package gov.nist.registry.common2.registry; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.ExceptionUtil; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsException; import gov.nist.registry.common2.exception.XdsInternalException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.XdsFactory; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.log.LogMessage; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.log.LoggerException; import org.openhealthtools.openxds.registry.api.ResourceingFilter; import org.openhealthtools.openxua.api.AssertionException; import org.openhealthtools.openxua.api.XServiceProvider; import; public class XdsCommon { public Response response = null; public LogMessage log_message = null; public static final short xds_none = 0; public static final short xds_a = 2; public static final short xds_b = 3; public short xds_version = xds_none; MessageContext messageContext = null; /**Is Responding Gateway*/ boolean isRG = false; private final static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(XdsCommon.class); public static final short UNKNOWN_transaction = 0; public static final short PR_transaction = 1; public static final short R_transaction = 2; public static final short SQ_transaction = 3; public static final short RET_transaction = 4; public static final short OTHER_transaction = 5; public short transaction_type = UNKNOWN_transaction; public MessageContext getMessageContext() { return messageContext; } public void setIsRG() { isRG = true; if (response != null) response.setIsRG(); } public void init(Response response, short xds_version, MessageContext messageContext) throws XdsInternalException { if (transaction_type == UNKNOWN_transaction) throw new XdsInternalException("transaction_type is UNKNOWN"); this.response = response; if (isRG) response.setIsRG(); this.xds_version = xds_version; this.messageContext = messageContext; } public boolean getStatus() { return ! response.has_errors(); } protected void log_status() { try { String e_and_w = response.getErrorsAndWarnings(); if (e_and_w != null && !e_and_w.equals("")) log_message.addErrorParam("Error", e_and_w); } catch (Exception e) { response.error("Internal Error: cannot set final status in test log on transaction"); } } protected void init_log() throws LoggerException { } public static String logger_exception_details(Exception e) { if (e == null) return ""; return e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage() + ExceptionUtil.exception_details(e, 10); } protected void log_response() { generateAuditLog(response); if (log_message == null) { logger.fatal("\nFATAL ERROR: XdsCommon.log_response(): log_message is null\n"); return; } try { if (response.has_errors()) { log_message.setPass(false); log_message.addErrorParam("Errors", response.getErrorsAndWarnings()); } else log_message.setPass(true); log_message.addOtherParam("Response", response.getResponse().toString()); } catch (LoggerException e) { logger.error("**************ERROR: Logger exception attempting to return to user"); } catch (XdsInternalException e) { logger.error("**************ERROR: Internal exception attempting to return to user"); } } protected void generateAuditLog(Response response) { } protected void generateAuditLog(Metadata m) { } private OMElement getUserAssertion(SoapHeader header) throws XdsException{ // Get Identity Assertion from web-services security header OMElement security = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(header.getHdr(), "Security"); if (security == null) throw new XdsException("Security element does not exists in web-services security header"); OMElement element = MetadataSupport.firstChildWithLocalName(security, "Assertion"); if (element == null) throw new XdsException("Identity Assertion does not exists in web-services security header"); return element; } protected boolean validateAssertion(SoapHeader header)throws XdsException, AssertionException { OMElement assertion = getUserAssertion(header); XServiceProvider provider = (XServiceProvider) XdsFactory.getInstance().getBean("xuaServiceProvider"); if (provider == null) throw new XdsException("Exception while getting XServiceProvider instance"); boolean status = provider.validateToken(assertion); return status; } protected Metadata filter(Metadata metadata, SoapHeader header) throws XdsException, Exception{ ResourceingFilter filter = null; try { filter = (ResourceingFilter)XdsFactory.getInstance().getBean("resourceingFilter"); if(filter == null){ throw new Exception("ResourceingFilter bean is null"); } }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while getting filtering resource bean",e); throw e; } try { if(metadata == null) return null; List<OMElement> extrinsicObjects = metadata.getExtrinsicObjects(); OMElement userAssertion = getUserAssertion(header);"Filtering extrinsicObjects:"+extrinsicObjects.size()); List<OMElement> filteredList = filter.filterExtrinsicObjects(extrinsicObjects, userAssertion); if(filteredList != null){ Metadata metadataRef = new Metadata(); metadataRef.addExtrinsicObjects(filteredList); List<String> extrinsicObjectIds = metadataRef.getExtrinsicObjectIds(); //Remove extrinsicObjects from metadata those are not available in extrinsicObjectIds(user does not have permission to view) List<OMElement> duplicateExtList = new ArrayList<OMElement>(extrinsicObjects); for (OMElement extrinsicObject : duplicateExtList) { String id =; if (!extrinsicObjectIds.contains(id)){ extrinsicObjects.remove(extrinsicObject); metadata.getAllObjects().remove(extrinsicObject); } } //Remove associations those are related to deleted extrinsicObjects List<OMElement> associations = metadata.getAssociations(); List<OMElement> duplicateAssociations = new ArrayList<OMElement>(associations); for(OMElement association : duplicateAssociations){ if(!extrinsicObjectIds.contains(metadata.getAssocSource(association)) || !extrinsicObjectIds.contains(metadata.getAssocTarget(association))){ associations.remove(association); metadata.getAllObjects().remove(association); } } }"no. of extrinsicObjects returned:"+metadata.getExtrinsicObjects().size()); }catch(XdsException e){ logger.debug("Exception while getting User Assertion:" + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Exception filtering metadata"); throw e; } return metadata; } /** * Reconciles authority with the ConnectionDescritpion configuration. An authority * can have NameSpace and/or UniversalId/UniversalIdType. For example, in the data source such as * database, if an authority is represented by NameSpace only, while in the xml configuration, the authority is configured * with both NameSpace and UnviersalId/UniversalIdType. The authority in the datasource has to be mapped * to the authority configured in the XML files. * * @param authority The authority * @param connection * @param adapter the adapter from where to get the domains * @return The authority according the configuration */ protected Identifier reconcileIdentifier(Identifier authority, IConnectionDescription connection) { List<> identifiers = connection.getAllIdentifiersByType("domain"); for ( id : identifiers) { //TODO: Fix the Identifier type //Temporary conversion during the library migration Identifier identifier = new Identifier(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getUniversalId(), id.getUniversalIdType()); if ( identifier.equals(authority) ) { return identifier; } } //no identifier is found, just return the original authority return authority; } }