package org.m0zilla.javascript.commonjs.module.provider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * A URL-based script provider that can load modules against a set of base * privileged and fallback URIs. It is deliberately not named "URI provider" * but a "URL provider" since it actually only works against those URIs that * are URLs (and the JRE has a protocol handler for them). It creates cache * validators that are suitable for use with both file: and http: URL * protocols. Specifically, it is able to use both last-modified timestamps and * ETags for cache revalidation, and follows the HTTP cache expiry calculation * model, and allows for fallback heuristic expiry calculation when no server * specified expiry is provided. * @author Attila Szegedi * @version $Id: 1746 2011-10-25 15:44:42Z alan $ */ public class UrlModuleSourceProvider extends ModuleSourceProviderBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Iterable<URI> privilegedUris; private final Iterable<URI> fallbackUris; private final UrlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider urlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider; private final UrlConnectionExpiryCalculator urlConnectionExpiryCalculator; /** * Creates a new module script provider that loads modules against a set of * privileged and fallback URIs. It will use a fixed default cache expiry * of 60 seconds, and provide no security domain objects for the resource. * @param privilegedUris an iterable providing the privileged URIs. Can be * null if no privileged URIs are used. * @param fallbackUris an iterable providing the fallback URIs. Can be * null if no fallback URIs are used. */ public UrlModuleSourceProvider(Iterable<URI> privilegedUris, Iterable<URI> fallbackUris) { this(privilegedUris, fallbackUris, new DefaultUrlConnectionExpiryCalculator(), null); } /** * Creates a new module script provider that loads modules against a set of * privileged and fallback URIs. It will use the specified heuristic cache * expiry calculator and security domain provider. * @param privilegedUris an iterable providing the privileged URIs. Can be * null if no privileged URIs are used. * @param fallbackUris an iterable providing the fallback URIs. Can be * null if no fallback URIs are used. * @param urlConnectionExpiryCalculator the calculator object for heuristic * calculation of the resource expiry, used when no expiry is provided by * the server of the resource. Can be null, in which case the maximum age * of cached entries without validation will be zero. * @param urlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider object that provides security * domain objects for the loaded sources. Can be null, in which case the * loaded sources will have no security domain associated with them. */ public UrlModuleSourceProvider(Iterable<URI> privilegedUris, Iterable<URI> fallbackUris, UrlConnectionExpiryCalculator urlConnectionExpiryCalculator, UrlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider urlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider) { this.privilegedUris = privilegedUris; this.fallbackUris = fallbackUris; this.urlConnectionExpiryCalculator = urlConnectionExpiryCalculator; this.urlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider = urlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider; } @Override protected ModuleSource loadFromPrivilegedLocations( String moduleId, Object validator) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { return loadFromPathList(moduleId, validator, privilegedUris); } @Override protected ModuleSource loadFromFallbackLocations( String moduleId, Object validator) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { return loadFromPathList(moduleId, validator, fallbackUris); } private ModuleSource loadFromPathList(String moduleId, Object validator, Iterable<URI> paths) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { if(paths == null) { return null; } for (URI path : paths) { final ModuleSource moduleSource = loadFromUri( path.resolve(moduleId), path, validator); if (moduleSource != null) { return moduleSource; } } return null; } @Override protected ModuleSource loadFromUri(URI uri, URI base, Object validator) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { // We expect modules to have a ".js" file name extension ... URI fullUri = new URI(uri + ".js"); ModuleSource source = loadFromActualUri(fullUri, base, validator); // ... but for compatibility we support modules without extension, // or ids with explicit extension. return source != null ? source : loadFromActualUri(uri, base, validator); } protected ModuleSource loadFromActualUri(URI uri, URI base, Object validator) throws IOException { final URL url = new URL(base == null ? null : base.toURL(), uri.toString()); final long request_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final URLConnection urlConnection = openUrlConnection(url); final URLValidator applicableValidator; if(validator instanceof URLValidator) { final URLValidator uriValidator = ((URLValidator)validator); applicableValidator = uriValidator.appliesTo(uri) ? uriValidator : null; } else { applicableValidator = null; } if(applicableValidator != null) { applicableValidator.applyConditionals(urlConnection); } try { urlConnection.connect(); if(applicableValidator != null && applicableValidator.updateValidator(urlConnection, request_time, urlConnectionExpiryCalculator)) { close(urlConnection); return NOT_MODIFIED; } return new ModuleSource(getReader(urlConnection), getSecurityDomain(urlConnection), uri, base, new URLValidator(uri, urlConnection, request_time, urlConnectionExpiryCalculator)); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } catch(RuntimeException e) { close(urlConnection); throw e; } catch(IOException e) { close(urlConnection); throw e; } } private static Reader getReader(URLConnection urlConnection) throws IOException { return new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream(), getCharacterEncoding(urlConnection)); } private static String getCharacterEncoding(URLConnection urlConnection) { final ParsedContentType pct = new ParsedContentType( urlConnection.getContentType()); final String encoding = pct.getEncoding(); if(encoding != null) { return encoding; } final String contentType = pct.getContentType(); if(contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("text/")) { return "8859_1"; } else { return "utf-8"; } } private Object getSecurityDomain(URLConnection urlConnection) { return urlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider == null ? null : urlConnectionSecurityDomainProvider.getSecurityDomain( urlConnection); } private void close(URLConnection urlConnection) { try { urlConnection.getInputStream().close(); } catch(IOException e) { onFailedClosingUrlConnection(urlConnection, e); } } /** * Override if you want to get notified if the URL connection fails to * close. Does nothing by default. * @param urlConnection the connection * @param cause the cause it failed to close. */ protected void onFailedClosingUrlConnection(URLConnection urlConnection, IOException cause) { } /** * Can be overridden in subclasses to customize the URL connection opening * process. By default, just calls {@link URL#openConnection()}. * @param url the URL * @return a connection to the URL. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ protected URLConnection openUrlConnection(URL url) throws IOException { return url.openConnection(); } @Override protected boolean entityNeedsRevalidation(Object validator) { return !(validator instanceof URLValidator) || ((URLValidator)validator).entityNeedsRevalidation(); } private static class URLValidator implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final URI uri; private final long lastModified; private final String entityTags; private long expiry; public URLValidator(URI uri, URLConnection urlConnection, long request_time, UrlConnectionExpiryCalculator urlConnectionExpiryCalculator) { this.uri = uri; this.lastModified = urlConnection.getLastModified(); this.entityTags = getEntityTags(urlConnection); expiry = calculateExpiry(urlConnection, request_time, urlConnectionExpiryCalculator); } boolean updateValidator(URLConnection urlConnection, long request_time, UrlConnectionExpiryCalculator urlConnectionExpiryCalculator) throws IOException { boolean isResourceChanged = isResourceChanged(urlConnection); if(!isResourceChanged) { expiry = calculateExpiry(urlConnection, request_time, urlConnectionExpiryCalculator); } return isResourceChanged; } private boolean isResourceChanged(URLConnection urlConnection) throws IOException { if(urlConnection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { return ((HttpURLConnection)urlConnection).getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED; } return lastModified == urlConnection.getLastModified(); } private long calculateExpiry(URLConnection urlConnection, long request_time, UrlConnectionExpiryCalculator urlConnectionExpiryCalculator) { if("no-cache".equals(urlConnection.getHeaderField("Pragma"))) { return 0L; } final String cacheControl = urlConnection.getHeaderField( "Cache-Control"); if(cacheControl != null ) { if(cacheControl.indexOf("no-cache") != -1) { return 0L; } final int max_age = getMaxAge(cacheControl); if(-1 != max_age) { final long response_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long apparent_age = Math.max(0, response_time - urlConnection.getDate()); final long corrected_received_age = Math.max(apparent_age, urlConnection.getHeaderFieldInt("Age", 0) * 1000L); final long response_delay = response_time - request_time; final long corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age + response_delay; final long creation_time = response_time - corrected_initial_age; return max_age * 1000L + creation_time; } } final long explicitExpiry = urlConnection.getHeaderFieldDate( "Expires", -1L); if(explicitExpiry != -1L) { return explicitExpiry; } return urlConnectionExpiryCalculator == null ? 0L : urlConnectionExpiryCalculator.calculateExpiry(urlConnection); } private int getMaxAge(String cacheControl) { final int maxAgeIndex = cacheControl.indexOf("max-age"); if(maxAgeIndex == -1) { return -1; } final int eq = cacheControl.indexOf('=', maxAgeIndex + 7); if(eq == -1) { return -1; } final int comma = cacheControl.indexOf(',', eq + 1); final String strAge; if(comma == -1) { strAge = cacheControl.substring(eq + 1); } else { strAge = cacheControl.substring(eq + 1, comma); } try { return Integer.parseInt(strAge); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return -1; } } private String getEntityTags(URLConnection urlConnection) { final List<String> etags = urlConnection.getHeaderFields().get("ETag"); if(etags == null || etags.isEmpty()) { return null; } final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); final Iterator<String> it = etags.iterator(); b.append(; while(it.hasNext()) { b.append(", ").append(; } return b.toString(); } boolean appliesTo(URI uri) { return this.uri.equals(uri); } void applyConditionals(URLConnection urlConnection) { if(lastModified != 0L) { urlConnection.setIfModifiedSince(lastModified); } if(entityTags != null && entityTags.length() > 0) { urlConnection.addRequestProperty("If-None-Match", entityTags); } } boolean entityNeedsRevalidation() { return System.currentTimeMillis() > expiry; } } }