package org.openpixi.pixi.distributed.ibis; import ibis.ipl.*; import org.openpixi.pixi.distributed.util.CountLock; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Handles connection to the ibis registry. */ public class IbisRegistry { private static final IbisCapabilities ibisCapabilities = new IbisCapabilities( IbisCapabilities.ELECTIONS_STRICT, IbisCapabilities.MEMBERSHIP_TOTALLY_ORDERED); /** Lock to wait for all the workers to join. */ private CountLock numOfJoinedWorkersLock; private final List<IbisIdentifier> workers = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<IbisIdentifier>()); private IbisIdentifier master; private Ibis ibis; public Ibis getIbis() { return ibis; } public IbisIdentifier getMaster() { return master; } public List<IbisIdentifier> getWorkers() { return workers; } /** * Creates the instance of ibis and immediately calls the election. * Waits for all the nodes to connect. */ public IbisRegistry(int numOfWorkers, String iplServer, String iplPool) { System.setProperty("ibis.server.address", iplServer); System.setProperty("", iplPool); numOfJoinedWorkersLock = new CountLock(numOfWorkers); try { ibis = IbisFactory.createIbis(ibisCapabilities, new RegistryEvent(), PixiPorts.ALL_PORTS); master = ibis.registry().elect("Master"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } ibis.registry().enableEvents(); numOfJoinedWorkersLock.waitForCount(); } /* * We have the IbisIdentifier to identify a worker. * However, in the application we do not want to be dependent on Ibis and thus * we identify the workers by integers from 0 to NUMBER_OF_NODES - 1. * The integer id of a worker is simply its order in workers list * (the id is given by the order in which the workers connected). * Relies heavily on the fact that the list of workers is the same on each pc! */ public IbisIdentifier convertWorkerIDToIbisID(int workerID) { return workers.get(workerID); } public int convertIbisIDToWorkerID(IbisIdentifier ibisID) { for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) { if (workers.get(i).name().equals( { return i; } } throw new RuntimeException("Converting ibis ID to worker ID failed!"); } public boolean isMaster() { return ibis.identifier().equals(master); } public void close() throws IOException { ibis.end(); } /** * Handles registry events. */ private class RegistryEvent implements RegistryEventHandler { public void died(IbisIdentifier ii) { } public void electionResult(String arg0, IbisIdentifier arg1) { } public void gotSignal(String arg0, IbisIdentifier arg1) { } public synchronized void joined(IbisIdentifier ii) { workers.add(ii); numOfJoinedWorkersLock.increase(); } public void left(IbisIdentifier ii) { } public void poolClosed() { } public void poolTerminated(IbisIdentifier arg0) { } } }