfAllowedType(int valueType) { boolean isAllowed = false; for (int type: allowedValueTypes) { isAllowed |= Ontology.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE.isA(valueType, type); } return isAllowed; } @Override public Object getDefaultValue() { return ""; } /** This method might be overridden by subclasses in order to * select attributes which are applicable */ protected boolean isFilteredOut(AttributeMetaData amd) { return false; }; // public InputPort getInputPort() { // return inPort; // } public MetaDataProvider getMetaDataProvider() { return metaDataProvider; } /** Returns the meta data currently available by the {@link #metaDataProvider}. */ public MetaData getMetaData() { MetaData metaData = null; if (metaDataProvider != null) { metaData = metaDataProvider.getMetaData(); } return metaData; } @Override protected void writeDefinitionToXML(Element typeElement) { super.writeDefinitionToXML(typeElement); // TODO: What was this for? //typeElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_INPUT_PORT, inPort.getName()); Element allowedTypesElement = XMLTools.addTag(typeElement, ELEMENT_ALLOWED_TYPES); for (int allowedValueType : allowedValueTypes) { XMLTools.addTag(allowedTypesElement, ELEMENT_ALLOWED_TYPE, allowedValueType + ""); } } }