package; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsInternalException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.xml.Util; import; import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError; import; public class TestLogSupport { String patientId; protected OMElement logEle = null; protected void connectToLog(String logfileName) { String testLogDirPath = System.getenv("XDSTESTLOGDIR"); assert testLogDirPath != null; String logPath = testLogDirPath + "/" + logfileName; File logFile = new File(logPath); assert logFile.canRead(); try { logEle = Util.parse_xml(logFile); } catch (XdsInternalException e) { assert false; } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { assert false; } String status = null; try { status = Util.getAttributeValue(logEle, "/TestResults/@status"); } catch (Exception e1) {} assert status.equals("Pass"); // make sure test points to localhost // usually one of the first two TestSteps has an endpoint String endpoint0 = null; String endpoint1 = null; try { endpoint0 = Util.getElementValue(logEle, "//TestStep[1]/RegisterTransaction/Endpoint"); } catch (Exception e) {} try { endpoint1 = Util.getElementValue(logEle, "//TestStep[2]/RegisterTransaction/Endpoint"); } catch (Exception e) {} assert (endpoint0 != null && endpoint0.startsWith("http://localhost")) || (endpoint1 != null && endpoint1.startsWith("http://localhost")); // make sure test has real patient id // usually one of the first two TestSteps has one String patientId0 = null; String patientId1 = null; try { patientId0 = Util.getAttributeValue(logEle, "//TestStep[1]/RegisterTransaction/AssignedPatientId/Assign[@symbol='Document01']/@id"); } catch (Exception e) {} try { patientId1 = Util.getAttributeValue(logEle, "//TestStep[2]/RegisterTransaction/AssignedPatientId/Assign[@symbol='Document01']/@id"); } catch (Exception e) {} assert (patientId0 != null && patientId0.endsWith("ISO")) || (patientId1 != null && patientId1.endsWith("ISO")); if (patientId0 != null) patientId = patientId0; else patientId = patientId1; } public String getPatientId() { return patientId; } }