package no.hal.scxml.parser.antlr.internal; // Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import. // Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer. import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class InternalScxmlxtLexer extends Lexer { public static final int T29=29; public static final int T36=36; public static final int RULE_STRING=4; public static final int T35=35; public static final int RULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION=6; public static final int T45=45; public static final int T20=20; public static final int T34=34; public static final int RULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS=7; public static final int T25=25; public static final int T18=18; public static final int T37=37; public static final int T26=26; public static final int RULE_INT=8; public static final int T32=32; public static final int T17=17; public static final int T46=46; public static final int T16=16; public static final int RULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL=10; public static final int T38=38; public static final int T41=41; public static final int T24=24; public static final int T19=19; public static final int T39=39; public static final int T21=21; public static final int T44=44; public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT=11; public static final int RULE_ID=5; public static final int T33=33; public static final int T22=22; public static final int T43=43; public static final int T23=23; public static final int T28=28; public static final int T42=42; public static final int T40=40; public static final int RULE_WS=13; public static final int T15=15; public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int Tokens=47; public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER=14; public static final int T31=31; public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT=12; public static final int T27=27; public static final int RULE_URI_LITERAL=9; public static final int T30=30; public InternalScxmlxtLexer() {;} public InternalScxmlxtLexer(CharStream input) { super(input); } public String getGrammarFileName() { return "../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g"; } // $ANTLR start T15 public final void mT15() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T15; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:10:5: ( 'domain' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:10:7: 'domain' { match("domain"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T15 // $ANTLR start T16 public final void mT16() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T16; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:11:5: ( 'model' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:11:7: 'model' { match("model"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T16 // $ANTLR start T17 public final void mT17() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T17; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:12:5: ( ';' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:12:7: ';' { match(';'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T17 // $ANTLR start T18 public final void mT18() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T18; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:13:5: ( 'data' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:13:7: 'data' { match("data"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T18 // $ANTLR start T19 public final void mT19() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T19; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:14:5: ( '{' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:14:7: '{' { match('{'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T19 // $ANTLR start T20 public final void mT20() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T20; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:15:5: ( '}' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:15:7: '}' { match('}'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T20 // $ANTLR start T21 public final void mT21() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T21; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:16:5: ( '->' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:16:7: '->' { match("->"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T21 // $ANTLR start T22 public final void mT22() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T22; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:17:5: ( 'do' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:17:7: 'do' { match("do"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T22 // $ANTLR start T23 public final void mT23() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T23; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:18:5: ( '<-' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:18:7: '<-' { match("<-"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T23 // $ANTLR start T24 public final void mT24() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T24; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:19:5: ( 'on' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:19:7: 'on' { match("on"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T24 // $ANTLR start T25 public final void mT25() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T25; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:20:5: ( 'if' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:20:7: 'if' { match("if"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T25 // $ANTLR start T26 public final void mT26() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T26; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:21:5: ( '!' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:21:7: '!' { match('!'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T26 // $ANTLR start T27 public final void mT27() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T27; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:22:5: ( 'enter' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:22:7: 'enter' { match("enter"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T27 // $ANTLR start T28 public final void mT28() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T28; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:23:5: ( 'exit' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:23:7: 'exit' { match("exit"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T28 // $ANTLR start T29 public final void mT29() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T29; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:24:5: ( 't' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:24:7: 't' { match('t'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T29 // $ANTLR start T30 public final void mT30() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T30; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:25:5: ( '>' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:25:7: '>' { match('>'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T30 // $ANTLR start T31 public final void mT31() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T31; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:26:5: ( 'after' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:26:7: 'after' { match("after"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T31 // $ANTLR start T32 public final void mT32() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T32; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:27:5: ( 'var' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:27:7: 'var' { match("var"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T32 // $ANTLR start T33 public final void mT33() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T33; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:28:5: ( ':' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:28:7: ':' { match(':'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T33 // $ANTLR start T34 public final void mT34() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T34; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:29:5: ( '*' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:29:7: '*' { match('*'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T34 // $ANTLR start T35 public final void mT35() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T35; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:30:5: ( '[]' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:30:7: '[]' { match("[]"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T35 // $ANTLR start T36 public final void mT36() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T36; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:31:5: ( '=' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:31:7: '=' { match('='); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T36 // $ANTLR start T37 public final void mT37() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T37; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:32:5: ( 'true' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:32:7: 'true' { match("true"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T37 // $ANTLR start T38 public final void mT38() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T38; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:33:5: ( 'false' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:33:7: 'false' { match("false"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T38 // $ANTLR start T39 public final void mT39() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T39; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:34:5: ( '.' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:34:7: '.' { match('.'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T39 // $ANTLR start T40 public final void mT40() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T40; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:35:5: ( '+' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:35:7: '+' { match('+'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T40 // $ANTLR start T41 public final void mT41() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T41; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:36:5: ( '-' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:36:7: '-' { match('-'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T41 // $ANTLR start T42 public final void mT42() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T42; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:37:5: ( '/ ' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:37:7: '/ ' { match("/ "); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T42 // $ANTLR start T43 public final void mT43() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T43; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:38:5: ( 'ms' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:38:7: 'ms' { match("ms"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T43 // $ANTLR start T44 public final void mT44() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T44; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:39:5: ( 's' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:39:7: 's' { match('s'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T44 // $ANTLR start T45 public final void mT45() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T45; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:40:5: ( 'm' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:40:7: 'm' { match('m'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T45 // $ANTLR start T46 public final void mT46() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T46; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:41:5: ( 'h' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:41:7: 'h' { match('h'); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end T46 // $ANTLR start RULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION public final void mRULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2917:24: ( '[[' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ']]' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2917:26: '[[' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ']]' { match("[["); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2917:31: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* loop1: do { int alt1=2; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA1_0==']') ) { int LA1_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA1_1==']') ) { alt1=2; } else if ( ((LA1_1>='\u0000' && LA1_1<='\\')||(LA1_1>='^' && LA1_1<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt1=1; } } else if ( ((LA1_0>='\u0000' && LA1_0<='\\')||(LA1_0>='^' && LA1_0<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt1=1; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2917:59: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop1; } } while (true); match("]]"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION // $ANTLR start RULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS public final void mRULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2919:24: ( '{{' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '}}' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2919:26: '{{' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '}}' { match("{{"); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2919:31: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* loop2: do { int alt2=2; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0=='}') ) { int LA2_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA2_1=='}') ) { alt2=2; } else if ( ((LA2_1>='\u0000' && LA2_1<='|')||(LA2_1>='~' && LA2_1<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt2=1; } } else if ( ((LA2_0>='\u0000' && LA2_0<='|')||(LA2_0>='~' && LA2_0<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt2=1; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2919:59: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop2; } } while (true); match("}}"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS // $ANTLR start RULE_URI_LITERAL public final void mRULE_URI_LITERAL() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_URI_LITERAL; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2921:18: ( '@' ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | ':' | '_' | '-' | '+' | '.' | '/' | '#' | '?' | '=' | '&' | '%' | '@' | '$' )+ ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2921:20: '@' ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | ':' | '_' | '-' | '+' | '.' | '/' | '#' | '?' | '=' | '&' | '%' | '@' | '$' )+ { match('@'); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2921:24: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | ':' | '_' | '-' | '+' | '.' | '/' | '#' | '?' | '=' | '&' | '%' | '@' | '$' )+ int cnt3=0; loop3: do { int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA3_0>='#' && LA3_0<='&')||LA3_0=='+'||(LA3_0>='-' && LA3_0<=':')||LA3_0=='='||(LA3_0>='?' && LA3_0<='Z')||LA3_0=='_'||(LA3_0>='a' && LA3_0<='z')) ) { alt3=1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g: { if ( (input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='&')||input.LA(1)=='+'||(input.LA(1)>='-' && input.LA(1)<=':')||input.LA(1)=='='||(input.LA(1)>='?' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt3 >= 1 ) break loop3; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(3, input); throw eee; } cnt3++; } while (true); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_URI_LITERAL // $ANTLR start RULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL public final void mRULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2923:26: ( '\\u20AC' ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | ':' | '_' | '-' | '+' | '.' | '/' | '#' | '?' | '=' | '&' | '%' | '@' | '$' )+ ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2923:28: '\\u20AC' ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | ':' | '_' | '-' | '+' | '.' | '/' | '#' | '?' | '=' | '&' | '%' | '@' | '$' )+ { match('\u20AC'); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2923:37: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | ':' | '_' | '-' | '+' | '.' | '/' | '#' | '?' | '=' | '&' | '%' | '@' | '$' )+ int cnt4=0; loop4: do { int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA4_0>='#' && LA4_0<='&')||LA4_0=='+'||(LA4_0>='-' && LA4_0<=':')||LA4_0=='='||(LA4_0>='?' && LA4_0<='Z')||LA4_0=='_'||(LA4_0>='a' && LA4_0<='z')) ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g: { if ( (input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='&')||input.LA(1)=='+'||(input.LA(1)>='-' && input.LA(1)<=':')||input.LA(1)=='='||(input.LA(1)>='?' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt4 >= 1 ) break loop4; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(4, input); throw eee; } cnt4++; } while (true); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL // $ANTLR start RULE_ID public final void mRULE_ID() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_ID; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2925:9: ( ( '^' )? ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )* ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2925:11: ( '^' )? ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )* { // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2925:11: ( '^' )? int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA5_0=='^') ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2925:11: '^' { match('^'); } break; } if ( (input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2925:40: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )* loop6: do { int alt6=2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA6_0>='0' && LA6_0<='9')||(LA6_0>='A' && LA6_0<='Z')||LA6_0=='_'||(LA6_0>='a' && LA6_0<='z')) ) { alt6=1; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g: { if ( (input.LA(1)>='0' && input.LA(1)<='9')||(input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop6; } } while (true); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_ID // $ANTLR start RULE_INT public final void mRULE_INT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_INT; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2927:10: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2927:12: ( '0' .. '9' )+ { // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2927:12: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt7=0; loop7: do { int alt7=2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA7_0>='0' && LA7_0<='9')) ) { alt7=1; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2927:13: '0' .. '9' { matchRange('0','9'); } break; default : if ( cnt7 >= 1 ) break loop7; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(7, input); throw eee; } cnt7++; } while (true); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_INT // $ANTLR start RULE_STRING public final void mRULE_STRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_STRING; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:13: ( ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' ) ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:15: ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' ) { // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:15: ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' ) int alt10=2; int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA10_0=='\"') ) { alt10=1; } else if ( (LA10_0=='\'') ) { alt10=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("2929:15: ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' )", 10, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:16: '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' { match('\"'); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:20: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* loop8: do { int alt8=3; int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA8_0=='\\') ) { alt8=1; } else if ( ((LA8_0>='\u0000' && LA8_0<='!')||(LA8_0>='#' && LA8_0<='[')||(LA8_0>=']' && LA8_0<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt8=2; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:21: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) { match('\\'); if ( input.LA(1)=='\"'||input.LA(1)=='\''||input.LA(1)=='\\'||input.LA(1)=='b'||input.LA(1)=='f'||input.LA(1)=='n'||input.LA(1)=='r'||input.LA(1)=='t' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; case 2 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:62: ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='!')||(input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='[')||(input.LA(1)>=']' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFE') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop8; } } while (true); match('\"'); } break; case 2 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:82: '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' { match('\''); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:87: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* loop9: do { int alt9=3; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0=='\\') ) { alt9=1; } else if ( ((LA9_0>='\u0000' && LA9_0<='&')||(LA9_0>='(' && LA9_0<='[')||(LA9_0>=']' && LA9_0<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt9=2; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:88: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) { match('\\'); if ( input.LA(1)=='\"'||input.LA(1)=='\''||input.LA(1)=='\\'||input.LA(1)=='b'||input.LA(1)=='f'||input.LA(1)=='n'||input.LA(1)=='r'||input.LA(1)=='t' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; case 2 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2929:129: ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='&')||(input.LA(1)>='(' && input.LA(1)<='[')||(input.LA(1)>=']' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFE') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop9; } } while (true); match('\''); } break; } } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_STRING // $ANTLR start RULE_ML_COMMENT public final void mRULE_ML_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_ML_COMMENT; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2931:17: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2931:19: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' { match("/*"); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2931:24: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* loop11: do { int alt11=2; int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0=='*') ) { int LA11_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA11_1=='/') ) { alt11=2; } else if ( ((LA11_1>='\u0000' && LA11_1<='.')||(LA11_1>='0' && LA11_1<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt11=1; } } else if ( ((LA11_0>='\u0000' && LA11_0<=')')||(LA11_0>='+' && LA11_0<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt11=1; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2931:52: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop11; } } while (true); match("*/"); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_ML_COMMENT // $ANTLR start RULE_SL_COMMENT public final void mRULE_SL_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_SL_COMMENT; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:17: ( '//' (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )? ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:19: '//' (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )? { match("//"); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:24: (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )* loop12: do { int alt12=2; int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA12_0>='\u0000' && LA12_0<='\t')||(LA12_0>='\u000B' && LA12_0<='\f')||(LA12_0>='\u000E' && LA12_0<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt12=1; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:24: ~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='\t')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000B' && input.LA(1)<='\f')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000E' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFE') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop12; } } while (true); // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:40: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )? int alt14=2; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA14_0=='\n'||LA14_0=='\r') ) { alt14=1; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:41: ( '\\r' )? '\\n' { // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:41: ( '\\r' )? int alt13=2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA13_0=='\r') ) { alt13=1; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2933:41: '\\r' { match('\r'); } break; } match('\n'); } break; } } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_SL_COMMENT // $ANTLR start RULE_WS public final void mRULE_WS() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_WS; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2935:9: ( ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+ ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2935:11: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+ { // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2935:11: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+ int cnt15=0; loop15: do { int alt15=2; int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA15_0>='\t' && LA15_0<='\n')||LA15_0=='\r'||LA15_0==' ') ) { alt15=1; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g: { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\t' && input.LA(1)<='\n')||input.LA(1)=='\r'||input.LA(1)==' ' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt15 >= 1 ) break loop15; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(15, input); throw eee; } cnt15++; } while (true); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_WS // $ANTLR start RULE_ANY_OTHER public final void mRULE_ANY_OTHER() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RULE_ANY_OTHER; // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2937:16: ( . ) // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:2937:18: . { matchAny(); } this.type = _type; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end RULE_ANY_OTHER public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException { // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:8: ( T15 | T16 | T17 | T18 | T19 | T20 | T21 | T22 | T23 | T24 | T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | RULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION | RULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS | RULE_URI_LITERAL | RULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL | RULE_ID | RULE_INT | RULE_STRING | RULE_ML_COMMENT | RULE_SL_COMMENT | RULE_WS | RULE_ANY_OTHER ) int alt16=43; int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA16_0=='d') ) { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case 'a': { int LA16_35 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_35=='t') ) { int LA16_76 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_76=='a') ) { int LA16_89 = input.LA(5); if ( ((LA16_89>='0' && LA16_89<='9')||(LA16_89>='A' && LA16_89<='Z')||LA16_89=='_'||(LA16_89>='a' && LA16_89<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=4;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } break; case 'o': { switch ( input.LA(3) ) { case 'm': { int LA16_77 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_77=='a') ) { int LA16_90 = input.LA(5); if ( (LA16_90=='i') ) { int LA16_99 = input.LA(6); if ( (LA16_99=='n') ) { int LA16_106 = input.LA(7); if ( ((LA16_106>='0' && LA16_106<='9')||(LA16_106>='A' && LA16_106<='Z')||LA16_106=='_'||(LA16_106>='a' && LA16_106<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=1;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { alt16=37; } break; default: alt16=8;} } break; default: alt16=37;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='m') ) { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case 's': { int LA16_38 = input.LA(3); if ( ((LA16_38>='0' && LA16_38<='9')||(LA16_38>='A' && LA16_38<='Z')||LA16_38=='_'||(LA16_38>='a' && LA16_38<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=29;} } break; case 'o': { int LA16_39 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_39=='d') ) { int LA16_80 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_80=='e') ) { int LA16_91 = input.LA(5); if ( (LA16_91=='l') ) { int LA16_100 = input.LA(6); if ( ((LA16_100>='0' && LA16_100<='9')||(LA16_100>='A' && LA16_100<='Z')||LA16_100=='_'||(LA16_100>='a' && LA16_100<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=2;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { alt16=37; } break; default: alt16=31;} } else if ( (LA16_0==';') ) { alt16=3; } else if ( (LA16_0=='{') ) { int LA16_4 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_4=='{') ) { alt16=34; } else { alt16=5;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='}') ) { alt16=6; } else if ( (LA16_0=='-') ) { int LA16_6 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_6=='>') ) { alt16=7; } else { alt16=27;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='<') ) { int LA16_7 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_7=='-') ) { alt16=9; } else { alt16=43;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='o') ) { int LA16_8 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_8=='n') ) { int LA16_48 = input.LA(3); if ( ((LA16_48>='0' && LA16_48<='9')||(LA16_48>='A' && LA16_48<='Z')||LA16_48=='_'||(LA16_48>='a' && LA16_48<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=10;} } else { alt16=37;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='i') ) { int LA16_9 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_9=='f') ) { int LA16_49 = input.LA(3); if ( ((LA16_49>='0' && LA16_49<='9')||(LA16_49>='A' && LA16_49<='Z')||LA16_49=='_'||(LA16_49>='a' && LA16_49<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=11;} } else { alt16=37;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='!') ) { alt16=12; } else if ( (LA16_0=='e') ) { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case 'n': { int LA16_51 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_51=='t') ) { int LA16_83 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_83=='e') ) { int LA16_92 = input.LA(5); if ( (LA16_92=='r') ) { int LA16_101 = input.LA(6); if ( ((LA16_101>='0' && LA16_101<='9')||(LA16_101>='A' && LA16_101<='Z')||LA16_101=='_'||(LA16_101>='a' && LA16_101<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=13;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } break; case 'x': { int LA16_52 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_52=='i') ) { int LA16_84 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_84=='t') ) { int LA16_93 = input.LA(5); if ( ((LA16_93>='0' && LA16_93<='9')||(LA16_93>='A' && LA16_93<='Z')||LA16_93=='_'||(LA16_93>='a' && LA16_93<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=14;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } break; default: alt16=37;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='t') ) { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case 'r': { int LA16_53 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_53=='u') ) { int LA16_85 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_85=='e') ) { int LA16_94 = input.LA(5); if ( ((LA16_94>='0' && LA16_94<='9')||(LA16_94>='A' && LA16_94<='Z')||LA16_94=='_'||(LA16_94>='a' && LA16_94<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=23;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { alt16=37; } break; default: alt16=15;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='>') ) { alt16=16; } else if ( (LA16_0=='a') ) { int LA16_14 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_14=='f') ) { int LA16_56 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_56=='t') ) { int LA16_86 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_86=='e') ) { int LA16_95 = input.LA(5); if ( (LA16_95=='r') ) { int LA16_104 = input.LA(6); if ( ((LA16_104>='0' && LA16_104<='9')||(LA16_104>='A' && LA16_104<='Z')||LA16_104=='_'||(LA16_104>='a' && LA16_104<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=17;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='v') ) { int LA16_15 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_15=='a') ) { int LA16_57 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_57=='r') ) { int LA16_87 = input.LA(4); if ( ((LA16_87>='0' && LA16_87<='9')||(LA16_87>='A' && LA16_87<='Z')||LA16_87=='_'||(LA16_87>='a' && LA16_87<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=18;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else if ( (LA16_0==':') ) { alt16=19; } else if ( (LA16_0=='*') ) { alt16=20; } else if ( (LA16_0=='[') ) { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case '[': { alt16=33; } break; case ']': { alt16=21; } break; default: alt16=43;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='=') ) { alt16=22; } else if ( (LA16_0=='f') ) { int LA16_20 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA16_20=='a') ) { int LA16_63 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA16_63=='l') ) { int LA16_88 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA16_88=='s') ) { int LA16_97 = input.LA(5); if ( (LA16_97=='e') ) { int LA16_105 = input.LA(6); if ( ((LA16_105>='0' && LA16_105<='9')||(LA16_105>='A' && LA16_105<='Z')||LA16_105=='_'||(LA16_105>='a' && LA16_105<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=24;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else { alt16=37;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='.') ) { alt16=25; } else if ( (LA16_0=='+') ) { alt16=26; } else if ( (LA16_0=='/') ) { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case '*': { alt16=40; } break; case ' ': { alt16=28; } break; case '/': { alt16=41; } break; default: alt16=43;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='s') ) { int LA16_24 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA16_24>='0' && LA16_24<='9')||(LA16_24>='A' && LA16_24<='Z')||LA16_24=='_'||(LA16_24>='a' && LA16_24<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=30;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='h') ) { int LA16_25 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA16_25>='0' && LA16_25<='9')||(LA16_25>='A' && LA16_25<='Z')||LA16_25=='_'||(LA16_25>='a' && LA16_25<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=32;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='@') ) { int LA16_26 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA16_26>='#' && LA16_26<='&')||LA16_26=='+'||(LA16_26>='-' && LA16_26<=':')||LA16_26=='='||(LA16_26>='?' && LA16_26<='Z')||LA16_26=='_'||(LA16_26>='a' && LA16_26<='z')) ) { alt16=35; } else { alt16=43;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='\u20AC') ) { int LA16_27 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA16_27>='#' && LA16_27<='&')||LA16_27=='+'||(LA16_27>='-' && LA16_27<=':')||LA16_27=='='||(LA16_27>='?' && LA16_27<='Z')||LA16_27=='_'||(LA16_27>='a' && LA16_27<='z')) ) { alt16=36; } else { alt16=43;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='^') ) { int LA16_28 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA16_28>='A' && LA16_28<='Z')||LA16_28=='_'||(LA16_28>='a' && LA16_28<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else { alt16=43;} } else if ( ((LA16_0>='A' && LA16_0<='Z')||LA16_0=='_'||(LA16_0>='b' && LA16_0<='c')||LA16_0=='g'||(LA16_0>='j' && LA16_0<='l')||LA16_0=='n'||(LA16_0>='p' && LA16_0<='r')||LA16_0=='u'||(LA16_0>='w' && LA16_0<='z')) ) { alt16=37; } else if ( ((LA16_0>='0' && LA16_0<='9')) ) { alt16=38; } else if ( (LA16_0=='\"') ) { int LA16_31 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA16_31>='\u0000' && LA16_31<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt16=39; } else { alt16=43;} } else if ( (LA16_0=='\'') ) { int LA16_32 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA16_32>='\u0000' && LA16_32<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt16=39; } else { alt16=43;} } else if ( ((LA16_0>='\t' && LA16_0<='\n')||LA16_0=='\r'||LA16_0==' ') ) { alt16=42; } else if ( ((LA16_0>='\u0000' && LA16_0<='\b')||(LA16_0>='\u000B' && LA16_0<='\f')||(LA16_0>='\u000E' && LA16_0<='\u001F')||(LA16_0>='#' && LA16_0<='&')||(LA16_0>='(' && LA16_0<=')')||LA16_0==','||LA16_0=='?'||(LA16_0>='\\' && LA16_0<=']')||LA16_0=='`'||LA16_0=='|'||(LA16_0>='~' && LA16_0<='\u20AB')||(LA16_0>='\u20AD' && LA16_0<='\uFFFE')) ) { alt16=43; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("1:1: Tokens : ( T15 | T16 | T17 | T18 | T19 | T20 | T21 | T22 | T23 | T24 | T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | RULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION | RULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS | RULE_URI_LITERAL | RULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL | RULE_ID | RULE_INT | RULE_STRING | RULE_ML_COMMENT | RULE_SL_COMMENT | RULE_WS | RULE_ANY_OTHER );", 16, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt16) { case 1 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:10: T15 { mT15(); } break; case 2 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:14: T16 { mT16(); } break; case 3 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:18: T17 { mT17(); } break; case 4 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:22: T18 { mT18(); } break; case 5 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:26: T19 { mT19(); } break; case 6 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:30: T20 { mT20(); } break; case 7 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:34: T21 { mT21(); } break; case 8 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:38: T22 { mT22(); } break; case 9 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:42: T23 { mT23(); } break; case 10 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:46: T24 { mT24(); } break; case 11 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:50: T25 { mT25(); } break; case 12 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:54: T26 { mT26(); } break; case 13 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:58: T27 { mT27(); } break; case 14 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:62: T28 { mT28(); } break; case 15 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:66: T29 { mT29(); } break; case 16 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:70: T30 { mT30(); } break; case 17 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:74: T31 { mT31(); } break; case 18 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:78: T32 { mT32(); } break; case 19 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:82: T33 { mT33(); } break; case 20 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:86: T34 { mT34(); } break; case 21 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:90: T35 { mT35(); } break; case 22 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:94: T36 { mT36(); } break; case 23 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:98: T37 { mT37(); } break; case 24 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:102: T38 { mT38(); } break; case 25 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:106: T39 { mT39(); } break; case 26 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:110: T40 { mT40(); } break; case 27 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:114: T41 { mT41(); } break; case 28 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:118: T42 { mT42(); } break; case 29 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:122: T43 { mT43(); } break; case 30 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:126: T44 { mT44(); } break; case 31 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:130: T45 { mT45(); } break; case 32 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:134: T46 { mT46(); } break; case 33 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:138: RULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION { mRULE_SCRIPT_EXPRESSION(); } break; case 34 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:161: RULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS { mRULE_SCRIPT_STATEMENTS(); } break; case 35 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:184: RULE_URI_LITERAL { mRULE_URI_LITERAL(); } break; case 36 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:201: RULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL { mRULE_EOBJECT_URI_LITERAL(); } break; case 37 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:226: RULE_ID { mRULE_ID(); } break; case 38 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:234: RULE_INT { mRULE_INT(); } break; case 39 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:243: RULE_STRING { mRULE_STRING(); } break; case 40 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:255: RULE_ML_COMMENT { mRULE_ML_COMMENT(); } break; case 41 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:271: RULE_SL_COMMENT { mRULE_SL_COMMENT(); } break; case 42 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:287: RULE_WS { mRULE_WS(); } break; case 43 : // ../no.hal.scxml.scxmlxt/src-gen/no/hal/scxml/parser/antlr/internal/InternalScxmlxt.g:1:295: RULE_ANY_OTHER { mRULE_ANY_OTHER(); } break; } } }