/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2008 TagServlet Ltd * * This file is part of Open BlueDragon (OpenBD) CFML Server Engine. * * OpenBD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * Free Software Foundation,version 3. * * OpenBD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBD. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining * it with any of the JARS listed in the README.txt (or a modified version of * (that library), containing parts covered by the terms of that JAR, the * licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the * resulting work. * README.txt @ http://www.openbluedragon.org/license/README.txt * * http://www.openbluedragon.org/ */ package com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.engine; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; public class exceptionMessage extends ListResourceBundle { public Object[][] getContents() { return contents; } static final Object[][] contents = { //--[--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--[ General Messages {"cfEngine.welcomeMessage", cfEngine.PRODUCT_NAME + " server is starting up..."}, {"cfEngine.serverStarted", cfEngine.PRODUCT_NAME + " has initialised. Ready for requests."}, //--[--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--[ Error Codes {"errorCode.missingStartTag", "Missing start tag" }, {"errorCode.missingEndTag", "Missing end tag" }, {"errorCode.notSupported", "Unsupported tag" }, {"errorCode.notRecognized", "Unrecognized tag" }, {"errorCode.badFormat", "Badly formatted tag"}, {"errorCode.classError", "Class Error" }, {"errorCode.missingAttribute", "Missing tag Attribute" }, {"errorCode.invalidAttribute", "Invalid Attribute" }, {"errorCode.invalidExpression", "Invalid Expression" }, {"errorCode.invalidTag", "Invalid Tag" }, {"errorCode.runtimeError", "General Runtime Error" }, {"errorCode.badRequest", "Invalid Request" }, {"errorCode.sqlError", "General SQL Error" }, {"errorCode.expressionError", "Expression Error" }, {"errorCode.javaException", "java.lang.NoSuchFieldException" }, //--[--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--[ The following are specific MESSAGE DETAIL messages //--[ Tag Specific messages {"runtime.general", "%1" }, {"cffile.missingfile", "A request was made to a resource that could not be located" }, {"cffile.applicationrequest", "The request to %1 was invalid. This file may not be directly accessed" }, {"cffile.writeFile", "Problem writing new file: %1. Check the path to the file is correct" }, {"cffile.missingcustomtag", "The file for the custom tag %1 could not be located" }, {"cffile.duplicatefunctioname", "The function \"%1\" was declared twice in different templates" }, {"queryofqueries.avgFunction", "The AVG function cannot be used on data of this type" }, {"queryofqueries.between", "Cannot perform operation on these types" }, {"queryofqueries.badColumn", "Ambiguous column. %1 occurs in more than one table so should be fully qualified with the table name to use it within the statement" }, {"queryofqueries.badTable", "Invalid table. %1 does not exist" }, {"queryofqueries.invalidIndex", "Invalid column index to order by [%1]" }, {"queryofqueries.invalidSelect", "Invalid column in select statement. %1 does not exist" }, {"queryofqueries.invalidUnion", "The number of columns in the select statements of a UNION must be equal" }, {"queryofqueries.invalidSum", "The SUM function cannot be used on data of this type" }, {"queryofqueries.badStatement", "The following error was produced: %1" }, {"queryofqueries.badParse", "The following error was produced: %1" }, {"queryofqueries.badMetadata", "Unexpected error retrieving query metadata: %1" }, {"cftag.badAttributes", "The tag produced the following error: %1" }, {"cfhttp.columnHeaders", "Error reading query column headers" }, {"cfhttp.invalidQuery", "Invalid query; ill formatted file [%1]" }, {"cfhttp.invalidQueryColumn", "Invalid query column [%1]; Column names must be valid variable names beginning with a letter and containing letters, numbers and underscores only." }, {"function.invalidFunction", "Function %1 does not exist" }, {"function.invalidOperator", "Operator %1 does not exist" }, {"duplicate.invalidType", "Could not duplicate this variable. Check the variable does not contain references to complex types such as Java objects" }, {"listsort.invalidOrder", "Invalid ORDER parameter value. Valid values are ASC, DESC" }, {"listsort.invalidType", "Invalid TYPE parameter value. Valid values are TEXT, TEXTNOCASE, AND NUMERIC" }, {"expression.Parse", "Problem occurred while parsing: %1" }, {"expression.syntaxError", "Problem occurred while parsing: %1" }, {"sql.invalidColumn", "The column %1 could not be found" }, {"sql.invalidColumnType", "The column type %1 is not supported" }, {"sql.duplicateColumn", "The column %1 already exists" }, {"sql.invalidDatasource", "The datasource %1 could not be found or was invalid" }, {"sql.invalidJDBCDriver", "The driver %1 could not be found or was invalid" }, {"sql.execution", "Database reported: %1" }, {"sql.connecting", "When connecting to the Database this error was reported: %1" }, {"sql.disabled", "SQL operation disabled via admin console" }, {"sql.storedProcedure", "The datasource %1 you are using is not permitted to use Stored Procedures" }, {"sql.storedProcedureSetup", "Error occurred attempting to prepare the Call Procedure, %1" }, {"sql.storedProcedureOUT", "Error occurred attempting to retrieve the OUT variables" }, {"sql.storedProcedureParams", "Error occurred attempting to prepare Query" }, {"sql.storedProcedureExecute", "Error occurred attempting to execute Query" }, {"sql.storedProcedureResult", "Error occurred attempting to retrieve the result sets" }, {"search.failedToList", "Error occurred attempting to list collections" }, {"search.failedToCreate", "Error occurred attempting to create collection" }, {"search.failedToDelete", "Error occurred attempting to delete collection" }, {"search.failedToUpdate", "Error occurred attempting to update collection" }, {"search.failedToDeleteDocs", "Error occurred attempting to delete documents in collection" }, {"search.failedToPurgeDocs", "Error occurred attempting to purge documents in collection" }, {"search.failedToSearch", "Error occurred attempting to search collection" }, {"search.failedToListCategories", "Error occurred attempting to list categories in collection" }, {"cftree.treeData", "Problem serializing the TreeModel" }, {"cfdata.dataNotSupported", "Data not supported" }, {"cfdata.dataNotSupportedCustom", "Data not supported: %1" }, {"cfdata.Equals", "Cannot perform equals operation on these types" }, {"cfdata.javaInvalidClass", "Class attribute does not exist" }, {"cfdata.javaInvalidAttribute", "Class attribute %1 does not exist" }, {"cfdata.javaIllegalAttribute", "Class attribute %1 can not be accessed" }, {"cfdata.javaobjectfail", "Failed to instantiate object" }, {"cfdata.javaInvalidConstructor", "A matching constructor could not be found. Check that you've provided the correct number of arguments" }, {"cfdata.javaInvalidConstructor2","A matching constructor could not be reliably determined. If possible, use 'javacast()' with the provided arguments to resolve this ambiguity" }, {"cfdata.javaInvalidMethod", "Method %1 could not be found. Check that the method is publicly accessible, the correct number of arguments are specified and that the argument types match" }, {"cfdata.javaIllegalMethod", "Method %1 could not be legally accessed" }, {"cfdata.javaMethodExecute", "Method %1 caused a problem" }, {"cfdata.javaGetMethod", "Method %1 could not be found. Check you have correct method name, the method name casing matches that of the Java class and you've provided the correct number of arguments" }, {"cfdata.javaGetMethod2", "Method %1 is ambiguous as there is more than one method that could correspond to the provided argument types. If possible, use 'javacast()' to resolve this ambiguity." }, {"cfdata.javaBadMethod", "The method cannot be matched to a method with the provided argument types. Check you have provided the correct arguments/argument types" }, {"cfdata.javaExceptionMessage", "%1" }, {"parseTag.missingStartTag", "The tag %1 had no corresponding opening tag" }, {"parseTag.missingEndTag", "The tag %1 had no corresponding ending tag" }, {"parseTag.notSupported", "The tag %1 is not supported" }, {"parseTag.notRecognized", "The tag %1 is not recognized. Please check for correct spelling." }, {"parseTag.classError", "The tag %1 could not be loaded due to an internal error" }, {"parseTag.badFormat", "The tag is badly formatted. Check the use of single/double quotes and #'s." }, {"cfquery.missingDatasource", "You need to provide a DATASOURCE or DBTYPE attribute for the CFQUERY tag" }, {"cfquery.missingName", "You need to provide a NAME for the query, when you specify DBTYPE"}, {"cfquery.invalidAction", "Only FLUSH, FLUSHALL, or FLUSHCACHE are valid values for the ACTION attribute"}, {"cfquery.unsupportedSQL", "The SQL attribute is not supported. Please place your SQL inside the body of the CFQUERY tag"}, {"cfquery.startCachedUntilChangeFailed", "Failed to start CACHEDUNTILCHANGE due to following error: %1"}, {"cfobjectcache.invalidAction", "Only CLEAR is valid for ACTION attribute" }, {"cfprocparam.missingCfsqltype", "The CFSQLTYPE attribute is required" }, {"cfupdate.missingTablename", "You need to provide a TABLENAME attribute"}, {"cfupdate.missingDatasource", "You need to provide a DATASOURCE attribute" }, {"cfcfx.missingClass", "If you are using the CFX_J notation to load your Java CFX tags then you need to have the CLASS attribute."}, {"cfcfx.invalidClass", "The class %1 has not been registered"}, {"cfmodule.tooManyAttributes", "You need to provide just one, either TEMPLATE or NAME"}, {"cfinclude.missingTemplate", "You need to provide a TEMPLATE"}, {"cfinclude.missingTemplatePage", "You need to provide a TEMPLATE or a PAGE attribute"}, {"cfinclude.missingFile", "The file %1 could not be located"}, {"cfforward.missingPage", "You need to provide the attribute PAGE to which this request will be forwarded to"}, {"cfinclude.pageExecution", "The page %1 caused an error" }, {"cfmodule.missingMapping", "The directory mapping for the custom tag %1 could not be found"}, {"cferror.missingType", "You must provide the TYPE of error you wish to trap for"}, {"cferror.invalidType", "You specified an illegal value for TYPE. Permitted values: EXCEPTION, REQUEST, VALIDATION or MONITOR"}, {"cferror.missingTemplate", "You must provide the TEMPLATE that will be used to render the error"}, {"cfexit.invalidMethod", "Illegal METHOD attribute value. Permitted values: EXITTAG, EXITTEMPLATE, or LOOP"}, {"cfdebugger.missingLogfile", "You must provide a LOGFILE attribute where the output of this trace will go"}, {"cfapplication.clientBadDataSource", "Failed to locate the datasource that will be used to store the client variables" }, {"cfapplication.cfchartBadDataSource", "Failed to locate the datasource that will be used to store the charts generated by CFCHART" }, }; }