package; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsInternalException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.MetadataSupport; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; public class LogModel { String test_num; HashMap<String, OMElement> logs; public LogModel(String test_num) { logs = new HashMap<String, OMElement>(); this.test_num = test_num; } public void addLog(OMElement log) throws XdsInternalException, XdsException { String root_element_name = log.getLocalName(); if (root_element_name == null || ( !root_element_name.equals("TestResults") && !root_element_name.equals("XdsEvsResult") ) ) throw new XdsException("Root of test log is " + root_element_name + " instead of TestResults or XdsEvsResult"); if (root_element_name.equals("TestResults")) { OMElement test_ele = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(log, "Test"); if (test_ele == null) throw new XdsInternalException("Log has no Test element"); String test = test_ele.getText(); if (test == null || test.equals("")) throw new XdsInternalException("Log has empty Test element"); String[] test_parts = test.split("/"); if (test_parts.length > 1) { if ( !this.test_num.equals(test_parts[0])) throw new XdsException("Logfile Test element value, " + test + ", does not belong to test " + this.test_num); String section_name = test_parts[1]; if (section_name == null || section_name.equals("")) throw new XdsException("Logfile Test element value, " + test + ", has invalid sub-test name (text following / character)"); logs.put(section_name, log); } else { logs.put(test, log); } } else if (root_element_name.equals("XdsEvsResult")) { OMElement testEle = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(log, "Test"); String test = testEle.getText(); if (test == null || test.equals("")) throw new XdsInternalException("EVS has empty Test element"); if ( !test_num.equals(test)) { if (test_num.equals("12328") && ( test.equals("11936") || test.equals("11937") || test.equals("11938") || test.equals("11939") || test.equals("11940") || test.equals("11941") || test.equals("11942") || test.equals("11943") || test.equals("11944") || test.equals("11945") || test.equals("11946") || test.equals("11947") || test.equals("11948") )) ; // ok - all these SQ tests get reported under test 12328 else throw new XdsException("EVSfile Test element value, " + test + ", does not belong to test " + this.test_num); } OMElement resultEle = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(log, "Result"); String result = (resultEle != null) ? resultEle.getText() : null; if (result == null || result.equals("")) throw new XdsInternalException("EVS has empty Result element"); logs.put(test, log); if (test_num.equals("12328")) logs.put("12328", log); } } public boolean hasSubtest(String subtest_name) { return logs.containsKey(subtest_name); } public boolean isPass(String subtest_name) throws XdsInternalException, XdsException { OMElement log = get_log(subtest_name); String eleName = log.getLocalName(); if (eleName.equals("TestResults")) { String status = log.getAttributeValue(new QName("status")); if (status == null || status.equals("")) throw new XdsException("isPass: no status found for subtest " + subtest_name); return status.equals("Pass"); } else if (eleName.equals("XdsEvsResult")) { OMElement resultEle = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(log, "Result"); String result = (resultEle != null) ? resultEle.getText() : null; if (result == null || result.equals("")) throw new XdsInternalException("EVS has empty Result element"); return result.equals("Pass"); } throw new XdsInternalException("Not TestResults or XdsEvsRequest"); } public void checkFatalError(String subtest_name) throws XdsInternalException, XdsException { OMElement log = get_log(subtest_name); OMElement fatal_ele = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(log, "FatalError"); if (fatal_ele != null) throw new XdsException("Subtest " + subtest_name + " log file has fatal error: " + fatal_ele.getText()); } OMElement get_log(String subtest_name) throws XdsInternalException, XdsException { OMElement log = logs.get(subtest_name); if (log == null) throw new XdsInternalException("Internal Error: cannot find subtest name " + subtest_name); return log; } }