/* * RapidMiner * * Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by RapidMiner and the contributors * * Complete list of developers available at our web site: * * http://rapidminer.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ package com.rapidminer.repository.local; import java.io.File; import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.rapidminer.io.process.XMLTools; import com.rapidminer.repository.Entry; import com.rapidminer.repository.Folder; import com.rapidminer.repository.MalformedRepositoryLocationException; import com.rapidminer.repository.Repository; import com.rapidminer.repository.RepositoryException; import com.rapidminer.repository.RepositoryListener; import com.rapidminer.repository.RepositoryLocation; import com.rapidminer.repository.RepositoryManager; import com.rapidminer.repository.gui.LocalRepositoryPanel; import com.rapidminer.repository.gui.RepositoryConfigurationPanel; import com.rapidminer.tools.FileSystemService; import com.rapidminer.tools.I18N; import com.rapidminer.tools.XMLException; /** A repository backed by the local file system. Each entry is backed by one or more files. * * @author Simon Fischer * */ public class LocalRepository extends SimpleFolder implements Repository { private final EventListenerList listeners = new EventListenerList(); private File root; public enum LocalState { ACCESSIBLE(null), NOT_ACCESSIBLE(I18N.getMessage(I18N.getGUIBundle(), "gui.repository.not_accessible.message")); private String state; private LocalState(String state) { this.state = state; } @Override public String toString() { return state; } public static String valueOf(LocalState state) { return state.toString(); } } /** Creates a file-based repository in a default location. * * @see #getDefaultRepositoryFolder(String) */ public LocalRepository(String name) throws RepositoryException { this(name, getDefaultRepositoryFolder(name)); } /** Creates a file-based repository in the given location. */ public LocalRepository(String name, File root) throws RepositoryException { super(name, null, null); this.root = root; mkdir(); if (!root.isDirectory()) { throw new RepositoryException("Folder '" + root + "' is not a directory."); } if (!root.canWrite()) { throw new RepositoryException("Folder '" + root + "' is not writable."); } setRepository(this); } public File getRoot() { return this.root; } @Override public boolean rename(String newName) { setName(newName); fireEntryRenamed(this); return true; } @Override public File getFile() { return getRoot(); } public void setRoot(File root) { this.root = root; } @Override public void addRepositoryListener(RepositoryListener l) { listeners.add(RepositoryListener.class, l); } @Override public void removeRepositoryListener(RepositoryListener l) { listeners.remove(RepositoryListener.class, l); } protected void fireEntryRenamed(Entry entry) { for (RepositoryListener l : listeners.getListeners(RepositoryListener.class)) { l.entryChanged(entry); } } protected void fireEntryAdded(Entry newEntry, Folder parent) { for (RepositoryListener l : listeners.getListeners(RepositoryListener.class)) { l.entryAdded(newEntry, parent); } } public void fireRefreshed(Folder folder) { for (RepositoryListener l : listeners.getListeners(RepositoryListener.class)) { l.folderRefreshed(folder); } } protected void fireEntryRemoved(Entry removedEntry, Folder parent, int index) { for (RepositoryListener l : listeners.getListeners(RepositoryListener.class)) { l.entryRemoved(removedEntry, parent, index); } } @Override public String getDescription() { return "This is a local repository stored on your local computer at " + getFile() + "."; } @Override public Entry locate(String entry) throws RepositoryException { return RepositoryManager.getInstance(null).locate(this, entry, false); } @Override public RepositoryLocation getLocation() { try { return new RepositoryLocation(getName(), new String[0]); } catch (MalformedRepositoryLocationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public String getState() { if (getRoot() == null) { return null; } return getRoot().exists() ? LocalState.valueOf(LocalState.ACCESSIBLE) : LocalState.valueOf(LocalState.NOT_ACCESSIBLE); } @Override public String getIconName() { return I18N.getMessage(I18N.getGUIBundle(), "gui.repository.local.icon"); } @Override public Element createXML(Document doc) { Element repositoryElement = doc.createElement("localRepository"); Element file = doc.createElement("file"); file.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(this.root.getAbsolutePath())); repositoryElement.appendChild(file); Element name = doc.createElement("alias"); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(this.getName())); repositoryElement.appendChild(name); return repositoryElement; } public static LocalRepository fromXML(Element element) throws XMLException, RepositoryException { return new LocalRepository( XMLTools.getTagContents(element, "alias", true), new File(XMLTools.getTagContents(element, "file", true))); } @Override public void delete() { RepositoryManager.getInstance(null).removeRepository(this); } @Override public boolean shouldSave() { return true; } @Override public void postInstall() {} @Override public void preRemove() {} @Override public boolean isConfigurable() { return true; } @Override public RepositoryConfigurationPanel makeConfigurationPanel() { return new LocalRepositoryPanel(null, false); } /** Returns the folder which, by default, contains RM repositories, e.g. .RapidMiner5/repositories */ private static File getDefaultRepositoryContainerFolder() { File dir = FileSystemService.getUserConfigFile("repositories"); dir.mkdir(); return dir; } /** Returns the default folder in which a repository with this alias would be stored. */ public static final File getDefaultRepositoryFolder(String forAlias) { return new File(getDefaultRepositoryContainerFolder(), forAlias); } }