package; import gnu.testlet.TestHarness; import gnu.testlet.Testlet; import*; import*; public class TestVolumeControl implements Testlet, PlayerListener { public int getExpectedPass() { return 11; } public int getExpectedFail() { return 0; } public int getExpectedKnownFail() { return 0; } TestHarness th; /** * PlayerListener interface's method. */ public void playerUpdate(Player player, String event, Object eventData) { System.out.println("playerUpdate event: " + event + " " + eventData); } public void test(TestHarness th) { = th; try { // Create audio player and start playing. InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/midlets/MediaSampler/res/laser.wav"); Player player = Manager.createPlayer(is, "audio/x-wav"); player.addPlayerListener(this); player.realize(); player.prefetch(); player.start(); // Get associated volume control from the audio player. VolumeControl control = (VolumeControl)player.getControl("VolumeControl"); // Change volume level. th.check(control.setLevel(10), 10); Thread.sleep(100); th.check(control.getLevel(), 10); th.check(control.isMuted(), false); // Ensure the volume level is between 0 and 100. th.check(control.setLevel(-1), 0); th.check(control.getLevel(), 0); th.check(control.setLevel(120), 100); th.check(control.getLevel(), 100); // Mute control.setMute(true); Thread.sleep(100); th.check(control.getLevel(), 100); th.check(control.isMuted(), true); // Unmute control.setMute(false); th.check(control.isMuted(), false); th.check(control.getLevel(), 100); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Unexpected exception: " + e); } } }