package gov.nist.registry.common2.xca; import gov.nist.registry.common2.registry.MetadataSupport; import; import; import; import; public class HomeAttribute { String home; String errs = ""; public HomeAttribute(String home) { this.home = home; } boolean isIdentifiable(String name) { return name.equals("ObjectRef") || name.equals("ExtrinsicObject") || name.equals("RegistryPackage") || name.equals("ExternalIdentifier") || name.equals("Association") || name.equals("Classification"); } public void set(OMElement root) { String localname = root.getLocalName(); if (isIdentifiable(localname)) root.addAttribute("home", home, null); for (OMNode child=root.getFirstElement(); child != null; child=child.getNextOMSibling()) { if (child instanceof OMText) { continue; } OMElement child_e = (OMElement) child; set(child_e); } } public String validate(OMElement root) { errs = ""; validate1(root); return errs; } public void validate1(OMElement root) { String localname = root.getLocalName(); if (isIdentifiable(localname)) { OMAttribute home_att = root.getAttribute(MetadataSupport.home_qname); if (home_att == null) { errs += "\nElement of type " + localname + " does not contain a home attribute"; } else { String home1 = home_att.getAttributeValue(); if (home1 == null) home1 = ""; if ( !home1.equals(home)) errs += "\nElement of type " + localname + " has home of [" + home1 + "] which does not match expected value of [" + home + "]"; } } for (OMNode child=root.getFirstElement(); child != null; child=child.getNextOMSibling()) { OMElement child_e = (OMElement) child; validate1(child_e); } } }