package; import; /** * This abstract implementation of {@link} is a more streamlined way for chaining * functions than guava's {@link} library */ public abstract class Func<A, B> implements Function<A,B> { public abstract B apply(A arg); public <C> Func<A, C> then(final Function<B, C> next) { final Func<A, B> that = this; return new Func<A, C> () { @Override public C apply(A arg) { return next.apply(that.apply(arg)); } }; } public <C> AsyncFunc<A,C> then(final AsyncFunc<B, C> next) { return AsyncFunc.fromFunc(this).then(next); } /** * Converts this Func to one with any result type. The result value will always be the value given 'res'. */ public <C> Func<A,C> constResult(C res) { return this.then(Func.<B,C>constFunc(res)); } public <C> Func<C,B> constArg(final A constArg) { return Func.<C,A>constFunc(constArg).then(this); } public static <A,B> Func<A, B> constFunc(final B value) { return new Func<A,B>(){ @Override public B apply(A arg) { return value; }}; } public static <A,B> Func<A,B> fromFunction(final Function<A,B> func) { return new Func<A,B>() { @Override public B apply(A arg) { return func.apply(arg); }}; } public static abstract class Action<A> extends Func<A, Void> { @Override public Void apply(A arg) { this.exec(arg); return null; } public abstract void exec(A arg); public static Action<Object> empty = new Action<Object>() { @Override public void exec(Object arg) {} }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Action<T> empty() { return (Action<T>)empty; } } public static abstract class VoidAction extends Action<Void> { public abstract void exec(); @Override public void exec(Void arg) { this.exec(); } } }