package com.project.shared.client.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.project.shared.client.utils.StyleUtils.UserSelectionMode; import; import; import; public abstract class ElementUtils { private static final String CONTENTEDITABLE = "contenteditable"; /** * A wrapper for the native {@link Element#getChildNodes()} that returns a java ArrayList. */ public static ArrayList<Node> getChildNodes(Element element) { return NodeUtils.fromNodeList(element.getChildNodes()); } public static ArrayList<Element> getChildElements(Element element) { ArrayList<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (Node childNode : ElementUtils.getChildNodes(element)) { if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE != childNode.getNodeType()) { continue; } elements.add(; } return elements; } public static boolean areOverlappingElements(Element element1, Element element2) { // TODO: fix bugs in Rectangle and use isOverlapping instead of isExternalCircleOverlapping return ElementUtils.getElementAbsoluteRectangle(element1).isExternalCircleOverlapping( ElementUtils.getElementAbsoluteRectangle(element2)); } public static Rectangle getElementAbsoluteRectangle(Element element) { // remember that css coordinates are from top-left of screen // and css rotation is clockwise return new Rectangle(ElementUtils.getAbsoluteLeftWithoutTransforms(element), ElementUtils.getAbsoluteTopWithoutTransforms(element), ElementUtils.getAbsoluteRightWithoutTransforms(element), ElementUtils.getAbsoluteBottomWithoutTransforms(element), getRotation(element)); } public static Rectangle getElementOffsetRectangle(Element element) { // remember that css coordinates are from top-left of screen // and css rotation is clockwise return new Rectangle(element.getOffsetLeft(), element.getOffsetTop(), element.getOffsetLeft() + element.getOffsetWidth(), element.getOffsetTop() + element.getOffsetHeight(), getRotation(element)); } // TODO: warning, this may keep element objects alive after not being used! private static HashMap<Element, Double> rotations = new HashMap<Element, Double>(); public static void setRotation(Element element, double degrees) { ElementUtils.setRotation(element, degrees, 0); } public static void setRotation(Element element, double degrees, int animationDuration) { if (0 == animationDuration) { cssSetRotation(element, degrees); } else { new RotationAnimation(element, degrees).run(animationDuration); } if (0 == degrees) { rotations.remove(element); } rotations.put(element, degrees); } public static void setTransformOriginTopLeft(Element element) { String originValue = "0 0"; setTransformOrigin(element, originValue); } private static void setTransformOrigin(Element element, String originValue) { StyleUtils.setPropertyForAllVendors(element.getStyle(), "transformOrigin", originValue); } public static void resetTransformOrigin(Element element) { setTransformOrigin(element, ""); } /** * Get the rotation of an element. Assumes that rotations were all set using {@link #setRotation(Element, double)} * or {@link #setRotation(Element, double, int)}, and either one of the following holds: * * <el> * <li>The element was rotated and no ancestor of the element was rotated</li> * <li>The element was not rotated, but a single ancestor was rotated around the same axis as the element's rotation axis</li> * </el> */ public static double getRotation(Element element) { Double rotation; while (true) { rotation = rotations.get(element); if (null != rotation) { break; } if (false == element.hasParentElement()) { return 0; } element = element.getParentElement(); } return rotation; } private static class RotationAnimation extends Animation { private Element element; private double targetDegrees; private double startDegrees; public RotationAnimation(Element element, double degrees) { this.element = element; this.targetDegrees = MathUtils.normalAbsoluteDegrees(degrees); this.startDegrees = MathUtils.normalAbsoluteDegrees(ElementUtils.getRotation(element)); if (Math.abs(this.startDegrees - degrees) > Math.abs(this.startDegrees - MathUtils.CIRCLE_DEGREES + degrees)) { this.targetDegrees = MathUtils.CIRCLE_DEGREES - degrees; } } @Override protected void onUpdate(double progress) { double curRotation = ((targetDegrees - startDegrees) * Math.max(0, progress)) + startDegrees; cssSetRotation(element, curRotation); } }; private static void cssSetRotation(Element element, double degrees) { StyleUtils.setPropertyForAllVendors(element.getStyle(), "transform", "rotate(" + degrees + "deg)"); } public static void setTextSelectionEnabled(Element element, boolean isEnabled) { StyleUtils.setUserSelectionMode(element.getStyle(), isEnabled ? UserSelectionMode.Text : UserSelectionMode.None); ElementUtils.setDisabledOnDragHandler(element, false == isEnabled); ElementUtils.setDisabledOnSelectStartHandler(element, false == isEnabled); } public static native final void setDisabledOnDragHandler(Element element, boolean disabled) /*-{ if (disabled) { element.ondrag = function() { return false; }; } else { element.ondrag = null; } }-*/; public static native final void setDisabledOnSelectStartHandler(Element element, boolean disabled) /*-{ if (disabled) { element.onselectstart = function() { return false; }; } else { element.onselectstart = null; } }-*/; /** * Calculates the position of the mouse event relative to a given element. * <strong>Don't use event.getRelativeX/Y!</strong>, because Firefox and IE/Chrome have different results for when the element is rotated. * @param event * @param elem * @return */ public static Point2D getRelativePosition(MouseEvent<?> event, Element elem) { Point2D eventPos = new Point2D(event.getClientX(), event.getClientY()); final Point2D elementAbsolutePosition = ElementUtils.getElementAbsolutePosition(elem); return eventPos.minus(elementAbsolutePosition); } public static Point2D getMousePositionRelativeToElement(final Element that) { Point2D mousePos = EventUtils.getCurrentMousePos(); if (null == mousePos) { // can happen if no event is being processed right now. return null; } final Rectangle elementAbsoluteRectangle = ElementUtils.getElementAbsoluteRectangle(that); return mousePos.minus(elementAbsoluteRectangle.getCorners().topLeft) .getRotated(-Math.toRadians(elementAbsoluteRectangle.getRotation())); } private static class PositionAnimation extends Animation { private Point2D pos; private Point2D oldPos; private Element element; public PositionAnimation(Point2D oldPos, Point2D pos, Element element) { this.oldPos = oldPos; this.pos = pos; this.element = element; } @Override protected void onUpdate(double progress) { Point2D curPos = pos.minus(oldPos).mul(Math.max(0, progress)).plus(oldPos); setElementCSSPosition(element, curPos); } }; /** * TODO: For animation to work without glitches, the element must not have * margins, because getElementOffsetPosition does not take them into * account, but setElementPosition does. */ public static void setElementCSSPosition(final Element element, final Point2D pos, int animationDuration) { if (0 == animationDuration) { ElementUtils.setElementCSSPosition(element, pos); return; } final Point2D oldPos = getElementOffsetPosition(element); PositionAnimation anim = new PositionAnimation(oldPos, pos, element);; } /** * Sets the element's style's top and left css properties, in PX units, to the given coordinates. * @param element * @param pos */ public static void setElementCSSPosition(Element element, Point2D pos) { element.getStyle().setLeft(pos.getX(), Unit.PX); element.getStyle().setTop(pos.getY(), Unit.PX); } public static Point2D getElementCSSPosition(Element element) { Style style = element.getStyle(); Integer left = StyleUtils.getLeftPx(style); Integer top = StyleUtils.getTopPx(style); if (null == left || null == top) { return null; } return new Point2D(left, top); } /** * The number of pixels that the upper top-left corner of the current element is offset to the top-left within the offsetParent node. * * Does not include padding or border of the child element. */ public static Point2D getElementOffsetPosition(Element element) { return new Point2D(element.getOffsetLeft(), element.getOffsetTop()); } /** * Returns the element's absolute position <strong>disregarding css transforms</strong> (as if no transforms are applied) * @param element */ public static Point2D getElementAbsolutePosition(Element element) { return new Point2D(ElementUtils.getAbsoluteLeftWithoutTransforms(element), ElementUtils.getAbsoluteTopWithoutTransforms(element)); } /** * An alternative to GWT's own implementation of getAbsoluteLeft/Top which is inconsistent among browsers. * * We took GWT's implementation from DOMImpl and added - curr.clientLeft/Top to include the borders in * the calculation. * * TODO: Force GWT to use this function instead of <code>getAbsoluteLeft</code> using deferred binding. * * @See <a href="">GWT issue 5645</a> * @param elem */ public static native int getAbsoluteLeftWithoutTransforms(Element elem) /*-{ var left = 0; var curr = elem; // This intentionally excludes body which has a null offsetParent. while (curr.offsetParent) { left -= curr.scrollLeft - curr.clientLeft; curr = curr.parentNode; } while (elem) { left += elem.offsetLeft; elem = elem.offsetParent; } if (isNaN(left)) { return 0; } return Math.floor(left); }-*/; /** * See {@link #getAbsoluteLeftWithoutTransforms(Element)} */ public static native int getAbsoluteTopWithoutTransforms(Element elem) /*-{ var top = 0; var curr = elem; // This intentionally excludes body which has a null offsetParent. while (curr.offsetParent) { top -= curr.scrollTop - curr.clientTop; curr = curr.parentNode; } while (elem) { top += elem.offsetTop; elem = elem.offsetParent; } if (isNaN(top)) { return 0; } return Math.floor(top); }-*/; /** * See {@link #getAbsoluteLeftWithoutTransforms(Element)} */ public static int getAbsoluteBottomWithoutTransforms(Element elem) { return getAbsoluteTopWithoutTransforms(elem) + elem.getOffsetHeight(); } /** * See {@link #getAbsoluteLeftWithoutTransforms(Element)} */ public static int getAbsoluteRightWithoutTransforms(Element elem) { return getAbsoluteLeftWithoutTransforms(elem) + elem.getOffsetWidth(); } /** * Note: this size includes padding, scroll bars (and margin?) of the element. * @See <a href="">Mozilla article about dimensions</a> */ public static Point2D getElementOffsetSize(Element element) { return new Point2D(element.getOffsetWidth(), element.getOffsetHeight()); } /** * Returns the size including padding but not margin, scrollbars, etc. */ public static Point2D getElementClientSize(Element element) { return new Point2D(element.getClientWidth(), element.getClientHeight()); } public static void setElementSize(Element element, Point2D size) { element.getStyle().setWidth(size.getX(), Unit.PX); element.getStyle().setHeight(size.getY(), Unit.PX); } public static void setElementRectangle(Element element, Rectangle rectangle) { setElementCSSPosition(element, new Point2D(rectangle.getLeft(), rectangle.getTop())); setElementSize(element, rectangle.getSize()); } public static void setBackgroundImage(Element element, Image image, boolean autoSize) { if (autoSize) { Point2D imageSize = new Point2D(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); // getWidth/getHeight return zero if the image size is not known. So don't set it. if (false == Objects.equal(imageSize, { ElementUtils.setElementSize(element, imageSize); } } element.getStyle().setBackgroundImage( StyleUtils.buildBackgroundUrl(image.getUrl())); } public static void setBackgroundImageAsync(final Element element, String imageUrl, String errorImageUrl, final boolean autoSize, final SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> loadHandler, final SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> errorHandler) { ImageLoader imageLoader = new ImageLoader(); imageLoader.addLoadHandler(new SimpleEvent.Handler<KeyValue<Integer,Image>>() { @Override public void onFire(KeyValue<Integer, Image> arg) { ElementUtils.setBackgroundImage(element, arg.getValue(), autoSize); loadHandler.onFire(null); }; }); imageLoader.addErrorHandler(new SimpleEvent.Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { errorHandler.onFire(null); }; }); imageLoader.load(new String[]{imageUrl, errorImageUrl}); } public static void addClassName(Element element, String className) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(className)) { return; } element.addClassName(className); } public static void removeClassName(Element element, String className) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(className)) { return; } element.removeClassName(className); } public static void generateId(String prefix, Element elem) { elem.setId(prefix + "_" + String.valueOf(Random.nextInt())); } /** * Merges or removes redundant span elements from the hierarchy rooted at rootElem. * The merges that are done are: * <el> * <li>If two adjacent siblings are spans and have the same style, they are merged.</li> * <li>If an element has only a single child and it is a span, it is merged with the child.</li> * <li>If a span has no style properties (it completely inherits parent styles) - replace it with its children (move the children to the parent and remove the span).</li> * </el> * <p>TODO: Merge adjacent text nodes.</p> * @param rootElem * @return True if the tree was changed; false otherwise. */ public static boolean mergeSpans(Element rootElem) { boolean anyChangeOccured = false; boolean hasChanged = false; do { // first, merge any adjacent child spans that have identical styles hasChanged = ElementUtils.mergeSiblingSpans(rootElem); while (true) { // repeat until current element doesn't have a single child to be merged with if (ElementUtils.mergeUpSingleChildSpan(rootElem)) { hasChanged = true; continue; } break; } // Perform the same on all element children for (Node childNode : ElementUtils.getChildNodes(rootElem)) { if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE != childNode.getNodeType()) { continue; } Element childElem =; if (ElementUtils.isSpanElement(childElem) && StyleUtils.hasCompletelyInheritedStyle(childElem)) { for (Node grandChildNode : Lists.reverse(ElementUtils.getChildNodes(childElem))) { grandChildNode.removeFromParent(); rootElem.insertAfter(grandChildNode, childElem); } rootElem.removeChild(childElem); hasChanged = true; } else { hasChanged |= ElementUtils.mergeSpans(childElem); } } anyChangeOccured |= hasChanged; } while (hasChanged); return anyChangeOccured; } /** * Merges every two adjacent span children of the given <code>element</code> if they have equivalent styles. * @param element * @return True if any change was made to the tree; false otherwise. */ private static boolean mergeSiblingSpans(Element element) { boolean hasChanged = false; Element previousChild = null; for (Node childNode : ElementUtils.getChildNodes(element)) { if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE != childNode.getNodeType()) { previousChild = null; continue; } Element childElem =; if (false == ElementUtils.isSpanElement(childElem)) { previousChild = null; continue; } if (null == previousChild) { previousChild = childElem; continue; } if (false == StyleUtils.areComputedStylesEquivalent(previousChild, childElem)) { // can't unify. previousChild = childElem; continue; } // Unify the spans. for (Node grandChildNode : ElementUtils.getChildNodes(childElem)) { grandChildNode.removeFromParent(); previousChild.appendChild(grandChildNode); } childElem.removeFromParent(); hasChanged = true; } return hasChanged; } public static boolean isSpanElement(Element elem) { return (null != elem) && elem.getTagName().toLowerCase().equals("span"); } /** * Checks if the given element has a single child which is a <span> * if yes, it moves all the grand children (the children of the <span>) * to become children of this element, and then removes the empty <span>. * Also, the style of the span is moved up to the element. * @param element The element for which to perform the operation, if there's a single span child. */ public static boolean mergeUpSingleChildSpan(Element element) { if (1 != element.getChildCount()) { return false; } Node childNode = element.getChild(0); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE != childNode.getNodeType()) { return false; } Element childElem =; if (false == ElementUtils.isSpanElement(childElem)) { return false; } StyleUtils.copyStyle(childElem, element, false); StyleUtils.copyStyle(element, childElem, true); for (Node node : ElementUtils.getChildNodes(childElem)) { node.removeFromParent(); element.appendChild(node); } childElem.removeFromParent(); return true; } public static void setContentEditable(Element element, boolean isContentEditable) { if (isContentEditable) { element.removeAttribute(CONTENTEDITABLE); } else { element.setAttribute(CONTENTEDITABLE, "true"); } } public static Rectangle tryGetPaddingRectangle(Element elem) { Style style = StyleUtils.getComputedStyle(elem, null); Integer left = StyleUtils.fromPXUnitString(style.getPaddingLeft()); Integer top = StyleUtils.fromPXUnitString(style.getPaddingTop()); Integer right = StyleUtils.fromPXUnitString(style.getPaddingRight()); Integer bottom = StyleUtils.fromPXUnitString(style.getPaddingBottom()); if ((null != left) && (null != top) && (null != right) && (null != bottom)) { return new Rectangle(left, top, right, bottom); } return null; } }