/* * * * Copyright 1990-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is * included at /legal/license.txt). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 or visit www.sun.com if you need additional * information or have any questions. */ package java.lang; import com.sun.cldchi.jvm.JVM; class FloatingDecimal{ boolean isExceptional; boolean isNegative; int decExponent; char digits[]; int nDigits; int bigIntExp; int bigIntNBits; boolean mustSetRoundDir = false; int roundDir; // set by doubleValue private FloatingDecimal( boolean negSign, int decExponent, char []digits, int n, boolean e ) { isNegative = negSign; isExceptional = e; this.decExponent = decExponent; this.digits = digits; this.nDigits = n; } /* * Constants of the implementation * Most are IEEE-754 related. * (There are more really boring constants at the end.) */ static final long signMask = 0x8000000000000000L; static final long expMask = 0x7ff0000000000000L; static final long fractMask= ~(signMask|expMask); static final int expShift = 52; static final int expBias = 1023; static final long fractHOB = ( 1L<<expShift ); // assumed High-Order bit static final long expOne = ((long)expBias)<<expShift; // exponent of 1.0 static final int maxSmallBinExp = 62; static final int minSmallBinExp = -( 63 / 3 ); static final int maxDecimalDigits = 15; static final int maxDecimalExponent = 308; static final int minDecimalExponent = -324; static final int bigDecimalExponent = 324; // i.e. abs(minDecimalExponent) static final long highbyte = 0xff00000000000000L; static final long highbit = 0x8000000000000000L; static final long lowbytes = ~highbyte; static final int singleSignMask = 0x80000000; static final int singleExpMask = 0x7f800000; static final int singleFractMask = ~(singleSignMask|singleExpMask); static final int singleExpShift = 23; static final int singleFractHOB = 1<<singleExpShift; static final int singleExpBias = 127; static final int singleMaxDecimalDigits = 7; static final int singleMaxDecimalExponent = 38; static final int singleMinDecimalExponent = -45; static final int intDecimalDigits = 9; /* * count number of bits from high-order 1 bit to low-order 1 bit, * inclusive. */ private static int countBits( long v ){ // // the strategy is to shift until we get a non-zero sign bit // then shift until we have no bits left, counting the difference. // we do byte shifting as a special fix. // if ( v == 0L ) return 0; while ( ( v & highbyte ) == 0L ){ v <<= 8; } while ( v > 0L ) { // i.e. while ((v&highbit) == 0L ) v <<= 1; } int n = 0; while (( v & lowbytes ) != 0L ){ v <<= 8; n += 8; } while ( v != 0L ){ v <<= 1; n += 1; } return n; } /* * Keep big powers of 5 handy for future reference. */ private static FDBigInt b5p[]; private static synchronized FDBigInt big5pow( int p ){ if ( p < 0 ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: negative power of 5" /* #endif */ ); } if ( b5p == null ){ b5p = new FDBigInt[ p+1 ]; }else if (b5p.length <= p ){ FDBigInt t[] = new FDBigInt[ p+1 ]; JVM.unchecked_obj_arraycopy( b5p, 0, t, 0, b5p.length ); b5p = t; } if ( b5p[p] != null ) return b5p[p]; else if ( p < small5pow.length ) return b5p[p] = new FDBigInt( small5pow[p] ); else if ( p < long5pow.length ) return b5p[p] = new FDBigInt( long5pow[p] ); else { // construct the value. // recursively. int q, r; // in order to compute 5^p, // compute its square root, 5^(p/2) and square. // or, let q = p / 2, r = p -q, then // 5^p = 5^(q+r) = 5^q * 5^r q = p >> 1; r = p - q; FDBigInt bigq = b5p[q]; if ( bigq == null ) bigq = big5pow ( q ); if ( r < small5pow.length ){ return (b5p[p] = bigq.mult( small5pow[r] ) ); }else{ FDBigInt bigr = b5p[ r ]; if ( bigr == null ) bigr = big5pow( r ); return (b5p[p] = bigq.mult( bigr ) ); } } } // // a common operation // private static FDBigInt multPow52( FDBigInt v, int p5, int p2 ){ if ( p5 != 0 ){ if ( p5 < small5pow.length ){ v = v.mult( small5pow[p5] ); } else { v = v.mult( big5pow( p5 ) ); } } if ( p2 != 0 ){ v.lshiftMe( p2 ); } return v; } // // another common operation // private static FDBigInt constructPow52( int p5, int p2 ){ FDBigInt v = new FDBigInt( big5pow( p5 ) ); if ( p2 != 0 ){ v.lshiftMe( p2 ); } return v; } /* * Make a floating double into a FDBigInt. * This could also be structured as a FDBigInt * constructor, but we'd have to build a lot of knowledge * about floating-point representation into it, and we don't want to. * * AS A SIDE EFFECT, THIS METHOD WILL SET THE INSTANCE VARIABLES * bigIntExp and bigIntNBits * */ private FDBigInt doubleToBigInt( double dval ){ long lbits = Double.doubleToLongBits( dval ) & ~signMask; int binexp = (int)(lbits >>> expShift); lbits &= fractMask; if ( binexp > 0 ){ lbits |= fractHOB; } else { if ( lbits == 0L ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: doubleToBigInt(0.0)" /* #endif */ ); } binexp +=1; while ( (lbits & fractHOB ) == 0L){ lbits <<= 1; binexp -= 1; } } binexp -= expBias; int nbits = countBits( lbits ); /* * We now know where the high-order 1 bit is, * and we know how many there are. */ int lowOrderZeros = expShift+1-nbits; lbits >>>= lowOrderZeros; bigIntExp = binexp+1-nbits; bigIntNBits = nbits; return new FDBigInt( lbits ); } /* * Compute a number that is the ULP of the given value, * for purposes of addition/subtraction. Generally easy. * More difficult if subtracting and the argument * is a normalized a power of 2, as the ULP changes at these points. */ private static double ulp( double dval, boolean subtracting ){ long lbits = Double.doubleToLongBits( dval ) & ~signMask; int binexp = (int)(lbits >>> expShift); double ulpval; if ( subtracting && ( binexp >= expShift ) && ((lbits&fractMask) == 0L) ){ // for subtraction from normalized, powers of 2, // use next-smaller exponent binexp -= 1; } if ( binexp > expShift ){ ulpval = Double.longBitsToDouble( ((long)(binexp-expShift))<<expShift ); } else if ( binexp == 0 ){ ulpval = Double.MIN_VALUE; } else { ulpval = Double.longBitsToDouble( 1L<<(binexp-1) ); } if ( subtracting ) ulpval = - ulpval; return ulpval; } /* * Round a double to a float. * In addition to the fraction bits of the double, * look at the class instance variable roundDir, * which should help us avoid double-rounding error. * roundDir was set in hardValueOf if the estimate was * close enough, but not exact. It tells us which direction * of rounding is preferred. */ float stickyRound( double dval ){ long lbits = Double.doubleToLongBits( dval ); long binexp = lbits & expMask; if ( binexp == 0L || binexp == expMask ){ // what we have here is special. // don't worry, the right thing will happen. return (float) dval; } lbits += (long)roundDir; return (float)Double.longBitsToDouble( lbits ); } /* * This is the easy subcase -- * all the significant bits, after scaling, are held in lvalue. * negSign and decExponent tell us what processing and scaling * has already been done. Exceptional cases have already been * stripped out. * In particular: * lvalue is a finite number (not Inf, nor NaN) * lvalue > 0L (not zero, nor negative). * * The only reason that we develop the digits here, rather than * calling on Long.toString() is that we can do it a little faster, * and besides want to treat trailing 0s specially. If Long.toString * changes, we should re-evaluate this strategy! */ private void developLongDigits( int decExponent, long lvalue, long insignificant ){ char digits[]; int ndigits; int digitno; int c; // // Discard non-significant low-order bits, while rounding, // up to insignificant value. int i; for ( i = 0; insignificant >= 10L; i++ ) insignificant /= 10L; if ( i != 0 ){ long pow10 = long5pow[i] << i; // 10^i == 5^i * 2^i; long residue = lvalue % pow10; lvalue /= pow10; decExponent += i; if ( residue >= (pow10>>1) ){ // round up based on the low-order bits we're discarding lvalue++; } } if ( lvalue <= Integer.MAX_VALUE ){ if ( lvalue <= 0L ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: value "+lvalue+" <= 0" /* #endif */ ); } // even easier subcase! // can do int arithmetic rather than long! int ivalue = (int)lvalue; digits = new char[ ndigits=10 ]; digitno = ndigits-1; c = ivalue%10; ivalue /= 10; while ( c == 0 ){ decExponent++; c = ivalue%10; ivalue /= 10; } while ( ivalue != 0){ digits[digitno--] = (char)(c+'0'); decExponent++; c = ivalue%10; ivalue /= 10; } digits[digitno] = (char)(c+'0'); } else { // same algorithm as above (same bugs, too ) // but using long arithmetic. digits = new char[ ndigits=20 ]; digitno = ndigits-1; c = (int)(lvalue%10L); lvalue /= 10L; while ( c == 0 ){ decExponent++; c = (int)(lvalue%10L); lvalue /= 10L; } while ( lvalue != 0L ){ digits[digitno--] = (char)(c+'0'); decExponent++; c = (int)(lvalue%10L); lvalue /= 10; } digits[digitno] = (char)(c+'0'); } char result []; ndigits -= digitno; if ( digitno == 0 ) result = digits; else { result = new char[ ndigits ]; JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy( digits, digitno, result, 0, ndigits ); } this.digits = result; this.decExponent = decExponent+1; this.nDigits = ndigits; } // // add one to the least significant digit. // deal with carry out. // assert that this will only happen where there // is only one digit, e.g. (float)1e-44 seems to do it. // private void roundup(){ int i; int q = digits[ i = (nDigits-1)]; if ( q == '9' ){ while ( q == '9' && i > 0 ){ digits[i] = '0'; q = digits[--i]; } if ( q == '9' ){ // carryout! High-order 1, rest 0s, larger exp. decExponent += 1; digits[0] = '1'; return; } // else fall through. } digits[i] = (char)(q+1); } /* * FIRST IMPORTANT CONSTRUCTOR: DOUBLE */ public FloatingDecimal( double d ) { long dBits = Double.doubleToLongBits( d ); long fractBits; int binExp; int nSignificantBits; // discover and delete sign if ( (dBits&signMask) != 0 ){ isNegative = true; dBits ^= signMask; } else { isNegative = false; } // Begin to unpack // Discover obvious special cases of NaN and Infinity. binExp = (int)( (dBits&expMask) >> expShift ); fractBits = dBits&fractMask; if ( binExp == (int)(expMask>>expShift) ) { isExceptional = true; if ( fractBits == 0L ){ digits = infinity; } else { digits = notANumber; isNegative = false; // NaN has no sign! } nDigits = digits.length; return; } isExceptional = false; // Finish unpacking // Normalize denormalized numbers. // Insert assumed high-order bit for normalized numbers. // Subtract exponent bias. if ( binExp == 0 ){ if ( fractBits == 0L ){ // not a denorm, just a 0! decExponent = 0; digits = zero; nDigits = 1; return; } while ( (fractBits&fractHOB) == 0L ){ fractBits <<= 1; binExp -= 1; } nSignificantBits = expShift + binExp +1; // recall binExp is - shift count. binExp += 1; } else { fractBits |= fractHOB; nSignificantBits = expShift+1; } binExp -= expBias; // call the routine that actually does all the hard work. dtoa( binExp, fractBits, nSignificantBits ); } /* * SECOND IMPORTANT CONSTRUCTOR: SINGLE */ /* public */ FloatingDecimal( float f ) { int fBits = Float.floatToIntBits( f ); int fractBits; int binExp; int nSignificantBits; // discover and delete sign if ( (fBits&singleSignMask) != 0 ){ isNegative = true; fBits ^= singleSignMask; } else { isNegative = false; } // Begin to unpack // Discover obvious special cases of NaN and Infinity. binExp = (int)( (fBits&singleExpMask) >> singleExpShift ); fractBits = fBits&singleFractMask; if ( binExp == (int)(singleExpMask>>singleExpShift) ) { isExceptional = true; if ( fractBits == 0L ){ digits = infinity; } else { digits = notANumber; isNegative = false; // NaN has no sign! } nDigits = digits.length; return; } isExceptional = false; // Finish unpacking // Normalize denormalized numbers. // Insert assumed high-order bit for normalized numbers. // Subtract exponent bias. if ( binExp == 0 ){ if ( fractBits == 0 ){ // not a denorm, just a 0! decExponent = 0; digits = zero; nDigits = 1; return; } while ( (fractBits&singleFractHOB) == 0 ){ fractBits <<= 1; binExp -= 1; } nSignificantBits = singleExpShift + binExp +1; // recall binExp is - shift count. binExp += 1; } else { fractBits |= singleFractHOB; nSignificantBits = singleExpShift+1; } binExp -= singleExpBias; // call the routine that actually does all the hard work. dtoa( binExp, ((long)fractBits)<<(expShift-singleExpShift), nSignificantBits ); } private void dtoa( int binExp, long fractBits, int nSignificantBits ) { int nFractBits; // number of significant bits of fractBits; int nTinyBits; // number of these to the right of the point. int decExp; // Examine number. Determine if it is an easy case, // which we can do pretty trivially using float/long conversion, // or whether we must do real work. nFractBits = countBits( fractBits ); nTinyBits = Math.max( 0, nFractBits - binExp - 1 ); if ( binExp <= maxSmallBinExp && binExp >= minSmallBinExp ){ // Look more closely at the number to decide if, // with scaling by 10^nTinyBits, the result will fit in // a long. if ( (nTinyBits < long5pow.length) && ((nFractBits + n5bits[nTinyBits]) < 64 ) ){ /* * We can do this: * take the fraction bits, which are normalized. * (a) nTinyBits == 0: Shift left or right appropriately * to align the binary point at the extreme right, i.e. * where a long int point is expected to be. The integer * result is easily converted to a string. * (b) nTinyBits > 0: Shift right by expShift-nFractBits, * which effectively converts to long and scales by * 2^nTinyBits. Then multiply by 5^nTinyBits to * complete the scaling. We know this won't overflow * because we just counted the number of bits necessary * in the result. The integer you get from this can * then be converted to a string pretty easily. */ long halfULP; if ( nTinyBits == 0 ) { if ( binExp > nSignificantBits ){ halfULP = 1L << ( binExp-nSignificantBits-1); } else { halfULP = 0L; } if ( binExp >= expShift ){ fractBits <<= (binExp-expShift); } else { fractBits >>>= (expShift-binExp) ; } developLongDigits( 0, fractBits, halfULP ); return; } /* * The following causes excess digits to be printed * out in the single-float case. Our manipulation of * halfULP here is apparently not correct. If we * better understand how this works, perhaps we can * use this special case again. But for the time being, * we do not. * else { * fractBits >>>= expShift+1-nFractBits; * fractBits *= long5pow[ nTinyBits ]; * halfULP = long5pow[ nTinyBits ] >> (1+nSignificantBits-nFractBits); * developLongDigits( -nTinyBits, fractBits, halfULP ); * return; * } */ } } /* * This is the hard case. We are going to compute large positive * integers B and S and integer decExp, s.t. * d = ( B / S ) * 10^decExp * 1 <= B / S < 10 * Obvious choices are: * decExp = floor( log10(d) ) * B = d * 2^nTinyBits * 10^max( 0, -decExp ) * S = 10^max( 0, decExp) * 2^nTinyBits * (noting that nTinyBits has already been forced to non-negative) * I am also going to compute a large positive integer * M = (1/2^nSignificantBits) * 2^nTinyBits * 10^max( 0, -decExp ) * i.e. M is (1/2) of the ULP of d, scaled like B. * When we iterate through dividing B/S and picking off the * quotient bits, we will know when to stop when the remainder * is <= M. * * We keep track of powers of 2 and powers of 5. */ /* * Estimate decimal exponent. (If it is small-ish, * we could double-check.) * * First, scale the mantissa bits such that 1 <= d2 < 2. * We are then going to estimate * log10(d2) ~=~ (d2-1.5)/1.5 + log(1.5) * and so we can estimate * log10(d) ~=~ log10(d2) + binExp * log10(2) * take the floor and call it decExp. * IMPL_NOTE -- use more precise constants here. It costs no more. */ double d2 = Double.longBitsToDouble( expOne | ( fractBits &~ fractHOB ) ); decExp = (int)Math.floor( (d2-1.5D)*0.289529654D + 0.176091259 + (double)binExp * 0.301029995663981 ); int B2, B5; // powers of 2 and powers of 5, respectively, in B int S2, S5; // powers of 2 and powers of 5, respectively, in S int M2, M5; // powers of 2 and powers of 5, respectively, in M int Bbits; // binary digits needed to represent B, approx. int tenSbits; // binary digits needed to represent 10*S, approx. FDBigInt Sval, Bval, Mval; B5 = Math.max( 0, -decExp ); B2 = B5 + nTinyBits + binExp; S5 = Math.max( 0, decExp ); S2 = S5 + nTinyBits; M5 = B5; M2 = B2 - nSignificantBits; /* * the long integer fractBits contains the (nFractBits) interesting * bits from the mantissa of d ( hidden 1 added if necessary) followed * by (expShift+1-nFractBits) zeros. In the interest of compactness, * I will shift out those zeros before turning fractBits into a * FDBigInt. The resulting whole number will be * d * 2^(nFractBits-1-binExp). */ fractBits >>>= (expShift+1-nFractBits); B2 -= nFractBits-1; int common2factor = Math.min( B2, S2 ); B2 -= common2factor; S2 -= common2factor; M2 -= common2factor; /* * IMPL_NOTE: For exact powers of two, the next smallest number * is only half as far away as we think (because the meaning of * ULP changes at power-of-two bounds) for this reason, we * fix M2. */ if ( nFractBits == 1 ) M2 -= 1; if ( M2 < 0 ){ // oops. // since we cannot scale M down far enough, // we must scale the other values up. B2 -= M2; S2 -= M2; M2 = 0; } /* * Construct, Scale, iterate. * We use a symmetric test. */ char digits[] = this.digits = new char[18]; int ndigit = 0; boolean low, high; long lowDigitDifference; int q; /* * Detect the special cases where all the numbers we are about * to compute will fit in int or long integers. * In these cases, we will avoid doing FDBigInt arithmetic. * We use the same algorithms, except that we "normalize" * our FDBigInts before iterating. This is to make division easier, * as it makes our fist guess (quotient of high-order words) * more accurate! * * We use a symmetric test. */ Bbits = nFractBits + B2 + (( B5 < n5bits.length )? n5bits[B5] : ( B5*3 )); tenSbits = S2+1 + (( (S5+1) < n5bits.length )? n5bits[(S5+1)] : ( (S5+1)*3 )); if ( Bbits < 64 && tenSbits < 64){ if ( Bbits < 32 && tenSbits < 32){ // wa-hoo! They're all ints! int b = ((int)fractBits * small5pow[B5] ) << B2; int s = small5pow[S5] << S2; int m = small5pow[M5] << M2; int tens = s * 10; /* * Unroll the first iteration. If our decExp estimate * was too high, our first quotient will be zero. In this * case, we discard it and decrement decExp. */ ndigit = 0; q = (int) ( b / s ); b = 10 * ( b % s ); m *= 10; low = (b < m ); high = (b+m > tens ); if ( q >= 10 ) { // bummer, dude throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: excessivly large digit "+q /* #endif */ ); } else if ( (q == 0) && ! high ){ // oops. Usually ignore leading zero. decExp--; } else { digits[ndigit++] = (char)('0' + q); } /* * IMPL_NOTE: Java spec sez that we always have at least * one digit after the . in either F- or E-form output. * Thus we will need more than one digit if we're using * E-form */ if ( decExp <= -3 || decExp >= 8 ){ high = low = false; } while( ! low && ! high ){ q = (int) ( b / s ); b = 10 * ( b % s ); m *= 10; if ( q >= 10 ){ // bummer, dude throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: excessivly large digit "+q /* #endif */ ); } if ( m > 0L ){ low = (b < m ); high = (b+m > tens ); } else { // m might overflow! // in this case, it is certainly > b, // which won't // and b+m > tens, too, since that has overflowed // either! low = true; high = true; } digits[ndigit++] = (char)('0' + q); } lowDigitDifference = (b<<1) - tens; } else { // still good! they're all longs! long b = (fractBits * long5pow[B5] ) << B2; long s = long5pow[S5] << S2; long m = long5pow[M5] << M2; long tens = s * 10L; /* * Unroll the first iteration. If our decExp estimate * was too high, our first quotient will be zero. In this * case, we discard it and decrement decExp. */ ndigit = 0; q = (int) ( b / s ); b = 10L * ( b % s ); m *= 10L; low = (b < m ); high = (b+m > tens ); if ( q >= 10 ){ // bummer, dude throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: excessivly large digit "+q /* #endif */ ); } else if ( (q == 0) && ! high ){ // oops. Usually ignore leading zero. decExp--; } else { digits[ndigit++] = (char)('0' + q); } /* * IMPL_NOTE: Java spec sez that we always have at least * one digit after the . in either F- or E-form output. * Thus we will need more than one digit if we're using * E-form */ if ( decExp <= -3 || decExp >= 8 ){ high = low = false; } while( ! low && ! high ){ q = (int) ( b / s ); b = 10 * ( b % s ); m *= 10; if ( q >= 10 ){ // bummer, dude throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: excessivly large digit "+q /* #endif */ ); } if ( m > 0L ){ low = (b < m ); high = (b+m > tens ); } else { // m might overflow! // in this case, it is certainly > b, // which won't // and b+m > tens, too, since that has overflowed // either! low = true; high = true; } digits[ndigit++] = (char)('0' + q); } lowDigitDifference = (b<<1) - tens; } } else { FDBigInt tenSval; int shiftBias; /* * We really must do FDBigInt arithmetic. * Fist, construct our FDBigInt initial values. */ Bval = multPow52( new FDBigInt( fractBits ), B5, B2 ); Sval = constructPow52( S5, S2 ); Mval = constructPow52( M5, M2 ); // normalize so that division works better Bval.lshiftMe( shiftBias = Sval.normalizeMe() ); Mval.lshiftMe( shiftBias ); tenSval = Sval.mult( 10 ); /* * Unroll the first iteration. If our decExp estimate * was too high, our first quotient will be zero. In this * case, we discard it and decrement decExp. */ ndigit = 0; q = Bval.quoRemIteration( Sval ); Mval = Mval.mult( 10 ); low = (Bval.cmp( Mval ) < 0); high = (Bval.add( Mval ).cmp( tenSval ) > 0 ); if ( q >= 10 ){ // bummer, dude throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: excessivly large digit "+q /* #endif */ ); } else if ( (q == 0) && ! high ){ // oops. Usually ignore leading zero. decExp--; } else { digits[ndigit++] = (char)('0' + q); } /* * IMPL_NOTE: Java spec sez that we always have at least * one digit after the . in either F- or E-form output. * Thus we will need more than one digit if we're using * E-form */ if ( decExp <= -3 || decExp >= 8 ){ high = low = false; } while( ! low && ! high ){ q = Bval.quoRemIteration( Sval ); Mval = Mval.mult( 10 ); if ( q >= 10 ){ // bummer, dude throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: excessivly large digit "+q /* #endif */ ); } low = (Bval.cmp( Mval ) < 0); high = (Bval.add( Mval ).cmp( tenSval ) > 0 ); digits[ndigit++] = (char)('0' + q); } if ( high && low ){ Bval.lshiftMe(1); lowDigitDifference = Bval.cmp(tenSval); } else lowDigitDifference = 0L; // this here only for flow analysis! } this.decExponent = decExp+1; this.digits = digits; this.nDigits = ndigit; /* * Last digit gets rounded based on stopping condition. */ if ( high ){ if ( low ){ if ( lowDigitDifference == 0L ){ // it's a tie! // choose based on which digits we like. if ( (digits[nDigits-1]&1) != 0 ) roundup(); } else if ( lowDigitDifference > 0 ){ roundup(); } } else { roundup(); } } } public String toString(){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer( nDigits+8 ); if ( isNegative ){ result.append( '-' ); } if ( isExceptional ){ result.append( digits, 0, nDigits ); } else { result.append( "0."); result.append( digits, 0, nDigits ); result.append('e'); result.append( decExponent ); } return new String(result); } public String toJavaFormatString(){ char result[] = new char[ nDigits + 10 ]; int i = 0; if ( isNegative ){ result[0] = '-'; i = 1; } if ( isExceptional ){ JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy( digits, 0, result, i, nDigits ); i += nDigits; } else { if ( decExponent > 0 && decExponent < 8 ){ // print digits.digits. int charLength = Math.min( nDigits, decExponent ); JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy(digits, 0, result, i, charLength); i += charLength; if ( charLength < decExponent ){ charLength = decExponent-charLength; JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy(zero, 0, result, i, charLength); i += charLength; result[i++] = '.'; result[i++] = '0'; } else { result[i++] = '.'; if ( charLength < nDigits ){ int t = nDigits - charLength; JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy( digits, charLength, result, i, t ); i += t; } else{ result[i++] = '0'; } } } else if ( decExponent <=0 && decExponent > -3 ){ result[i++] = '0'; result[i++] = '.'; if ( decExponent != 0 ){ JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy( zero, 0, result, i, -decExponent ); i -= decExponent; } JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy( digits, 0, result, i, nDigits ); i += nDigits; } else { result[i++] = digits[0]; result[i++] = '.'; if ( nDigits > 1 ){ JVM.unchecked_char_arraycopy( digits, 1, result, i, nDigits-1 ); i += nDigits-1; } else { result[i++] = '0'; } result[i++] = 'E'; int e; if ( decExponent <= 0 ){ result[i++] = '-'; e = -decExponent+1; } else { e = decExponent-1; } // decExponent has 1, 2, or 3, digits if ( e <= 9 ) { result[i++] = (char)( e+'0' ); } else if ( e <= 99 ){ result[i++] = (char)( e/10 +'0' ); result[i++] = (char)( e%10 + '0' ); } else { result[i++] = (char)(e/100+'0'); e %= 100; result[i++] = (char)(e/10+'0'); result[i++] = (char)( e%10 + '0' ); } } } return new String(result, 0, i); } public static FloatingDecimal readJavaFormatString( String in ) throws NumberFormatException { boolean isNegative = false; boolean signSeen = false; int decExp; char c; parseNumber: try{ in = in.trim(); // throws NullPointerException if null int l = in.length(); if ( l == 0 ) { throw new NumberFormatException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "empty String" /* #endif */ ); } int i = 0; switch ( c = in.charAt( i ) ){ case '-': isNegative = true; //FALLTHROUGH case '+': i++; signSeen = true; } // Would handle NaN and Infinity here, but it isn't // part of the spec! // char[] digits = new char[ l ]; int nDigits= 0; boolean decSeen = false; int decPt = 0; int nLeadZero = 0; int nTrailZero= 0; digitLoop: while ( i < l ){ switch ( c = in.charAt( i ) ){ case '0': if ( nDigits > 0 ){ nTrailZero += 1; } else { nLeadZero += 1; } break; // out of switch. case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': while ( nTrailZero > 0 ){ digits[nDigits++] = '0'; nTrailZero -= 1; } digits[nDigits++] = c; break; // out of switch. case '.': if ( decSeen ){ // already saw one ., this is the 2nd. throw new NumberFormatException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "multiple points" /* #endif */ ); } decPt = i; if ( signSeen ){ decPt -= 1; } decSeen = true; break; // out of switch. default: break digitLoop; } i++; } /* * At this point, we've scanned all the digits and decimal * point we're going to see. Trim off leading and trailing * zeros, which will just confuse us later, and adjust * our initial decimal exponent accordingly. * To review: * we have seen i total characters. * nLeadZero of them were zeros before any other digits. * nTrailZero of them were zeros after any other digits. * if ( decSeen ), then a . was seen after decPt characters * ( including leading zeros which have been discarded ) * nDigits characters were neither lead nor trailing * zeros, nor point */ /* * special fix: if we saw no non-zero digits, then the * answer is zero! * Unfortunately, we feel honor-bound to keep parsing! */ if ( nDigits == 0 ){ digits = zero; nDigits = 1; if ( nLeadZero == 0 ){ // we saw NO DIGITS AT ALL, // not even a crummy 0! // this is not allowed. break parseNumber; // go throw exception } } /* Our initial exponent is decPt, adjusted by the number of * discarded zeros. Or, if there was no decPt, * then its just nDigits adjusted by discarded trailing zeros. */ if ( decSeen ){ decExp = decPt - nLeadZero; } else { decExp = nDigits+nTrailZero; } /* * Look for 'e' or 'E' and an optionally signed integer. */ if ( (i < l) && ((c = in.charAt(i) )=='e') || (c == 'E') ){ int expSign = 1; int expVal = 0; int reallyBig = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10; boolean expOverflow = false; switch( in.charAt(++i) ){ case '-': expSign = -1; //FALLTHROUGH case '+': i++; } int expAt = i; expLoop: while ( i < l ){ if ( expVal >= reallyBig ){ // the next character will cause integer // overflow. expOverflow = true; } switch ( c = in.charAt(i++) ){ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': expVal = expVal*10 + ( (int)c - (int)'0' ); continue; default: i--; // back up. break expLoop; // stop parsing exponent. } } int expLimit = bigDecimalExponent+nDigits+nTrailZero; if ( expOverflow || ( expVal > expLimit ) ){ // // The intent here is to end up with // infinity or zero, as appropriate. // The reason for yielding such a small decExponent, // rather than something intuitive such as // expSign*Integer.MAX_VALUE, is that this value // is subject to further manipulation in // doubleValue() and floatValue(), and I don't want // it to be able to cause overflow there! // (The only way we can get into trouble here is for // really outrageous nDigits+nTrailZero, such as 2 billion. ) // decExp = expSign*expLimit; } else { // this should not overflow, since we tested // for expVal > (MAX+N), where N >= abs(decExp) decExp = decExp + expSign*expVal; } // if we saw something not a digit ( or end of string ) // after the [Ee][+-], without seeing any digits at all // this is certainly an error. If we saw some digits, // but then some trailing garbage, that might be ok. // so we just fall through in that case. // HUMBUG if ( i == expAt ) break parseNumber; // certainly bad } /* * We parsed everything we could. * If there are leftovers, then this is not good input! */ if ( i < l && ((i != l - 1) || (in.charAt(i) != 'f' && in.charAt(i) != 'F' && in.charAt(i) != 'd' && in.charAt(i) != 'D'))) { break parseNumber; // go throw exception } return new FloatingDecimal( isNegative, decExp, digits, nDigits, false ); } catch ( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e ){ } throw new NumberFormatException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped in /* #endif */ ); } /* * Take a FloatingDecimal, which we presumably just scanned in, * and find out what its value is, as a double. * * AS A SIDE EFFECT, SET roundDir TO INDICATE PREFERRED * ROUNDING DIRECTION in case the result is really destined * for a single-precision float. */ public double doubleValue(){ int kDigits = Math.min( nDigits, maxDecimalDigits+1 ); long lValue; double dValue; double rValue, tValue; roundDir = 0; /* * convert the lead kDigits to a long integer. */ // (special performance fix: start to do it using int) int iValue = (int)digits[0]-(int)'0'; int iDigits = Math.min( kDigits, intDecimalDigits ); for ( int i=1; i < iDigits; i++ ){ iValue = iValue*10 + (int)digits[i]-(int)'0'; } lValue = (long)iValue; for ( int i=iDigits; i < kDigits; i++ ){ lValue = lValue*10L + (long)((int)digits[i]-(int)'0'); } dValue = (double)lValue; int exp = decExponent-kDigits; /* * lValue now contains a long integer with the value of * the first kDigits digits of the number. * dValue contains the (double) of the same. */ if ( nDigits <= maxDecimalDigits ){ /* * possibly an easy case. * We know that the digits can be represented * exactly. And if the exponent isn't too outrageous, * the whole thing can be done with one operation, * thus one rounding error. * Note that all our constructors trim all leading and * trailing zeros, so simple values (including zero) * will always end up here */ if (exp == 0 || dValue == 0.0) return (isNegative)? -dValue : dValue; // small floating integer else if ( exp >= 0 ){ if ( exp <= maxSmallTen ){ /* * Can get the answer with one operation, * thus one roundoff. */ rValue = dValue * small10pow[exp]; if ( mustSetRoundDir ){ tValue = rValue / small10pow[exp]; roundDir = ( tValue == dValue ) ? 0 :( tValue < dValue ) ? 1 : -1; } return (isNegative)? -rValue : rValue; } int slop = maxDecimalDigits - kDigits; if ( exp <= maxSmallTen+slop ){ /* * We can multiply dValue by 10^(slop) * and it is still "small" and exact. * Then we can multiply by 10^(exp-slop) * with one rounding. */ dValue *= small10pow[slop]; rValue = dValue * small10pow[exp-slop]; if ( mustSetRoundDir ){ tValue = rValue / small10pow[exp-slop]; roundDir = ( tValue == dValue ) ? 0 :( tValue < dValue ) ? 1 : -1; } return (isNegative)? -rValue : rValue; } /* * Else we have a hard case with a positive exp. */ } else { if ( exp >= -maxSmallTen ){ /* * Can get the answer in one division. */ rValue = dValue / small10pow[-exp]; tValue = rValue * small10pow[-exp]; if ( mustSetRoundDir ){ roundDir = ( tValue == dValue ) ? 0 :( tValue < dValue ) ? 1 : -1; } return (isNegative)? -rValue : rValue; } /* * Else we have a hard case with a negative exp. */ } } /* * Harder cases: * The sum of digits plus exponent is greater than * what we think we can do with one error. * * Start by approximating the right answer by, * naively, scaling by powers of 10. */ if ( exp > 0 ){ if ( decExponent > maxDecimalExponent+1 ){ /* * Lets face it. This is going to be * Infinity. Cut to the chase. */ return (isNegative)? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } if ( (exp&15) != 0 ){ dValue *= small10pow[exp&15]; } if ( (exp>>=4) != 0 ){ int j = 0; while (exp > 1) { if ( (exp&1)!=0) dValue *= big10pow[j]; j++; exp>>=1; } /* * The reason for the exp > 1 condition * in the above loop was so that the last multiply * would get unrolled. We handle it here. * It could overflow. */ double t = dValue * big10pow[j]; if ( Double.isInfinite( t ) ){ /* * It did overflow. * Look more closely at the result. * If the exponent is just one too large, * then use the maximum finite as our estimate * value. Else call the result infinity * and punt it. * ( I presume this could happen because * rounding forces the result here to be * an ULP or two larger than * Double.MAX_VALUE ). */ t = dValue / 2.0; t *= big10pow[j]; if ( Double.isInfinite( t ) ){ return (isNegative)? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } t = Double.MAX_VALUE; } dValue = t; } } else if ( exp < 0 ){ exp = -exp; if ( decExponent < minDecimalExponent-1 ){ /* * Lets face it. This is going to be * zero. Cut to the chase. */ return (isNegative)? -0.0 : 0.0; } if ( (exp&15) != 0 ){ dValue /= small10pow[exp&15]; } if ( (exp>>=4) != 0 ){ int j = 0; while (exp > 1) { if ( (exp&1)!=0) dValue *= tiny10pow[j]; j++; exp>>=1; } /* * The reason for the exp > 1 condition * in the above loop was so that the last multiply * would get unrolled. We handle it here. * It could underflow. */ double t = dValue * tiny10pow[j]; if ( t == 0.0 ){ /* * It did underflow. * Look more closely at the result. * If the exponent is just one too small, * then use the minimum finite as our estimate * value. Else call the result 0.0 * and punt it. * ( I presume this could happen because * rounding forces the result here to be * an ULP or two less than * Double.MIN_VALUE ). */ t = dValue * 2.0; t *= tiny10pow[j]; if ( t == 0.0 ){ return (isNegative)? -0.0 : 0.0; } t = Double.MIN_VALUE; } dValue = t; } } /* * dValue is now approximately the result. * The hard part is adjusting it, by comparison * with FDBigInt arithmetic. * Formulate the EXACT big-number result as * bigD0 * 10^exp */ FDBigInt bigD0 = new FDBigInt( lValue, digits, kDigits, nDigits ); exp = decExponent - nDigits; correctionLoop: while(true){ /* AS A SIDE EFFECT, THIS METHOD WILL SET THE INSTANCE VARIABLES * bigIntExp and bigIntNBits */ FDBigInt bigB = doubleToBigInt( dValue ); /* * Scale bigD, bigB appropriately for * big-integer operations. * Naively, we multiply by powers of ten * and powers of two. What we actually do * is keep track of the powers of 5 and * powers of 2 we would use, then factor out * common divisors before doing the work. */ int B2, B5; // powers of 2, 5 in bigB int D2, D5; // powers of 2, 5 in bigD int Ulp2; // powers of 2 in halfUlp. if ( exp >= 0 ){ B2 = B5 = 0; D2 = D5 = exp; } else { B2 = B5 = -exp; D2 = D5 = 0; } if ( bigIntExp >= 0 ){ B2 += bigIntExp; } else { D2 -= bigIntExp; } Ulp2 = B2; // shift bigB and bigD left by a number s. t. // halfUlp is still an integer. int hulpbias; if ( bigIntExp+bigIntNBits <= -expBias+1 ){ // This is going to be a denormalized number // (if not actually zero). // half an ULP is at 2^-(expBias+expShift+1) hulpbias = bigIntExp+ expBias + expShift; } else { hulpbias = expShift + 2 - bigIntNBits; } B2 += hulpbias; D2 += hulpbias; // if there are common factors of 2, we might just as well // factor them out, as they add nothing useful. int common2 = Math.min( B2, Math.min( D2, Ulp2 ) ); B2 -= common2; D2 -= common2; Ulp2 -= common2; // do multiplications by powers of 5 and 2 bigB = multPow52( bigB, B5, B2 ); FDBigInt bigD = multPow52( new FDBigInt( bigD0 ), D5, D2 ); // // to recap: // bigB is the scaled-big-int version of our floating-point // candidate. // bigD is the scaled-big-int version of the exact value // as we understand it. // halfUlp is 1/2 an ulp of bigB, except for special cases // of exact powers of 2 // // the plan is to compare bigB with bigD, and if the difference // is less than halfUlp, then we're satisfied. Otherwise, // use the ratio of difference to halfUlp to calculate a fudge // factor to add to the floating value, then go 'round again. // FDBigInt diff; int cmpResult; boolean overvalue; if ( (cmpResult = bigB.cmp( bigD ) ) > 0 ){ overvalue = true; // our candidate is too big. diff = bigB.sub( bigD ); if ( (bigIntNBits == 1) && (bigIntExp > -expBias) ){ // candidate is a normalized exact power of 2 and // is too big. We will be subtracting. // For our purposes, ulp is the ulp of the // next smaller range. Ulp2 -= 1; if ( Ulp2 < 0 ){ // rats. Cannot de-scale ulp this far. // must scale diff in other direction. Ulp2 = 0; diff.lshiftMe( 1 ); } } } else if ( cmpResult < 0 ){ overvalue = false; // our candidate is too small. diff = bigD.sub( bigB ); } else { // the candidate is exactly right! // this happens with surprising frequency break correctionLoop; } FDBigInt halfUlp = constructPow52( B5, Ulp2 ); if ( (cmpResult = diff.cmp( halfUlp ) ) < 0 ){ // difference is small. // this is close enough roundDir = overvalue ? -1 : 1; break correctionLoop; } else if ( cmpResult == 0 ){ // difference is exactly half an ULP // round to some other value maybe, then finish dValue += 0.5*ulp( dValue, overvalue ); // should check for bigIntNBits == 1 here?? roundDir = overvalue ? -1 : 1; break correctionLoop; } else { // difference is non-trivial. // could scale addend by ratio of difference to // halfUlp here, if we bothered to compute that difference. // Most of the time ( I hope ) it is about 1 anyway. dValue += ulp( dValue, overvalue ); if ( dValue == 0.0 || dValue == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) break correctionLoop; // oops. Fell off end of range. continue; // try again. } } return (isNegative)? -dValue : dValue; } /* * Take a FloatingDecimal, which we presumably just scanned in, * and find out what its value is, as a float. * This is distinct from doubleValue() to avoid the * case of a double rounding error, wherein the conversion * to double has one rounding error, and the conversion of that double * to a float has another rounding error, IN THE WRONG DIRECTION, * ( because of the preference to a zero low-order bit ). */ public float floatValue(){ int kDigits = Math.min( nDigits, singleMaxDecimalDigits+1 ); int iValue; float fValue; /* * convert the lead kDigits to an integer. */ iValue = (int)digits[0]-(int)'0'; for ( int i=1; i < kDigits; i++ ){ iValue = iValue*10 + (int)digits[i]-(int)'0'; } fValue = (float)iValue; int exp = decExponent-kDigits; /* * iValue now contains an integer with the value of * the first kDigits digits of the number. * fValue contains the (float) of the same. */ if ( nDigits <= singleMaxDecimalDigits ){ /* * possibly an easy case. * We know that the digits can be represented * exactly. And if the exponent isn't too outrageous, * the whole thing can be done with one operation, * thus one rounding error. * Note that all our constructors trim all leading and * trailing zeros, so simple values (including zero) * will always end up here. */ if (exp == 0 || fValue == 0.0f) return (isNegative)? -fValue : fValue; // small floating integer else if ( exp >= 0 ){ if ( exp <= singleMaxSmallTen ){ /* * Can get the answer with one operation, * thus one roundoff. */ fValue *= singleSmall10pow[exp]; return (isNegative)? -fValue : fValue; } int slop = singleMaxDecimalDigits - kDigits; if ( exp <= singleMaxSmallTen+slop ){ /* * We can multiply dValue by 10^(slop) * and it is still "small" and exact. * Then we can multiply by 10^(exp-slop) * with one rounding. */ fValue *= singleSmall10pow[slop]; fValue *= singleSmall10pow[exp-slop]; return (isNegative)? -fValue : fValue; } /* * Else we have a hard case with a positive exp. */ } else { if ( exp >= -singleMaxSmallTen ){ /* * Can get the answer in one division. */ fValue /= singleSmall10pow[-exp]; return (isNegative)? -fValue : fValue; } /* * Else we have a hard case with a negative exp. */ } } else if ( (decExponent >= nDigits) && (nDigits+decExponent <= maxDecimalDigits) ){ /* * In double-precision, this is an exact floating integer. * So we can compute to double, then shorten to float * with one round, and get the right answer. * * First, finish accumulating digits. * Then convert that integer to a double, multiply * by the appropriate power of ten, and convert to float. */ long lValue = (long)iValue; for ( int i=kDigits; i < nDigits; i++ ){ lValue = lValue*10L + (long)((int)digits[i]-(int)'0'); } double dValue = (double)lValue; exp = decExponent-nDigits; dValue *= small10pow[exp]; fValue = (float)dValue; return (isNegative)? -fValue : fValue; } /* * Harder cases: * The sum of digits plus exponent is greater than * what we think we can do with one error. * * Start by weeding out obviously out-of-range * results, then convert to double and go to * common hard-case code. */ if ( decExponent > singleMaxDecimalExponent+1 ){ /* * Lets face it. This is going to be * Infinity. Cut to the chase. */ return (isNegative)? Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else if ( decExponent < singleMinDecimalExponent-1 ){ /* * Lets face it. This is going to be * zero. Cut to the chase. */ return (isNegative)? -0.0f : 0.0f; } /* * Here, we do 'way too much work, but throwing away * our partial results, and going and doing the whole * thing as double, then throwing away half the bits that computes * when we convert back to float. * * The alternative is to reproduce the whole multiple-precision * algorithm for float precision, or to try to parameterize it * for common usage. The former will take about 400 lines of code, * and the latter I tried without success. Thus we use the following * solution here. */ mustSetRoundDir = true; double dValue = doubleValue(); return stickyRound( dValue ); } /* * All the positive powers of 10 that can be * represented exactly in double/float. */ private static final double small10pow[] = { 1.0e0, 1.0e1, 1.0e2, 1.0e3, 1.0e4, 1.0e5, 1.0e6, 1.0e7, 1.0e8, 1.0e9, 1.0e10, 1.0e11, 1.0e12, 1.0e13, 1.0e14, 1.0e15, 1.0e16, 1.0e17, 1.0e18, 1.0e19, 1.0e20, 1.0e21, 1.0e22 }; private static final float singleSmall10pow[] = { 1.0e0f, 1.0e1f, 1.0e2f, 1.0e3f, 1.0e4f, 1.0e5f, 1.0e6f, 1.0e7f, 1.0e8f, 1.0e9f, 1.0e10f }; private static final double big10pow[] = { 1e16, 1e32, 1e64, 1e128, 1e256 }; private static final double tiny10pow[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32, 1e-64, 1e-128, 1e-256 }; private static final int maxSmallTen = small10pow.length-1; private static final int singleMaxSmallTen = singleSmall10pow.length-1; private static final int small5pow[] = { 1, 5, 5*5, 5*5*5, 5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5 }; private static final long long5pow[] = { 1L, 5L, 5L*5, 5L*5*5, 5L*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, 5L*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5, }; // approximately ceil( log2( long5pow[i] ) ) private static final int n5bits[] = { 0, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 59, 61, }; private static final char infinity[] = { 'I', 'n', 'f', 'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'y' }; private static final char notANumber[] = { 'N', 'a', 'N' }; private static final char zero[] = { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' }; } /* * A really, really simple bigint package * tailored to the needs of floating base conversion. */ class FDBigInt { int nWords; // number of words used int data[]; // value: data[0] is least significant /* public */ FDBigInt( int v ){ nWords = 1; data = new int[1]; data[0] = v; } /* public */ FDBigInt( long v ){ data = new int[2]; data[0] = (int)v; data[1] = (int)(v>>>32); nWords = (data[1]==0) ? 1 : 2; } /* public */ FDBigInt( FDBigInt other ){ data = new int[nWords = other.nWords]; JVM.unchecked_int_arraycopy( other.data, 0, data, 0, nWords ); } private FDBigInt( int [] d, int n ){ data = d; nWords = n; } /* public */ FDBigInt( long seed, char digit[], int nd0, int nd ){ int n= (nd+8)/9; // estimate size needed. if ( n < 2 ) n = 2; data = new int[n]; // allocate enough space data[0] = (int)seed; // starting value data[1] = (int)(seed>>>32); nWords = (data[1]==0) ? 1 : 2; int i = nd0; int limit = nd-5; // slurp digits 5 at a time. int v; while ( i < limit ){ int ilim = i+5; v = (int)digit[i++]-(int)'0'; while( i <ilim ){ v = 10*v + (int)digit[i++]-(int)'0'; } multaddMe( 100000, v); // ... where 100000 is 10^5. } int factor = 1; v = 0; while ( i < nd ){ v = 10*v + (int)digit[i++]-(int)'0'; factor *= 10; } if ( factor != 1 ){ multaddMe( factor, v ); } } /* * Left shift by c bits. * Shifts this in place. */ public void lshiftMe( int c )throws IllegalArgumentException { if ( c <= 0 ){ if ( c == 0 ) return; // silly. else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "negative shift count" /* #endif */ ); } } int wordcount = c>>5; int bitcount = c & 0x1f; int anticount = 32-bitcount; int t[] = data; int s[] = data; if ( nWords+wordcount+1 > t.length ){ // reallocate. t = new int[ nWords+wordcount+1 ]; } int target = nWords+wordcount; int src = nWords-1; if ( bitcount == 0 ){ // special solution, since an anticount of 32 won't go! JVM.unchecked_int_arraycopy( s, 0, t, wordcount, nWords ); target = wordcount-1; } else { t[target--] = s[src]>>>anticount; while ( src >= 1 ){ t[target--] = (s[src]<<bitcount) | (s[--src]>>>anticount); } t[target--] = s[src]<<bitcount; } while( target >= 0 ){ t[target--] = 0; } data = t; nWords += wordcount + 1; // may have constructed high-order word of 0. // if so, trim it while ( nWords > 1 && data[nWords-1] == 0 ) nWords--; } /* * normalize this number by shifting until * the MSB of the number is at 0x08000000. * This is in preparation for quoRemIteration, below. * The idea is that, to make division easier, we want the * divisor to be "normalized" -- usually this means shifting * the MSB into the high words sign bit. But because we know that * the quotient will be 0 < q < 10, we would like to arrange that * the dividend not span up into another word of precision. * (This needs to be explained more clearly!) */ public int normalizeMe() throws IllegalArgumentException { int src; int wordcount = 0; int bitcount = 0; int v = 0; for ( src= nWords-1 ; src >= 0 && (v=data[src]) == 0 ; src--){ wordcount += 1; } if ( src < 0 ){ // oops. Value is zero. Cannot normalize it! throw new IllegalArgumentException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "zero value" /* #endif */ ); } /* * In most cases, we assume that wordcount is zero. This only * makes sense, as we try not to maintain any high-order * words full of zeros. In fact, if there are zeros, we will * simply SHORTEN our number at this point. Watch closely... */ nWords -= wordcount; /* * Compute how far left we have to shift v s.t. its highest- * order bit is in the right place. Then call lshiftMe to * do the work. */ if ( (v & 0xf0000000) != 0 ){ // will have to shift up into the next word. // too bad. bitcount = 32; while ((v & 0xf0000000) != 0) { v >>>= 1; bitcount--; } } else { while ( v <= 0x000fffff ){ // solution: byte-at-a-time shifting v <<= 8; bitcount += 8; } while ( v <= 0x07ffffff ){ v <<= 1; bitcount += 1; } } if ( bitcount != 0 ) lshiftMe( bitcount ); return bitcount; } /* * Multiply a FDBigInt by an int. * Result is a new FDBigInt. */ public FDBigInt mult( int iv ) { long v = iv; int r[]; long p; // guess adequate size of r. r = new int[ ( v * ((long)data[nWords-1]&0xffffffffL) > 0xfffffffL ) ? nWords+1 : nWords ]; p = 0L; for( int i=0; i < nWords; i++ ) { p += v * ((long)data[i]&0xffffffffL); r[i] = (int)p; p >>>= 32; } if ( p == 0L){ return new FDBigInt( r, nWords ); } else { r[nWords] = (int)p; return new FDBigInt( r, nWords+1 ); } } /* * Multiply a FDBigInt by an int and add another int. * Result is computed in place. * Hope it fits! */ public void multaddMe( int iv, int addend ) { long v = iv; long p; // unroll 0th iteration, doing addition. p = v * ((long)data[0]&0xffffffffL) + ((long)addend&0xffffffffL); data[0] = (int)p; p >>>= 32; for( int i=1; i < nWords; i++ ) { p += v * ((long)data[i]&0xffffffffL); data[i] = (int)p; p >>>= 32; } if ( p != 0L){ data[nWords] = (int)p; // will fail noisily if illegal! nWords++; } } /* * Multiply a FDBigInt by another FDBigInt. * Result is a new FDBigInt. */ public FDBigInt mult( FDBigInt other ){ // crudely guess adequate size for r int r[] = new int[ nWords + other.nWords ]; int i; // I think I am promised zeros... for( i = 0; i < this.nWords; i++ ){ long v = (long)this.data[i] & 0xffffffffL; // UNSIGNED CONVERSION long p = 0L; int j; for( j = 0; j < other.nWords; j++ ){ p += ((long)r[i+j]&0xffffffffL) + v*((long)other.data[j]&0xffffffffL); // UNSIGNED CONVERSIONS ALL 'ROUND. r[i+j] = (int)p; p >>>= 32; } r[i+j] = (int)p; } // compute how much of r we actually needed for all that. for ( i = r.length-1; i> 0; i--) if ( r[i] != 0 ) break; return new FDBigInt( r, i+1 ); } /* * Add one FDBigInt to another. Return a FDBigInt */ public FDBigInt add( FDBigInt other ){ int i; int a[], b[]; int n, m; long c = 0L; // arrange such that a.nWords >= b.nWords; // n = a.nWords, m = b.nWords if ( this.nWords >= other.nWords ){ a = this.data; n = this.nWords; b = other.data; m = other.nWords; } else { a = other.data; n = other.nWords; b = this.data; m = this.nWords; } int r[] = new int[ n ]; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){ c += (long)a[i] & 0xffffffffL; if ( i < m ){ c += (long)b[i] & 0xffffffffL; } r[i] = (int) c; c >>= 32; // signed shift. } if ( c != 0L ){ // oops -- carry out -- need longer result. int s[] = new int[ r.length+1 ]; JVM.unchecked_int_arraycopy( r, 0, s, 0, r.length ); s[i++] = (int)c; return new FDBigInt( s, i ); } return new FDBigInt( r, i ); } /* * Subtract one FDBigInt from another. Return a FDBigInt * Assert that the result is positive. */ public FDBigInt sub( FDBigInt other ){ int r[] = new int[ this.nWords ]; int i; int n = this.nWords; int m = other.nWords; int nzeros = 0; long c = 0L; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){ c += (long)this.data[i] & 0xffffffffL; if ( i < m ){ c -= (long)other.data[i] & 0xffffffffL; } if ( ( r[i] = (int) c ) == 0 ) nzeros++; else nzeros = 0; c >>= 32; // signed shift. } if ( c != 0L ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: borrow out of subtract" /* #endif */ ); } while ( i < m ) if ( other.data[i++] != 0 ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: negative result of subtract" /* #endif */ ); } return new FDBigInt( r, n-nzeros ); } /* * Compare FDBigInt with another FDBigInt. Return an integer * >0: this > other * 0: this == other * <0: this < other */ public int cmp( FDBigInt other ){ int i; if ( this.nWords > other.nWords ){ // if any of my high-order words is non-zero, // then the answer is evident int j = other.nWords-1; for ( i = this.nWords-1; i > j ; i-- ) if ( this.data[i] != 0 ) return 1; }else if ( this.nWords < other.nWords ){ // if any of other's high-order words is non-zero, // then the answer is evident int j = this.nWords-1; for ( i = other.nWords-1; i > j ; i-- ) if ( other.data[i] != 0 ) return -1; } else{ i = this.nWords-1; } for ( ; i > 0 ; i-- ) if ( this.data[i] != other.data[i] ) break; // careful! want unsigned compare! // use brute force here. int a = this.data[i]; int b = other.data[i]; if ( a < 0 ){ // a is really big, unsigned if ( b < 0 ){ return a-b; // both big, negative } else { return 1; // b not big, answer is obvious; } } else { // a is not really big if ( b < 0 ) { // but b is really big return -1; } else { return a - b; } } } /* * Compute * q = (int)( this / S ) * this = 10 * ( this mod S ) * Return q. * This is the iteration step of digit development for output. * We assume that S has been normalized, as above, and that * "this" has been lshift'ed accordingly. * Also assume, of course, that the result, q, can be expressed * as an integer, 0 <= q < 10. */ public int quoRemIteration( FDBigInt S )throws IllegalArgumentException { // ensure that this and S have the same number of // digits. If S is properly normalized and q < 10 then // this must be so. if ( nWords != S.nWords ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "disparate values" /* #endif */ ); } // estimate q the obvious way. We will usually be // right. If not, then we're only off by a little and // will re-add. int n = nWords-1; long q = ((long)data[n]&0xffffffffL) / (long)S.data[n]; long diff = 0L; for ( int i = 0; i <= n ; i++ ){ diff += ((long)data[i]&0xffffffffL) - q*((long)S.data[i]&0xffffffffL); data[i] = (int)diff; diff >>= 32; // N.B. SIGNED shift. } if ( diff != 0L ) { // q is too big. // add S back in until this turns +. This should // not be very many times! long sum = 0L; while ( sum == 0L ){ sum = 0L; for ( int i = 0; i <= n; i++ ){ sum += ((long)data[i]&0xffffffffL) + ((long)S.data[i]&0xffffffffL); data[i] = (int) sum; sum >>= 32; // Signed or unsigned, answer is 0 or 1 } /* * Originally the following line read * "if ( sum !=0 && sum != -1 )" * but that would be wrong, because of the * treatment of the two values as entirely unsigned, * it would be impossible for a carry-out to be interpreted * as -1 -- it would have to be a single-bit carry-out, or * +1. */ if ( sum !=0 && sum != 1 ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: "+sum+" carry out of division correction" /* #endif */ ); } q -= 1; } } // finally, we can multiply this by 10. // it cannot overflow, right, as the high-order word has // at least 4 high-order zeros! long p = 0L; for ( int i = 0; i <= n; i++ ){ p += 10*((long)data[i]&0xffffffffL); data[i] = (int)p; p >>= 32; // SIGNED shift. } if ( p != 0L ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: carry out of *10" /* #endif */ ); } return (int)q; } public long longValue(){ // if this can be represented as a long, // return the value int i; for ( i = this.nWords-1; i > 1 ; i-- ){ if ( data[i] != 0 ){ throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: value too big" /* #endif */ ); } } switch(i){ case 1: if ( data[1] < 0 ) { throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: value too big" /* #endif */ ); } return ((long)(data[1]) << 32) | ((long)data[0]&0xffffffffL); case 0: return ((long)data[0]&0xffffffffL); default: throw new RuntimeException( /* #ifdef VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS */ /// skipped "Assertion botch: longValue confused" /* #endif */ ); } } public String toString() { StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(30); r.append('['); int i = Math.min( nWords-1, data.length-1) ; if ( nWords > data.length ){ r.append( "("+data.length+"<"+nWords+"!)" ); } for( ; i> 0 ; i-- ){ r.append( Integer.toHexString( data[i] ) ); r.append( (char) ' ' ); } r.append( Integer.toHexString( data[0] ) ); r.append( (char) ']' ); return new String( r ); } }