/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2008 TagServlet Ltd * * This file is part of Open BlueDragon (OpenBD) CFML Server Engine. * * OpenBD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * Free Software Foundation,version 3. * * OpenBD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBD. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining * it with any of the JARS listed in the README.txt (or a modified version of * (that library), containing parts covered by the terms of that JAR, the * licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the * resulting work. * README.txt @ http://www.openbluedragon.org/license/README.txt * * http://www.openbluedragon.org/ */ /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. selectSQLParserConstants.java */ package com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.queryofqueries; public interface selectSQLParserConstants { int EOF = 0; int SELECT = 6; int FROM = 7; int WHERE = 8; int ORDER = 9; int BY = 10; int GROUP = 11; int HAVING = 12; int NOT = 13; int IS = 14; int TRUE = 15; int FALSE = 16; int AS = 17; int OR = 18; int AND = 19; int AVG = 20; int SUM = 21; int MIN = 22; int MAX = 23; int COUNT = 24; int DISTINCT = 25; int BETWEEN = 26; int LIKE = 27; int ALL = 28; int ASC = 29; int DESC = 30; int UNKNOWN = 31; int NULL = 32; int IN = 33; int UNION = 34; int ABSOLUTE = 35; int ACTION = 36; int ADD = 37; int ALLOCATE = 38; int ALTER = 39; int ANY = 40; int ARE = 41; int ASSERTION = 42; int AT = 43; int AUTHORIZATION = 44; int BEGIN = 45; int BIT = 46; int BIT_LENGTH = 47; int BOTH = 48; int CASCADE = 49; int CASCADED = 50; int CASE = 51; int CAST = 52; int CATALOG = 53; int CHAR = 54; int CHARACTER = 55; int CHARACTER_LENGTH = 56; int CHAR_LENGTH = 57; int CHECK = 58; int CLOSE = 59; int COALESCE = 60; int COLLATE = 61; int COLLATION = 62; int COLUMN = 63; int COMMIT = 64; int CONNECT = 65; int CONNECTION = 66; int CONSTRAINT = 67; int CONSTRAINTS = 68; int CONTINUE = 69; int CONVERT = 70; int CORRESPONDING = 71; int CREATE = 72; int CROSS = 73; int CURRENT = 74; int CURRENT_DATE = 75; int CURRENT_TIME = 76; int CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 77; int CURRENT_USER = 78; int CURSOR = 79; int DATE = 80; int DAY = 81; int DEALLOCATE = 82; int DEC = 83; int DECIMAL = 84; int DECLARE = 85; int DEFAULT_RESERVED = 86; int DEFERRABLE = 87; int DEFERRED = 88; int DELETE = 89; int DESCRIBE = 90; int DESCRIPTOR = 91; int DIAGNOSTICS = 92; int DISCONNECT = 93; int DOMAIN = 94; int DOUBLE = 95; int DROP = 96; int ELSE = 97; int END = 98; int ENDEXEC = 99; int ESCAPE = 100; int EXCEPT = 101; int EXCEPTION = 102; int EXEC = 103; int EXECUTE = 104; int EXISTS = 105; int EXTERNAL = 106; int EXTRACT = 107; int FETCH = 108; int FIRST = 109; int FLOAT = 110; int FOR = 111; int FOREIGN = 112; int FOUND = 113; int FULL = 114; int GET = 115; int GLOBAL = 116; int GO = 117; int GOTO = 118; int GRANT = 119; int HOUR = 120; int IDENTITY = 121; int IMMEDIATE = 122; int INDICATOR = 123; int INITIALLY = 124; int INNER = 125; int INPUT = 126; int INSENSITIVE = 127; int INSERT = 128; int INT = 129; int INTEGER = 130; int INTERSECT = 131; int INTERVAL = 132; int INTO = 133; int ISOLATION = 134; int JOIN = 135; int KEY = 136; int LANGUAGE = 137; int LAST = 138; int LEADING = 139; int LEFT = 140; int LEVEL = 141; int LOCAL = 142; int LOWER = 143; int MATCH = 144; int MINUTE = 145; int MODULE = 146; int MONTH = 147; int NAMES = 148; int NATIONAL = 149; int NATURAL = 150; int NCHAR = 151; int NEXT = 152; int NO = 153; int NULLIF = 154; int NUMERIC = 155; int OCTET_LENGTH = 156; int OF = 157; int ON = 158; int ONLY = 159; int OPEN = 160; int OPTION = 161; int OUTER = 162; int OUTPUT = 163; int OVERLAPS = 164; int PAD = 165; int PARTIAL = 166; int POSITION = 167; int PRECISION = 168; int PREPARE = 169; int PRESERVE = 170; int PRIMARY = 171; int PRIOR = 172; int PRIVILEGES = 173; int PROCEDURE = 174; int PUBLIC = 175; int READ = 176; int REAL = 177; int REFERENCES = 178; int RELATIVE = 179; int RESTRICT = 180; int REVOKE = 181; int RIGHT = 182; int ROLLBACK = 183; int ROWS = 184; int SCHEMA = 185; int SCROLL = 186; int SECOND = 187; int SECTION = 188; int SESSION_USER = 189; int SET = 190; int SMALLINT = 191; int SOME = 192; int SPACE = 193; int SQL = 194; int SQLCODE = 195; int SQLERROR = 196; int SQLSTATE = 197; int SUBSTRING = 198; int SYSTEM_USER = 199; int TABLE = 200; int TEMPORARY = 201; int THEN = 202; int TIME = 203; int TIMESTAMP = 204; int TIMEZONE_HOUR = 205; int TIMEZONE_MINUTE = 206; int TO = 207; int TRAILING = 208; int TRANSACTION = 209; int TRANSLATE = 210; int TRANSLATION = 211; int TRIM = 212; int UNIQUE = 213; int UPDATE = 214; int UPPER = 215; int USAGE = 216; int USER = 217; int USING = 218; int VALUE = 219; int VALUES = 220; int VARCHAR = 221; int VARYING = 222; int VIEW = 223; int WHEN = 224; int WHENEVER = 225; int WITH = 226; int WORK = 227; int WRITE = 228; int YEAR = 229; int ZONE = 230; int INTEGER_LITERAL = 231; int DECIMAL_LITERAL = 232; int FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL = 233; int EXPONENT = 234; int STRING_LITERAL = 235; int ESCAPE_SEQA = 236; int BOOLEAN_LITERAL = 237; int IDENTIFIER = 238; int LETTER = 239; int DIGIT = 240; int OPENPAREN = 241; int CLOSEPAREN = 242; int LBRACE = 243; int RBRACE = 244; int LBRACKET = 245; int RBRACKET = 246; int SEMICOLON = 247; int COLON = 248; int COMMA = 249; int QUESTION = 250; int EQ = 251; int ASTERISK = 252; int LTE = 253; int GTE = 254; int GT = 255; int LT = 256; int NEQ = 257; int NEQ2 = 258; int DOT = 259; int PLUS = 260; int MINUS = 261; int SLASH = 262; int BSLASH = 263; int POWER = 264; int DEFAULT = 0; String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\f\"", "\"select\"", "\"from\"", "\"where\"", "\"order\"", "\"by\"", "\"group\"", "\"having\"", "\"not\"", "\"is\"", "\"true\"", "\"false\"", "\"as\"", "\"or\"", "\"and\"", "\"avg\"", "\"sum\"", "\"min\"", "\"max\"", "\"count\"", "\"distinct\"", "\"between\"", "\"like\"", "\"all\"", "\"asc\"", "\"desc\"", "\"unknown\"", "\"null\"", "\"in\"", "\"union\"", "\"absolute\"", "\"action\"", "\"add\"", "\"allocate\"", "\"alter\"", "\"any\"", "\"are\"", "\"assertion\"", "\"at\"", "\"authorization\"", "\"begin\"", "\"bit\"", "\"bit_length\"", "\"both\"", "\"cascade\"", "\"cascaded\"", "\"case\"", "\"cast\"", "\"catalog\"", "\"char\"", "\"character\"", "\"character_length\"", "\"char_length\"", "\"check\"", "\"close\"", "\"coalesce\"", "\"collate\"", "\"collation\"", "\"column\"", "\"commit\"", "\"connect\"", "\"connection\"", "\"constraint\"", "\"constraints\"", "\"continue\"", "\"convert\"", "\"corresponding\"", "\"create\"", "\"cross\"", "\"current\"", "\"current_date\"", "\"current_time\"", "\"current_timestamp\"", "\"current_user\"", "\"cursor\"", "\"date\"", "\"day\"", "\"deallocate\"", "\"dec\"", "\"decimal\"", "\"declare\"", "\"default\"", "\"deferrable\"", "\"deferred\"", "\"delete\"", "\"describe\"", "\"descriptor\"", "\"diagnostics\"", "\"disconnect\"", "\"domain\"", "\"double\"", "\"drop\"", "\"else\"", "\"end\"", "\"end-exec\"", "\"escape\"", "\"except\"", "\"exception\"", "\"exec\"", "\"execute\"", "\"exists\"", "\"external\"", "\"extract\"", "\"fetch\"", "\"first\"", "\"float\"", "\"for\"", "\"foreign\"", "\"found\"", "\"full\"", "\"get\"", "\"global\"", "\"go\"", "\"goto\"", "\"grant\"", "\"hour\"", "\"identity\"", "\"immediate\"", "\"indicator\"", "\"initially\"", "\"inner\"", "\"input\"", "\"insensitive\"", "\"insert\"", "\"int\"", "\"integer\"", "\"intersect\"", "\"interval\"", "\"into\"", "\"isolation\"", "\"join\"", "\"key\"", "\"language\"", "\"last\"", "\"leading\"", "\"left\"", "\"level\"", "\"local\"", "\"lower\"", "\"match\"", "\"minute\"", "\"module\"", "\"month\"", "\"names\"", "\"national\"", "\"natural\"", "\"nchar\"", "\"next\"", "\"no\"", "\"nullif\"", "\"numeric\"", "\"octet_length\"", "\"of\"", "\"on\"", "\"only\"", "\"open\"", "\"option\"", "\"outer\"", "\"output\"", "\"overlaps\"", "\"pad\"", "\"partial\"", "\"position\"", "\"precision\"", "\"prepare\"", "\"preserve\"", "\"primary\"", "\"prior\"", "\"privileges\"", "\"procedure\"", "\"public\"", "\"read\"", "\"real\"", "\"references\"", "\"relative\"", "\"restrict\"", "\"revoke\"", "\"right\"", "\"rollback\"", "\"rows\"", "\"schema\"", "\"scroll\"", "\"second\"", "\"section\"", "\"session_user\"", "\"set\"", "\"smallint\"", "\"some\"", "\"space\"", "\"sql\"", "\"sqlcode\"", "\"sqlerror\"", "\"sqlstate\"", "\"substring\"", "\"system_user\"", "\"table\"", "\"temporary\"", "\"then\"", "\"time\"", "\"timestamp\"", "\"timezone_hour\"", "\"timezone_minute\"", "\"to\"", "\"trailing\"", "\"transaction\"", "\"translate\"", "\"translation\"", "\"trim\"", "\"unique\"", "\"update\"", "\"upper\"", "\"usage\"", "\"user\"", "\"using\"", "\"value\"", "\"values\"", "\"varchar\"", "\"varying\"", "\"view\"", "\"when\"", "\"whenever\"", "\"with\"", "\"work\"", "\"write\"", "\"year\"", "\"zone\"", "<INTEGER_LITERAL>", "<DECIMAL_LITERAL>", "<FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL>", "<EXPONENT>", "<STRING_LITERAL>", "\"\\\'\\\'\"", "<BOOLEAN_LITERAL>", "<IDENTIFIER>", "<LETTER>", "<DIGIT>", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\"{\"", "\"}\"", "\"[\"", "\"]\"", "\";\"", "\":\"", "\",\"", "\"?\"", "\"=\"", "\"*\"", "\"<=\"", "\">=\"", "\">\"", "\"<\"", "\"<>\"", "\"!=\"", "\".\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"/\"", "\"\\\\\"", "\"^\"", }; }