/* * RapidMiner * * Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by RapidMiner and the contributors * * Complete list of developers available at our web site: * * http://rapidminer.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ package com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.configuration; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Paint; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import com.rapidminer.gui.MainFrame; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.PlotConfigurationError; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.StaticDebug; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.configuration.DimensionConfig.PlotDimension; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.configuration.DomainConfigManager.GroupingState; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.configuration.LineFormat.LineStyle; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.configuration.SeriesFormat.ItemShape; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.configuration.SeriesFormat.VisualizationType; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush.listener.LinkAndBrushListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush.listener.LinkAndBrushSelection; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.engine.jfreechart.link_and_brush.listener.LinkAndBrushSelectionListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.DimensionConfigListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.LegendConfigurationListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.PlotConfigurationListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.PlotConfigurationProcessingListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.RangeAxisConfigListener; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.DimensionConfigChangeEvent; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.DimensionConfigChangeEvent.DimensionConfigChangeType; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.LegendConfigurationChangeEvent; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.PlotConfigurationChangeEvent; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.PlotConfigurationChangeEvent.PlotConfigurationChangeType; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.RangeAxisConfigChangeEvent; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.ValueGroupingChangeEvent; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.ValueGroupingChangeEvent.ValueGroupingChangeType; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.ValueRangeChangeEvent; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.ValueRangeChangeEvent.ValueRangeChangeType; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.listener.events.ValueSourceChangeEvent; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.templates.style.ColorRGB; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.templates.style.ColorScheme; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.utility.CategoricalColorProvider; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.utility.ContinuousColorProvider; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.utility.DataStructureUtils; import com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.utility.ListUtility; import com.rapidminer.tools.I18N; import com.rapidminer.tools.ParameterService; /** * @author Marius Helf, Nils Woehler */ public class PlotConfiguration implements DimensionConfigListener, RangeAxisConfigListener, Cloneable, LinkAndBrushSelectionListener, LegendConfigurationListener, LinkAndBrushListener { public static final Paint DEFAULT_SERIES_OUTLINE_PAINT = Color.BLACK; public static final Font DEFAULT_AXES_FONT = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10); public static final Color DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR = Color.BLACK; private boolean initializing = false; private static final double MIN_SHAPE_SCALING_FACTOR = 0.4; private static final double MAX_SHAPE_SCALING_FACTOR = 5.0; public static final int GUI_PLOTTER_ROWS_MAXIMUM_IF_RAPIDMINER_PROPERTY_NOT_READABLE = 5000; private static final String DEFAULT_TITLE_TEXT = null; private static final Font DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 20); private static final Color DEFAULT_PLOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.white; private static final Color DEFAULT_FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.white; private static final PlotOrientation DEFAULT_PLOT_ORIENTATION = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL; private static final float DEFAULT_AXIS_LINE_WIDTH = 1.0f; private static final Color DEFAULT_AXIS_COLOR = Color.black; public static final Color DEFAULT_TITLE_COLOR = Color.black; private final List<RangeAxisConfig> rangeAxisConfigs = new LinkedList<RangeAxisConfig>(); private final DomainConfigManager domainConfigManager; /** * Stores which DimensionConfig is used for a Dimension. All * {@link PlotValueConfig} use the same DimensionConfig. To be precisely, * all {@link PlotValueConfig}s reference the same object and take the * reference from this map. * * Exception: the domain Dimension is stored in the DomainConfigManager, to * control proper setting of groupings for all {@link ValueSource}s. * * For obvious reason also the VALUE-dimension is NOT stored in this map. */ private Map<PlotDimension, DefaultDimensionConfig> dimensionConfigMap = new HashMap<DimensionConfig.PlotDimension, DefaultDimensionConfig>(); private String titleText = DEFAULT_TITLE_TEXT; private Font titleFont = DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT; private Color plotBackgroundColor = DEFAULT_PLOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR; private Color frameBackgroundColor = DEFAULT_FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR; private Font axesFont = DEFAULT_AXES_FONT; private PlotOrientation orientation = DEFAULT_PLOT_ORIENTATION; private static int CLASS_ID = 0; private int unique_debug_id = -1; private boolean cloned_debug = false; /** * If this variable is true, events that happen inside this * PlotConfiguration, e.g. changes of RangeAxis, ValueSource etc., are * process by the event queue. If this variable is false, no events are * processed. * * Best Practice to use it: boolean processing = isProcessingEvents(); * setProcessEvents(false); OTHER CODE setProcessEvents(processing); */ private Boolean processEvents = new Boolean(true); private List<PlotConfigurationChangeEvent> eventList = new LinkedList<PlotConfigurationChangeEvent>(); private Integer listenersInformedCounter = 0; private transient List<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> defaultListeners = new LinkedList<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>>(); private transient List<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> prioritizedListeners = new LinkedList<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>>(); private transient List<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationProcessingListener>> processingListeners = new LinkedList<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationProcessingListener>>(); private boolean changingRange; private boolean changingGrouping; private float axisLineWidth = DEFAULT_AXIS_LINE_WIDTH; private Color axisLineColor = DEFAULT_AXIS_COLOR; private Map<String, ColorScheme> colorSchemes = new HashMap<String, ColorScheme>(); private String activeSchemeName; /** * The event which is currently fired. */ private PlotConfigurationChangeEvent currentEvent = null; private LinkAndBrushMaster linkAndBrushMaster; private LegendConfiguration legendConfiguration = new LegendConfiguration(); private int idCounter = 0; private Color titleColor = DEFAULT_TITLE_COLOR; /** * Creates a plot configuration with one empty {@link RangeAxisConfig}. * * @param domainColumn */ public PlotConfiguration(DataTableColumn domainColumn) { ++CLASS_ID; unique_debug_id = CLASS_ID; this.domainConfigManager = new DomainConfigManager(this, domainColumn); this.linkAndBrushMaster = new LinkAndBrushMaster(this); this.linkAndBrushMaster.addLinkAndBrushListener(this); domainConfigManager.addDimensionConfigListener(this); legendConfiguration.addListener(this); createDefaultColorSchemes(); } /** * */ private void createDefaultColorSchemes() { ColorScheme colorScheme = getDefaultColorScheme(); this.colorSchemes.put(colorScheme.getName(), colorScheme); /* * default color schemes are defined here */ List<ColorRGB> listOfColors = new LinkedList<ColorRGB>(); ColorRGB colorful1 = new ColorRGB(222, 217, 26); ColorRGB colorful2 = new ColorRGB(219, 138, 47); ColorRGB colorful3 = new ColorRGB(217, 26, 21); ColorRGB colorful4 = new ColorRGB(156, 217, 84); ColorRGB colorful5 = new ColorRGB(83, 70, 255); listOfColors.add(colorful1); listOfColors.add(colorful2); listOfColors.add(colorful3); listOfColors.add(colorful4); listOfColors.add(colorful5); ColorScheme cs = new ColorScheme("Mud", listOfColors, colorful2, colorful5); this.colorSchemes.put(cs.getName(), cs); listOfColors = new LinkedList<ColorRGB>(); ColorRGB forest1 = new ColorRGB(94, 173, 0); ColorRGB forest2 = new ColorRGB(255, 188, 10); ColorRGB forest3 = new ColorRGB(189, 39, 53); ColorRGB forest4 = new ColorRGB(255, 119, 0); ColorRGB forest5 = new ColorRGB(81, 17, 84); listOfColors.add(forest1); listOfColors.add(forest2); listOfColors.add(forest3); listOfColors.add(forest4); listOfColors.add(forest5); cs = new ColorScheme("Forest", listOfColors, forest4, forest5); this.colorSchemes.put(cs.getName(), cs); listOfColors = new LinkedList<ColorRGB>(); ColorRGB baw1 = new ColorRGB(0, 0, 0); ColorRGB baw2 = new ColorRGB(204, 204, 204); ColorRGB baw3 = new ColorRGB(255, 255, 255); ColorRGB baw4 = new ColorRGB(102, 102, 102); ColorRGB baw5 = new ColorRGB(51, 51, 51); listOfColors.add(baw1); listOfColors.add(baw2); listOfColors.add(baw3); listOfColors.add(baw4); listOfColors.add(baw5); cs = new ColorScheme("Grayscale", listOfColors, baw2, baw1); this.colorSchemes.put(cs.getName(), cs); this.activeSchemeName = colorScheme.getName(); } public PlotConfiguration(DataTableColumn domainColumn, ColorScheme activeColorScheme, Map<String, ColorScheme> colorSchemes) { this(domainColumn); this.colorSchemes = colorSchemes; if (activeColorScheme != null) { setActiveColorScheme(activeColorScheme.getName()); } } /** * Private ctor, used only by {@link #clone()} method */ private PlotConfiguration(DomainConfigManager domainConfigManager, LegendConfiguration legendConfiguration) { ++CLASS_ID; unique_debug_id = CLASS_ID; this.linkAndBrushMaster = new LinkAndBrushMaster(this); this.linkAndBrushMaster.addLinkAndBrushListener(this); this.legendConfiguration = legendConfiguration; this.domainConfigManager = domainConfigManager; domainConfigManager.setPlotConfiguration(this); domainConfigManager.addDimensionConfigListener(this); legendConfiguration.addListener(this); } /** * Returns the list of all {@link RangeAxisConfig}. All plot value * configurations of a plot range axis *must* refer to the same column of * the underlying DataTable. * * All x-Dimensions must use either the same categories, or all x-Dimensions * must be numerical. */ public List<RangeAxisConfig> getRangeAxisConfigs() { return rangeAxisConfigs; } public void addRangeAxisConfig(int index, RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { debug("ADDING RANGEAXIS " + rangeAxis.getId()); rangeAxisConfigs.add(index, rangeAxis); fireRangeAxisAdded(index, rangeAxis); rangeAxis.addRangeAxisConfigListener(this); } /** * Adds a PlotRangeAxis to this PlotConfiguration. * * See also the comment of getPlotRangeAxis() for the contract for the * x-Dimension. */ public void addRangeAxisConfig(RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { addRangeAxisConfig(rangeAxisConfigs.size(), rangeAxis); } public void removeRangeAxisConfig(RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { final int index = rangeAxisConfigs.indexOf(rangeAxis); removeRangeAxisConfig(index); } public int getNextId() { ++idCounter; debug("Generated ID " + idCounter); return idCounter; } public void changeIndex(int index, RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { if (ListUtility.changeIndex(rangeAxisConfigs, rangeAxis, index)) { linkAndBrushMaster.clearZooming(false); fireRangeAxisMoved(index, rangeAxis); } } public int getRangeAxisCount() { return rangeAxisConfigs.size(); } public void removeRangeAxisConfig(int index) { RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis = rangeAxisConfigs.get(index); rangeAxis.removeRangeAxisConfigListener(this); debug(" REMOVING RANGEAXIS with index " + index + " and ID " + rangeAxis.getId()); rangeAxisConfigs.remove(index); fireRangeAxisRemoved(index, rangeAxis); } public void addPlotConfigurationListener(PlotConfigurationListener l) { addPlotConfigurationListener(l, false); } /** * This functions registers a {@link PlotConfigurationListener} as * prioritized. This means that is is being informed at first when new * events are being processed. At the moment only one prioritized listener * may be registered at the same time. Check if you may register via * getPrioritizedListenerCount(). */ public void addPlotConfigurationListener(PlotConfigurationListener l, boolean prioritized) { if (prioritized) { synchronized (prioritizedListeners) { prioritizedListeners.add(new WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>(l)); } } else { synchronized (defaultListeners) { defaultListeners.add(new WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>(l)); } } } public int getPrioritizedListenerCount() { synchronized (prioritizedListeners) { return prioritizedListeners.size(); } } /** * Removes prioritized and default listeners if contained in one of these * lists. */ public void removePlotConfigurationListener(PlotConfigurationListener l) { synchronized(prioritizedListeners) { Iterator<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> it = prioritizedListeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PlotConfigurationListener listener = it.next().get(); if (listener == null || listener == l) { it.remove(); } } } synchronized (defaultListeners) { Iterator<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> it_default = defaultListeners.iterator(); while (it_default.hasNext()) { PlotConfigurationListener listener = it_default.next().get(); if (listener == null || listener == l) { it_default.remove(); } } } } /** * @return the title */ public String getTitleText() { return titleText; } /** * @param title * the title to set */ public void setTitleText(String title) { if (title != this.titleText) { this.titleText = title; fireTitleChanged(); } } /** * @return the titleFont */ public Font getTitleFont() { return titleFont; } /** * @param titleFont * the titleFont to set */ public void setTitleFont(Font titleFont) { if (!titleFont.equals(this.titleFont)) { this.titleFont = titleFont; fireTitleChanged(); } } /** * @return the backGroundColor */ public Color getPlotBackgroundColor() { return plotBackgroundColor; } /** * @param backgroundColor * the backGroundColor to set */ public void setPlotBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor) { if (!backgroundColor.equals(this.plotBackgroundColor)) { this.plotBackgroundColor = backgroundColor; firePlotBackgroundColorChanged(); } } /** * @return the axesFont */ public Font getAxesFont() { return axesFont; } /** * @param axesFont * the axesFont to set */ public void setAxesFont(Font axesFont) { if (axesFont != this.axesFont) { this.axesFont = axesFont; fireAxesFontChanged(); } } /** * Returns the next free color for a value source based on the active color * schema. */ public Color getNextColor() { int idx = 0; Set<Color> usedColors = new HashSet<Color>(); for (ValueSource valueSource : getAllValueSources()) { usedColors.add(DataStructureUtils.setColorAlpha(valueSource .getSeriesFormat().getItemColor(), 255)); } ColorScheme colorScheme = getActiveColorScheme(); while (usedColors.contains(CategoricalColorProvider .getColorForCategoryIdx(idx, colorScheme))) { ++idx; } return CategoricalColorProvider .getColorForCategoryIdx(idx, colorScheme); } /** * @return the orientation */ public PlotOrientation getOrientation() { return orientation; } /** * @param orientation * the orientation to set */ public void setOrientation(PlotOrientation orientation) { if (!this.orientation.equals(orientation)) { this.orientation = orientation; firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, orientation)); } } /** * @return the domainAxisLineStroke */ public float getAxisLineWidth() { return axisLineWidth; } /** * @return the domainAxisLineColor */ public Color getAxisLineColor() { return axisLineColor; } /** * @param domainAxisLineStroke * the domainAxisLineStroke to set */ public void setAxisLineWidth(float axisLineWidth) { if (axisLineWidth != this.axisLineWidth) { this.axisLineWidth = axisLineWidth; firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, axisLineWidth)); } } public void setAxisLineColor(Color axisLineColor) { if (!axisLineColor.equals(this.axisLineColor)) { this.axisLineColor = axisLineColor; firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.AXIS_LINE_COLOR, axisLineColor)); } } public Color getChartBackgroundColor() { return frameBackgroundColor; } /** * @param frameBackgroundColor * the chartBackgroundColor to set */ public void setFrameBackgroundColor(Color frameBackgroundColor) { if (!frameBackgroundColor.equals(this.frameBackgroundColor)) { this.frameBackgroundColor = frameBackgroundColor; fireChartBackgroundChanged(); } } private void fireRangeAxisMoved(int index, RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.RANGE_AXIS_CONFIG_MOVED, rangeAxis, index)); } } private void fireRangeAxisAdded(int index, RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.RANGE_AXIS_CONFIG_ADDED, rangeAxis, index)); } } private void fireRangeAxisRemoved(int index, RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.RANGE_AXIS_CONFIG_REMOVED, rangeAxis, index)); } } private void firePlotBackgroundColorChanged() { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.PLOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, plotBackgroundColor)); } } private void fireLegendChanged(LegendConfigurationChangeEvent change) { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, change)); } } private void fireChartBackgroundChanged() { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR, frameBackgroundColor)); } } /** * Sets the dimension config for a specific dimension. * * @param dimension * The dimension for which the config is specified. Must not be * VALUE or DOMAIN. * @param dimensionConfig * The new dimension config for the dimension. null means to * remove the dimension config. */ public void setDimensionConfig(PlotDimension dimension, DefaultDimensionConfig dimensionConfig) { DimensionConfig currentDimensionConfig = dimensionConfigMap .get(dimension); if (dimensionConfig != currentDimensionConfig) { if (dimensionConfig == null) { if (currentDimensionConfig != null) { currentDimensionConfig.removeDimensionConfigListener(this); } dimensionConfigMap.remove(dimension); fireDimensionConfigRemoved(dimension, currentDimensionConfig); } else { if (currentDimensionConfig != dimensionConfig) { if (currentDimensionConfig != null) { currentDimensionConfig .removeDimensionConfigListener(this); } dimensionConfigMap.put(dimension, dimensionConfig); dimensionConfig.addDimensionConfigListener(this); fireDimensionConfigAdded(dimension, dimensionConfig); } } } } private void informValueSourcesAboutDimensionChange( DimensionConfigChangeEvent e) { for (RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig : rangeAxisConfigs) { for (ValueSource valueSource : rangeAxisConfig.getValueSources()) { valueSource.dimensionConfigChanged(e); } } } private void fireAxesFontChanged() { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, axesFont)); } } /** * Returns a list of all {@link PlotValueConfig}s, no matter in which * {@link RangeAxisConfig} they are located. */ public List<ValueSource> getAllValueSources() { List<ValueSource> resultList = new LinkedList<ValueSource>(); for (RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig : getRangeAxisConfigs()) { resultList.addAll(rangeAxisConfig.getValueSources()); } return resultList; } /** * Returns the dimension config for the specified dimension. May return * <code>null</code> if not existing. */ public DimensionConfig getDimensionConfig(PlotDimension dimension) { if (dimension == PlotDimension.DOMAIN) { return domainConfigManager; } return dimensionConfigMap.get(dimension); } /** * Returns all existing dimension configurations except the DOMAIN dimension * config. This has to be fetched be getDomainConfigManager(). * * @return */ public Map<PlotDimension, DefaultDimensionConfig> getDefaultDimensionConfigs() { return dimensionConfigMap; } public SeriesFormat getAutomaticSeriesFormatForNextValueSource( RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig) { SeriesFormat seriesFormat = new SeriesFormat(); List<ValueSource> valueSourceList = rangeAxisConfig.getValueSources(); int size = valueSourceList.size(); if (size > 0) { ValueSource lastValueSource = valueSourceList.get(valueSourceList .size() - 1); SeriesFormat lastFormat = lastValueSource.getSeriesFormat(); // seriesFormat.setSeriesType(lastFormat.getSeriesType()); if (lastFormat.getSeriesType() == VisualizationType.LINES_AND_SHAPES) { if (lastFormat.getItemShape() == ItemShape.NONE) { seriesFormat.setItemShape(ItemShape.NONE); LineStyle[] values = LineStyle.values(); LineStyle nextItem = values[(size % (values.length - 1)) + 1]; seriesFormat.setLineStyle(nextItem); } else { ItemShape[] values = SeriesFormat.ItemShape.values(); ItemShape nextShape = values[(size % (values.length - 1)) + 1]; seriesFormat.setItemShape(nextShape); seriesFormat.setLineStyle(lastFormat.getLineStyle()); } seriesFormat.setLineWidth(lastFormat.getLineWidth()); seriesFormat.setItemSize(lastFormat.getItemSize()); } seriesFormat.setStackingMode(lastFormat.getStackingMode()); seriesFormat.setOpacity(lastFormat.getOpacity()); seriesFormat.setAreaFillStyle(lastFormat.getAreaFillStyle()); } seriesFormat.setItemColor(getNextColor()); return seriesFormat; } private void fireDimensionConfigAdded(PlotDimension dimension, DimensionConfig dimensionConfig) { if (!initializing) { // save old processing status boolean processEvents = isProcessingEvents(); // set processing to false setProcessEvents(false); informValueSourcesAboutDimensionChange(new DimensionConfigChangeEvent( dimensionConfig, dimension, DimensionConfigChangeType.RESET)); firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.DIMENSION_CONFIG_ADDED, dimension, dimensionConfig)); setProcessEvents(processEvents); // Restore old state } } private void fireDimensionConfigRemoved(PlotDimension dimension, DimensionConfig dimensionConfig) { if (!initializing) { // save old processing status boolean processEvents = isProcessingEvents(); // set processing to false setProcessEvents(false); informValueSourcesAboutDimensionChange(new DimensionConfigChangeEvent( dimensionConfig, dimension, DimensionConfigChangeType.RESET)); firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, PlotConfigurationChangeType.DIMENSION_CONFIG_REMOVED, dimension, dimensionConfig)); setProcessEvents(processEvents); // Restore old state } } private void fireTitleChanged() { if (!initializing) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, titleText)); } } private Color getColorFromProperty(String propertyName, Color errorColor) { String propertyString = ParameterService .getParameterValue(propertyName); if (propertyString != null) { String[] colors = propertyString.split(","); if (colors.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Color '" + propertyString + "' defined as value for property '" + propertyName + "' is not a vaild color. Colors must be of the form 'r,g,b'."); } else { Color color = new Color(Integer.parseInt(colors[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(colors[1].trim()), Integer.parseInt(colors[2].trim())); return color; } } else { return errorColor; } } /** * Tells the {@link PlotConfiguration} that the current event has been * processed. If all Listeners have processed the last current event this * triggers the next event to be processed if another is available. */ public synchronized void plotConfigurationChangeEventProcessed() { eventProcessed(false); } private synchronized void eventProcessed(boolean processedAtOnce) { listenersInformedCounter--; if (!processedAtOnce && listenersInformedCounter <= 0) { listenersInformedCounter = 0; resetCurrentEvent(); } } private synchronized void resetCurrentEvent() { // no changes to the event list may be done while adding removing change // events informOfProcessingStatus(false); currentEvent = null; listenersInformedCounter = 0; debug("PlotConfiguration: Reset current event.."); processQueueEvent(); } /** * If this parameter is true, events that happen inside this * PlotConfiguration, e.g. changes of RangeAxis, ValueSource etc. are * process by the event queue. If this parameter is false, no events are * processed. * * Best Practice to use it: boolean processing = isProcessingEvents(); * setProcessEvents(false); OTHER CODE setProcessEvents(processing); */ public synchronized void setProcessEvents(Boolean process) { this.processEvents = process; debug(" SET PROCESS EVENTS TO: " + process); if (processEvents) { processQueueEvent(); } } public synchronized boolean isProcessingEvents() { return processEvents.booleanValue(); } private void informOfProcessingStatus(boolean started) { // create a copy of listeners List<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationProcessingListener>> processingListenerCopy = new LinkedList<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationProcessingListener>>(); processingListenerCopy.addAll(processingListeners); // iterate over all listeners Iterator<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationProcessingListener>> defaultIt = processingListenerCopy .iterator(); while (defaultIt.hasNext()) { WeakReference<PlotConfigurationProcessingListener> wrl = defaultIt .next(); PlotConfigurationProcessingListener l = wrl.get(); if (l != null) { if (started) { l.startProcessing(); } else { l.endProcessing(); } } else { defaultIt.remove(); } } } private synchronized void processQueueEvent() { boolean booleanValue = false; debug("PROCESS EVENT QUEUE"); // eventInformCounter has to be synchronize to prevent reaching 0 value // while informing listeners booleanValue = processEvents.booleanValue(); debug("PROCESS EVENTS: " + booleanValue); debug("CURRENT EVENT: " + currentEvent); if (booleanValue && currentEvent == null) { // if no current event is being processed // no changes to the event list may be done while processing a new // event // if there is an events that needs to be handled do so if (eventList.size() > 0) { // get new event currentEvent = eventList.get(0); currentEvent.setSource(this.clone()); debug("GOT NEW CURRENT EVENT: " + currentEvent); StaticDebug.debugEvent(0, currentEvent); eventList.remove(0); informOfProcessingStatus(true); } else { debug("NO CURRENT EVENTS TO HANDLE"); StaticDebug.emptyDebugLine(); StaticDebug.emptyDebugLine(); // there are no recent events that have to be handled return; } // iterate over all listeners // first prioritizedListeners List<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> clonedPrioListeners = new LinkedList<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>>(); synchronized (prioritizedListeners) { clonedPrioListeners.addAll(prioritizedListeners); } Iterator<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> it = clonedPrioListeners.iterator(); // // set counter to > 0, so that it will never drop to zero while // we are in the loop. // // This prevents the currentEvent becoming null while we are // still informing listeners. // // Will be decreased by 1 after we have informed all listeners. // listenersInformedCounter++; while (it.hasNext()) { WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener> wrl = it.next(); PlotConfigurationListener l = wrl.get(); if (l != null) { // inform listener and increase informed counter listenersInformedCounter++; // if the event has been processed immediately decrease // informed counter if (l.plotConfigurationChanged(currentEvent)) { eventProcessed(true); } } else { // TODO this removes the element from the CLONED list, but should be removed from original list it.remove(); } } // then default listeners List<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> clonedDefaultListeners = new LinkedList<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>>(); synchronized (defaultListeners) { clonedDefaultListeners.addAll(defaultListeners); } Iterator<WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener>> defaultIt = clonedDefaultListeners.iterator(); while (defaultIt.hasNext()) { WeakReference<PlotConfigurationListener> wrl = defaultIt.next(); PlotConfigurationListener l = wrl.get(); if (l != null) { // inform listener and increase informed counter listenersInformedCounter++; // if the event has been processed immediately decrease // informed counter if (l.plotConfigurationChanged(currentEvent)) { eventProcessed(true); } } else { // TODO this removes the element from the CLONED list, but should be removed from original list defaultIt.remove(); } } // Decrease listener count, cause we increased it before (see // comment above) // listenersInformedCounter--; // if all event listeners have processed the event immediately if (listenersInformedCounter <= 0) { // remove event from list resetCurrentEvent(); } } return; } /** * Adds an {@link PlotConfigurationChangeEvent} to the event queue. Tries to * process new event afterwards, if no other event is being processed. * * @param e */ private synchronized void addEventToQueue(PlotConfigurationChangeEvent e) { debug("ADD EVENT TO QUEUE"); // no changes to the event list may be done while adding new change // events if (eventList.size() > 0) { PlotConfigurationChangeEvent plotConfigurationChangeEvent = eventList .get(0); if (plotConfigurationChangeEvent.getType() == PlotConfigurationChangeType.META_CHANGE) { plotConfigurationChangeEvent.addPlotConfigChangeEvent(this, e); debug("ADD EVENT TO META EVENT"); } else { List<PlotConfigurationChangeEvent> events = new LinkedList<PlotConfigurationChangeEvent>(); events.add(plotConfigurationChangeEvent); events.add(e); PlotConfigurationChangeEvent metaEvent = new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent( this, events); eventList.set(0, metaEvent); debug("CREATE NEW META EVENT"); } } else { debug("ADD EVENT TO LIST"); eventList.add(e); } processQueueEvent(); } private void firePlotConfigurationChanged(PlotConfigurationChangeEvent e) { if (!initializing) { debug("Firing a PlotConfigChangeEvent"); addEventToQueue(e); } } public DomainConfigManager getDomainConfigManager() { return domainConfigManager; } private void debug(String msg) { if (cloned_debug) { StaticDebug.debug("CLONED PlotConfig(" + unique_debug_id + "): " + msg); } else { StaticDebug.debug("PlotConfig(" + unique_debug_id + "): " + msg); } } @Override public void dimensionConfigChanged(DimensionConfigChangeEvent change) { DimensionConfigChangeType type = change.getType(); // save old processing status boolean processEvents = isProcessingEvents(); // set processing to false setProcessEvents(false); switch (type) { case ABOUT_TO_CHANGE_GROUPING: changingGrouping = true; break; case GROUPING_CHANGED: ValueGroupingChangeEvent groupingChange = change .getGroupingChangeEvent(); if (groupingChange.getType() == ValueGroupingChangeType.RESET) { if (changingGrouping) changingGrouping = false; } informValueSourcesAboutDimensionChange(change); linkAndBrushMaster.clearZooming(false); firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, change)); break; case RANGE: ValueRangeChangeEvent rangeChange = change .getValueRangeChangedEvent(); if (rangeChange.getType() == ValueRangeChangeType.RESET) { } informValueSourcesAboutDimensionChange(change); linkAndBrushMaster.clearZooming(false); firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, change)); break; default: if (!changingGrouping) { informValueSourcesAboutDimensionChange(change); linkAndBrushMaster.clearZooming(false); firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent( this, change)); } break; } setProcessEvents(processEvents); } @Override public void rangeAxisConfigChanged(RangeAxisConfigChangeEvent e) { switch (e.getType()) { case AUTO_NAMING: case LABEL: break; case VALUE_SOURCE_CHANGED: ValueSourceChangeEvent valueSourceChange = e.getValueSourceChange(); boolean shouldBreak = false; switch (valueSourceChange.getType()) { case SERIES_FORMAT_CHANGED: shouldBreak = true; break; default: linkAndBrushMaster.clearZooming(false); } if (shouldBreak) { break; } default: linkAndBrushMaster.clearRangeAxisZooming(false); } firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, e)); } public List<PlotConfigurationError> getErrors() { List<PlotConfigurationError> errors = new LinkedList<PlotConfigurationError>(); errors.addAll(domainConfigManager.getErrors()); errors.addAll(linkAndBrushMaster.getErrors()); for (DimensionConfig dimensionConfig : dimensionConfigMap.values()) { errors.addAll(dimensionConfig.getErrors()); } for (RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig : rangeAxisConfigs) { errors.addAll(rangeAxisConfig.getErrors()); } return errors; } public List<PlotConfigurationError> getWarnings() { List<PlotConfigurationError> warnings = new LinkedList<PlotConfigurationError>(); warnings.addAll(domainConfigManager.getWarnings()); warnings.addAll(linkAndBrushMaster.getWarnings()); for (DimensionConfig dimensionConfig : dimensionConfigMap.values()) { warnings.addAll(dimensionConfig.getWarnings()); if (!isDimensionUsed(dimensionConfig.getDimension())) { warnings.add(new PlotConfigurationError( "dimension_config_not_used", dimensionConfig .getDimension().getName())); } } boolean emptyAxis = false; for (RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig : rangeAxisConfigs) { warnings.addAll(rangeAxisConfig.getWarnings()); if (rangeAxisConfig.getSize() == 0) { emptyAxis = true; } } if (emptyAxis) { warnings.add(new PlotConfigurationError( "no_data_configuration_assigned")); } return warnings; } public boolean isDimensionUsed(PlotDimension dimension) { if (dimension != PlotDimension.DOMAIN) { DimensionConfig dimensionConfig = getDimensionConfig(dimension); if (dimensionConfig == null) { return false; } if (!dimensionConfig.isGrouping()) { if (getDomainConfigManager().getGroupingState() == GroupingState.GROUPED) { return false; } } return true; } else { return true; } } public boolean isValid() { return getErrors().isEmpty(); } public double getMinShapeSize() { return MIN_SHAPE_SCALING_FACTOR; } public double getMaxShapeSize() { return MAX_SHAPE_SCALING_FACTOR; } public PlotConfiguration clone() { PlotConfiguration clone = new PlotConfiguration( domainConfigManager.clone(), legendConfiguration.clone()); clone.cloned_debug = true; debug(" Started CLONING"); clone.initializing = true; clone.domainConfigManager.setPlotConfiguration(clone); clone.axesFont = axesFont; clone.changingGrouping = changingGrouping; clone.changingRange = changingRange; clone.frameBackgroundColor = frameBackgroundColor; // copy color schemes clone.colorSchemes = new HashMap<String, ColorScheme>(); for (String key : colorSchemes.keySet()) { clone.colorSchemes.put(key, colorSchemes.get(key).clone()); } clone.activeSchemeName = activeSchemeName; clone.axisLineColor = axisLineColor; clone.axisLineWidth = axisLineWidth; clone.orientation = orientation; clone.plotBackgroundColor = plotBackgroundColor; clone.titleFont = titleFont; clone.titleText = titleText; clone.titleColor = titleColor; clone.idCounter = idCounter; // clone dimension configs for (Map.Entry<PlotDimension, DefaultDimensionConfig> entry : dimensionConfigMap .entrySet()) { clone.setDimensionConfig(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().clone()); } // clone range axis configs for (RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig : getRangeAxisConfigs()) { clone.addRangeAxisConfig(rangeAxisConfig.clone()); } // update domain config manager on cloned value sources for (ValueSource clonedValueSource : clone.getAllValueSources()) { clonedValueSource.setDomainConfigManager(clone .getDomainConfigManager()); } clone.linkAndBrushMaster = linkAndBrushMaster.clone(clone); clone.initializing = false; debug(" CLONING done"); return clone; } public ColorScheme getDefaultColorScheme() { List<ColorRGB> listOfColors = new LinkedList<ColorRGB>(); Color minColor = getColorFromProperty( MainFrame.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_GUI_PLOTTER_LEGEND_MINCOLOR, Color.BLUE); ColorRGB minColorRGB = ColorRGB.convertColorToColorRGB(minColor); listOfColors.add(minColorRGB); Color maxColor = getColorFromProperty( MainFrame.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_GUI_PLOTTER_LEGEND_MAXCOLOR, Color.RED); ColorRGB maxColorRGB = ColorRGB.convertColorToColorRGB(maxColor); listOfColors.add(maxColorRGB); Color third = ContinuousColorProvider.getColorForValue(3, 255, false, 0, 4, minColor, maxColor); listOfColors.add(ColorRGB.convertColorToColorRGB(third)); Color second = ContinuousColorProvider.getColorForValue(2, 255, false, 0, 5, minColor, maxColor); listOfColors.add(ColorRGB.convertColorToColorRGB(second)); Color first = ContinuousColorProvider.getColorForValue(1, 255, false, 0, 5, minColor, maxColor); listOfColors.add(ColorRGB.convertColorToColorRGB(first)); return new ColorScheme( I18N.getGUILabel("plotter.default_color_scheme_name.label"), listOfColors, minColorRGB, maxColorRGB); } /** * @param colorScheme * the colorScheme to set */ public void setColorSchemes(Map<String, ColorScheme> colorSchemes, String activeColorSchemeName) { boolean changed = false; ColorScheme oldActiveScheme = getActiveColorScheme(); if (!colorSchemes.equals(this.colorSchemes)) { this.colorSchemes = colorSchemes; changed = true; } if (!oldActiveScheme.equals(colorSchemes.get(activeColorSchemeName))) { setActiveScheme(activeColorSchemeName); changed = true; } if (changed) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, getActiveColorScheme())); } } public Map<String, ColorScheme> getColorSchemes() { return colorSchemes; } private void setActiveScheme(String name) { this.activeSchemeName = name; // fetch new active color scheme ColorScheme colorScheme = colorSchemes.get(name); if (colorScheme == null) { colorSchemes.put(name, getDefaultColorScheme()); } // save old processing status boolean processEvents = isProcessingEvents(); // set processing to false setProcessEvents(false); for (PlotDimension dimension : PlotDimension.values()) { DimensionConfig dimConf = getDimensionConfig(dimension); if (dimConf != null) { dimConf.colorSchemeChanged(); } } setProcessEvents(processEvents); } public void setActiveColorScheme(String name) { // check if colorscheme has changed if (!this.activeSchemeName.equals(name)) { setActiveScheme(name); firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, getActiveColorScheme())); } } /** * @return the colorScheme */ public ColorScheme getActiveColorScheme() { ColorScheme activeColorScheme = colorSchemes.get(activeSchemeName); if (activeColorScheme == null) { return getDefaultColorScheme(); } return activeColorScheme; } public PlotConfigurationChangeEvent getCurrentEvent() { return currentEvent; } /** * Adds a {@link ColorScheme} to the existing ones. If another * {@link ColorScheme} with same name already exists it will be overwritten. */ public void addColorScheme(ColorScheme colorScheme) { colorSchemes.put(colorScheme.getName(), colorScheme); } /** * Adds a {@link ColorScheme} to the existing ones. If another * {@link ColorScheme} with same name already exists it will be overwritten. * Afterwards it is set to be the active {@link ColorScheme}. */ public void addColorSchemeAndSetActive(ColorScheme colorScheme) { addColorScheme(colorScheme); setActiveScheme(colorScheme.getName()); firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, getActiveColorScheme())); } /** * Removes {@link ColorScheme} with parameter name if present. */ public void removeColorScheme(String name) { colorSchemes.remove(name); } /** * @return the link and brush master */ public LinkAndBrushMaster getLinkAndBrushMaster() { return linkAndBrushMaster; } /** * Returns whether grouping is required or not. Grouping of new * {@link ValueSource}s is required if a containing {@link ValueSource} is * grouped and the selected grouping is categorical. * * Lives here and not in {@link RangeAxisConfig} because needs the domain * config manager of this {@link PlotConfiguration}. */ public boolean isGroupingRequiredForNewValueSource(RangeAxisConfig rangeAxis) { List<ValueSource> valueSources = rangeAxis.getValueSources(); for (ValueSource source : valueSources) { if (source.isUsingDomainGrouping() && getDomainConfigManager().isNominal()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void selectedLinkAndBrushRectangle(LinkAndBrushSelection e) { linkAndBrushMaster.selectedLinkAndBrushRectangle(e); } public static int getMaxAllowedValueCount() { String parameterValue = ParameterService .getParameterValue(MainFrame.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_GUI_PLOTTER_ROWS_MAXIMUM); if (parameterValue != null) { return Integer.parseInt(parameterValue); } else { return PlotConfiguration.GUI_PLOTTER_ROWS_MAXIMUM_IF_RAPIDMINER_PROPERTY_NOT_READABLE; } } @Override public void legendConfigurationChanged(LegendConfigurationChangeEvent change) { fireLegendChanged(change); } public LegendConfiguration getLegendConfiguration() { return legendConfiguration; } /** * Removes all value sources, dimension configs and range axes, and resets * all options to their default values. */ public void resetToDefaults() { boolean processing = isProcessingEvents(); // do it this strange way to counter concurrent modification exception while (!getRangeAxisConfigs().isEmpty()) { removeRangeAxisConfig(0); } // do it this strange way to counter concurrent modification exception while (!getDefaultDimensionConfigs().isEmpty()) { setDimensionConfig(getDefaultDimensionConfigs().keySet().iterator() .next(), null); } domainConfigManager.resetToDefaults(); setAxesFont(DEFAULT_AXES_FONT); setFrameBackgroundColor(DEFAULT_FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR); setPlotBackgroundColor(DEFAULT_PLOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); setOrientation(DEFAULT_PLOT_ORIENTATION); setTitleText(DEFAULT_TITLE_TEXT); setAxisLineWidth(DEFAULT_AXIS_LINE_WIDTH); setAxisLineColor(DEFAULT_AXIS_COLOR); legendConfiguration.resetToDefaults(); addRangeAxisConfig(new RangeAxisConfig(null, this)); setProcessEvents(processing); } public void addPlotConfigurationProcessingListener( PlotConfigurationProcessingListener l) { processingListeners .add(new WeakReference<PlotConfigurationProcessingListener>(l)); } public void removePlotConfigurationProcessingListener( PlotConfigurationProcessingListener l) { processingListeners.remove(l); } public RangeAxisConfig getRangeAxisConfigById(int id) { for (RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig : getRangeAxisConfigs()) { if (rangeAxisConfig.getId() == id) { return rangeAxisConfig; } } return null; } /** * Returns the index of the {@link RangeAxisConfig} with a given id. * * @param id * @return The index of the range axis, or -1 if no such range axis exists. */ public int getIndexOfRangeAxisConfigById(int id) { int idx = 0; for (RangeAxisConfig rangeAxisConfig : getRangeAxisConfigs()) { if (rangeAxisConfig.getId() == id) { return idx; } ++idx; } return -1; } public DefaultDimensionConfig getDefaultDimensionConfigById( int dimensionConfigId) { if (domainConfigManager.getDomainConfig(true).getId() == dimensionConfigId) { return domainConfigManager.getDomainConfig(true); } if (domainConfigManager.getDomainConfig(false).getId() == dimensionConfigId) { return domainConfigManager.getDomainConfig(false); } for (DefaultDimensionConfig dimensionConfig : getDefaultDimensionConfigs() .values()) { if (dimensionConfig.getId() == dimensionConfigId) { return dimensionConfig; } } return null; } /** * @return */ public Color getTitleColor() { return titleColor; } public void setTitleColor(Color titleColor) { this.titleColor = titleColor; fireTitleChanged(); } /** * This function can be used to fire a TRIGGER_REPLOT event. */ public void triggerReplot() { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this)); } @Override public void linkAndBrushUpdate(LinkAndBrushSelection e) { firePlotConfigurationChanged(new PlotConfigurationChangeEvent(this, e)); } }