package org.farng.mp3.id3; import; import; import org.farng.mp3.InvalidTagException; import org.farng.mp3.object.ObjectByteArraySizeTerminated; import org.farng.mp3.object.ObjectNumberHashMap; import org.farng.mp3.object.ObjectStringNullTerminated; /** * <h3>4.14.   Attached picture</h3> * <p/> * <p>   This frame contains a picture directly related to the audio file.<br>    Image format is * the MIME type and subtype [MIME] for the image. In<br>    the event that the MIME media type name is * omitted, "image/" will be<br> * <p/> *    implied. The "image/png" [PNG] or "image/jpeg" [JFIF] picture format<br> *    should be used when interoperability is wanted. Description is a<br>    short description of * the picture, represented as a terminated<br> * <p/> *    text string. There may be several pictures attached to one file, each<br>    in their * individual "APIC" frame, but only one with the same content<br>    descriptor. There may only be * one picture with the picture type<br>    declared as picture type $01 and $02 respectively. There is * the<br> * <p/> *    possibility to put only a link to the image file by using the 'MIME<br>    type' * "-->" and having a complete URL [URL] instead of picture data.<br>    The use of linked files * should however be used sparingly since there<br>    is the risk of separation of files.</p> * <p/> * <p>     <Header for 'Attached picture', ID: "APIC"><br>      * Text encoding      $xx<br>      MIME * type          <text string> * <p/> * $00<br>      Picture type       $xx<br>      * Description        <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)<br> * <p/> *      Picture data       <binary data><br> </p> * <p/> * <p>   Picture type:  $00  Other<br>                   * <p/> * $01  32x32 pixels 'file icon' (PNG only)<br>                   * $02  Other file icon<br>                   * $03  Cover (front)<br> * <p/> *                   $04  * Cover (back)<br>                   * $05  Leaflet page<br>                   * $06  Media (e.g. label side of CD)<br> * <p/> *                   $07  Lead * artist/lead performer/soloist<br>                   * $08  Artist/performer<br>                   * $09  Conductor<br> * <p/> *                   $0A  * Band/Orchestra<br>                   * $0B  Composer<br>                   * $0C  Lyricist/text writer<br> * <p/> *                   $0D  * Recording Location<br>                   * $0E  During recording<br>                   * $0F  During performance<br> * <p/> *                   $10  * Movie/video screen capture<br>                   * $11  A bright coloured fish<br>                   * $12  Illustration<br> * <p/> *                   $13  * Band/artist logotype<br>                   * $14  Publisher/Studio logotype<br> </p> * * @author Eric Farng * @version $Revision: 2374 $ */ public class FrameBodyAPIC extends AbstractID3v2FrameBody { /** * Creates a new FrameBodyAPIC object. */ public FrameBodyAPIC() { super(); } /** * Creates a new FrameBodyAPIC object. */ public FrameBodyAPIC(final FrameBodyAPIC body) { super(body); } /** * Creates a new FrameBodyAPIC object. */ public FrameBodyAPIC(final byte textEncoding, final String mimeType, final byte pictureType, final String description, final byte[] data) { super(); setObject("Text Encoding", new Byte(textEncoding)); setObject("MIME Type", mimeType); setObject("Picture Type", new Byte(pictureType)); setObject("Description", description); setObject("Picture Data", data); } /** * Creates a new FrameBodyAPIC object. */ public FrameBodyAPIC(final RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException, InvalidTagException { super(); read(file); } public void setDescription(final String description) { setObject("Description", description); } public String getDescription() { return (String) getObject("Description"); } public String getIdentifier() { return "APIC" + (char) 0 + getDescription(); } protected void setupObjectList() { appendToObjectList(new ObjectNumberHashMap("Text Encoding", 1)); appendToObjectList(new ObjectStringNullTerminated("MIME Type")); appendToObjectList(new ObjectStringNullTerminated("Description")); appendToObjectList(new ObjectByteArraySizeTerminated("Picture Data")); } }