package com.project.shared.client.utils; import; import; import; import; import; public class UrlUtils { public static final String PROTOCOL_DELIMETER = "://"; public static final String PROTOCOL_HTTP = "http"; private static RegExp urlValidator = null; private static RegExp urlPlusTldValidator = null; public static StringEncoder getUrlEncoder() { return new StringEncoder(){ @Override public String encode(String value) { return URL.encode(value); } @Override public String decode(String value) { return URL.decode(value); }}; } public static boolean isValidUrl(String url, boolean topLevelDomainRequired) { if (urlValidator == null || urlPlusTldValidator == null) { urlValidator = RegExp .compile("^((ftp|http|https)://[\\w@.\\-\\_]+(:\\d{1,5})?(/[\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\_\\-/]+)*){1}$"); urlPlusTldValidator = RegExp .compile("^((ftp|http|https)://[\\w@.\\-\\_]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(:\\d{1,5})?(/[\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\_\\-/]+)*){1}$"); } return (topLevelDomainRequired ? urlPlusTldValidator : urlValidator).exec(url) != null; } /** * Compares two urls by first decoding and trimming them. Note that depending on the server * the urls may not really be equivalent (for example if the server treats encodings differently). * However for most purposes this is probably a good enough comparison. */ public static boolean areEquivalent(String url1, String url2) { if ((null == url1) || (null == url2)) { return url1 == url2; } return URL.decode(url1).trim().equals(URL.decode(url2).trim()); } /** * Encodes the url but first decodes it to prevent double-encoding of escape characters (such as %) */ public static String encodeOnce(String url) { return URL.encode(URL.decode(url)); } public static String buildUrl(String url, String queryString) { if (queryString == null) { return url; } return url + "?" + queryString; } public static String buildUrl(String url, StringKeyValue... queryParams) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); for (KeyValue<String, String> queryParam : queryParams) { appendQueryParameter(query, queryParam.getKey(), queryParam.getValue()); } return UrlUtils.buildUrl(url, query.toString()); } public static void appendQueryParameter(StringBuilder url, String parameterName, String parameterValue) { String prefix = url.length() > 0 ? "&" : ""; url.append(prefix + UrlUtils.formatQueryParameter(parameterName, parameterValue)); } public static String formatQueryParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { return UrlUtils.encodeOnce(parameterName) + "=" + UrlUtils.encodeOnce(parameterValue); } public static String ensureProtocol(String url) { //TODO: Replace with a proper trim method which also handles unicode whitespace (Guava?) url = url.trim(); int delimeterIndex = url.indexOf(PROTOCOL_DELIMETER); if (-1 == delimeterIndex) { return PROTOCOL_HTTP + PROTOCOL_DELIMETER + url; } if (0 == delimeterIndex) { return PROTOCOL_HTTP + url; } return url; } }