package; import gnu.testlet.TestHarness; import gnu.testlet.MIDletTestlet; import gnu.testlet.TestUtils; import*; import*; import*; public class TestAudioPlayer implements MIDletTestlet, PlayerListener { public int getExpectedPass() { return 21; } public int getExpectedFail() { return 0; } public int getExpectedKnownFail() { return 0; } TestHarness th; private static final long TIME_TOLERANCE = 175; /** * PlayerListener interface's method. */ public void playerUpdate(Player player, String event, Object eventData) { System.out.println("playerUpdate event: " + event + " " + eventData); if (event.equals(PlayerListener.END_OF_MEDIA)) { synchronized (this) { this.notify(); } } } public void test(TestHarness th) { = th; // Test player with input stream. try { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/javax/microedition/media/hello.wav"); Player player = Manager.createPlayer(is, "audio/x-wav"); testPlay(player, "audio/x-wav"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Unexpected exception: " + e); } // Test player with file URL. try { String url = "file:////hello.wav"; FileConnection file = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); if (!file.exists()) { file.create(); } OutputStream os = file.openDataOutputStream(); InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/javax/microedition/media/hello.wav"); os.write(; os.close(); Player player = Manager.createPlayer(url); testPlay(player, "audio/x-wav"); file.delete(); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) {"Unexpected exception: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } // Test player with file URL with a odd size try { String url = "file:////hello.ogg"; FileConnection file = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); if (!file.exists()) { file.create(); } OutputStream os = file.openDataOutputStream(); InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/javax/microedition/media/hello.ogg"); os.write(; os.close(); Player player = Manager.createPlayer(url); testPlay(player, "audio/ogg"); file.delete(); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) {"Unexpected exception: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void testPlay(Player player, String expectedContentType) throws Exception { player.addPlayerListener(this); // Check duration th.check(player.getDuration(), Player.TIME_UNKNOWN); // Start playing. player.realize(); player.prefetch(); player.start(); // Check content type. th.check(player.getContentType(), expectedContentType); // Play the audio for a short time. while (player.getMediaTime() <= 0) { Thread.sleep(10); } // Sleep 500 milliseconds and check if the change in media time // is around the time interval slept. We calculate the actual time // slept because it could be much different from the amount we // intend to sleep (if another thread hogs the CPU in the meantime). long currentTimeBeforeSleep = System.currentTimeMillis(); long mediaTimeBeforeSleep = player.getMediaTime() / 1000; Thread.sleep(500); long actualTimeSlept = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeBeforeSleep; long mediaTime = (player.getMediaTime() / 1000) - mediaTimeBeforeSleep; th.check(Math.abs(mediaTime - actualTimeSlept) < TIME_TOLERANCE, "Math.abs(" + mediaTime + " - " + actualTimeSlept + ") < " + TIME_TOLERANCE); // Pause player.stop(); mediaTime = player.getMediaTime() / 1000; Thread.sleep(200); th.check(player.getMediaTime() / 1000, mediaTime); // Resume player.start(); // Check duration th.check(player.getDuration(), 4735000); // Wait for media ends. synchronized (this) { // When the media reaches the end, the state should be changed from // STARTED to PREFETCHED. while (player.getState() != Player.PREFETCHED) { this.wait(); } } th.check(player.getState(), Player.PREFETCHED); // When audio reaches the end, the media time should be equal to the // duration. th.check(player.getMediaTime() == player.getDuration()); // Replay the audio player.start(); Thread.sleep(50); player.close(); } }