package; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XDSRegistryOutOfResourcesException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.BasicQuery; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.Metadata; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.storedquery.StoredQuerySupport; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.config.PropertyFacade; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.log.LoggerException; /** * * @author bill * * This is the base class for the implementation of all Stored Queries. This is the base of a * three-level hierarchy of child classes for implementing specific Stored Queries against specific * underlying databases. The hierarchy for the FindDocuments Stored Query looks like: * StoredQuery - this base class. This is the base layer. * FindDocuments - generic implementation of the FindDocuments Stored Query. It contains details of * the stored query specification in the profile (required parameters etc.). This is called the query * specific layer. This class inherits from StoredQuery. * EbXMLFindDocuments - specific implementation for the ebXML Registry 2.1 backend registry implementation * (this class if found in the package xds and not here in common). This is the * implementation specific layer. This class inherits from FindDocuments. * * Processing * The processing begins with a Factory class specialized for the implementation that first creates an * instance of StoredQuerySupport to hold * all the parameters and control variables. * Next an instance of the implementation specific class is created. Its two * super classes, the query specific layer and the base layer, are naturally included because of * the inheritance. * * Execution begins with the Factory calling the run() * method defined in the base StoredQuery class. The run() method calls runSpecific(), a * method in the query specific layer. * * Each stored query requires/accepts a different collection of parameters. The runSpecific() method * parses the stored query input into a collection of Java variables for later processing and then * validates that the correct combination of parameters were specified. If successful it calls the * runImplementation() method which is defined in the implementation specific layer to execute the * Stored Query. * * The linkages between layers is specified through abstract methods: * StoredQuery declares: abstract public Metadata runSpecific(); * FindDocuments declares: abstract protected Metadata runImplementation(); */ abstract public class StoredQuery extends BasicQuery { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StoredQuery.class); protected static int queryMaxReturn = PropertyFacade.getInteger("query.max.return", 25); // Run specific Stored Query (defined in Stored Query specific subclass) abstract public Metadata runSpecific() throws XdsException, LoggerException, XDSRegistryOutOfResourcesException; // Generic Stored Query parameters (returnType etc) protected StoredQuerySupport sqs; public StoredQuery(StoredQuerySupport storedQuerySupport) { sqs = storedQuerySupport; } /** * Run an arbitrary stored query. It calls the abstract method runSpecific() to engage the parsing * of parameters and execution of the query. * @return List of OMElements to be returned from the query * @throws XdsException * @throws LoggerException * @throws XDSRegistryOutOfResourcesException */ public Metadata run() throws XdsException, LoggerException, XDSRegistryOutOfResourcesException { Metadata metadata; metadata = runSpecific(); if (sqs.log_message != null) { if (metadata == null) sqs.log_message.addOtherParam("Metadata Structure", "null"); else { sqs.log_message.addOtherParam("Metadata Structure", metadata.structure()); sqs.log_message.addOtherParam("Patient IDs", metadata.getPatientIds().toString()); } } if (metadata == null) return null; if (sqs.return_leaf_class) { if (sqs.is_secure) secure_URI(metadata); return new Metadata().addToMetadata(metadata.getV3(), true); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("StoredQuery#run refs = " + metadata.getMajorObjects()); } return new Metadata(). addToMetadata(metadata.getObjectRefs(metadata.getMajorObjects(), false /* v3 */), true /* discard_duplicates */); } } }