/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016 Pentaho Corporation.. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.reporting.designer.core.editor.parameters; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import javax.swing.JTextField; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import org.pentaho.reporting.designer.core.ReportDesignerContext; import org.pentaho.reporting.designer.core.util.FormulaEditorPanel; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.parameters.ParameterAttributeNames; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.parameters.ParameterContext; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.parameters.ParameterDefinitionEntry; /** * Created by dima.prokopenko@gmail.com on 10/26/2016. */ public class ParameterDialogTest { private ReportDesignerContext context; private ParameterDefinitionEntry parameter; private ParameterType type; private ParameterDialog dialog; private ParameterContext parameterContext; @Before public void before() { assumeFalse( GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ); context = mock( ReportDesignerContext.class ); parameter = mock( ParameterDefinitionEntry.class ); when( parameter.getValueType() ).thenReturn( String.class ); type = mock( ParameterType.class ); parameterContext = mock( ParameterContext.class ); dialog = new ParameterDialog( context ); dialog.dataFormatField = mock( JTextField.class ); dialog.dataFormatFormula = mock( FormulaEditorPanel.class ); dialog.labelTextField = mock( JTextField.class ); dialog.labelFormula = mock( FormulaEditorPanel.class ); } @Test public void testCreateDialogJustLabel() { when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "val" ); when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL_FORMULA ), any() ) ).thenReturn( null ); dialog.updateFromParameter( parameter ); verify( dialog.labelTextField, times( 1 ) ).setText( eq( "val" ) ); verify( dialog.labelFormula, times( 1 ) ).setFormula( null ); } @Test public void testCreateDialogLabelAndFormula() { when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "val" ); when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL_FORMULA ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "=TRUE()" ); dialog.updateFromParameter( parameter ); verify( dialog.labelTextField, times( 1 ) ).setText( eq( "val" ) ); verify( dialog.labelFormula, times( 1 ) ).setFormula( "=TRUE()" ); } @Test public void testCreateDialogLabelAndFormulaAreSame() { when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "=TRUE()" ); when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL_FORMULA ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "=TRUE()" ); dialog.updateFromParameter( parameter ); verify( dialog.labelTextField, times( 1 ) ).setText( eq( "" ) ); verify( dialog.labelFormula, times( 1 ) ).setFormula( "=TRUE()" ); } @Test public void testCreateDialogDataFormat() { when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "yyyy" ); when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT_FORMULA ), any() ) ).thenReturn( null ); dialog.updateFromParameter( parameter ); verify( dialog.dataFormatField, times( 1 ) ).setText( eq( "yyyy" ) ); verify( dialog.dataFormatFormula, times( 1 ) ).setFormula( null ); } @Test public void testCreateDialogDataFormatAndFormula() { when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "yyyy" ); when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT_FORMULA ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "=ERROR()" ); dialog.updateFromParameter( parameter ); verify( dialog.dataFormatField, times( 1 ) ).setText( eq( "yyyy" ) ); verify( dialog.dataFormatFormula, times( 1 ) ).setFormula( "=ERROR()" ); } @Test public void testCreateDialogDataFormatAndFormulaSame() { when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "=ERROR()" ); when( parameter.getParameterAttribute( anyString(), eq( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT_FORMULA ), any() ) ).thenReturn( "=ERROR()" ); dialog.updateFromParameter( parameter ); verify( dialog.dataFormatField, times( 1 ) ).setText( eq( "" ) ); verify( dialog.dataFormatFormula, times( 1 ) ).setFormula( "=ERROR()" ); } @Test public void testSaveParameterLabel() { when( dialog.labelFormula.getFormula() ).thenReturn( null ); when( dialog.dataFormatFormula.getFormula() ).thenReturn( null ); ParameterDefinitionEntry entry = dialog.createQuerylessParameter( "paramName", "paramLabel", new Object(), "yyy", false, type ); final String actualDataFormat = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT, parameterContext ); final String actualLabel = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL, parameterContext ); assertEquals( "paramLabel", actualLabel ); assertEquals( "yyy", actualDataFormat ); final String labelFormula = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL_FORMULA, parameterContext ); final String dataFormatFormula = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT_FORMULA, parameterContext ); assertEquals( null, labelFormula ); assertEquals( null, dataFormatFormula ); } @Test public void testSaveParameterLabelFormulaRepalce() { when( dialog.labelFormula.getFormula() ).thenReturn( "=FOR1" ); when( dialog.dataFormatFormula.getFormula() ).thenReturn( "=FOR2" ); ParameterDefinitionEntry entry = dialog.createQuerylessParameter( "paramName", "", new Object(), "", false, type ); final String actualDataFormat = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT, parameterContext ); final String actualLabel = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL, parameterContext ); assertEquals( "=FOR1", actualLabel ); assertEquals( "=FOR2", actualDataFormat ); final String labelFormula = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.LABEL_FORMULA, parameterContext ); final String dataFormatFormula = entry.getParameterAttribute( ParameterAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, ParameterAttributeNames.Core.DATA_FORMAT_FORMULA, parameterContext ); assertEquals( "=FOR1", labelFormula ); assertEquals( "=FOR2", dataFormatFormula ); } }