package; import; import; import; public interface ElementDragManager { public class StopCondition { public static final int STOP_CONDITION_MOVEMENT_STOP = 1; public static final int STOP_CONDITION_MOUSE_CLICK = 2; } /** * Starts a mouse move/drag operation. Takes care of placing a drag panel on top of all others to capture events, etc. * @param targetElement The element that initially started the operation * @param referenceElem The element relative to which the position will be calculated * @param referenceOffset An additional constant offset added to the position * @param moveHandler Called when the mouse moves * @param stopHandler Called when the operation ends * @param cancelHandler Called when the operation is cancelled * @param stopConditions Conditions for stopping the operation - a bit field of StopCondition values. At least one value must be set. * @param dragStyleName the style name to apply to the target element while dragging * @return a handler which the caller must doFire when it wants to force a stop on the operation */ SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> startMouseMoveOperation( final Element targetElement, final Element referenceElem, final Point2D referenceOffset, MouseMoveOperationHandler handler, int stopConditions); /** * Starts a mouse move/drag operation. Takes care of placing a drag panel on top of all others to capture events, etc. * @param targetElement The element that initially started the operation. The position will be calculated relative to this element's position. * @param referenceOffset A constant offset added to the position * @param moveHandler Called when the mouse moves * @param stopHandler Called when the operation ends * @param cancelHandler Called when the operation is cancelled * @param stopConditions Conditions for stopping the operation - a bit field of StopCondition values. At least one value must be set. * @param dragStyleName the style name to apply to the target element while dragging * @return a handler which the caller must doFire when it wants to force a stop on the operation */ SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> startMouseMoveOperation(final Element targetElement, final Point2D referenceOffset, MouseMoveOperationHandler handler, int stopConditions); }