package com.project.shared.client.handlers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import com.project.shared.client.utils.ListUtils; import; import com.project.shared.utils.MapUtils; public class KeyedRegistrationsManager { private final HashMap<Object, ArrayList<HandlerRegistration>> _regs = new HashMap<Object, ArrayList<HandlerRegistration>>(); private final HashMap<Object, ArrayList<Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>>>> _scheduledRegs = new HashMap<Object, ArrayList<Func<Void,Iterable<HandlerRegistration>>>>(); private boolean isEnabled; public KeyedRegistrationsManager() { this(true); } public KeyedRegistrationsManager(boolean isEnabled) { this.setEnabled(isEnabled); } public boolean isEnabled() { return isEnabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = isEnabled; if (isEnabled) { for (Entry<Object, ArrayList<Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>>>> entry : this._scheduledRegs.entrySet()) { for (Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>> func : entry.getValue()) { this.addAll(entry.getKey(), func.apply(null)); } } } else { this.clearAll(); } } public void addRecurring(Object key, final Func<Void, HandlerRegistration> registerFunc) { this.getScheduledRegs(key).add(new Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>>(){ @Override public Iterable<HandlerRegistration> apply(Void arg) { return ListUtils.create(registerFunc.apply(null)); }}); if (this.isEnabled) { this.add(key, registerFunc.apply(null)); } } public void addRecurringMultiple(Object key, Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>> registerFunc) { this.getScheduledRegs(key).add(registerFunc); if (this.isEnabled) { this.addAll(key, registerFunc.apply(null)); } } /** * Adds a HandlerRegistration to the manager. * @param reg can be null for convenience, will be safely ignored. */ public void add(Object key, HandlerRegistration reg) { if (null != reg) { this.getHandlersList(key).add(reg); } } public RegistrationsManager asRegistrationsManager(Object key) { return new RegistrationsManager(this, key); } /** * Adds a HandlerRegistrations to the manager. * @param reg can be null for convenience, will be safely ignored. */ public void addAll(Object key, Iterable<HandlerRegistration> regs) { ListUtils.addAll(this.getHandlersList(key), regs); } public void clear(Object key) { if (false == this._regs.containsKey(key)) { return; // no errors. we don't care about trying to clear when there's nothing registered on this key. } ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> regs = this._regs.get(key); for (HandlerRegistration reg : regs) { reg.removeHandler(); } regs.clear(); this._regs.remove(key); } /** * Unregisters all the handlers added to the manager, and clears the manager. */ public void clearAll() { for (ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> regs : this._regs.values()) { for (HandlerRegistration reg : regs) { reg.removeHandler(); } regs.clear(); } this._regs.clear(); } public boolean hasRegistrations(Object key) { if (false == this._regs.containsKey(key)) { return false; } return false == this._regs.get(key).isEmpty(); } public boolean hasRegistrations() { for (ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> regs : this._regs.values()) { if (false == regs.isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; } public HandlerRegistration asSingleRegistration() { final KeyedRegistrationsManager that = this; return new HandlerRegistration() { @Override public void removeHandler() { that.clearAll(); } }; } private ArrayList<Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>>> getScheduledRegs(Object key) { return MapUtils.getOrPut(this._scheduledRegs, key, new Func<Object, ArrayList<Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>>>>(){ @Override public ArrayList<Func<Void, Iterable<HandlerRegistration>>> apply(Object arg) { return ListUtils.create(); }}); } private ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> getHandlersList(Object key) { return MapUtils.getOrPut(this._regs, key, new Func<Object, ArrayList<HandlerRegistration>>(){ @Override public ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> apply(Object arg) { return ListUtils.create(); }}); } }