// $ANTLR 3.1.3 Mar 17, 2009 19:23:44 E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g 2013-04-23 09:10:22 package com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer; import org.antlr.runtime.BitSet; import org.antlr.runtime.DFA; import org.antlr.runtime.EarlyExitException; import org.antlr.runtime.FailedPredicateException; import org.antlr.runtime.IntStream; import org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedSetException; import org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedTokenException; import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeNodeStream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeParser; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.engine.cfCatchClause; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFAbortStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFBreakStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFCase; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFCatchStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFComponentDeclStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFCompoundStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFContinueStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFDoWhileStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFExitStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFExpressionStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFForInStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFForStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFFuncDeclStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFFunctionParameter; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFIfStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFImportStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFIncludeStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFLockStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFParamStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFReThrowStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFReturnStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFSavecontentStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFScriptStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFSwitchStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFThreadStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFThrowStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFTransactionStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFTryCatchStatement; import com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.parser.script.CFWhileStatement; public class CFMLTree extends TreeParser { public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "DOESNOTCONTAIN", "VARLOCAL", "FUNCTIONCALL", "JAVAMETHODCALL", "EMPTYARGS", "FUNCDECL", "POSTMINUSMINUS", "POSTPLUSPLUS", "IMPLICITSTRUCT", "IMPLICITARRAY", "ABORTSTATEMENT", "EXITSTATEMENT", "PARAMSTATEMENT", "THROWSTATEMENT", "RETHROWSTATEMENT", "LOCKSTATEMENT", "THREADSTATEMENT", "TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT", "SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT", "COMPONENTDECL", "PROPERTYSTATEMENT", "FUNCTION_PARAMETER", "FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE", "FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE", "PARAMETER_TYPE", "TERNARY_EXPRESSION", "WS", "LINE_COMMENT", "ML_COMMENT", "BOOLEAN_LITERAL", "DoubleStringCharacter", "SingleStringCharacter", "STRING_LITERAL", "LETTER", "DIGIT", "NULL", "CONTAINS", "CONTAIN", "DOES", "IS", "GT", "GE", "GTE", "LTE", "LT", "LE", "EQ", "EQUAL", "EQUALS", "NEQ", "LESS", "THAN", "GREATER", "OR", "TO", "IMP", "EQV", "XOR", "AND", "NOT", "MOD", "VAR", "NEW", "COMPONENT", "PROPERTY", "IF", "ELSE", "BREAK", "CONTINUE", "FUNCTION", "RETURN", "WHILE", "DO", "FOR", "IN", "TRY", "CATCH", "SWITCH", "CASE", "DEFAULT", "FINALLY", "SCRIPTCLOSE", "DOT", "STAR", "SLASH", "BSLASH", "POWER", "PLUS", "PLUSPLUS", "MINUS", "MINUSMINUS", "MODOPERATOR", "CONCAT", "EQUALSEQUALSOP", "EQUALSOP", "PLUSEQUALS", "MINUSEQUALS", "STAREQUALS", "SLASHEQUALS", "MODEQUALS", "CONCATEQUALS", "COLON", "NOTOP", "QUESTIONMARK", "SEMICOLON", "OROPERATOR", "ANDOPERATOR", "LEFTBRACKET", "RIGHTBRACKET", "LEFTPAREN", "RIGHTPAREN", "LEFTCURLYBRACKET", "RIGHTCURLYBRACKET", "INCLUDE", "IMPORT", "ABORT", "THROW", "RETHROW", "EXIT", "PARAM", "LOCK", "THREAD", "TRANSACTION", "SAVECONTENT", "PRIVATE", "PUBLIC", "REMOTE", "PACKAGE", "REQUIRED", "IDENTIFIER", "DecimalDigit", "INTEGER_LITERAL", "ExponentPart", "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL", "','", "'<'", "'<='", "'>'", "'>='", "'!='", "'#'" }; public static final int FUNCTION=73; public static final int PACKAGE=131; public static final int LT=48; public static final int STAR=87; public static final int WHILE=75; public static final int LETTER=37; public static final int MOD=64; public static final int THROWSTATEMENT=17; public static final int CONTAINS=40; public static final int CASE=82; public static final int TERNARY_EXPRESSION=29; public static final int NEW=66; public static final int MINUSMINUS=94; public static final int DO=76; public static final int PARAM=123; public static final int EQUALS=52; public static final int NOT=63; public static final int DecimalDigit=134; public static final int RETHROWSTATEMENT=18; public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int BREAK=71; public static final int SCRIPTCLOSE=85; public static final int PARAMSTATEMENT=16; public static final int SingleStringCharacter=35; public static final int LEFTPAREN=113; public static final int SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT=22; public static final int IMPORT=118; public static final int GREATER=56; public static final int VARLOCAL=5; public static final int STRING_LITERAL=36; public static final int THAN=55; public static final int FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL=137; public static final int IMPLICITSTRUCT=12; public static final int LOCKSTATEMENT=19; public static final int INCLUDE=117; public static final int RETURN=74; public static final int LESS=54; public static final int FUNCDECL=9; public static final int IMP=59; public static final int ExponentPart=136; public static final int CONCATEQUALS=104; public static final int VAR=65; public static final int EQ=50; public static final int ABORT=119; public static final int EXIT=122; public static final int RIGHTCURLYBRACKET=116; public static final int T__139=139; public static final int T__138=138; public static final int GE=45; public static final int MINUSEQUALS=100; public static final int RETHROW=121; public static final int ANDOPERATOR=110; public static final int CONCAT=96; public static final int LINE_COMMENT=31; public static final int PRIVATE=128; public static final int TRANSACTION=126; public static final int SWITCH=81; public static final int NULL=39; public static final int ELSE=70; public static final int RIGHTBRACKET=112; public static final int CONTAIN=41; public static final int POWER=90; public static final int SEMICOLON=108; public static final int SLASHEQUALS=102; public static final int DoubleStringCharacter=34; public static final int T__141=141; public static final int T__142=142; public static final int T__140=140; public static final int TRY=79; public static final int T__143=143; public static final int T__144=144; public static final int WS=30; public static final int DOESNOTCONTAIN=4; public static final int PROPERTY=68; public static final int INTEGER_LITERAL=135; public static final int OR=57; public static final int GT=44; public static final int EXITSTATEMENT=15; public static final int CATCH=80; public static final int THROW=120; public static final int LEFTBRACKET=111; public static final int PARAMETER_TYPE=28; public static final int OROPERATOR=109; public static final int FUNCTION_PARAMETER=25; public static final int PLUSPLUS=92; public static final int FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE=27; public static final int POSTMINUSMINUS=10; public static final int GTE=46; public static final int FOR=77; public static final int JAVAMETHODCALL=7; public static final int LEFTCURLYBRACKET=115; public static final int AND=62; public static final int LTE=47; public static final int LOCK=124; public static final int IF=69; public static final int EQUALSOP=98; public static final int ML_COMMENT=32; public static final int SLASH=88; public static final int IN=78; public static final int IMPLICITARRAY=13; public static final int FUNCTIONCALL=6; public static final int CONTINUE=72; public static final int COMPONENTDECL=23; public static final int IS=43; public static final int EMPTYARGS=8; public static final int THREADSTATEMENT=20; public static final int IDENTIFIER=133; public static final int EQUAL=51; public static final int PLUSEQUALS=99; public static final int STAREQUALS=101; public static final int QUESTIONMARK=107; public static final int FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE=26; public static final int PLUS=91; public static final int POSTPLUSPLUS=11; public static final int DIGIT=38; public static final int DOT=86; public static final int COMPONENT=67; public static final int PROPERTYSTATEMENT=24; public static final int NOTOP=106; public static final int REMOTE=130; public static final int THREAD=125; public static final int XOR=61; public static final int TO=58; public static final int ABORTSTATEMENT=14; public static final int DOES=42; public static final int DEFAULT=83; public static final int TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT=21; public static final int EQUALSEQUALSOP=97; public static final int MINUS=93; public static final int REQUIRED=132; public static final int MODOPERATOR=95; public static final int BOOLEAN_LITERAL=33; public static final int COLON=105; public static final int NEQ=53; public static final int FINALLY=84; public static final int RIGHTPAREN=114; public static final int SAVECONTENT=127; public static final int EQV=60; public static final int MODEQUALS=103; public static final int PUBLIC=129; public static final int BSLASH=89; public static final int LE=49; // delegates // delegators public CFMLTree(TreeNodeStream input) { this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); } public CFMLTree(TreeNodeStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { super(input, state); } public String[] getTokenNames() { return CFMLTree.tokenNames; } public String getGrammarFileName() { return "E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g"; } public boolean scriptMode = true; private List<String> importPaths = new ArrayList(); public void displayRecognitionError(String[] tokenNames, RecognitionException e) { // Override this method so errors aren't written to Standard Error } protected void mismatch( IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow ) throws RecognitionException { throw new MismatchedTokenException(ttype, input); } public Object recoverFromMismatchedSet( IntStream input, RecognitionException e, BitSet follow ) throws RecognitionException{ throw e; } public List<String> getImportPaths(){ return importPaths; } // $ANTLR start "scriptBlock" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:80:1: scriptBlock returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ( (e= element )* ( SCRIPTCLOSE | EOF ) | st= component ( SCRIPTCLOSE | EOF ) ); public final CFScriptStatement scriptBlock() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CFScriptStatement e = null; CFScriptStatement st = null; s = new CFCompoundStatement(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:82:3: ( (e= element )* ( SCRIPTCLOSE | EOF ) | st= component ( SCRIPTCLOSE | EOF ) ) int alt2=2; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0==EOF||(LA2_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA2_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA2_0>=FUNCDECL && LA2_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA2_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA2_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA2_0>=NULL && LA2_0<=DOES)||LA2_0==GT||(LA2_0>=GTE && LA2_0<=LT)||LA2_0==EQ||(LA2_0>=NEQ && LA2_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA2_0>=SCRIPTCLOSE && LA2_0<=CONCAT)||(LA2_0>=EQUALSOP && LA2_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA2_0>=NOTOP && LA2_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA2_0>=OROPERATOR && LA2_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA2_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET||(LA2_0>=INCLUDE && LA2_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA2_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA2_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt2=1; } else if ( (LA2_0==COMPONENTDECL) ) { alt2=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return s;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:82:5: (e= element )* ( SCRIPTCLOSE | EOF ) { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:82:5: (e= element )* loop1: do { int alt1=2; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA1_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA1_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA1_0>=FUNCDECL && LA1_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA1_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA1_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA1_0>=NULL && LA1_0<=DOES)||LA1_0==GT||(LA1_0>=GTE && LA1_0<=LT)||LA1_0==EQ||(LA1_0>=NEQ && LA1_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA1_0>=DOT && LA1_0<=CONCAT)||(LA1_0>=EQUALSOP && LA1_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA1_0>=NOTOP && LA1_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA1_0>=OROPERATOR && LA1_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA1_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET||(LA1_0>=INCLUDE && LA1_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA1_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA1_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt1=1; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:82:7: e= element { pushFollow(FOLLOW_element_in_scriptBlock83); e=element(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( e instanceof CFFuncDeclStatement ) ( (CFCompoundStatement) s).addFunction( e ); else ( (CFCompoundStatement) s).add( e ); } } break; default : break loop1; } } while (true); if ( input.LA(1)==EOF||input.LA(1)==SCRIPTCLOSE ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false;state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return s;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:84:5: st= component ( SCRIPTCLOSE | EOF ) { pushFollow(FOLLOW_component_in_scriptBlock111); st=component(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = st; } if ( input.LA(1)==EOF||input.LA(1)==SCRIPTCLOSE ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false;state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return s;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "scriptBlock" // $ANTLR start "element" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:87:1: element returns [CFScriptStatement s] : (st= functionDeclaration | st= statement ); public final CFScriptStatement element() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CFScriptStatement st = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:88:3: (st= functionDeclaration | st= statement ) int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0==FUNCDECL) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( ((LA3_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA3_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA3_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA3_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA3_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA3_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA3_0>=NULL && LA3_0<=DOES)||LA3_0==GT||(LA3_0>=GTE && LA3_0<=LT)||LA3_0==EQ||(LA3_0>=NEQ && LA3_0<=NEW)||LA3_0==IF||(LA3_0>=BREAK && LA3_0<=CONTINUE)||(LA3_0>=RETURN && LA3_0<=FOR)||LA3_0==TRY||LA3_0==SWITCH||LA3_0==DEFAULT||(LA3_0>=DOT && LA3_0<=CONCAT)||(LA3_0>=EQUALSOP && LA3_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA3_0>=NOTOP && LA3_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA3_0>=OROPERATOR && LA3_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA3_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET||(LA3_0>=INCLUDE && LA3_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA3_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA3_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt3=2; } else if ( ((LA3_0>=COMPONENT && LA3_0<=PROPERTY)||LA3_0==ELSE||LA3_0==FUNCTION||LA3_0==IN||LA3_0==CATCH||LA3_0==CASE) && ((!scriptMode))) { alt3=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return s;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:88:5: st= functionDeclaration { pushFollow(FOLLOW_functionDeclaration_in_element149); st=functionDeclaration(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = st; } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:89:5: st= statement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_element161); st=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = st; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "element" // $ANTLR start "component" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:92:1: component returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ^(t= COMPONENTDECL (p= paramStatementAttributes )? c= componentBody ) ; public final CFScriptStatement component() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CommonTree t=null; Map<String,CFExpression> p = null; ArrayList<CFScriptStatement> c = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:93:3: ( ^(t= COMPONENTDECL (p= paramStatementAttributes )? c= componentBody ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:93:5: ^(t= COMPONENTDECL (p= paramStatementAttributes )? c= componentBody ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,COMPONENTDECL,FOLLOW_COMPONENTDECL_in_component193); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:93:24: (p= paramStatementAttributes )? int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0==EQUALSOP) ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:93:25: p= paramStatementAttributes { pushFollow(FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_component198); p=paramStatementAttributes(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_componentBody_in_component204); c=componentBody(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFComponentDeclStatement( t.getToken(), p, c ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "component" // $ANTLR start "componentBody" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:98:1: componentBody returns [ArrayList<CFScriptStatement> cb] : ^( LEFTCURLYBRACKET (e= element )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) ; public final ArrayList<CFScriptStatement> componentBody() throws RecognitionException { ArrayList<CFScriptStatement> cb = null; CFScriptStatement e = null; cb = new ArrayList<CFScriptStatement>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:102:3: ( ^( LEFTCURLYBRACKET (e= element )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:102:5: ^( LEFTCURLYBRACKET (e= element )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) { match(input,LEFTCURLYBRACKET,FOLLOW_LEFTCURLYBRACKET_in_componentBody233); if (state.failed) return cb; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return cb; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:102:24: (e= element )* loop5: do { int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA5_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA5_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA5_0>=FUNCDECL && LA5_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA5_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA5_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA5_0>=NULL && LA5_0<=DOES)||LA5_0==GT||(LA5_0>=GTE && LA5_0<=LT)||LA5_0==EQ||(LA5_0>=NEQ && LA5_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA5_0>=DOT && LA5_0<=CONCAT)||(LA5_0>=EQUALSOP && LA5_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA5_0>=NOTOP && LA5_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA5_0>=OROPERATOR && LA5_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA5_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET||(LA5_0>=INCLUDE && LA5_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA5_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA5_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:102:26: e= element { pushFollow(FOLLOW_element_in_componentBody239); e=element(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return cb; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { cb.add( e ); } } break; default : break loop5; } } while (true); match(input,RIGHTCURLYBRACKET,FOLLOW_RIGHTCURLYBRACKET_in_componentBody246); if (state.failed) return cb; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return cb; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return cb; } // $ANTLR end "componentBody" // $ANTLR start "functionDeclaration" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:106:1: functionDeclaration returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ^(f= FUNCDECL (a= functionAccessType )? (rt= functionReturnType )? i= identifier p= parameterList fa= functionAttributes body= compoundStatement ) ; public final CFScriptStatement functionDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CommonTree f=null; String a = null; String rt = null; CFIdentifier i = null; ArrayList<CFFunctionParameter> p = null; Map<String,CFExpression> fa = null; CFScriptStatement body = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:107:3: ( ^(f= FUNCDECL (a= functionAccessType )? (rt= functionReturnType )? i= identifier p= parameterList fa= functionAttributes body= compoundStatement ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:107:5: ^(f= FUNCDECL (a= functionAccessType )? (rt= functionReturnType )? i= identifier p= parameterList fa= functionAttributes body= compoundStatement ) { f=(CommonTree)match(input,FUNCDECL,FOLLOW_FUNCDECL_in_functionDeclaration276); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:107:19: (a= functionAccessType )? int alt6=2; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case PRIVATE: { int LA6_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA6_1==FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE||(LA6_1>=CONTAIN && LA6_1<=DOES)||(LA6_1>=LESS && LA6_1<=GREATER)||LA6_1==TO||(LA6_1>=VAR && LA6_1<=DEFAULT)||(LA6_1>=INCLUDE && LA6_1<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt6=1; } } break; case PUBLIC: { int LA6_2 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA6_2==FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE||(LA6_2>=CONTAIN && LA6_2<=DOES)||(LA6_2>=LESS && LA6_2<=GREATER)||LA6_2==TO||(LA6_2>=VAR && LA6_2<=DEFAULT)||(LA6_2>=INCLUDE && LA6_2<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt6=1; } } break; case REMOTE: { int LA6_3 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA6_3==FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE||(LA6_3>=CONTAIN && LA6_3<=DOES)||(LA6_3>=LESS && LA6_3<=GREATER)||LA6_3==TO||(LA6_3>=VAR && LA6_3<=DEFAULT)||(LA6_3>=INCLUDE && LA6_3<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt6=1; } } break; case PACKAGE: { int LA6_4 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA6_4==FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE||(LA6_4>=CONTAIN && LA6_4<=DOES)||(LA6_4>=LESS && LA6_4<=GREATER)||LA6_4==TO||(LA6_4>=VAR && LA6_4<=DEFAULT)||(LA6_4>=INCLUDE && LA6_4<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt6=1; } } break; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:107:20: a= functionAccessType { pushFollow(FOLLOW_functionAccessType_in_functionDeclaration281); a=functionAccessType(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:107:43: (rt= functionReturnType )? int alt7=2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA7_0==FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE) ) { alt7=1; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:107:44: rt= functionReturnType { pushFollow(FOLLOW_functionReturnType_in_functionDeclaration288); rt=functionReturnType(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_functionDeclaration294); i=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_parameterList_in_functionDeclaration298); p=parameterList(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_functionAttributes_in_functionDeclaration302); fa=functionAttributes(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_functionDeclaration306); body=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFFuncDeclStatement( f.getToken(), i.getToken(), a, rt, p, fa, body ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "functionDeclaration" // $ANTLR start "functionAccessType" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:112:1: functionAccessType returns [String s] : ( PRIVATE | PUBLIC | REMOTE | PACKAGE ); public final String functionAccessType() throws RecognitionException { String s = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:113:3: ( PRIVATE | PUBLIC | REMOTE | PACKAGE ) int alt8=4; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case PRIVATE: { alt8=1; } break; case PUBLIC: { alt8=2; } break; case REMOTE: { alt8=3; } break; case PACKAGE: { alt8=4; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return s;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:113:5: PRIVATE { match(input,PRIVATE,FOLLOW_PRIVATE_in_functionAccessType328); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return "private"; } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:114:5: PUBLIC { match(input,PUBLIC,FOLLOW_PUBLIC_in_functionAccessType336); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return "public"; } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:115:5: REMOTE { match(input,REMOTE,FOLLOW_REMOTE_in_functionAccessType344); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return "remote"; } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:116:5: PACKAGE { match(input,PACKAGE,FOLLOW_PACKAGE_in_functionAccessType352); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return "package"; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "functionAccessType" // $ANTLR start "functionReturnType" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:119:1: functionReturnType returns [String image] : ^( FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE ts= typeSpec ) ; public final String functionReturnType() throws RecognitionException { String image = null; String ts = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:120:3: ( ^( FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE ts= typeSpec ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:120:5: ^( FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE ts= typeSpec ) { match(input,FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE,FOLLOW_FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE_in_functionReturnType373); if (state.failed) return image; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return image; pushFollow(FOLLOW_typeSpec_in_functionReturnType377); ts=typeSpec(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image=ts; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return image; } // $ANTLR end "functionReturnType" // $ANTLR start "functionAttributes" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:123:1: functionAttributes returns [Map<String,CFExpression> attr] : ( ^( FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE i= identifier e= expression ) )* ; public final Map<String,CFExpression> functionAttributes() throws RecognitionException { Map<String,CFExpression> attr = null; CFIdentifier i = null; CFExpression e = null; attr = new HashMap<String,CFExpression>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:127:3: ( ( ^( FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE i= identifier e= expression ) )* ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:127:5: ( ^( FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE i= identifier e= expression ) )* { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:127:5: ( ^( FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE i= identifier e= expression ) )* loop9: do { int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0==FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE) ) { alt9=1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:127:7: ^( FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE i= identifier e= expression ) { match(input,FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE,FOLLOW_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE_in_functionAttributes404); if (state.failed) return attr; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return attr; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_functionAttributes408); i=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return attr; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_functionAttributes412); e=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return attr; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return attr; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { attr.put( i.getToken().getText(), e ); } } break; default : break loop9; } } while (true); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return attr; } // $ANTLR end "functionAttributes" // $ANTLR start "typeSpec" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:133:1: typeSpec returns [String image] : (i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* | t= COMPONENT | t= FUNCTION | t= STRING_LITERAL ); public final String typeSpec() throws RecognitionException { String image = null; CommonTree t=null; CFIdentifier i1 = null; CFIdentifier i2 = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:137:3: (i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* | t= COMPONENT | t= FUNCTION | t= STRING_LITERAL ) int alt12=4; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case CONTAIN: case DOES: case LESS: case THAN: case GREATER: case TO: case VAR: case NEW: case PROPERTY: case IF: case ELSE: case BREAK: case CONTINUE: case RETURN: case WHILE: case DO: case FOR: case IN: case TRY: case CATCH: case SWITCH: case CASE: case DEFAULT: case INCLUDE: case IMPORT: case ABORT: case THROW: case RETHROW: case EXIT: case PARAM: case LOCK: case THREAD: case TRANSACTION: case SAVECONTENT: case PRIVATE: case PUBLIC: case REMOTE: case PACKAGE: case REQUIRED: case IDENTIFIER: { alt12=1; } break; case FUNCTION: { int LA12_2 = input.LA(2); if ( ((synpred16_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) { alt12=1; } else if ( (synpred18_CFMLTree()) ) { alt12=3; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return image;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 12, 2, input); throw nvae; } } break; case COMPONENT: { int LA12_3 = input.LA(2); if ( ((synpred16_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) { alt12=1; } else if ( (synpred17_CFMLTree()) ) { alt12=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return image;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 12, 3, input); throw nvae; } } break; case STRING_LITERAL: { alt12=4; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return image;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 12, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:137:5: i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_typeSpec444); i1=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { sb.append( i1.getName() ); } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:5: ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* loop11: do { int alt11=2; int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0==DOT) ) { alt11=1; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:7: DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_typeSpec454); if (state.failed) return image; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:11: (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) int alt10=2; alt10 = dfa10.predict(input); switch (alt10) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:13: i2= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_typeSpec460); i2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:29: i2= reservedWord { pushFollow(FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_typeSpec466); i2=reservedWord(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; } break; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { sb.append( '.' ); sb.append( i2.getName() ); } } break; default : break loop11; } } while (true); if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image = sb.toString(); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:143:5: t= COMPONENT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,COMPONENT,FOLLOW_COMPONENT_in_typeSpec488); if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image = t.getToken().getText(); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:144:5: t= FUNCTION { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FUNCTION,FOLLOW_FUNCTION_in_typeSpec498); if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image = t.getToken().getText(); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:145:5: t= STRING_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,STRING_LITERAL,FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_typeSpec508); if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image = t.getToken().getText().substring( 1, t.getToken().getText().length() - 1 ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return image; } // $ANTLR end "typeSpec" // $ANTLR start "compoundStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:154:1: compoundStatement returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ^( LEFTCURLYBRACKET (statmt= statement )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) ; public final CFScriptStatement compoundStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CFScriptStatement statmt = null; s = new CFCompoundStatement(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:156:3: ( ^( LEFTCURLYBRACKET (statmt= statement )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:156:5: ^( LEFTCURLYBRACKET (statmt= statement )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) { match(input,LEFTCURLYBRACKET,FOLLOW_LEFTCURLYBRACKET_in_compoundStatement539); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:156:25: (statmt= statement )* loop13: do { int alt13=2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA13_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA13_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA13_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA13_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA13_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA13_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA13_0>=NULL && LA13_0<=DOES)||LA13_0==GT||(LA13_0>=GTE && LA13_0<=LT)||LA13_0==EQ||(LA13_0>=NEQ && LA13_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA13_0>=DOT && LA13_0<=CONCAT)||(LA13_0>=EQUALSOP && LA13_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA13_0>=NOTOP && LA13_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA13_0>=OROPERATOR && LA13_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA13_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET||(LA13_0>=INCLUDE && LA13_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA13_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA13_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt13=1; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:156:27: statmt= statement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_compoundStatement547); statmt=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { ( (CFCompoundStatement) s ).add( statmt ); } } break; default : break loop13; } } while (true); match(input,RIGHTCURLYBRACKET,FOLLOW_RIGHTCURLYBRACKET_in_compoundStatement554); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "compoundStatement" // $ANTLR start "statement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:159:1: statement returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ( ^(t= IF c= expression s1= statement (t= ELSE s2= statement )? ) | t= BREAK | t= CONTINUE | s1= returnStatement | ^(t= WHILE c= expression s1= statement ) | ^(t= DO s1= statement WHILE c= expression SEMICOLON ) | s1= forStatement | s1= switchStatement | s1= tryStatement | s2= compoundStatement | s1= tagOperatorStatement | (e1= expression ) ); public final CFScriptStatement statement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CommonTree t=null; CFExpression c = null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; CFScriptStatement s2 = null; CFExpression e1 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:160:3: ( ^(t= IF c= expression s1= statement (t= ELSE s2= statement )? ) | t= BREAK | t= CONTINUE | s1= returnStatement | ^(t= WHILE c= expression s1= statement ) | ^(t= DO s1= statement WHILE c= expression SEMICOLON ) | s1= forStatement | s1= switchStatement | s1= tryStatement | s2= compoundStatement | s1= tagOperatorStatement | (e1= expression ) ) int alt15=12; alt15 = dfa15.predict(input); switch (alt15) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:160:5: ^(t= IF c= expression s1= statement (t= ELSE s2= statement )? ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IF,FOLLOW_IF_in_statement584); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement588); c=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_statement592); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:160:39: (t= ELSE s2= statement )? int alt14=2; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA14_0==ELSE) ) { alt14=1; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:160:41: t= ELSE s2= statement { t=(CommonTree)match(input,ELSE,FOLLOW_ELSE_in_statement598); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_statement602); s2=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFIfStatement( t.getToken(), c, s1, s2 ); } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:161:5: t= BREAK { t=(CommonTree)match(input,BREAK,FOLLOW_BREAK_in_statement617); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFBreakStatement( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:162:5: t= CONTINUE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,CONTINUE,FOLLOW_CONTINUE_in_statement627); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s= new CFContinueStatement( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:163:5: s1= returnStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_returnStatement_in_statement637); s1=returnStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = s1; } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:164:5: ^(t= WHILE c= expression s1= statement ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,WHILE,FOLLOW_WHILE_in_statement649); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement653); c=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_statement657); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFWhileStatement( t.getToken(), c, s1 ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:165:5: ^(t= DO s1= statement WHILE c= expression SEMICOLON ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,DO,FOLLOW_DO_in_statement671); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_statement675); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input,WHILE,FOLLOW_WHILE_in_statement677); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement681); c=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input,SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_statement683); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFDoWhileStatement( t.getToken(), c, s1 ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:166:5: s1= forStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_forStatement_in_statement694); s1=forStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = s1; } } break; case 8 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:167:5: s1= switchStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_switchStatement_in_statement705); s1=switchStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = s1; } } break; case 9 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:168:5: s1= tryStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_tryStatement_in_statement715); s1=tryStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = s1; } } break; case 10 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:169:5: s2= compoundStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_statement725); s2=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = s2; } } break; case 11 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:170:5: s1= tagOperatorStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_tagOperatorStatement_in_statement735); s1=tagOperatorStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = s1; } } break; case 12 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:171:5: (e1= expression ) { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:171:5: (e1= expression ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:171:7: e1= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement747); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFExpressionStatement( e1 ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "statement" // $ANTLR start "returnStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:174:1: returnStatement returns [CFScriptStatement s ] : t= RETURN (c= expression )? ; public final CFScriptStatement returnStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CommonTree t=null; CFExpression c = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:175:3: (t= RETURN (c= expression )? ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:175:5: t= RETURN (c= expression )? { t=(CommonTree)match(input,RETURN,FOLLOW_RETURN_in_returnStatement773); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:175:14: (c= expression )? int alt16=2; alt16 = dfa16.predict(input); switch (alt16) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:175:16: c= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_returnStatement779); c=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFReturnStatement( t.getToken(), c ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "returnStatement" // $ANTLR start "tryStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:178:1: tryStatement returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ^(t1= TRY s1= statement (c= catchStatement )* (f= finallyStatement )? ) ; public final CFScriptStatement tryStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CommonTree t1=null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; cfCatchClause c = null; CFScriptStatement f = null; ArrayList<cfCatchClause> catchStatements = new ArrayList<cfCatchClause>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:182:3: ( ^(t1= TRY s1= statement (c= catchStatement )* (f= finallyStatement )? ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:182:5: ^(t1= TRY s1= statement (c= catchStatement )* (f= finallyStatement )? ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,TRY,FOLLOW_TRY_in_tryStatement812); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_tryStatement816); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:183:5: (c= catchStatement )* loop17: do { int alt17=2; int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA17_0==CATCH) ) { alt17=1; } switch (alt17) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:183:7: c= catchStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_catchStatement_in_tryStatement827); c=catchStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { catchStatements.add( c ); } } break; default : break loop17; } } while (true); // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:183:57: (f= finallyStatement )? int alt18=2; int LA18_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA18_0==FINALLY) ) { alt18=1; } switch (alt18) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:183:58: f= finallyStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_finallyStatement_in_tryStatement837); f=finallyStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return new CFTryCatchStatement( t1.getToken(), s1, catchStatements, f ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "tryStatement" // $ANTLR start "catchStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:189:1: catchStatement returns [cfCatchClause c] : ^(t1= CATCH e1= exceptionType e2= identifier s1= compoundStatement ) ; public final cfCatchClause catchStatement() throws RecognitionException { cfCatchClause c = null; CommonTree t1=null; String e1 = null; CFIdentifier e2 = null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:190:3: ( ^(t1= CATCH e1= exceptionType e2= identifier s1= compoundStatement ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:190:5: ^(t1= CATCH e1= exceptionType e2= identifier s1= compoundStatement ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,CATCH,FOLLOW_CATCH_in_catchStatement868); if (state.failed) return c; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return c; pushFollow(FOLLOW_exceptionType_in_catchStatement872); e1=exceptionType(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return c; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_catchStatement876); e2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return c; pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_catchStatement880); s1=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return c; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return c; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { c = new CFCatchStatement( e1, e2.getName(), s1 );; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return c; } // $ANTLR end "catchStatement" // $ANTLR start "finallyStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:195:1: finallyStatement returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ^( FINALLY s1= compoundStatement ) ; public final CFScriptStatement finallyStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:196:3: ( ^( FINALLY s1= compoundStatement ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:196:5: ^( FINALLY s1= compoundStatement ) { match(input,FINALLY,FOLLOW_FINALLY_in_finallyStatement901); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_finallyStatement905); s1=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = s1; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "finallyStatement" // $ANTLR start "exceptionType" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:201:1: exceptionType returns [String image] : (i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* | t= STRING_LITERAL ); public final String exceptionType() throws RecognitionException { String image = null; CommonTree t=null; CFIdentifier i1 = null; CFIdentifier i2 = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:205:3: (i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* | t= STRING_LITERAL ) int alt21=2; int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA21_0>=CONTAIN && LA21_0<=DOES)||(LA21_0>=LESS && LA21_0<=GREATER)||LA21_0==TO||(LA21_0>=VAR && LA21_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA21_0>=INCLUDE && LA21_0<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt21=1; } else if ( (LA21_0==STRING_LITERAL) ) { alt21=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return image;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 21, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt21) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:205:5: i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_exceptionType931); i1=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { sb.append( i1.getName() ); } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:206:5: ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* loop20: do { int alt20=2; int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA20_0==DOT) ) { alt20=1; } switch (alt20) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:206:7: DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_exceptionType941); if (state.failed) return image; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:206:11: (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) int alt19=2; alt19 = dfa19.predict(input); switch (alt19) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:206:13: i2= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_exceptionType947); i2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:206:29: i2= reservedWord { pushFollow(FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_exceptionType953); i2=reservedWord(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; } break; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { sb.append( '.' ); sb.append( i2.getName() ); } } break; default : break loop20; } } while (true); if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image = sb.toString(); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:211:5: t= STRING_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,STRING_LITERAL,FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_exceptionType975); if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image = t.getToken().getText().substring( 1, t.getToken().getText().length() - 1 ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return image; } // $ANTLR end "exceptionType" // $ANTLR start "switchStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:214:1: switchStatement returns [CFScriptStatement s ] : ^(t1= SWITCH c= expression LEFTCURLYBRACKET (cs= caseStatement )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) ; public final CFScriptStatement switchStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CommonTree t1=null; CFExpression c = null; CFCase cs = null; ArrayList<CFCase> cases = new ArrayList<CFCase>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:218:3: ( ^(t1= SWITCH c= expression LEFTCURLYBRACKET (cs= caseStatement )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:218:5: ^(t1= SWITCH c= expression LEFTCURLYBRACKET (cs= caseStatement )* RIGHTCURLYBRACKET ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,SWITCH,FOLLOW_SWITCH_in_switchStatement1005); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_switchStatement1009); c=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input,LEFTCURLYBRACKET,FOLLOW_LEFTCURLYBRACKET_in_switchStatement1011); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:219:3: (cs= caseStatement )* loop22: do { int alt22=2; int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA22_0>=CASE && LA22_0<=DEFAULT)) ) { alt22=1; } switch (alt22) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:219:5: cs= caseStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_caseStatement_in_switchStatement1021); cs=caseStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { cases.add( cs ); } } break; default : break loop22; } } while (true); match(input,RIGHTCURLYBRACKET,FOLLOW_RIGHTCURLYBRACKET_in_switchStatement1028); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { s = new CFSwitchStatement( t1.getToken(), c, cases ); } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "switchStatement" // $ANTLR start "caseStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:223:1: caseStatement returns [CFCase c] : ( ^( CASE e2= constantExpression COLON (s1= statement )* ) | ^( DEFAULT COLON (s1= statement )* ) ); public final CFCase caseStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFCase c = null; CFExpression e2 = null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; ArrayList<CFScriptStatement> block = new ArrayList<CFScriptStatement>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:227:3: ( ^( CASE e2= constantExpression COLON (s1= statement )* ) | ^( DEFAULT COLON (s1= statement )* ) ) int alt25=2; int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA25_0==CASE) ) { alt25=1; } else if ( (LA25_0==DEFAULT) ) { alt25=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return c;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 25, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt25) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:227:5: ^( CASE e2= constantExpression COLON (s1= statement )* ) { match(input,CASE,FOLLOW_CASE_in_caseStatement1057); if (state.failed) return c; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return c; pushFollow(FOLLOW_constantExpression_in_caseStatement1061); e2=constantExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return c; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_caseStatement1063); if (state.failed) return c; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:227:40: (s1= statement )* loop23: do { int alt23=2; int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA23_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA23_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA23_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA23_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA23_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA23_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA23_0>=NULL && LA23_0<=DOES)||LA23_0==GT||(LA23_0>=GTE && LA23_0<=LT)||LA23_0==EQ||(LA23_0>=NEQ && LA23_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA23_0>=DOT && LA23_0<=CONCAT)||(LA23_0>=EQUALSOP && LA23_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA23_0>=NOTOP && LA23_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA23_0>=OROPERATOR && LA23_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA23_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET||(LA23_0>=INCLUDE && LA23_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA23_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA23_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt23=1; } switch (alt23) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:227:42: s1= statement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_caseStatement1069); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return c; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { block.add( s1 ); } } break; default : break loop23; } } while (true); match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return c; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { c = new CFCase( e2, block ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:229:5: ^( DEFAULT COLON (s1= statement )* ) { match(input,DEFAULT,FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_caseStatement1091); if (state.failed) return c; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return c; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_caseStatement1093); if (state.failed) return c; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:229:21: (s1= statement )* loop24: do { int alt24=2; int LA24_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA24_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA24_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA24_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA24_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA24_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA24_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA24_0>=NULL && LA24_0<=DOES)||LA24_0==GT||(LA24_0>=GTE && LA24_0<=LT)||LA24_0==EQ||(LA24_0>=NEQ && LA24_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA24_0>=DOT && LA24_0<=CONCAT)||(LA24_0>=EQUALSOP && LA24_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA24_0>=NOTOP && LA24_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA24_0>=OROPERATOR && LA24_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA24_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET||(LA24_0>=INCLUDE && LA24_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA24_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA24_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt24=1; } switch (alt24) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:229:23: s1= statement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_caseStatement1099); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return c; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { block.add( s1 ); } } break; default : break loop24; } } while (true); match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return c; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { c = new CFCase( block ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return c; } // $ANTLR end "caseStatement" // $ANTLR start "constantExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:232:1: constantExpression returns [CFExpression e] : ( LEFTPAREN constantExpression RIGHTPAREN | op= MINUS (t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL ) | t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL | t= STRING_LITERAL | t= BOOLEAN_LITERAL | t= NULL ); public final CFExpression constantExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree op=null; CommonTree t=null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:233:3: ( LEFTPAREN constantExpression RIGHTPAREN | op= MINUS (t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL ) | t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL | t= STRING_LITERAL | t= BOOLEAN_LITERAL | t= NULL ) int alt27=7; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case LEFTPAREN: { alt27=1; } break; case MINUS: { alt27=2; } break; case INTEGER_LITERAL: { alt27=3; } break; case FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: { alt27=4; } break; case STRING_LITERAL: { alt27=5; } break; case BOOLEAN_LITERAL: { alt27=6; } break; case NULL: { alt27=7; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 27, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt27) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:233:5: LEFTPAREN constantExpression RIGHTPAREN { match(input,LEFTPAREN,FOLLOW_LEFTPAREN_in_constantExpression1130); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_constantExpression_in_constantExpression1132); constantExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input,RIGHTPAREN,FOLLOW_RIGHTPAREN_in_constantExpression1134); if (state.failed) return e; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:234:5: op= MINUS (t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_constantExpression1142); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:234:14: (t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL ) int alt26=2; int LA26_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA26_0==INTEGER_LITERAL) ) { alt26=1; } else if ( (LA26_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt26=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 26, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt26) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:234:16: t= INTEGER_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,INTEGER_LITERAL,FOLLOW_INTEGER_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1148); if (state.failed) return e; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:234:36: t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL,FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1154); if (state.failed) return e; } break; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ) ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:235:5: t= INTEGER_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,INTEGER_LITERAL,FOLLOW_INTEGER_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1167); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:236:5: t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL,FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1185); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:237:5: t= STRING_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,STRING_LITERAL,FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1198); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:238:5: t= BOOLEAN_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,BOOLEAN_LITERAL,FOLLOW_BOOLEAN_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1219); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:239:5: t= NULL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,NULL,FOLLOW_NULL_in_constantExpression1239); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "constantExpression" // $ANTLR start "forStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:243:1: forStatement returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ( ^(t= FOR (e1= expression )? SEMICOLON (e2= expression )? SEMICOLON (e3= expression )? s1= statement ) | ^(t= FOR e= forInKey IN e1= expression s1= statement ) | ^(t= FOR lc= VAR i= identifier IN e1= expression s1= statement ) ); public final CFScriptStatement forStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s = null; CommonTree t=null; CommonTree lc=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; CFExpression e3 = null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; CFExpression e = null; CFIdentifier i = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:3: ( ^(t= FOR (e1= expression )? SEMICOLON (e2= expression )? SEMICOLON (e3= expression )? s1= statement ) | ^(t= FOR e= forInKey IN e1= expression s1= statement ) | ^(t= FOR lc= VAR i= identifier IN e1= expression s1= statement ) ) int alt31=3; int LA31_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA31_0==FOR) ) { int LA31_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred52_CFMLTree()) ) { alt31=1; } else if ( (synpred53_CFMLTree()) ) { alt31=2; } else if ( (true) ) { alt31=3; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return s;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 31, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return s;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 31, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt31) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:5: ^(t= FOR (e1= expression )? SEMICOLON (e2= expression )? SEMICOLON (e3= expression )? s1= statement ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FOR,FOLLOW_FOR_in_forStatement1287); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:13: (e1= expression )? int alt28=2; int LA28_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA28_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA28_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA28_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA28_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA28_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA28_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA28_0>=NULL && LA28_0<=DOES)||LA28_0==GT||(LA28_0>=GTE && LA28_0<=LT)||LA28_0==EQ||(LA28_0>=NEQ && LA28_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA28_0>=DOT && LA28_0<=CONCAT)||(LA28_0>=EQUALSOP && LA28_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA28_0>=NOTOP && LA28_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA28_0>=OROPERATOR && LA28_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA28_0>=INCLUDE && LA28_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA28_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA28_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt28=1; } switch (alt28) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:14: e1= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1292); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } match(input,SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_forStatement1296); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:40: (e2= expression )? int alt29=2; int LA29_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA29_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA29_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA29_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA29_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA29_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA29_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA29_0>=NULL && LA29_0<=DOES)||LA29_0==GT||(LA29_0>=GTE && LA29_0<=LT)||LA29_0==EQ||(LA29_0>=NEQ && LA29_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA29_0>=DOT && LA29_0<=CONCAT)||(LA29_0>=EQUALSOP && LA29_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA29_0>=NOTOP && LA29_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA29_0>=OROPERATOR && LA29_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA29_0>=INCLUDE && LA29_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA29_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA29_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt29=1; } switch (alt29) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:41: e2= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1301); e2=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } match(input,SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_forStatement1305); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:67: (e3= expression )? int alt30=2; alt30 = dfa30.predict(input); switch (alt30) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:68: e3= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1310); e3=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement1316); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return new CFForStatement( t.getToken(), e1, e2, e3, s1 ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:247:5: ^(t= FOR e= forInKey IN e1= expression s1= statement ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FOR,FOLLOW_FOR_in_forStatement1329); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_forInKey_in_forStatement1333); e=forInKey(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input,IN,FOLLOW_IN_in_forStatement1335); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1339); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement1343); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return new CFForInStatement( t.getToken(), e, e1, s1 ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:250:5: ^(t= FOR lc= VAR i= identifier IN e1= expression s1= statement ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FOR,FOLLOW_FOR_in_forStatement1355); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; lc=(CommonTree)match(input,VAR,FOLLOW_VAR_in_forStatement1359); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_forStatement1363); i=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input,IN,FOLLOW_IN_in_forStatement1365); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1369); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement1373); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return new CFForInStatement( t.getToken(), i, e1, s1, true ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "forStatement" // $ANTLR start "forInKey" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:255:1: forInKey returns [CFExpression e] : t1= identifier ( DOT (t2= identifier | t2= reservedWord ) )* ; public final CFExpression forInKey() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CFIdentifier t1 = null; CFIdentifier t2 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:256:3: (t1= identifier ( DOT (t2= identifier | t2= reservedWord ) )* ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:256:5: t1= identifier ( DOT (t2= identifier | t2= reservedWord ) )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_forInKey1397); t1=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = t1; } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:257:5: ( DOT (t2= identifier | t2= reservedWord ) )* loop33: do { int alt33=2; int LA33_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA33_0==DOT) ) { alt33=1; } switch (alt33) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:258:7: DOT (t2= identifier | t2= reservedWord ) { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_forInKey1413); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:258:11: (t2= identifier | t2= reservedWord ) int alt32=2; alt32 = dfa32.predict(input); switch (alt32) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:258:13: t2= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_forInKey1419); t2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:258:29: t2= reservedWord { pushFollow(FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_forInKey1425); t2=reservedWord(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( !( e instanceof cfFullVarExpression ) ){ e = new cfFullVarExpression( t1.getToken(), e, e.Decompile(0) ); } ( (cfFullVarExpression) e ).addDotOperation( t2 ); } } break; default : break loop33; } } while (true); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "forInKey" // $ANTLR start "parameterList" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:269:1: parameterList returns [ArrayList<CFFunctionParameter> v] : (p= parameter )* ; public final ArrayList<CFFunctionParameter> parameterList() throws RecognitionException { ArrayList<CFFunctionParameter> v = null; CFFunctionParameter p = null; v = new ArrayList<CFFunctionParameter>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:271:3: ( (p= parameter )* ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:271:5: (p= parameter )* { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:271:5: (p= parameter )* loop34: do { int alt34=2; int LA34_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA34_0==FUNCTION_PARAMETER) ) { alt34=1; } switch (alt34) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:271:7: p= parameter { pushFollow(FOLLOW_parameter_in_parameterList1471); p=parameter(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return v; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { v.add( p ); } } break; default : break loop34; } } while (true); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return v; } // $ANTLR end "parameterList" // $ANTLR start "parameter" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:274:1: parameter returns [CFFunctionParameter s] : ^( FUNCTION_PARAMETER (r= REQUIRED )? (t= parameterType )? i= identifier ( EQUALSOP d= expression )? ) ; public final CFFunctionParameter parameter() throws RecognitionException { CFFunctionParameter s = null; CommonTree r=null; String t = null; CFIdentifier i = null; CFExpression d = null; d = null; t=null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:3: ( ^( FUNCTION_PARAMETER (r= REQUIRED )? (t= parameterType )? i= identifier ( EQUALSOP d= expression )? ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:5: ^( FUNCTION_PARAMETER (r= REQUIRED )? (t= parameterType )? i= identifier ( EQUALSOP d= expression )? ) { match(input,FUNCTION_PARAMETER,FOLLOW_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_in_parameter1502); if (state.failed) return s; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:26: (r= REQUIRED )? int alt35=2; int LA35_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA35_0==REQUIRED) ) { int LA35_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA35_1==PARAMETER_TYPE||(LA35_1>=CONTAIN && LA35_1<=DOES)||(LA35_1>=LESS && LA35_1<=GREATER)||LA35_1==TO||(LA35_1>=VAR && LA35_1<=DEFAULT)||(LA35_1>=INCLUDE && LA35_1<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt35=1; } } switch (alt35) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:27: r= REQUIRED { r=(CommonTree)match(input,REQUIRED,FOLLOW_REQUIRED_in_parameter1507); if (state.failed) return s; } break; } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:40: (t= parameterType )? int alt36=2; int LA36_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA36_0==PARAMETER_TYPE) ) { alt36=1; } switch (alt36) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:41: t= parameterType { pushFollow(FOLLOW_parameterType_in_parameter1514); t=parameterType(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_parameter1520); i=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:72: ( EQUALSOP d= expression )? int alt37=2; int LA37_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA37_0==EQUALSOP) ) { alt37=1; } switch (alt37) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:276:73: EQUALSOP d= expression { match(input,EQUALSOP,FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_parameter1523); if (state.failed) return s; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_parameter1527); d=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return s; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return s; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return new CFFunctionParameter( (CFIdentifier) i, r!=null, t, d ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return s; } // $ANTLR end "parameter" // $ANTLR start "parameterType" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:281:1: parameterType returns [String image] : ^( PARAMETER_TYPE ts= typeSpec ) ; public final String parameterType() throws RecognitionException { String image = null; String ts = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:282:3: ( ^( PARAMETER_TYPE ts= typeSpec ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:282:5: ^( PARAMETER_TYPE ts= typeSpec ) { match(input,PARAMETER_TYPE,FOLLOW_PARAMETER_TYPE_in_parameterType1553); if (state.failed) return image; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return image; pushFollow(FOLLOW_typeSpec_in_parameterType1557); ts=typeSpec(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return image; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return image; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { image=ts; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return image; } // $ANTLR end "parameterType" // $ANTLR start "tagOperatorStatement" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:285:1: tagOperatorStatement returns [CFScriptStatement e] : ( ^(t1= INCLUDE e1= memberExpression ) | ^(t1= IMPORT e2= componentPath ) | ^(t1= ABORTSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) | ^(t1= THROWSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) | ^(t1= EXITSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) | t1= RETHROWSTATEMENT | ^(t1= PARAMSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes ) | ^(t1= LOCKSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes body= compoundStatement ) | ^(t1= THREADSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) | ^(t1= TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) | ^(t1= SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) ); public final CFScriptStatement tagOperatorStatement() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement e = null; CommonTree t1=null; CFExpression e1 = null; String e2 = null; CFExpression s1 = null; Map<String,CFExpression> attr = null; CFScriptStatement body = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:286:3: ( ^(t1= INCLUDE e1= memberExpression ) | ^(t1= IMPORT e2= componentPath ) | ^(t1= ABORTSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) | ^(t1= THROWSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) | ^(t1= EXITSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) | t1= RETHROWSTATEMENT | ^(t1= PARAMSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes ) | ^(t1= LOCKSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes body= compoundStatement ) | ^(t1= THREADSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) | ^(t1= TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) | ^(t1= SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) ) int alt44=11; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case INCLUDE: { alt44=1; } break; case IMPORT: { alt44=2; } break; case ABORTSTATEMENT: { alt44=3; } break; case THROWSTATEMENT: { alt44=4; } break; case EXITSTATEMENT: { alt44=5; } break; case RETHROWSTATEMENT: { alt44=6; } break; case PARAMSTATEMENT: { alt44=7; } break; case LOCKSTATEMENT: { alt44=8; } break; case THREADSTATEMENT: { alt44=9; } break; case TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT: { alt44=10; } break; case SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT: { alt44=11; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 44, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt44) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:286:5: ^(t1= INCLUDE e1= memberExpression ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,INCLUDE,FOLLOW_INCLUDE_in_tagOperatorStatement1582); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1586); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIncludeStatement( t1.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:287:5: ^(t1= IMPORT e2= componentPath ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,IMPORT,FOLLOW_IMPORT_in_tagOperatorStatement1598); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_componentPath_in_tagOperatorStatement1602); e2=componentPath(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { importPaths.add( e2 ); e = new CFImportStatement( t1.getToken(), e2 ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:288:5: ^(t1= ABORTSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,ABORTSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_ABORTSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1613); if (state.failed) return e; if ( input.LA(1)==Token.DOWN ) { match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:288:25: (s1= memberExpression )? int alt38=2; int LA38_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA38_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA38_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA38_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA38_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA38_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA38_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA38_0>=NULL && LA38_0<=DOES)||LA38_0==GT||(LA38_0>=GTE && LA38_0<=LT)||LA38_0==EQ||(LA38_0>=NEQ && LA38_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA38_0>=DOT && LA38_0<=CONCAT)||(LA38_0>=EQUALSOP && LA38_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA38_0>=NOTOP && LA38_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA38_0>=OROPERATOR && LA38_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA38_0>=INCLUDE && LA38_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA38_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA38_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt38=1; } switch (alt38) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:288:26: s1= memberExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1618); s1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( s1 == null ) e = new CFAbortStatement( t1.getToken() ); else e = new CFAbortStatement( t1.getToken(), s1 ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:289:5: ^(t1= THROWSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,THROWSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_THROWSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1632); if (state.failed) return e; if ( input.LA(1)==Token.DOWN ) { match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:289:25: (s1= memberExpression )? int alt39=2; int LA39_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA39_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA39_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA39_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA39_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA39_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA39_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA39_0>=NULL && LA39_0<=DOES)||LA39_0==GT||(LA39_0>=GTE && LA39_0<=LT)||LA39_0==EQ||(LA39_0>=NEQ && LA39_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA39_0>=DOT && LA39_0<=CONCAT)||(LA39_0>=EQUALSOP && LA39_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA39_0>=NOTOP && LA39_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA39_0>=OROPERATOR && LA39_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA39_0>=INCLUDE && LA39_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA39_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA39_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt39=1; } switch (alt39) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:289:26: s1= memberExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1637); s1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( s1 == null ) e = new CFThrowStatement( t1.getToken(), null ); else e = new CFThrowStatement( t1.getToken(), s1 ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:290:5: ^(t1= EXITSTATEMENT (s1= memberExpression )? ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,EXITSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_EXITSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1651); if (state.failed) return e; if ( input.LA(1)==Token.DOWN ) { match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:290:24: (s1= memberExpression )? int alt40=2; int LA40_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA40_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA40_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA40_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA40_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA40_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA40_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA40_0>=NULL && LA40_0<=DOES)||LA40_0==GT||(LA40_0>=GTE && LA40_0<=LT)||LA40_0==EQ||(LA40_0>=NEQ && LA40_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA40_0>=DOT && LA40_0<=CONCAT)||(LA40_0>=EQUALSOP && LA40_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA40_0>=NOTOP && LA40_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA40_0>=OROPERATOR && LA40_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA40_0>=INCLUDE && LA40_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA40_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA40_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt40=1; } switch (alt40) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:290:25: s1= memberExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1656); s1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( s1 == null ) e = new CFExitStatement( t1.getToken(), null ); else e = new CFExitStatement( t1.getToken(), s1 ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:291:5: t1= RETHROWSTATEMENT { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,RETHROWSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_RETHROWSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1669); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFReThrowStatement( t1.getToken() ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:292:5: ^(t1= PARAMSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,PARAMSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_PARAMSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1680); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1684); attr=paramStatementAttributes(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFParamStatement( t1.getToken(), attr ); } } break; case 8 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:293:5: ^(t1= LOCKSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes body= compoundStatement ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,LOCKSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_LOCKSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1695); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1699); attr=paramStatementAttributes(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1703); body=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLockStatement( t1.getToken(), attr, body ); } } break; case 9 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:294:5: ^(t1= THREADSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,THREADSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_THREADSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1714); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1718); attr=paramStatementAttributes(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:294:56: (body= compoundStatement )? int alt41=2; int LA41_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA41_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET) ) { alt41=1; } switch (alt41) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:294:57: body= compoundStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1723); body=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFThreadStatement( t1.getToken(), attr, body ); } } break; case 10 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:295:5: ^(t1= TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1736); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1740); attr=paramStatementAttributes(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:295:61: (body= compoundStatement )? int alt42=2; int LA42_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA42_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET) ) { alt42=1; } switch (alt42) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:295:62: body= compoundStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1745); body=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFTransactionStatement( t1.getToken(), attr, body ); } } break; case 11 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:296:5: ^(t1= SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT attr= paramStatementAttributes (body= compoundStatement )? ) { t1=(CommonTree)match(input,SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT,FOLLOW_SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1758); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1762); attr=paramStatementAttributes(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:296:61: (body= compoundStatement )? int alt43=2; int LA43_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA43_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET) ) { alt43=1; } switch (alt43) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:296:62: body= compoundStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1767); body=compoundStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFSavecontentStatement( t1.getToken(), attr, body ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "tagOperatorStatement" // $ANTLR start "paramStatementAttributes" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:300:1: paramStatementAttributes returns [Map<String,CFExpression> attr] : ( ^( EQUALSOP i= identifier e= expression ) )+ ; public final Map<String,CFExpression> paramStatementAttributes() throws RecognitionException { Map<String,CFExpression> attr = null; CFIdentifier i = null; CFExpression e = null; attr = new HashMap<String,CFExpression>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:302:3: ( ( ^( EQUALSOP i= identifier e= expression ) )+ ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:302:5: ( ^( EQUALSOP i= identifier e= expression ) )+ { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:302:5: ( ^( EQUALSOP i= identifier e= expression ) )+ int cnt45=0; loop45: do { int alt45=2; int LA45_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA45_0==EQUALSOP) ) { alt45=1; } switch (alt45) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:302:7: ^( EQUALSOP i= identifier e= expression ) { match(input,EQUALSOP,FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_paramStatementAttributes1796); if (state.failed) return attr; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return attr; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_paramStatementAttributes1800); i=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return attr; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_paramStatementAttributes1804); e=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return attr; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { attr.put( i.getToken().getText().toUpperCase(), e ); } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return attr; } break; default : if ( cnt45 >= 1 ) break loop45; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return attr;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(45, input); throw eee; } cnt45++; } while (true); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return attr; } // $ANTLR end "paramStatementAttributes" // $ANTLR start "expression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:307:1: expression returns [CFExpression e] : (be= binaryExpression | pe= memberExpression ); public final CFExpression expression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CFExpression be = null; CFExpression pe = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:308:3: (be= binaryExpression | pe= memberExpression ) int alt46=2; alt46 = dfa46.predict(input); switch (alt46) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:308:6: be= binaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_expression1837); be=binaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = be; } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:309:5: pe= memberExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_expression1848); pe=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = pe; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "expression" // $ANTLR start "localAssignmentExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:312:1: localAssignmentExpression returns [CFExpression e] : ^(op= VARLOCAL e1= identifier ( EQUALSOP e2= memberExpression )? ) ; public final CFExpression localAssignmentExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree op=null; CFIdentifier e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:313:3: ( ^(op= VARLOCAL e1= identifier ( EQUALSOP e2= memberExpression )? ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:313:5: ^(op= VARLOCAL e1= identifier ( EQUALSOP e2= memberExpression )? ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,VARLOCAL,FOLLOW_VARLOCAL_in_localAssignmentExpression1872); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_localAssignmentExpression1876); e1=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:313:34: ( EQUALSOP e2= memberExpression )? int alt47=2; int LA47_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA47_0==EQUALSOP) ) { alt47=1; } switch (alt47) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:313:36: EQUALSOP e2= memberExpression { match(input,EQUALSOP,FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_localAssignmentExpression1880); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_localAssignmentExpression1884); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFVarDeclExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "localAssignmentExpression" // $ANTLR start "assignmentExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:318:1: assignmentExpression returns [CFAssignmentExpression e] : ( ^(op= EQUALSOP e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= PLUSEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUSEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= STAREQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= SLASHEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MODEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONCATEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) ); public final CFAssignmentExpression assignmentExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFAssignmentExpression e = null; CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:319:3: ( ^(op= EQUALSOP e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= PLUSEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUSEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= STAREQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= SLASHEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MODEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONCATEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) ) int alt48=7; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case EQUALSOP: { alt48=1; } break; case PLUSEQUALS: { alt48=2; } break; case MINUSEQUALS: { alt48=3; } break; case STAREQUALS: { alt48=4; } break; case SLASHEQUALS: { alt48=5; } break; case MODEQUALS: { alt48=6; } break; case CONCATEQUALS: { alt48=7; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 48, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt48) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:319:5: ^(op= EQUALSOP e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,EQUALSOP,FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_assignmentExpression1910); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1914); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1918); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFAssignmentExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:320:5: ^(op= PLUSEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,PLUSEQUALS,FOLLOW_PLUSEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1932); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1936); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1940); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFAssignmentExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:321:5: ^(op= MINUSEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MINUSEQUALS,FOLLOW_MINUSEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1954); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1958); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1962); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFAssignmentExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:322:5: ^(op= STAREQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,STAREQUALS,FOLLOW_STAREQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1976); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1980); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1984); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFAssignmentExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:323:5: ^(op= SLASHEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,SLASHEQUALS,FOLLOW_SLASHEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1998); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2002); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2006); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFAssignmentExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:324:5: ^(op= MODEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MODEQUALS,FOLLOW_MODEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression2020); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2024); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2028); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFAssignmentExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:325:5: ^(op= CONCATEQUALS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,CONCATEQUALS,FOLLOW_CONCATEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression2042); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2046); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2050); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFAssignmentExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "assignmentExpression" // $ANTLR start "binaryExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:329:1: binaryExpression returns [CFExpression e] : (e1= ternaryExpression | e1= localAssignmentExpression | e1= assignmentExpression | ^(op= IMP e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= EQV e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= XOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= OR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= OROPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= AND e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= ANDOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NOT e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NOTOP e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= EQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NEQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= LT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= LTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= GT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= GTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONTAINS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= DOESNOTCONTAIN e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONCAT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MOD e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MODOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= BSLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= STAR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= SLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= POWER e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | e1= unaryExpression ); public final CFExpression binaryExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:330:3: (e1= ternaryExpression | e1= localAssignmentExpression | e1= assignmentExpression | ^(op= IMP e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= EQV e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= XOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= OR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= OROPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= AND e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= ANDOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NOT e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NOTOP e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= EQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NEQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= LT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= LTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= GT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= GTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONTAINS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= DOESNOTCONTAIN e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONCAT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MOD e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MODOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= BSLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= STAR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= SLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= POWER e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | e1= unaryExpression ) int alt49=30; alt49 = dfa49.predict(input); switch (alt49) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:330:5: e1= ternaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_ternaryExpression_in_binaryExpression2081); e1=ternaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = e1; } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:331:5: e1= localAssignmentExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_localAssignmentExpression_in_binaryExpression2091); e1=localAssignmentExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = e1; } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:332:5: e1= assignmentExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_binaryExpression2101); e1=assignmentExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = e1; } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:333:5: ^(op= IMP e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,IMP,FOLLOW_IMP_in_binaryExpression2113); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2117); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2121); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:334:5: ^(op= EQV e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,EQV,FOLLOW_EQV_in_binaryExpression2135); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2139); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2143); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:335:5: ^(op= XOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,XOR,FOLLOW_XOR_in_binaryExpression2157); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2161); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2165); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:336:5: ^(op= OR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,OR,FOLLOW_OR_in_binaryExpression2179); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2183); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2187); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 8 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:337:5: ^(op= OROPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,OROPERATOR,FOLLOW_OROPERATOR_in_binaryExpression2201); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2205); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2209); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 9 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:338:5: ^(op= AND e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,AND,FOLLOW_AND_in_binaryExpression2223); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2227); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2231); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 10 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:339:5: ^(op= ANDOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,ANDOPERATOR,FOLLOW_ANDOPERATOR_in_binaryExpression2245); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2249); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2253); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 11 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:340:5: ^(op= NOT e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,NOT,FOLLOW_NOT_in_binaryExpression2267); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2271); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 12 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:341:5: ^(op= NOTOP e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,NOTOP,FOLLOW_NOTOP_in_binaryExpression2284); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2288); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 13 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:342:5: ^(op= EQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,EQ,FOLLOW_EQ_in_binaryExpression2302); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2306); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2310); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 14 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:343:5: ^(op= NEQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,NEQ,FOLLOW_NEQ_in_binaryExpression2325); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2329); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2333); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 15 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:344:5: ^(op= LT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_binaryExpression2347); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2351); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2355); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 16 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:345:5: ^(op= LTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,LTE,FOLLOW_LTE_in_binaryExpression2369); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2373); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2377); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 17 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:346:5: ^(op= GT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,GT,FOLLOW_GT_in_binaryExpression2391); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2395); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2399); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 18 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:347:5: ^(op= GTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,GTE,FOLLOW_GTE_in_binaryExpression2413); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2417); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2421); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 19 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:348:5: ^(op= CONTAINS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,CONTAINS,FOLLOW_CONTAINS_in_binaryExpression2435); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2439); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2443); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 20 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:349:5: ^(op= DOESNOTCONTAIN e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,DOESNOTCONTAIN,FOLLOW_DOESNOTCONTAIN_in_binaryExpression2457); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2461); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2465); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 21 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:350:5: ^(op= CONCAT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,CONCAT,FOLLOW_CONCAT_in_binaryExpression2479); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2483); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2487); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 22 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:351:5: ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,PLUS,FOLLOW_PLUS_in_binaryExpression2501); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2505); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2509); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 23 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:352:5: ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_binaryExpression2523); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2527); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2531); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 24 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:353:5: ^(op= MOD e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MOD,FOLLOW_MOD_in_binaryExpression2545); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2549); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2553); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 25 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:354:5: ^(op= MODOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MODOPERATOR,FOLLOW_MODOPERATOR_in_binaryExpression2567); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2571); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2575); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 26 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:355:5: ^(op= BSLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,BSLASH,FOLLOW_BSLASH_in_binaryExpression2589); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2593); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2597); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 27 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:356:5: ^(op= STAR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_binaryExpression2611); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2615); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2619); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 28 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:357:5: ^(op= SLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,SLASH,FOLLOW_SLASH_in_binaryExpression2633); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2637); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2641); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 29 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:358:5: ^(op= POWER e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,POWER,FOLLOW_POWER_in_binaryExpression2655); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2659); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2663); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFBinaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e2 ); } } break; case 30 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:359:5: e1= unaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_binaryExpression2677); e1=unaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = e1; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "binaryExpression" // $ANTLR start "ternaryExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:362:1: ternaryExpression returns [CFExpression e] : ^(op= QUESTIONMARK e1= expression l2= ternaryExpressionOptions ) ; public final CFExpression ternaryExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; ArrayList<CFExpression> l2 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:363:3: ( ^(op= QUESTIONMARK e1= expression l2= ternaryExpressionOptions ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:363:5: ^(op= QUESTIONMARK e1= expression l2= ternaryExpressionOptions ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,QUESTIONMARK,FOLLOW_QUESTIONMARK_in_ternaryExpression2700); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_ternaryExpression2704); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_ternaryExpressionOptions_in_ternaryExpression2708); l2=ternaryExpressionOptions(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFTernaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1, l2.get(0), l2.get(1) ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "ternaryExpression" // $ANTLR start "ternaryExpressionOptions" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:366:1: ternaryExpressionOptions returns [ArrayList<CFExpression> e] : ^(op= COLON e1= expression e2= expression ) ; public final ArrayList<CFExpression> ternaryExpressionOptions() throws RecognitionException { ArrayList<CFExpression> e = null; CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:367:3: ( ^(op= COLON e1= expression e2= expression ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:367:5: ^(op= COLON e1= expression e2= expression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_ternaryExpressionOptions2732); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_ternaryExpressionOptions2736); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_ternaryExpressionOptions2740); e2=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new ArrayList<CFExpression>(); e.add( e1 ); e.add( e2 ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "ternaryExpressionOptions" // $ANTLR start "unaryExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:371:1: unaryExpression returns [CFExpression e] : ( ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= PLUSPLUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUSMINUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= POSTPLUSPLUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= POSTMINUSMINUS e1= memberExpression ) | e1= newComponentExpression ); public final CFExpression unaryExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:372:3: ( ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= PLUSPLUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUSMINUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= POSTPLUSPLUS e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= POSTMINUSMINUS e1= memberExpression ) | e1= newComponentExpression ) int alt50=7; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case PLUS: { alt50=1; } break; case MINUS: { alt50=2; } break; case PLUSPLUS: { alt50=3; } break; case MINUSMINUS: { alt50=4; } break; case POSTPLUSPLUS: { alt50=5; } break; case POSTMINUSMINUS: { alt50=6; } break; case NEW: { alt50=7; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 50, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt50) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:372:5: ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,PLUS,FOLLOW_PLUS_in_unaryExpression2766); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2770); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:373:5: ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_unaryExpression2783); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2787); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:374:5: ^(op= PLUSPLUS e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,PLUSPLUS,FOLLOW_PLUSPLUS_in_unaryExpression2800); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2804); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:375:5: ^(op= MINUSMINUS e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MINUSMINUS,FOLLOW_MINUSMINUS_in_unaryExpression2817); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2821); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:376:5: ^(op= POSTPLUSPLUS e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,POSTPLUSPLUS,FOLLOW_POSTPLUSPLUS_in_unaryExpression2834); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2838); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:377:5: ^(op= POSTMINUSMINUS e1= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,POSTMINUSMINUS,FOLLOW_POSTMINUSMINUS_in_unaryExpression2851); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2855); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFUnaryExpression( op.getToken(), e1 ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:378:5: e1= newComponentExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_newComponentExpression_in_unaryExpression2868); e1=newComponentExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = e1; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "unaryExpression" // $ANTLR start "memberExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:381:1: memberExpression returns [CFExpression e] : ( ^(op= DOT e1= memberExpression e2= primaryExpressionIRW ) | ^(op= LEFTBRACKET e1= expression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= JAVAMETHODCALL e1= memberExpression e2= primaryExpressionIRW (args= argumentList )? ) | ^(op= FUNCTIONCALL e1= identifier args= argumentList ) | e1= primaryExpression ); public final CFExpression memberExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; Vector<CFExpression> args = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:382:3: ( ^(op= DOT e1= memberExpression e2= primaryExpressionIRW ) | ^(op= LEFTBRACKET e1= expression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= JAVAMETHODCALL e1= memberExpression e2= primaryExpressionIRW (args= argumentList )? ) | ^(op= FUNCTIONCALL e1= identifier args= argumentList ) | e1= primaryExpression ) int alt52=5; int LA52_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA52_0==DOT) ) { alt52=1; } else if ( (LA52_0==LEFTBRACKET) ) { alt52=2; } else if ( (LA52_0==JAVAMETHODCALL) ) { alt52=3; } else if ( (LA52_0==FUNCTIONCALL) ) { alt52=4; } else if ( ((LA52_0>=IMPLICITSTRUCT && LA52_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA52_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA52_0==STRING_LITERAL||LA52_0==NULL||(LA52_0>=CONTAIN && LA52_0<=DOES)||(LA52_0>=LESS && LA52_0<=GREATER)||LA52_0==TO||(LA52_0>=VAR && LA52_0<=NEW)||LA52_0==DEFAULT||LA52_0==INCLUDE||(LA52_0>=ABORT && LA52_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA52_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA52_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt52=5; } else if ( ((LA52_0>=COMPONENT && LA52_0<=CASE)||LA52_0==IMPORT) && ((!scriptMode))) { alt52=5; } else if ( ((LA52_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA52_0<=VARLOCAL)||(LA52_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA52_0<=POSTPLUSPLUS)||LA52_0==CONTAINS||LA52_0==GT||(LA52_0>=GTE && LA52_0<=LT)||LA52_0==EQ||LA52_0==NEQ||LA52_0==OR||(LA52_0>=IMP && LA52_0<=MOD)||(LA52_0>=STAR && LA52_0<=CONCAT)||(LA52_0>=EQUALSOP && LA52_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA52_0>=NOTOP && LA52_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA52_0>=OROPERATOR && LA52_0<=ANDOPERATOR)) ) { alt52=5; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 52, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt52) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:382:5: ^(op= DOT e1= memberExpression e2= primaryExpressionIRW ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_memberExpression2902); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression2906); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_primaryExpressionIRW_in_memberExpression2910); e2=primaryExpressionIRW(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( !( e1 instanceof cfFullVarExpression ) ){ e = new cfFullVarExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e1.Decompile(0) ); }else{ e = e1; } ( (cfFullVarExpression) e ).addDotOperation( e2 ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:390:5: ^(op= LEFTBRACKET e1= expression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,LEFTBRACKET,FOLLOW_LEFTBRACKET_in_memberExpression2924); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_memberExpression2928); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression2932); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( !( e1 instanceof cfFullVarExpression ) ){ e = new cfFullVarExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e1.Decompile(0) ); }else{ e = e1; } ( (cfFullVarExpression) e ).addBracketOperation( e2 ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:398:5: ^(op= JAVAMETHODCALL e1= memberExpression e2= primaryExpressionIRW (args= argumentList )? ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,JAVAMETHODCALL,FOLLOW_JAVAMETHODCALL_in_memberExpression2946); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression2950); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_primaryExpressionIRW_in_memberExpression2954); e2=primaryExpressionIRW(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:398:70: (args= argumentList )? int alt51=2; int LA51_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA51_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA51_0<=EMPTYARGS)||(LA51_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA51_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA51_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA51_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA51_0>=NULL && LA51_0<=DOES)||LA51_0==GT||(LA51_0>=GTE && LA51_0<=LT)||LA51_0==EQ||(LA51_0>=NEQ && LA51_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA51_0>=DOT && LA51_0<=CONCAT)||(LA51_0>=EQUALSOP && LA51_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA51_0>=OROPERATOR && LA51_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA51_0>=INCLUDE && LA51_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA51_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA51_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt51=1; } else if ( (LA51_0==UP) ) { int LA51_2 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred122_CFMLTree()) ) { alt51=1; } } switch (alt51) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:398:72: args= argumentList { pushFollow(FOLLOW_argumentList_in_memberExpression2960); args=argumentList(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if( args == null) { args = new ArgumentsVector(); } //prefixed = true; if ( !( e1 instanceof cfFullVarExpression ) ){ e = new cfFullVarExpression( op.getToken(), e1, e1.Decompile(0) ); }else{ e = e1; } ( (cfFullVarExpression) e ).addDotOperation( new CFJavaMethodExpression( op.getToken(), e2, args ) ); args = null; // reset the args for next iteration } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:414:5: ^(op= FUNCTIONCALL e1= identifier args= argumentList ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,FUNCTIONCALL,FOLLOW_FUNCTIONCALL_in_memberExpression2976); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_memberExpression2980); e1=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_argumentList_in_memberExpression2984); args=argumentList(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if( args == null) { args = new ArgumentsVector(); } e = new CFFunctionExpression( (CFIdentifier) e1, args ); args = null; // reset the args for next iteration } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:421:5: e1= primaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_memberExpression2995); e1=primaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = e1; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "memberExpression" // $ANTLR start "primaryExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:425:1: primaryExpression returns [CFExpression e] : (t= STRING_LITERAL | t= BOOLEAN_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL | t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= NULL | ie= implicitArray | is= implicitStruct | i= identifier | be= binaryExpression ); public final CFExpression primaryExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree t=null; CFArrayExpression ie = null; CFStructExpression is = null; CFIdentifier i = null; CFExpression be = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:426:3: (t= STRING_LITERAL | t= BOOLEAN_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL | t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= NULL | ie= implicitArray | is= implicitStruct | i= identifier | be= binaryExpression ) int alt53=9; alt53 = dfa53.predict(input); switch (alt53) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:426:5: t= STRING_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,STRING_LITERAL,FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3019); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:427:5: t= BOOLEAN_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,BOOLEAN_LITERAL,FOLLOW_BOOLEAN_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3038); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:428:5: t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL,FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3056); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:429:5: t= INTEGER_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,INTEGER_LITERAL,FOLLOW_INTEGER_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3067); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:430:5: t= NULL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,NULL,FOLLOW_NULL_in_primaryExpression3085); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFLiteral( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:431:5: ie= implicitArray { pushFollow(FOLLOW_implicitArray_in_primaryExpression3114); ie=implicitArray(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = ie; } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:432:5: is= implicitStruct { pushFollow(FOLLOW_implicitStruct_in_primaryExpression3133); is=implicitStruct(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = is; } } break; case 8 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:433:5: i= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_primaryExpression3151); i=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = i; } } break; case 9 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:434:5: be= binaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_primaryExpression3174); be=binaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = be; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "primaryExpression" // $ANTLR start "identifier" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:438:1: identifier returns [CFIdentifier e] : (t= IDENTIFIER | t= DOES | t= CONTAIN | t= GREATER | t= THAN | t= LESS | t= VAR | t= DEFAULT | t= TO | t= INCLUDE | t= NEW | t= ABORT | t= THROW | t= RETHROW | t= EXIT | t= PARAM | t= THREAD | t= LOCK | t= TRANSACTION | t= SAVECONTENT | t= PUBLIC | t= PRIVATE | t= REMOTE | t= PACKAGE | t= REQUIRED | {...}? =>kw= cfscriptKeywords ); public final CFIdentifier identifier() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier e = null; CommonTree t=null; CFIdentifier kw = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:439:3: (t= IDENTIFIER | t= DOES | t= CONTAIN | t= GREATER | t= THAN | t= LESS | t= VAR | t= DEFAULT | t= TO | t= INCLUDE | t= NEW | t= ABORT | t= THROW | t= RETHROW | t= EXIT | t= PARAM | t= THREAD | t= LOCK | t= TRANSACTION | t= SAVECONTENT | t= PUBLIC | t= PRIVATE | t= REMOTE | t= PACKAGE | t= REQUIRED | {...}? =>kw= cfscriptKeywords ) int alt54=26; alt54 = dfa54.predict(input); switch (alt54) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:439:5: t= IDENTIFIER { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier3205); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:440:5: t= DOES { t=(CommonTree)match(input,DOES,FOLLOW_DOES_in_identifier3216); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:441:5: t= CONTAIN { t=(CommonTree)match(input,CONTAIN,FOLLOW_CONTAIN_in_identifier3233); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:442:5: t= GREATER { t=(CommonTree)match(input,GREATER,FOLLOW_GREATER_in_identifier3247); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:443:5: t= THAN { t=(CommonTree)match(input,THAN,FOLLOW_THAN_in_identifier3261); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:444:5: t= LESS { t=(CommonTree)match(input,LESS,FOLLOW_LESS_in_identifier3278); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:445:5: t= VAR { t=(CommonTree)match(input,VAR,FOLLOW_VAR_in_identifier3295); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 8 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:446:5: t= DEFAULT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,DEFAULT,FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_identifier3313); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 9 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:447:5: t= TO { t=(CommonTree)match(input,TO,FOLLOW_TO_in_identifier3327); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 10 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:448:5: t= INCLUDE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,INCLUDE,FOLLOW_INCLUDE_in_identifier3346); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 11 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:449:5: t= NEW { t=(CommonTree)match(input,NEW,FOLLOW_NEW_in_identifier3360); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 12 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:450:5: t= ABORT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,ABORT,FOLLOW_ABORT_in_identifier3378); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 13 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:451:5: t= THROW { t=(CommonTree)match(input,THROW,FOLLOW_THROW_in_identifier3394); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 14 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:452:5: t= RETHROW { t=(CommonTree)match(input,RETHROW,FOLLOW_RETHROW_in_identifier3410); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 15 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:453:5: t= EXIT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,EXIT,FOLLOW_EXIT_in_identifier3424); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 16 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:454:5: t= PARAM { t=(CommonTree)match(input,PARAM,FOLLOW_PARAM_in_identifier3441); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 17 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:455:5: t= THREAD { t=(CommonTree)match(input,THREAD,FOLLOW_THREAD_in_identifier3457); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 18 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:456:5: t= LOCK { t=(CommonTree)match(input,LOCK,FOLLOW_LOCK_in_identifier3472); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 19 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:457:5: t= TRANSACTION { t=(CommonTree)match(input,TRANSACTION,FOLLOW_TRANSACTION_in_identifier3489); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 20 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:458:5: t= SAVECONTENT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,SAVECONTENT,FOLLOW_SAVECONTENT_in_identifier3499); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 21 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:459:5: t= PUBLIC { t=(CommonTree)match(input,PUBLIC,FOLLOW_PUBLIC_in_identifier3509); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 22 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:460:5: t= PRIVATE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,PRIVATE,FOLLOW_PRIVATE_in_identifier3524); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 23 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:461:5: t= REMOTE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,REMOTE,FOLLOW_REMOTE_in_identifier3538); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 24 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:462:5: t= PACKAGE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,PACKAGE,FOLLOW_PACKAGE_in_identifier3553); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 25 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:463:5: t= REQUIRED { t=(CommonTree)match(input,REQUIRED,FOLLOW_REQUIRED_in_identifier3567); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 26 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:464:5: {...}? =>kw= cfscriptKeywords { if ( !((!scriptMode)) ) { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "identifier", "!scriptMode"); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_cfscriptKeywords_in_identifier3583); kw=cfscriptKeywords(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = kw; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "identifier" // $ANTLR start "cfscriptKeywords" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:467:1: cfscriptKeywords returns [CFIdentifier e] : (t= IF | t= ELSE | t= BREAK | t= CONTINUE | t= FUNCTION | t= RETURN | t= WHILE | t= DO | t= FOR | t= IN | t= TRY | t= CATCH | t= SWITCH | t= CASE | t= DEFAULT | t= IMPORT | t= PROPERTY | t= COMPONENT ); public final CFIdentifier cfscriptKeywords() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier e = null; CommonTree t=null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:468:3: (t= IF | t= ELSE | t= BREAK | t= CONTINUE | t= FUNCTION | t= RETURN | t= WHILE | t= DO | t= FOR | t= IN | t= TRY | t= CATCH | t= SWITCH | t= CASE | t= DEFAULT | t= IMPORT | t= PROPERTY | t= COMPONENT ) int alt55=18; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case IF: { alt55=1; } break; case ELSE: { alt55=2; } break; case BREAK: { alt55=3; } break; case CONTINUE: { alt55=4; } break; case FUNCTION: { alt55=5; } break; case RETURN: { alt55=6; } break; case WHILE: { alt55=7; } break; case DO: { alt55=8; } break; case FOR: { alt55=9; } break; case IN: { alt55=10; } break; case TRY: { alt55=11; } break; case CATCH: { alt55=12; } break; case SWITCH: { alt55=13; } break; case CASE: { alt55=14; } break; case DEFAULT: { alt55=15; } break; case IMPORT: { alt55=16; } break; case PROPERTY: { alt55=17; } break; case COMPONENT: { alt55=18; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 55, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt55) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:468:5: t= IF { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IF,FOLLOW_IF_in_cfscriptKeywords3604); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:469:5: t= ELSE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,ELSE,FOLLOW_ELSE_in_cfscriptKeywords3621); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:470:5: t= BREAK { t=(CommonTree)match(input,BREAK,FOLLOW_BREAK_in_cfscriptKeywords3636); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:471:5: t= CONTINUE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,CONTINUE,FOLLOW_CONTINUE_in_cfscriptKeywords3650); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:472:5: t= FUNCTION { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FUNCTION,FOLLOW_FUNCTION_in_cfscriptKeywords3661); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:473:5: t= RETURN { t=(CommonTree)match(input,RETURN,FOLLOW_RETURN_in_cfscriptKeywords3672); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:474:5: t= WHILE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,WHILE,FOLLOW_WHILE_in_cfscriptKeywords3685); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 8 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:475:5: t= DO { t=(CommonTree)match(input,DO,FOLLOW_DO_in_cfscriptKeywords3699); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 9 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:476:5: t= FOR { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FOR,FOLLOW_FOR_in_cfscriptKeywords3716); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 10 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:477:5: t= IN { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IN,FOLLOW_IN_in_cfscriptKeywords3732); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 11 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:478:5: t= TRY { t=(CommonTree)match(input,TRY,FOLLOW_TRY_in_cfscriptKeywords3749); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 12 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:479:5: t= CATCH { t=(CommonTree)match(input,CATCH,FOLLOW_CATCH_in_cfscriptKeywords3765); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 13 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:480:5: t= SWITCH { t=(CommonTree)match(input,SWITCH,FOLLOW_SWITCH_in_cfscriptKeywords3779); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 14 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:481:5: t= CASE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,CASE,FOLLOW_CASE_in_cfscriptKeywords3792); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 15 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:482:5: t= DEFAULT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,DEFAULT,FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_cfscriptKeywords3807); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 16 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:483:5: t= IMPORT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IMPORT,FOLLOW_IMPORT_in_cfscriptKeywords3819); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 17 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:484:5: t= PROPERTY { t=(CommonTree)match(input,PROPERTY,FOLLOW_PROPERTY_in_cfscriptKeywords3832); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 18 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:485:5: t= COMPONENT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,COMPONENT,FOLLOW_COMPONENT_in_cfscriptKeywords3843); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "cfscriptKeywords" // $ANTLR start "primaryExpressionIRW" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:488:1: primaryExpressionIRW returns [CFExpression e] : (pe= primaryExpression | rw= reservedWord ); public final CFExpression primaryExpressionIRW() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CFExpression pe = null; CFIdentifier rw = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:489:3: (pe= primaryExpression | rw= reservedWord ) int alt56=2; alt56 = dfa56.predict(input); switch (alt56) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:489:5: pe= primaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_primaryExpressionIRW3866); pe=primaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = pe; } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:490:5: rw= reservedWord { pushFollow(FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_primaryExpressionIRW3879); rw=reservedWord(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = rw; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "primaryExpressionIRW" // $ANTLR start "reservedWord" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:493:1: reservedWord returns [CFIdentifier e] : (t= CONTAINS | t= IS | t= EQUAL | t= EQ | t= NEQ | t= GT | t= LT | t= GTE | t= GE | t= LTE | t= LE | t= NOT | t= AND | t= OR | t= XOR | t= EQV | t= IMP | t= MOD | t= NULL | t= TO | t= EQUALS | e1= cfscriptKeywords ); public final CFIdentifier reservedWord() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier e = null; CommonTree t=null; CFIdentifier e1 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:494:3: (t= CONTAINS | t= IS | t= EQUAL | t= EQ | t= NEQ | t= GT | t= LT | t= GTE | t= GE | t= LTE | t= LE | t= NOT | t= AND | t= OR | t= XOR | t= EQV | t= IMP | t= MOD | t= NULL | t= TO | t= EQUALS | e1= cfscriptKeywords ) int alt57=22; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case CONTAINS: { alt57=1; } break; case IS: { alt57=2; } break; case EQUAL: { alt57=3; } break; case EQ: { alt57=4; } break; case NEQ: { alt57=5; } break; case GT: { alt57=6; } break; case LT: { alt57=7; } break; case GTE: { alt57=8; } break; case GE: { alt57=9; } break; case LTE: { alt57=10; } break; case LE: { alt57=11; } break; case NOT: { alt57=12; } break; case AND: { alt57=13; } break; case OR: { alt57=14; } break; case XOR: { alt57=15; } break; case EQV: { alt57=16; } break; case IMP: { alt57=17; } break; case MOD: { alt57=18; } break; case NULL: { alt57=19; } break; case TO: { alt57=20; } break; case EQUALS: { alt57=21; } break; case COMPONENT: case PROPERTY: case IF: case ELSE: case BREAK: case CONTINUE: case FUNCTION: case RETURN: case WHILE: case DO: case FOR: case IN: case TRY: case CATCH: case SWITCH: case CASE: case DEFAULT: case IMPORT: { alt57=22; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 57, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt57) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:494:5: t= CONTAINS { t=(CommonTree)match(input,CONTAINS,FOLLOW_CONTAINS_in_reservedWord3908); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:495:5: t= IS { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IS,FOLLOW_IS_in_reservedWord3920); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 3 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:496:5: t= EQUAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,EQUAL,FOLLOW_EQUAL_in_reservedWord3937); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 4 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:497:5: t= EQ { t=(CommonTree)match(input,EQ,FOLLOW_EQ_in_reservedWord3952); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 5 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:498:5: t= NEQ { t=(CommonTree)match(input,NEQ,FOLLOW_NEQ_in_reservedWord3969); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 6 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:499:5: t= GT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,GT,FOLLOW_GT_in_reservedWord3985); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 7 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:500:5: t= LT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_reservedWord4002); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 8 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:501:5: t= GTE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,GTE,FOLLOW_GTE_in_reservedWord4019); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 9 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:502:5: t= GE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,GE,FOLLOW_GE_in_reservedWord4035); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 10 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:503:5: t= LTE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,LTE,FOLLOW_LTE_in_reservedWord4052); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 11 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:504:5: t= LE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,LE,FOLLOW_LE_in_reservedWord4068); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 12 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:505:5: t= NOT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,NOT,FOLLOW_NOT_in_reservedWord4085); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 13 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:506:5: t= AND { t=(CommonTree)match(input,AND,FOLLOW_AND_in_reservedWord4101); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 14 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:507:5: t= OR { t=(CommonTree)match(input,OR,FOLLOW_OR_in_reservedWord4117); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 15 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:508:5: t= XOR { t=(CommonTree)match(input,XOR,FOLLOW_XOR_in_reservedWord4134); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 16 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:509:5: t= EQV { t=(CommonTree)match(input,EQV,FOLLOW_EQV_in_reservedWord4150); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 17 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:510:5: t= IMP { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IMP,FOLLOW_IMP_in_reservedWord4166); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 18 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:511:5: t= MOD { t=(CommonTree)match(input,MOD,FOLLOW_MOD_in_reservedWord4182); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 19 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:512:5: t= NULL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,NULL,FOLLOW_NULL_in_reservedWord4198); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 20 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:513:5: t= TO { t=(CommonTree)match(input,TO,FOLLOW_TO_in_reservedWord4213); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 21 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:514:5: t= EQUALS { t=(CommonTree)match(input,EQUALS,FOLLOW_EQUALS_in_reservedWord4230); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFIdentifier( t.getToken() ); } } break; case 22 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:515:5: e1= cfscriptKeywords { pushFollow(FOLLOW_cfscriptKeywords_in_reservedWord4243); e1=cfscriptKeywords(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = e1; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "reservedWord" // $ANTLR start "implicitArray" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:518:1: implicitArray returns [CFArrayExpression e] : ^(t= IMPLICITARRAY (e1= expression )* ) ; public final CFArrayExpression implicitArray() throws RecognitionException { CFArrayExpression e = null; CommonTree t=null; CFExpression e1 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:519:3: ( ^(t= IMPLICITARRAY (e1= expression )* ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:519:5: ^(t= IMPLICITARRAY (e1= expression )* ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IMPLICITARRAY,FOLLOW_IMPLICITARRAY_in_implicitArray4266); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFArrayExpression(t.getToken()); } if ( input.LA(1)==Token.DOWN ) { match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:520:5: (e1= expression )* loop58: do { int alt58=2; int LA58_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA58_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA58_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA58_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA58_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA58_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA58_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA58_0>=NULL && LA58_0<=DOES)||LA58_0==GT||(LA58_0>=GTE && LA58_0<=LT)||LA58_0==EQ||(LA58_0>=NEQ && LA58_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA58_0>=DOT && LA58_0<=CONCAT)||(LA58_0>=EQUALSOP && LA58_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA58_0>=NOTOP && LA58_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA58_0>=OROPERATOR && LA58_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA58_0>=INCLUDE && LA58_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA58_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA58_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt58=1; } switch (alt58) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:520:7: e1= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_implicitArray4280); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e.addElement( e1 ); } } break; default : break loop58; } } while (true); match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "implicitArray" // $ANTLR start "implicitStruct" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:523:1: implicitStruct returns [CFStructExpression e] : ^(t= IMPLICITSTRUCT (e1= implicitStructExpression ( ',' e1= implicitStructExpression )* )? ) ; public final CFStructExpression implicitStruct() throws RecognitionException { CFStructExpression e = null; CommonTree t=null; CFStructElementExpression e1 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:524:3: ( ^(t= IMPLICITSTRUCT (e1= implicitStructExpression ( ',' e1= implicitStructExpression )* )? ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:524:5: ^(t= IMPLICITSTRUCT (e1= implicitStructExpression ( ',' e1= implicitStructExpression )* )? ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,IMPLICITSTRUCT,FOLLOW_IMPLICITSTRUCT_in_implicitStruct4309); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFStructExpression( t.getToken() ); } if ( input.LA(1)==Token.DOWN ) { match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:525:7: (e1= implicitStructExpression ( ',' e1= implicitStructExpression )* )? int alt60=2; int LA60_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA60_0==EQUALSOP||LA60_0==COLON) ) { alt60=1; } switch (alt60) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:526:8: e1= implicitStructExpression ( ',' e1= implicitStructExpression )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_implicitStructExpression_in_implicitStruct4332); e1=implicitStructExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e.addElement( e1 ); } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:527:8: ( ',' e1= implicitStructExpression )* loop59: do { int alt59=2; int LA59_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA59_0==138) ) { alt59=1; } switch (alt59) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:527:10: ',' e1= implicitStructExpression { match(input,138,FOLLOW_138_in_implicitStruct4345); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_implicitStructExpression_in_implicitStruct4349); e1=implicitStructExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e.addElement( e1 ); } } break; default : break loop59; } } while (true); } break; } match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "implicitStruct" // $ANTLR start "implicitStructExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:533:1: implicitStructExpression returns [CFStructElementExpression e] : ( ^( ( COLON | EQUALSOP ) e1= implicitStructKeyExpression e2= expression ) | ^( ( COLON | EQUALSOP ) e3= binaryExpression e2= expression ) ); public final CFStructElementExpression implicitStructExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFStructElementExpression e = null; ArrayList<String> e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; CFExpression e3 = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:534:3: ( ^( ( COLON | EQUALSOP ) e1= implicitStructKeyExpression e2= expression ) | ^( ( COLON | EQUALSOP ) e3= binaryExpression e2= expression ) ) int alt61=2; int LA61_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA61_0==EQUALSOP||LA61_0==COLON) ) { int LA61_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA61_1==DOWN) ) { switch ( input.LA(3) ) { case STRING_LITERAL: case CONTAIN: case DOES: case LESS: case THAN: case GREATER: case TO: case VAR: case COMPONENT: case PROPERTY: case IF: case ELSE: case BREAK: case CONTINUE: case FUNCTION: case RETURN: case WHILE: case DO: case FOR: case IN: case TRY: case CATCH: case SWITCH: case CASE: case DEFAULT: case INCLUDE: case IMPORT: case ABORT: case THROW: case RETHROW: case EXIT: case PARAM: case LOCK: case THREAD: case TRANSACTION: case SAVECONTENT: case PRIVATE: case PUBLIC: case REMOTE: case PACKAGE: case REQUIRED: case IDENTIFIER: { alt61=1; } break; case NEW: { int LA61_4 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA61_4==DOWN) ) { alt61=2; } else if ( ((LA61_4>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA61_4<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA61_4>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA61_4<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA61_4==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA61_4==STRING_LITERAL||(LA61_4>=NULL && LA61_4<=DOES)||LA61_4==GT||(LA61_4>=GTE && LA61_4<=LT)||LA61_4==EQ||(LA61_4>=NEQ && LA61_4<=DEFAULT)||(LA61_4>=DOT && LA61_4<=CONCAT)||(LA61_4>=EQUALSOP && LA61_4<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA61_4>=NOTOP && LA61_4<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA61_4>=OROPERATOR && LA61_4<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA61_4>=INCLUDE && LA61_4<=IDENTIFIER)||LA61_4==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA61_4==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt61=1; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 61, 4, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOESNOTCONTAIN: case VARLOCAL: case POSTMINUSMINUS: case POSTPLUSPLUS: case CONTAINS: case GT: case GTE: case LTE: case LT: case EQ: case NEQ: case OR: case IMP: case EQV: case XOR: case AND: case NOT: case MOD: case STAR: case SLASH: case BSLASH: case POWER: case PLUS: case PLUSPLUS: case MINUS: case MINUSMINUS: case MODOPERATOR: case CONCAT: case EQUALSOP: case PLUSEQUALS: case MINUSEQUALS: case STAREQUALS: case SLASHEQUALS: case MODEQUALS: case CONCATEQUALS: case NOTOP: case QUESTIONMARK: case OROPERATOR: case ANDOPERATOR: { alt61=2; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 61, 2, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 61, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 61, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt61) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:534:5: ^( ( COLON | EQUALSOP ) e1= implicitStructKeyExpression e2= expression ) { if ( input.LA(1)==EQUALSOP||input.LA(1)==COLON ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false;state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_implicitStructKeyExpression_in_implicitStructExpression4403); e1=implicitStructKeyExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_implicitStructExpression4407); e2=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return new CFStructElementExpression( e1, e2 ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:535:5: ^( ( COLON | EQUALSOP ) e3= binaryExpression e2= expression ) { if ( input.LA(1)==EQUALSOP||input.LA(1)==COLON ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false;state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_implicitStructExpression4431); e3=binaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_implicitStructExpression4435); e2=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { return new CFStructElementExpression( e3, e2 ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "implicitStructExpression" // $ANTLR start "implicitStructKeyExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:538:1: implicitStructKeyExpression returns [ArrayList<String> e] : (t= identifier ( DOT (t= identifier | t= reservedWord ) )* | e1= STRING_LITERAL ); public final ArrayList<String> implicitStructKeyExpression() throws RecognitionException { ArrayList<String> e = null; CommonTree e1=null; CFIdentifier t = null; e = new ArrayList<String>(); try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:540:3: (t= identifier ( DOT (t= identifier | t= reservedWord ) )* | e1= STRING_LITERAL ) int alt64=2; int LA64_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA64_0>=CONTAIN && LA64_0<=DOES)||(LA64_0>=LESS && LA64_0<=GREATER)||LA64_0==TO||(LA64_0>=VAR && LA64_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA64_0>=INCLUDE && LA64_0<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt64=1; } else if ( (LA64_0==STRING_LITERAL) ) { alt64=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 64, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt64) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:540:5: t= identifier ( DOT (t= identifier | t= reservedWord ) )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4464); t=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e.add( t.getName() ); } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:541:3: ( DOT (t= identifier | t= reservedWord ) )* loop63: do { int alt63=2; int LA63_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA63_0==DOT) ) { int LA63_2 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA63_2>=NULL && LA63_2<=DEFAULT)||(LA63_2>=INCLUDE && LA63_2<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt63=1; } } switch (alt63) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:541:5: DOT (t= identifier | t= reservedWord ) { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4472); if (state.failed) return e; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:541:9: (t= identifier | t= reservedWord ) int alt62=2; alt62 = dfa62.predict(input); switch (alt62) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:541:11: t= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4478); t=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:541:26: t= reservedWord { pushFollow(FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4484); t=reservedWord(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; } break; } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e.add( t.getName() ); } } break; default : break loop63; } } while (true); } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:542:5: e1= STRING_LITERAL { e1=(CommonTree)match(input,STRING_LITERAL,FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4499); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e.add( e1.getToken().getText().substring( 1, e1.getToken().getText().length() - 1 ) ); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "implicitStructKeyExpression" // $ANTLR start "argumentList" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:546:1: argumentList returns [Vector<CFExpression> v] : ( (ve= argument[v] )* | EMPTYARGS ); public final Vector<CFExpression> argumentList() throws RecognitionException { Vector<CFExpression> v = null; Vector<CFExpression> ve = null; v = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:548:3: ( (ve= argument[v] )* | EMPTYARGS ) int alt66=2; int LA66_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA66_0==EOF||(LA66_0>=UP && LA66_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA66_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA66_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA66_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA66_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA66_0>=NULL && LA66_0<=DOES)||LA66_0==GT||(LA66_0>=GTE && LA66_0<=LT)||LA66_0==EQ||(LA66_0>=NEQ && LA66_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA66_0>=DOT && LA66_0<=CONCAT)||(LA66_0>=EQUALSOP && LA66_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA66_0>=OROPERATOR && LA66_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA66_0>=INCLUDE && LA66_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA66_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA66_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt66=1; } else if ( (LA66_0==EMPTYARGS) ) { alt66=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return v;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 66, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt66) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:548:5: (ve= argument[v] )* { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:548:5: (ve= argument[v] )* loop65: do { int alt65=2; int LA65_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA65_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA65_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA65_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA65_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA65_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA65_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA65_0>=NULL && LA65_0<=DOES)||LA65_0==GT||(LA65_0>=GTE && LA65_0<=LT)||LA65_0==EQ||(LA65_0>=NEQ && LA65_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA65_0>=DOT && LA65_0<=CONCAT)||(LA65_0>=EQUALSOP && LA65_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA65_0>=OROPERATOR && LA65_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA65_0>=INCLUDE && LA65_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA65_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA65_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt65=1; } switch (alt65) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:548:7: ve= argument[v] { pushFollow(FOLLOW_argument_in_argumentList4528); ve=argument(v); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return v; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { v = ve; } } break; default : break loop65; } } while (true); } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:549:5: EMPTYARGS { match(input,EMPTYARGS,FOLLOW_EMPTYARGS_in_argumentList4540); if (state.failed) return v; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { v = new Vector<CFExpression>(); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return v; } // $ANTLR end "argumentList" // $ANTLR start "argument" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:552:1: argument[Vector<CFExpression> v] returns [Vector<CFExpression> vl] : ( ^( COLON t1= identifier e= expression ) | e= expression ); public final Vector<CFExpression> argument(Vector<CFExpression> v) throws RecognitionException { Vector<CFExpression> vl = null; CFIdentifier t1 = null; CFExpression e = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:553:3: ( ^( COLON t1= identifier e= expression ) | e= expression ) int alt67=2; int LA67_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA67_0==COLON) ) { alt67=1; } else if ( ((LA67_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA67_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA67_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA67_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA67_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA67_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA67_0>=NULL && LA67_0<=DOES)||LA67_0==GT||(LA67_0>=GTE && LA67_0<=LT)||LA67_0==EQ||(LA67_0>=NEQ && LA67_0<=NEW)||LA67_0==DEFAULT||(LA67_0>=DOT && LA67_0<=CONCAT)||(LA67_0>=EQUALSOP && LA67_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA67_0>=NOTOP && LA67_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA67_0>=OROPERATOR && LA67_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||LA67_0==INCLUDE||(LA67_0>=ABORT && LA67_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA67_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA67_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt67=2; } else if ( ((LA67_0>=COMPONENT && LA67_0<=CASE)||LA67_0==IMPORT) && ((!scriptMode))) { alt67=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return vl;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 67, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt67) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:553:5: ^( COLON t1= identifier e= expression ) { match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_argument4562); if (state.failed) return vl; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return vl; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_argument4566); t1=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return vl; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_argument4570); e=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return vl; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return vl; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( v == null ){ v = new ArgumentsVector(); } ( (ArgumentsVector) v).putNamedArg( ( (CFIdentifier) t1).getName(), e ); vl = v; } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:560:5: e= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_argument4581); e=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return vl; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if ( v == null ){ v = new Vector<CFExpression>(); } v.add(e); vl = v; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return vl; } // $ANTLR end "argument" // $ANTLR start "newComponentExpression" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:570:1: newComponentExpression returns [CFExpression e] : ^(t= NEW c= componentPath LEFTPAREN args= argumentList ) ; public final CFExpression newComponentExpression() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e = null; CommonTree t=null; String c = null; Vector<CFExpression> args = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:571:3: ( ^(t= NEW c= componentPath LEFTPAREN args= argumentList ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:571:5: ^(t= NEW c= componentPath LEFTPAREN args= argumentList ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,NEW,FOLLOW_NEW_in_newComponentExpression4605); if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_componentPath_in_newComponentExpression4609); c=componentPath(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input,LEFTPAREN,FOLLOW_LEFTPAREN_in_newComponentExpression4611); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_argumentList_in_newComponentExpression4615); args=argumentList(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = new CFNewExpression( t.getToken(), c, args ); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "newComponentExpression" // $ANTLR start "componentPath" // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:574:1: componentPath returns [String e] : (t= STRING_LITERAL | i= identifier ( DOT i2= identifier )* ); public final String componentPath() throws RecognitionException { String e = null; CommonTree t=null; CFIdentifier i = null; CFIdentifier i2 = null; StringBuilder sb = null; try { // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:576:3: (t= STRING_LITERAL | i= identifier ( DOT i2= identifier )* ) int alt69=2; int LA69_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA69_0==STRING_LITERAL) ) { alt69=1; } else if ( ((LA69_0>=CONTAIN && LA69_0<=DOES)||(LA69_0>=LESS && LA69_0<=GREATER)||LA69_0==TO||(LA69_0>=VAR && LA69_0<=NEW)||LA69_0==DEFAULT||LA69_0==INCLUDE||(LA69_0>=ABORT && LA69_0<=IDENTIFIER)) ) { alt69=2; } else if ( ((LA69_0>=COMPONENT && LA69_0<=CASE)||LA69_0==IMPORT) && ((!scriptMode))) { alt69=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return e;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 69, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt69) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:576:5: t= STRING_LITERAL { t=(CommonTree)match(input,STRING_LITERAL,FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_componentPath4643); if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = t.getToken().getText().substring( 1, t.getToken().getText().length()-1 ); } } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:577:5: i= identifier ( DOT i2= identifier )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_componentPath4653); i=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( i.getName() ); } // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:578:5: ( DOT i2= identifier )* loop68: do { int alt68=2; int LA68_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA68_0==DOT) ) { alt68=1; } switch (alt68) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:578:7: DOT i2= identifier { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_componentPath4663); if (state.failed) return e; pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_componentPath4667); i2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return e; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { sb.append( "." ); sb.append( i2.getName() ); } } break; default : break loop68; } } while (true); if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { e = sb.toString(); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { throw re; } finally { } return e; } // $ANTLR end "componentPath" // $ANTLR start synpred14_CFMLTree public final void synpred14_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier i2 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:13: (i2= identifier ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:13: i2= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred14_CFMLTree460); i2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred14_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred16_CFMLTree public final void synpred16_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier i1 = null; CFIdentifier i2 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:137:5: (i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:137:5: i1= identifier ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred16_CFMLTree444); i1=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:5: ( DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) )* loop73: do { int alt73=2; int LA73_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA73_0==DOT) ) { alt73=1; } switch (alt73) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:7: DOT (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_synpred16_CFMLTree454); if (state.failed) return ; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:11: (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord ) int alt72=2; alt72 = dfa72.predict(input); switch (alt72) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:13: i2= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred16_CFMLTree460); i2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 2 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:138:29: i2= reservedWord { pushFollow(FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_synpred16_CFMLTree466); i2=reservedWord(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } break; } } break; default : break loop73; } } while (true); } } // $ANTLR end synpred16_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred17_CFMLTree public final void synpred17_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree t=null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:143:5: (t= COMPONENT ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:143:5: t= COMPONENT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,COMPONENT,FOLLOW_COMPONENT_in_synpred17_CFMLTree488); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred17_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred18_CFMLTree public final void synpred18_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree t=null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:144:5: (t= FUNCTION ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:144:5: t= FUNCTION { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FUNCTION,FOLLOW_FUNCTION_in_synpred18_CFMLTree498); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred18_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred19_CFMLTree public final void synpred19_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement statmt = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:156:27: (statmt= statement ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:156:27: statmt= statement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred19_CFMLTree547); statmt=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred19_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred22_CFMLTree public final void synpred22_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree t=null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:161:5: (t= BREAK ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:161:5: t= BREAK { t=(CommonTree)match(input,BREAK,FOLLOW_BREAK_in_synpred22_CFMLTree617); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred22_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred23_CFMLTree public final void synpred23_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree t=null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:162:5: (t= CONTINUE ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:162:5: t= CONTINUE { t=(CommonTree)match(input,CONTINUE,FOLLOW_CONTINUE_in_synpred23_CFMLTree627); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred23_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred24_CFMLTree public final void synpred24_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s1 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:163:5: (s1= returnStatement ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:163:5: s1= returnStatement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_returnStatement_in_synpred24_CFMLTree637); s1=returnStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred24_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred32_CFMLTree public final void synpred32_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression c = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:175:16: (c= expression ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:175:16: c= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred32_CFMLTree779); c=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred32_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred35_CFMLTree public final void synpred35_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier i2 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:206:13: (i2= identifier ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:206:13: i2= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred35_CFMLTree947); i2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred35_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred39_CFMLTree public final void synpred39_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s1 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:227:42: (s1= statement ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:227:42: s1= statement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred39_CFMLTree1069); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred39_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred41_CFMLTree public final void synpred41_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFScriptStatement s1 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:229:23: (s1= statement ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:229:23: s1= statement { pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred41_CFMLTree1099); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred41_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred51_CFMLTree public final void synpred51_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression e3 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:68: (e3= expression ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:68: e3= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred51_CFMLTree1310); e3=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred51_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred52_CFMLTree public final void synpred52_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree t=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; CFExpression e3 = null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:5: ( ^(t= FOR (e1= expression )? SEMICOLON (e2= expression )? SEMICOLON (e3= expression )? s1= statement ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:5: ^(t= FOR (e1= expression )? SEMICOLON (e2= expression )? SEMICOLON (e3= expression )? s1= statement ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FOR,FOLLOW_FOR_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1287); if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return ; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:13: (e1= expression )? int alt80=2; int LA80_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA80_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA80_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA80_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA80_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA80_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA80_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA80_0>=NULL && LA80_0<=DOES)||LA80_0==GT||(LA80_0>=GTE && LA80_0<=LT)||LA80_0==EQ||(LA80_0>=NEQ && LA80_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA80_0>=DOT && LA80_0<=CONCAT)||(LA80_0>=EQUALSOP && LA80_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA80_0>=NOTOP && LA80_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA80_0>=OROPERATOR && LA80_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA80_0>=INCLUDE && LA80_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA80_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA80_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt80=1; } switch (alt80) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:14: e1= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1292); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } break; } match(input,SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1296); if (state.failed) return ; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:40: (e2= expression )? int alt81=2; int LA81_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA81_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA81_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA81_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA81_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA81_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA81_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA81_0>=NULL && LA81_0<=DOES)||LA81_0==GT||(LA81_0>=GTE && LA81_0<=LT)||LA81_0==EQ||(LA81_0>=NEQ && LA81_0<=DEFAULT)||(LA81_0>=DOT && LA81_0<=CONCAT)||(LA81_0>=EQUALSOP && LA81_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA81_0>=NOTOP && LA81_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA81_0>=OROPERATOR && LA81_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA81_0>=INCLUDE && LA81_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA81_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA81_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) { alt81=1; } switch (alt81) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:41: e2= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1301); e2=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } break; } match(input,SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1305); if (state.failed) return ; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:67: (e3= expression )? int alt82=2; alt82 = dfa82.predict(input); switch (alt82) { case 1 : // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:244:68: e3= expression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1310); e3=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1316); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred52_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred53_CFMLTree public final void synpred53_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree t=null; CFExpression e = null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFScriptStatement s1 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:247:5: ( ^(t= FOR e= forInKey IN e1= expression s1= statement ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:247:5: ^(t= FOR e= forInKey IN e1= expression s1= statement ) { t=(CommonTree)match(input,FOR,FOLLOW_FOR_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1329); if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return ; pushFollow(FOLLOW_forInKey_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1333); e=forInKey(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; match(input,IN,FOLLOW_IN_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1335); if (state.failed) return ; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1339); e1=expression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; pushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1343); s1=statement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred53_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred54_CFMLTree public final void synpred54_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier t2 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:258:13: (t2= identifier ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:258:13: t2= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred54_CFMLTree1419); t2=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred54_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred77_CFMLTree public final void synpred77_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression be = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:308:6: (be= binaryExpression ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:308:6: be= binaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_synpred77_CFMLTree1837); be=binaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred77_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred106_CFMLTree public final void synpred106_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:351:5: ( ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:351:5: ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,PLUS,FOLLOW_PLUS_in_synpred106_CFMLTree2501); if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return ; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred106_CFMLTree2505); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred106_CFMLTree2509); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred106_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred107_CFMLTree public final void synpred107_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree op=null; CFExpression e1 = null; CFExpression e2 = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:352:5: ( ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:352:5: ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) { op=(CommonTree)match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_synpred107_CFMLTree2523); if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return ; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred107_CFMLTree2527); e1=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; pushFollow(FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred107_CFMLTree2531); e2=memberExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred107_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred122_CFMLTree public final void synpred122_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { Vector<CFExpression> args = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:398:72: (args= argumentList ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:398:72: args= argumentList { pushFollow(FOLLOW_argumentList_in_synpred122_CFMLTree2960); args=argumentList(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred122_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred140_CFMLTree public final void synpred140_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CommonTree t=null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:446:5: (t= DEFAULT ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:446:5: t= DEFAULT { t=(CommonTree)match(input,DEFAULT,FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_synpred140_CFMLTree3313); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred140_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred175_CFMLTree public final void synpred175_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFExpression pe = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:489:5: (pe= primaryExpression ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:489:5: pe= primaryExpression { pushFollow(FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_synpred175_CFMLTree3866); pe=primaryExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred175_CFMLTree // $ANTLR start synpred203_CFMLTree public final void synpred203_CFMLTree_fragment() throws RecognitionException { CFIdentifier t = null; // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:541:11: (t= identifier ) // E:\\BlueDragon\\OpenBD_ANTLR\\src\\com\\naryx\\tagfusion\\cfm\\parser\\CFMLTree.g:541:11: t= identifier { pushFollow(FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred203_CFMLTree4478); t=identifier(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred203_CFMLTree // Delegated rules public final boolean synpred14_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred14_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred39_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred39_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred203_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred203_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred53_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred53_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred18_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred18_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred41_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred41_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred77_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred77_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred16_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred16_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred35_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred35_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred107_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred107_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred52_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred52_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred19_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred19_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred32_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred32_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred175_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred175_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred106_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred106_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred23_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred23_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred122_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred122_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred140_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred140_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred22_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred22_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred24_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred24_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred17_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred17_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred51_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred51_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred54_CFMLTree() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred54_CFMLTree_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } protected DFA10 dfa10 = new DFA10(this); protected DFA15 dfa15 = new DFA15(this); protected DFA16 dfa16 = new DFA16(this); protected DFA19 dfa19 = new DFA19(this); protected DFA30 dfa30 = new DFA30(this); protected DFA32 dfa32 = new DFA32(this); protected DFA46 dfa46 = new DFA46(this); protected DFA49 dfa49 = new DFA49(this); protected DFA53 dfa53 = new DFA53(this); protected DFA54 dfa54 = new DFA54(this); protected DFA56 dfa56 = new DFA56(this); protected DFA62 dfa62 = new DFA62(this); protected DFA72 dfa72 = new DFA72(this); protected DFA82 dfa82 = new DFA82(this); static final String DFA10_eotS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA10_eofS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA10_minS = "\1\47\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA10_maxS = "\1\u0085\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA10_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\23\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA10_specialS = "\2\uffff\1\13\1\0\1\6\1\12\1\21\1\3\1\11\1\16\1\22\1\1\1\4\1\14"+ "\1\15\1\10\1\2\1\17\1\5\1\20\1\7\1\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA10_transitionS = { "\2\25\2\1\13\25\3\1\1\25\1\3\6\25\2\1\1\24\1\23\1\4\1\5\1\6"+ "\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\2\41"+ "\uffff\1\1\1\22\17\1", "", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "" }; static final short[] DFA10_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_eotS); static final short[] DFA10_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_eofS); static final char[] DFA10_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA10_minS); static final char[] DFA10_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA10_maxS); static final short[] DFA10_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_acceptS); static final short[] DFA10_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_specialS); static final short[][] DFA10_transition; static { int numStates = DFA10_transitionS.length; DFA10_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA10_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA10 extends DFA { public DFA10(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 10; this.eot = DFA10_eot; this.eof = DFA10_eof; this.min = DFA10_min; this.max = DFA10_max; this.accept = DFA10_accept; this.special = DFA10_special; this.transition = DFA10_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "138:11: (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord )"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA10_3 = input.LA(1); int index10_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred14_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA10_11 = input.LA(1); int index10_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA10_16 = input.LA(1); int index10_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA10_7 = input.LA(1); int index10_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA10_12 = input.LA(1); int index10_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA10_18 = input.LA(1); int index10_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA10_4 = input.LA(1); int index10_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA10_20 = input.LA(1); int index10_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA10_15 = input.LA(1); int index10_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA10_8 = input.LA(1); int index10_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA10_5 = input.LA(1); int index10_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA10_2 = input.LA(1); int index10_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()||(synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode)))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA10_13 = input.LA(1); int index10_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA10_14 = input.LA(1); int index10_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA10_9 = input.LA(1); int index10_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA10_17 = input.LA(1); int index10_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA10_19 = input.LA(1); int index10_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA10_6 = input.LA(1); int index10_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA10_10 = input.LA(1); int index10_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index10_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 10, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA15_eotS = "\33\uffff"; static final String DFA15_eofS = "\1\uffff\1\17\3\uffff\5\17\1\uffff\1\31\1\32\16\uffff"; static final String DFA15_minS = "\1\4\1\2\3\0\5\2\1\uffff\2\2\16\uffff"; static final String DFA15_maxS = "\2\u0089\3\0\5\u0089\1\uffff\2\u0089\16\uffff"; static final String DFA15_acceptS = "\12\uffff\1\12\2\uffff\1\13\2\14\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1"+ "\10\1\11\2\14"; static final String DFA15_specialS = "\1\10\1\0\1\1\1\7\1\6\1\11\1\5\1\12\1\4\1\3\2\uffff\1\2\16\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA15_transitionS = { "\4\16\2\uffff\4\16\11\15\12\uffff\1\16\2\uffff\1\16\2\uffff"+ "\4\16\1\uffff\1\16\1\uffff\3\16\1\uffff\1\16\2\uffff\16\16\2"+ "\17\1\1\1\17\1\2\1\3\1\17\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\17\1\11\1\17\1\10"+ "\1\17\1\16\2\uffff\13\16\1\uffff\7\16\1\uffff\2\16\1\uffff\3"+ "\16\3\uffff\1\12\1\uffff\1\13\1\14\17\16\1\uffff\1\16\1\uffff"+ "\1\16", "\1\20\5\17\1\uffff\16\17\12\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\1\17\2\uffff"+ "\4\17\1\uffff\1\17\1\uffff\3\17\1\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\54\17\1"+ "\uffff\7\17\1\uffff\2\17\1\uffff\3\17\3\uffff\23\17\1\uffff"+ "\1\17\1\uffff\1\17", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\24\5\17\1\uffff\16\17\12\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\1\17\2\uffff"+ "\4\17\1\uffff\1\17\1\uffff\3\17\1\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\54\17\1"+ "\uffff\7\17\1\uffff\2\17\1\uffff\3\17\3\uffff\23\17\1\uffff"+ "\1\17\1\uffff\1\17", "\1\25\5\17\1\uffff\16\17\12\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\1\17\2\uffff"+ "\4\17\1\uffff\1\17\1\uffff\3\17\1\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\54\17\1"+ "\uffff\7\17\1\uffff\2\17\1\uffff\3\17\3\uffff\23\17\1\uffff"+ "\1\17\1\uffff\1\17", "\1\26\5\17\1\uffff\16\17\12\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\1\17\2\uffff"+ "\4\17\1\uffff\1\17\1\uffff\3\17\1\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\54\17\1"+ "\uffff\7\17\1\uffff\2\17\1\uffff\3\17\3\uffff\23\17\1\uffff"+ "\1\17\1\uffff\1\17", "\1\27\5\17\1\uffff\16\17\12\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\1\17\2\uffff"+ "\4\17\1\uffff\1\17\1\uffff\3\17\1\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\54\17\1"+ "\uffff\7\17\1\uffff\2\17\1\uffff\3\17\3\uffff\23\17\1\uffff"+ "\1\17\1\uffff\1\17", "\1\30\5\17\1\uffff\16\17\12\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\1\17\2\uffff"+ "\4\17\1\uffff\1\17\1\uffff\3\17\1\uffff\1\17\2\uffff\54\17\1"+ "\uffff\7\17\1\uffff\2\17\1\uffff\3\17\3\uffff\23\17\1\uffff"+ "\1\17\1\uffff\1\17", "", "\1\15\5\31\1\uffff\16\31\12\uffff\1\31\2\uffff\1\31\2\uffff"+ "\4\31\1\uffff\1\31\1\uffff\3\31\1\uffff\1\31\2\uffff\54\31\1"+ "\uffff\7\31\1\uffff\2\31\1\uffff\3\31\3\uffff\23\31\1\uffff"+ "\1\31\1\uffff\1\31", "\1\15\5\32\1\uffff\16\32\12\uffff\1\32\2\uffff\1\32\2\uffff"+ "\4\32\1\uffff\1\32\1\uffff\3\32\1\uffff\1\32\2\uffff\54\32\1"+ "\uffff\7\32\1\uffff\2\32\1\uffff\3\32\3\uffff\23\32\1\uffff"+ "\1\32\1\uffff\1\32", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA15_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_eotS); static final short[] DFA15_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_eofS); static final char[] DFA15_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA15_minS); static final char[] DFA15_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA15_maxS); static final short[] DFA15_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_acceptS); static final short[] DFA15_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_specialS); static final short[][] DFA15_transition; static { int numStates = DFA15_transitionS.length; DFA15_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA15_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA15 extends DFA { public DFA15(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 15; this.eot = DFA15_eot; this.eof = DFA15_eof; this.min = DFA15_min; this.max = DFA15_max; this.accept = DFA15_accept; this.special = DFA15_special; this.transition = DFA15_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "159:1: statement returns [CFScriptStatement s] : ( ^(t= IF c= expression s1= statement (t= ELSE s2= statement )? ) | t= BREAK | t= CONTINUE | s1= returnStatement | ^(t= WHILE c= expression s1= statement ) | ^(t= DO s1= statement WHILE c= expression SEMICOLON ) | s1= forStatement | s1= switchStatement | s1= tryStatement | s2= compoundStatement | s1= tagOperatorStatement | (e1= expression ) );"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA15_1 = input.LA(1); int index15_1 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_1==DOWN) ) {s = 16;} else if ( (LA15_1==EOF||(LA15_1>=UP && LA15_1<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_1>=FUNCDECL && LA15_1<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA15_1==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_1==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_1>=NULL && LA15_1<=DOES)||LA15_1==GT||(LA15_1>=GTE && LA15_1<=LT)||LA15_1==EQ||(LA15_1>=NEQ && LA15_1<=CONCAT)||(LA15_1>=EQUALSOP && LA15_1<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_1>=NOTOP && LA15_1<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_1>=OROPERATOR && LA15_1<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_1>=LEFTCURLYBRACKET && LA15_1<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_1==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_1==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_1); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA15_2 = input.LA(1); int index15_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred22_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA15_12 = input.LA(1); int index15_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_12==DOWN) ) {s = 13;} else if ( (LA15_12==EOF||(LA15_12>=UP && LA15_12<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_12>=FUNCDECL && LA15_12<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA15_12==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_12==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_12>=NULL && LA15_12<=DOES)||LA15_12==GT||(LA15_12>=GTE && LA15_12<=LT)||LA15_12==EQ||(LA15_12>=NEQ && LA15_12<=CONCAT)||(LA15_12>=EQUALSOP && LA15_12<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_12>=NOTOP && LA15_12<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_12>=OROPERATOR && LA15_12<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_12>=LEFTCURLYBRACKET && LA15_12<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_12==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_12==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 26;} input.seek(index15_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA15_9 = input.LA(1); int index15_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_9==DOWN) ) {s = 24;} else if ( (LA15_9==EOF||(LA15_9>=UP && LA15_9<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_9>=FUNCDECL && LA15_9<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA15_9==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_9==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_9>=NULL && LA15_9<=DOES)||LA15_9==GT||(LA15_9>=GTE && LA15_9<=LT)||LA15_9==EQ||(LA15_9>=NEQ && LA15_9<=CONCAT)||(LA15_9>=EQUALSOP && LA15_9<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_9>=NOTOP && LA15_9<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_9>=OROPERATOR && LA15_9<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_9>=LEFTCURLYBRACKET && LA15_9<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_9==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_9==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA15_8 = input.LA(1); int index15_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_8==DOWN) ) {s = 23;} else if ( (LA15_8==EOF||(LA15_8>=UP && LA15_8<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_8>=FUNCDECL && LA15_8<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA15_8==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_8==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_8>=NULL && LA15_8<=DOES)||LA15_8==GT||(LA15_8>=GTE && LA15_8<=LT)||LA15_8==EQ||(LA15_8>=NEQ && LA15_8<=CONCAT)||(LA15_8>=EQUALSOP && LA15_8<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_8>=NOTOP && LA15_8<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_8>=OROPERATOR && LA15_8<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_8>=LEFTCURLYBRACKET && LA15_8<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_8==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_8==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA15_6 = input.LA(1); int index15_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_6==DOWN) ) {s = 21;} else if ( (LA15_6==EOF||(LA15_6>=UP && LA15_6<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_6>=FUNCDECL && LA15_6<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA15_6==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_6==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_6>=NULL && LA15_6<=DOES)||LA15_6==GT||(LA15_6>=GTE && LA15_6<=LT)||LA15_6==EQ||(LA15_6>=NEQ && LA15_6<=CONCAT)||(LA15_6>=EQUALSOP && LA15_6<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_6>=NOTOP && LA15_6<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_6>=OROPERATOR && LA15_6<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_6>=LEFTCURLYBRACKET && LA15_6<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_6==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_6==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA15_4 = input.LA(1); int index15_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred24_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 19;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA15_3 = input.LA(1); int index15_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred23_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 18;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); int index15_0 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_0==IF) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (LA15_0==BREAK) ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA15_0==CONTINUE) ) {s = 3;} else if ( (LA15_0==RETURN) ) {s = 4;} else if ( (LA15_0==WHILE) ) {s = 5;} else if ( (LA15_0==DO) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA15_0==FOR) ) {s = 7;} else if ( (LA15_0==SWITCH) ) {s = 8;} else if ( (LA15_0==TRY) ) {s = 9;} else if ( (LA15_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET) ) {s = 10;} else if ( (LA15_0==INCLUDE) ) {s = 11;} else if ( (LA15_0==IMPORT) ) {s = 12;} else if ( ((LA15_0>=ABORTSTATEMENT && LA15_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)) ) {s = 13;} else if ( ((LA15_0>=DOESNOTCONTAIN && LA15_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_0>=POSTMINUSMINUS && LA15_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA15_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_0==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_0>=NULL && LA15_0<=DOES)||LA15_0==GT||(LA15_0>=GTE && LA15_0<=LT)||LA15_0==EQ||(LA15_0>=NEQ && LA15_0<=NEW)||LA15_0==DEFAULT||(LA15_0>=DOT && LA15_0<=CONCAT)||(LA15_0>=EQUALSOP && LA15_0<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_0>=NOTOP && LA15_0<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_0>=OROPERATOR && LA15_0<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_0>=ABORT && LA15_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) {s = 14;} else if ( ((LA15_0>=COMPONENT && LA15_0<=PROPERTY)||LA15_0==ELSE||LA15_0==FUNCTION||LA15_0==IN||LA15_0==CATCH||LA15_0==CASE) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_0); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA15_5 = input.LA(1); int index15_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_5==DOWN) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA15_5==EOF||(LA15_5>=UP && LA15_5<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_5>=FUNCDECL && LA15_5<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA15_5==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_5==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_5>=NULL && LA15_5<=DOES)||LA15_5==GT||(LA15_5>=GTE && LA15_5<=LT)||LA15_5==EQ||(LA15_5>=NEQ && LA15_5<=CONCAT)||(LA15_5>=EQUALSOP && LA15_5<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_5>=NOTOP && LA15_5<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_5>=OROPERATOR && LA15_5<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_5>=LEFTCURLYBRACKET && LA15_5<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_5==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_5==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA15_7 = input.LA(1); int index15_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA15_7==DOWN) ) {s = 22;} else if ( (LA15_7==EOF||(LA15_7>=UP && LA15_7<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA15_7>=FUNCDECL && LA15_7<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA15_7==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA15_7==STRING_LITERAL||(LA15_7>=NULL && LA15_7<=DOES)||LA15_7==GT||(LA15_7>=GTE && LA15_7<=LT)||LA15_7==EQ||(LA15_7>=NEQ && LA15_7<=CONCAT)||(LA15_7>=EQUALSOP && LA15_7<=CONCATEQUALS)||(LA15_7>=NOTOP && LA15_7<=QUESTIONMARK)||(LA15_7>=OROPERATOR && LA15_7<=LEFTBRACKET)||(LA15_7>=LEFTCURLYBRACKET && LA15_7<=IDENTIFIER)||LA15_7==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA15_7==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 15;} input.seek(index15_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 15, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA16_eotS = "\156\uffff"; static final String DFA16_eofS = "\1\135\155\uffff"; static final String DFA16_minS = "\1\3\134\0\21\uffff"; static final String DFA16_maxS = "\1\u0089\134\0\21\uffff"; static final String DFA16_acceptS = "\135\uffff\1\2\17\uffff\1\1"; static final String DFA16_specialS = "\1\uffff\1\0\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1"+ "\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\24\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30"+ "\1\31\1\32\1\33\1\34\1\35\1\36\1\37\1\40\1\41\1\42\1\43\1\44\1\45"+ "\1\46\1\47\1\50\1\51\1\52\1\53\1\54\1\55\1\56\1\57\1\60\1\61\1\62"+ "\1\63\1\64\1\65\1\66\1\67\1\70\1\71\1\72\1\73\1\74\1\75\1\76\1\77"+ "\1\100\1\101\1\102\1\103\1\104\1\105\1\106\1\107\1\110\1\111\1\112"+ "\1\113\1\114\1\115\1\116\1\117\1\120\1\121\1\122\1\123\1\124\1\125"+ "\1\126\1\127\1\130\1\131\1\132\1\133\21\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA16_transitionS = { "\1\135\1\32\1\2\1\54\1\53\1\uffff\1\135\1\47\1\46\1\63\1\62"+ "\11\135\12\uffff\1\56\2\uffff\1\55\2\uffff\1\61\1\31\1\66\1"+ "\65\1\uffff\1\27\1\uffff\1\30\1\26\1\25\1\uffff\1\23\2\uffff"+ "\1\24\1\71\1\70\1\67\1\15\1\74\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\17\1\21\1\36"+ "\1\72\1\50\1\134\1\133\1\114\1\115\1\116\1\117\1\120\1\121\1"+ "\122\1\123\1\124\1\125\1\126\1\127\1\130\1\131\1\73\2\135\1"+ "\51\1\41\1\42\1\40\1\43\1\34\1\44\1\35\1\45\1\37\1\33\1\uffff"+ "\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\uffff\1\22\1\1\1\uffff\1\16"+ "\1\20\1\52\3\uffff\2\135\1\75\1\132\1\76\1\77\1\100\1\101\1"+ "\102\1\104\1\103\1\105\1\106\1\110\1\107\1\111\1\112\1\113\1"+ "\64\1\uffff\1\60\1\uffff\1\57", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA16_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_eotS); static final short[] DFA16_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_eofS); static final char[] DFA16_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA16_minS); static final char[] DFA16_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA16_maxS); static final short[] DFA16_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_acceptS); static final short[] DFA16_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_specialS); static final short[][] DFA16_transition; static { int numStates = DFA16_transitionS.length; DFA16_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA16_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA16 extends DFA { public DFA16(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 16; this.eot = DFA16_eot; this.eof = DFA16_eof; this.min = DFA16_min; this.max = DFA16_max; this.accept = DFA16_accept; this.special = DFA16_special; this.transition = DFA16_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "175:14: (c= expression )?"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA16_1 = input.LA(1); int index16_1 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_1); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA16_2 = input.LA(1); int index16_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA16_3 = input.LA(1); int index16_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA16_4 = input.LA(1); int index16_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA16_5 = input.LA(1); int index16_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA16_6 = input.LA(1); int index16_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA16_7 = input.LA(1); int index16_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA16_8 = input.LA(1); int index16_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA16_9 = input.LA(1); int index16_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA16_10 = input.LA(1); int index16_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA16_11 = input.LA(1); int index16_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA16_12 = input.LA(1); int index16_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA16_13 = input.LA(1); int index16_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA16_14 = input.LA(1); int index16_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA16_15 = input.LA(1); int index16_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA16_16 = input.LA(1); int index16_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA16_17 = input.LA(1); int index16_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA16_18 = input.LA(1); int index16_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA16_19 = input.LA(1); int index16_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 19 : int LA16_20 = input.LA(1); int index16_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 20 : int LA16_21 = input.LA(1); int index16_21 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_21); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 21 : int LA16_22 = input.LA(1); int index16_22 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_22); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 22 : int LA16_23 = input.LA(1); int index16_23 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_23); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 23 : int LA16_24 = input.LA(1); int index16_24 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_24); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 24 : int LA16_25 = input.LA(1); int index16_25 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_25); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 25 : int LA16_26 = input.LA(1); int index16_26 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_26); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 26 : int LA16_27 = input.LA(1); int index16_27 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_27); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 27 : int LA16_28 = input.LA(1); int index16_28 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_28); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 28 : int LA16_29 = input.LA(1); int index16_29 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_29); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 29 : int LA16_30 = input.LA(1); int index16_30 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_30); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 30 : int LA16_31 = input.LA(1); int index16_31 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_31); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 31 : int LA16_32 = input.LA(1); int index16_32 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_32); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 32 : int LA16_33 = input.LA(1); int index16_33 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_33); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 33 : int LA16_34 = input.LA(1); int index16_34 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_34); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 34 : int LA16_35 = input.LA(1); int index16_35 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_35); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 35 : int LA16_36 = input.LA(1); int index16_36 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_36); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 36 : int LA16_37 = input.LA(1); int index16_37 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_37); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 37 : int LA16_38 = input.LA(1); int index16_38 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_38); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 38 : int LA16_39 = input.LA(1); int index16_39 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_39); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 39 : int LA16_40 = input.LA(1); int index16_40 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_40); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 40 : int LA16_41 = input.LA(1); int index16_41 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_41); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 41 : int LA16_42 = input.LA(1); int index16_42 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_42); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 42 : int LA16_43 = input.LA(1); int index16_43 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_43); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 43 : int LA16_44 = input.LA(1); int index16_44 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_44); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 44 : int LA16_45 = input.LA(1); int index16_45 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_45); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 45 : int LA16_46 = input.LA(1); int index16_46 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_46); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 46 : int LA16_47 = input.LA(1); int index16_47 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_47); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 47 : int LA16_48 = input.LA(1); int index16_48 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_48); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 48 : int LA16_49 = input.LA(1); int index16_49 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_49); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 49 : int LA16_50 = input.LA(1); int index16_50 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_50); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 50 : int LA16_51 = input.LA(1); int index16_51 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_51); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 51 : int LA16_52 = input.LA(1); int index16_52 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_52); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 52 : int LA16_53 = input.LA(1); int index16_53 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_53); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 53 : int LA16_54 = input.LA(1); int index16_54 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_54); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 54 : int LA16_55 = input.LA(1); int index16_55 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_55); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 55 : int LA16_56 = input.LA(1); int index16_56 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_56); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 56 : int LA16_57 = input.LA(1); int index16_57 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_57); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 57 : int LA16_58 = input.LA(1); int index16_58 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_58); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 58 : int LA16_59 = input.LA(1); int index16_59 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))||synpred32_CFMLTree())) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_59); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 59 : int LA16_60 = input.LA(1); int index16_60 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_60); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 60 : int LA16_61 = input.LA(1); int index16_61 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_61); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 61 : int LA16_62 = input.LA(1); int index16_62 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_62); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 62 : int LA16_63 = input.LA(1); int index16_63 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_63); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 63 : int LA16_64 = input.LA(1); int index16_64 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_64); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 64 : int LA16_65 = input.LA(1); int index16_65 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_65); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 65 : int LA16_66 = input.LA(1); int index16_66 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_66); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 66 : int LA16_67 = input.LA(1); int index16_67 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_67); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 67 : int LA16_68 = input.LA(1); int index16_68 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_68); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 68 : int LA16_69 = input.LA(1); int index16_69 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_69); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 69 : int LA16_70 = input.LA(1); int index16_70 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_70); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 70 : int LA16_71 = input.LA(1); int index16_71 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_71); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 71 : int LA16_72 = input.LA(1); int index16_72 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_72); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 72 : int LA16_73 = input.LA(1); int index16_73 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_73); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 73 : int LA16_74 = input.LA(1); int index16_74 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_74); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 74 : int LA16_75 = input.LA(1); int index16_75 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred32_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_75); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 75 : int LA16_76 = input.LA(1); int index16_76 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_76); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 76 : int LA16_77 = input.LA(1); int index16_77 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_77); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 77 : int LA16_78 = input.LA(1); int index16_78 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_78); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 78 : int LA16_79 = input.LA(1); int index16_79 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_79); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 79 : int LA16_80 = input.LA(1); int index16_80 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_80); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 80 : int LA16_81 = input.LA(1); int index16_81 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_81); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 81 : int LA16_82 = input.LA(1); int index16_82 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_82); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 82 : int LA16_83 = input.LA(1); int index16_83 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_83); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 83 : int LA16_84 = input.LA(1); int index16_84 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_84); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 84 : int LA16_85 = input.LA(1); int index16_85 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_85); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 85 : int LA16_86 = input.LA(1); int index16_86 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_86); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 86 : int LA16_87 = input.LA(1); int index16_87 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_87); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 87 : int LA16_88 = input.LA(1); int index16_88 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_88); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 88 : int LA16_89 = input.LA(1); int index16_89 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_89); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 89 : int LA16_90 = input.LA(1); int index16_90 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_90); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 90 : int LA16_91 = input.LA(1); int index16_91 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_91); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 91 : int LA16_92 = input.LA(1); int index16_92 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred32_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 109;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index16_92); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 16, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA19_eotS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA19_eofS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA19_minS = "\1\47\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA19_maxS = "\1\u0085\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA19_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\23\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA19_specialS = "\2\uffff\1\5\1\21\1\22\1\14\1\10\1\2\1\16\1\12\1\6\1\7\1\15\1\20"+ "\1\0\1\4\1\11\1\1\1\13\1\3\1\17\1\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA19_transitionS = { "\2\25\2\1\13\25\3\1\1\25\1\3\6\25\2\1\1\24\1\23\1\4\1\5\1\6"+ "\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\2\41"+ "\uffff\1\1\1\22\17\1", "", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "" }; static final short[] DFA19_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA19_eotS); static final short[] DFA19_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA19_eofS); static final char[] DFA19_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA19_minS); static final char[] DFA19_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA19_maxS); static final short[] DFA19_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA19_acceptS); static final short[] DFA19_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA19_specialS); static final short[][] DFA19_transition; static { int numStates = DFA19_transitionS.length; DFA19_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA19_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA19_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA19 extends DFA { public DFA19(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 19; this.eot = DFA19_eot; this.eof = DFA19_eof; this.min = DFA19_min; this.max = DFA19_max; this.accept = DFA19_accept; this.special = DFA19_special; this.transition = DFA19_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "206:11: (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord )"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA19_14 = input.LA(1); int index19_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA19_17 = input.LA(1); int index19_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA19_7 = input.LA(1); int index19_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA19_19 = input.LA(1); int index19_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA19_15 = input.LA(1); int index19_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA19_2 = input.LA(1); int index19_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()||(synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode)))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA19_10 = input.LA(1); int index19_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA19_11 = input.LA(1); int index19_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA19_6 = input.LA(1); int index19_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA19_16 = input.LA(1); int index19_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA19_9 = input.LA(1); int index19_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA19_18 = input.LA(1); int index19_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA19_5 = input.LA(1); int index19_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA19_12 = input.LA(1); int index19_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA19_8 = input.LA(1); int index19_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA19_20 = input.LA(1); int index19_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA19_13 = input.LA(1); int index19_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA19_3 = input.LA(1); int index19_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred35_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA19_4 = input.LA(1); int index19_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred35_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index19_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 19, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA30_eotS = "\150\uffff"; static final String DFA30_eofS = "\150\uffff"; static final String DFA30_minS = "\1\4\134\0\13\uffff"; static final String DFA30_maxS = "\1\u0089\134\0\13\uffff"; static final String DFA30_acceptS = "\135\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\1\1"; static final String DFA30_specialS = "\1\0\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15"+ "\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\24\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30\1\31\1\32"+ "\1\33\1\34\1\35\1\36\1\37\1\40\1\41\1\42\1\43\1\44\1\45\1\46\1\47"+ "\1\50\1\51\1\52\1\53\1\54\1\55\1\56\1\57\1\60\1\61\1\62\1\63\1\64"+ "\1\65\1\66\1\67\1\70\1\71\1\72\1\73\1\74\1\75\1\76\1\77\1\100\1"+ "\101\1\102\1\103\1\104\1\105\1\106\1\107\1\110\1\111\1\112\1\113"+ "\1\114\1\115\1\116\1\117\1\120\1\121\1\122\1\123\1\124\1\125\1\126"+ "\1\127\1\130\1\131\1\132\1\133\1\134\13\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA30_transitionS = { "\1\32\1\2\1\54\1\53\2\uffff\1\47\1\46\1\63\1\62\11\135\12\uffff"+ "\1\56\2\uffff\1\55\2\uffff\1\61\1\31\1\66\1\65\1\uffff\1\27"+ "\1\uffff\1\30\1\26\1\25\1\uffff\1\23\2\uffff\1\24\1\71\1\70"+ "\1\67\1\15\1\74\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\17\1\21\1\36\1\72\1\50\1\134"+ "\1\133\1\114\1\115\1\116\1\117\1\120\1\121\1\122\1\123\1\124"+ "\1\125\1\126\1\127\1\130\1\131\1\73\2\uffff\1\51\1\41\1\42\1"+ "\40\1\43\1\34\1\44\1\35\1\45\1\37\1\33\1\uffff\1\3\1\4\1\5\1"+ "\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\uffff\1\22\1\1\1\uffff\1\16\1\20\1\52\3\uffff"+ "\1\135\1\uffff\1\75\1\132\1\76\1\77\1\100\1\101\1\102\1\104"+ "\1\103\1\105\1\106\1\110\1\107\1\111\1\112\1\113\1\64\1\uffff"+ "\1\60\1\uffff\1\57", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA30_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA30_eotS); static final short[] DFA30_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA30_eofS); static final char[] DFA30_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA30_minS); static final char[] DFA30_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA30_maxS); static final short[] DFA30_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA30_acceptS); static final short[] DFA30_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA30_specialS); static final short[][] DFA30_transition; static { int numStates = DFA30_transitionS.length; DFA30_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA30_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA30_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA30 extends DFA { public DFA30(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 30; this.eot = DFA30_eot; this.eof = DFA30_eof; this.min = DFA30_min; this.max = DFA30_max; this.accept = DFA30_accept; this.special = DFA30_special; this.transition = DFA30_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "244:67: (e3= expression )?"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA30_0 = input.LA(1); int index30_0 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA30_0==QUESTIONMARK) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (LA30_0==VARLOCAL) ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA30_0==EQUALSOP) ) {s = 3;} else if ( (LA30_0==PLUSEQUALS) ) {s = 4;} else if ( (LA30_0==MINUSEQUALS) ) {s = 5;} else if ( (LA30_0==STAREQUALS) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA30_0==SLASHEQUALS) ) {s = 7;} else if ( (LA30_0==MODEQUALS) ) {s = 8;} else if ( (LA30_0==CONCATEQUALS) ) {s = 9;} else if ( (LA30_0==IMP) ) {s = 10;} else if ( (LA30_0==EQV) ) {s = 11;} else if ( (LA30_0==XOR) ) {s = 12;} else if ( (LA30_0==OR) ) {s = 13;} else if ( (LA30_0==OROPERATOR) ) {s = 14;} else if ( (LA30_0==AND) ) {s = 15;} else if ( (LA30_0==ANDOPERATOR) ) {s = 16;} else if ( (LA30_0==NOT) ) {s = 17;} else if ( (LA30_0==NOTOP) ) {s = 18;} else if ( (LA30_0==EQ) ) {s = 19;} else if ( (LA30_0==NEQ) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA30_0==LT) ) {s = 21;} else if ( (LA30_0==LTE) ) {s = 22;} else if ( (LA30_0==GT) ) {s = 23;} else if ( (LA30_0==GTE) ) {s = 24;} else if ( (LA30_0==CONTAINS) ) {s = 25;} else if ( (LA30_0==DOESNOTCONTAIN) ) {s = 26;} else if ( (LA30_0==CONCAT) ) {s = 27;} else if ( (LA30_0==PLUS) ) {s = 28;} else if ( (LA30_0==MINUS) ) {s = 29;} else if ( (LA30_0==MOD) ) {s = 30;} else if ( (LA30_0==MODOPERATOR) ) {s = 31;} else if ( (LA30_0==BSLASH) ) {s = 32;} else if ( (LA30_0==STAR) ) {s = 33;} else if ( (LA30_0==SLASH) ) {s = 34;} else if ( (LA30_0==POWER) ) {s = 35;} else if ( (LA30_0==PLUSPLUS) ) {s = 36;} else if ( (LA30_0==MINUSMINUS) ) {s = 37;} else if ( (LA30_0==POSTPLUSPLUS) ) {s = 38;} else if ( (LA30_0==POSTMINUSMINUS) ) {s = 39;} else if ( (LA30_0==NEW) ) {s = 40;} else if ( (LA30_0==DOT) ) {s = 41;} else if ( (LA30_0==LEFTBRACKET) ) {s = 42;} else if ( (LA30_0==JAVAMETHODCALL) ) {s = 43;} else if ( (LA30_0==FUNCTIONCALL) ) {s = 44;} else if ( (LA30_0==STRING_LITERAL) ) {s = 45;} else if ( (LA30_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL) ) {s = 46;} else if ( (LA30_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) {s = 47;} else if ( (LA30_0==INTEGER_LITERAL) ) {s = 48;} else if ( (LA30_0==NULL) ) {s = 49;} else if ( (LA30_0==IMPLICITARRAY) ) {s = 50;} else if ( (LA30_0==IMPLICITSTRUCT) ) {s = 51;} else if ( (LA30_0==IDENTIFIER) ) {s = 52;} else if ( (LA30_0==DOES) ) {s = 53;} else if ( (LA30_0==CONTAIN) ) {s = 54;} else if ( (LA30_0==GREATER) ) {s = 55;} else if ( (LA30_0==THAN) ) {s = 56;} else if ( (LA30_0==LESS) ) {s = 57;} else if ( (LA30_0==VAR) ) {s = 58;} else if ( (LA30_0==DEFAULT) ) {s = 59;} else if ( (LA30_0==TO) ) {s = 60;} else if ( (LA30_0==INCLUDE) ) {s = 61;} else if ( (LA30_0==ABORT) ) {s = 62;} else if ( (LA30_0==THROW) ) {s = 63;} else if ( (LA30_0==RETHROW) ) {s = 64;} else if ( (LA30_0==EXIT) ) {s = 65;} else if ( (LA30_0==PARAM) ) {s = 66;} else if ( (LA30_0==THREAD) ) {s = 67;} else if ( (LA30_0==LOCK) ) {s = 68;} else if ( (LA30_0==TRANSACTION) ) {s = 69;} else if ( (LA30_0==SAVECONTENT) ) {s = 70;} else if ( (LA30_0==PUBLIC) ) {s = 71;} else if ( (LA30_0==PRIVATE) ) {s = 72;} else if ( (LA30_0==REMOTE) ) {s = 73;} else if ( (LA30_0==PACKAGE) ) {s = 74;} else if ( (LA30_0==REQUIRED) ) {s = 75;} else if ( (LA30_0==IF) ) {s = 76;} else if ( (LA30_0==ELSE) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 77;} else if ( (LA30_0==BREAK) ) {s = 78;} else if ( (LA30_0==CONTINUE) ) {s = 79;} else if ( (LA30_0==FUNCTION) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 80;} else if ( (LA30_0==RETURN) ) {s = 81;} else if ( (LA30_0==WHILE) ) {s = 82;} else if ( (LA30_0==DO) ) {s = 83;} else if ( (LA30_0==FOR) ) {s = 84;} else if ( (LA30_0==IN) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 85;} else if ( (LA30_0==TRY) ) {s = 86;} else if ( (LA30_0==CATCH) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 87;} else if ( (LA30_0==SWITCH) ) {s = 88;} else if ( (LA30_0==CASE) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 89;} else if ( (LA30_0==IMPORT) ) {s = 90;} else if ( (LA30_0==PROPERTY) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 91;} else if ( (LA30_0==COMPONENT) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 92;} else if ( ((LA30_0>=ABORTSTATEMENT && LA30_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA30_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_0); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA30_1 = input.LA(1); int index30_1 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_1); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA30_2 = input.LA(1); int index30_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA30_3 = input.LA(1); int index30_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA30_4 = input.LA(1); int index30_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA30_5 = input.LA(1); int index30_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA30_6 = input.LA(1); int index30_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA30_7 = input.LA(1); int index30_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA30_8 = input.LA(1); int index30_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA30_9 = input.LA(1); int index30_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA30_10 = input.LA(1); int index30_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA30_11 = input.LA(1); int index30_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA30_12 = input.LA(1); int index30_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA30_13 = input.LA(1); int index30_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA30_14 = input.LA(1); int index30_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA30_15 = input.LA(1); int index30_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA30_16 = input.LA(1); int index30_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA30_17 = input.LA(1); int index30_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA30_18 = input.LA(1); int index30_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 19 : int LA30_19 = input.LA(1); int index30_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 20 : int LA30_20 = input.LA(1); int index30_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 21 : int LA30_21 = input.LA(1); int index30_21 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_21); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 22 : int LA30_22 = input.LA(1); int index30_22 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_22); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 23 : int LA30_23 = input.LA(1); int index30_23 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_23); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 24 : int LA30_24 = input.LA(1); int index30_24 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_24); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 25 : int LA30_25 = input.LA(1); int index30_25 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_25); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 26 : int LA30_26 = input.LA(1); int index30_26 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_26); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 27 : int LA30_27 = input.LA(1); int index30_27 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_27); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 28 : int LA30_28 = input.LA(1); int index30_28 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_28); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 29 : int LA30_29 = input.LA(1); int index30_29 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_29); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 30 : int LA30_30 = input.LA(1); int index30_30 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_30); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 31 : int LA30_31 = input.LA(1); int index30_31 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_31); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 32 : int LA30_32 = input.LA(1); int index30_32 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_32); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 33 : int LA30_33 = input.LA(1); int index30_33 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_33); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 34 : int LA30_34 = input.LA(1); int index30_34 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_34); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 35 : int LA30_35 = input.LA(1); int index30_35 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_35); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 36 : int LA30_36 = input.LA(1); int index30_36 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_36); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 37 : int LA30_37 = input.LA(1); int index30_37 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_37); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 38 : int LA30_38 = input.LA(1); int index30_38 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_38); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 39 : int LA30_39 = input.LA(1); int index30_39 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_39); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 40 : int LA30_40 = input.LA(1); int index30_40 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_40); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 41 : int LA30_41 = input.LA(1); int index30_41 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_41); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 42 : int LA30_42 = input.LA(1); int index30_42 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_42); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 43 : int LA30_43 = input.LA(1); int index30_43 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_43); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 44 : int LA30_44 = input.LA(1); int index30_44 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_44); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 45 : int LA30_45 = input.LA(1); int index30_45 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_45); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 46 : int LA30_46 = input.LA(1); int index30_46 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_46); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 47 : int LA30_47 = input.LA(1); int index30_47 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_47); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 48 : int LA30_48 = input.LA(1); int index30_48 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_48); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 49 : int LA30_49 = input.LA(1); int index30_49 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_49); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 50 : int LA30_50 = input.LA(1); int index30_50 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_50); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 51 : int LA30_51 = input.LA(1); int index30_51 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_51); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 52 : int LA30_52 = input.LA(1); int index30_52 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_52); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 53 : int LA30_53 = input.LA(1); int index30_53 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_53); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 54 : int LA30_54 = input.LA(1); int index30_54 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_54); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 55 : int LA30_55 = input.LA(1); int index30_55 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_55); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 56 : int LA30_56 = input.LA(1); int index30_56 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_56); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 57 : int LA30_57 = input.LA(1); int index30_57 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_57); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 58 : int LA30_58 = input.LA(1); int index30_58 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_58); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 59 : int LA30_59 = input.LA(1); int index30_59 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))||synpred51_CFMLTree())) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_59); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 60 : int LA30_60 = input.LA(1); int index30_60 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_60); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 61 : int LA30_61 = input.LA(1); int index30_61 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_61); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 62 : int LA30_62 = input.LA(1); int index30_62 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_62); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 63 : int LA30_63 = input.LA(1); int index30_63 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_63); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 64 : int LA30_64 = input.LA(1); int index30_64 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_64); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 65 : int LA30_65 = input.LA(1); int index30_65 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_65); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 66 : int LA30_66 = input.LA(1); int index30_66 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_66); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 67 : int LA30_67 = input.LA(1); int index30_67 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_67); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 68 : int LA30_68 = input.LA(1); int index30_68 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_68); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 69 : int LA30_69 = input.LA(1); int index30_69 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_69); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 70 : int LA30_70 = input.LA(1); int index30_70 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_70); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 71 : int LA30_71 = input.LA(1); int index30_71 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_71); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 72 : int LA30_72 = input.LA(1); int index30_72 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_72); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 73 : int LA30_73 = input.LA(1); int index30_73 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_73); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 74 : int LA30_74 = input.LA(1); int index30_74 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_74); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 75 : int LA30_75 = input.LA(1); int index30_75 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_75); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 76 : int LA30_76 = input.LA(1); int index30_76 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_76); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 77 : int LA30_77 = input.LA(1); int index30_77 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_77); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 78 : int LA30_78 = input.LA(1); int index30_78 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_78); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 79 : int LA30_79 = input.LA(1); int index30_79 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_79); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 80 : int LA30_80 = input.LA(1); int index30_80 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_80); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 81 : int LA30_81 = input.LA(1); int index30_81 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_81); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 82 : int LA30_82 = input.LA(1); int index30_82 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_82); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 83 : int LA30_83 = input.LA(1); int index30_83 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_83); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 84 : int LA30_84 = input.LA(1); int index30_84 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_84); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 85 : int LA30_85 = input.LA(1); int index30_85 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_85); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 86 : int LA30_86 = input.LA(1); int index30_86 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_86); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 87 : int LA30_87 = input.LA(1); int index30_87 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_87); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 88 : int LA30_88 = input.LA(1); int index30_88 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_88); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 89 : int LA30_89 = input.LA(1); int index30_89 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_89); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 90 : int LA30_90 = input.LA(1); int index30_90 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_90); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 91 : int LA30_91 = input.LA(1); int index30_91 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_91); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 92 : int LA30_92 = input.LA(1); int index30_92 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index30_92); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 30, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA32_eotS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA32_eofS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA32_minS = "\1\47\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA32_maxS = "\1\u0085\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA32_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\23\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA32_specialS = "\2\uffff\1\10\1\2\1\11\1\0\1\22\1\14\1\3\1\12\1\16\1\21\1\1\1\15"+ "\1\7\1\5\1\20\1\13\1\6\1\17\1\4\1\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA32_transitionS = { "\2\25\2\1\13\25\3\1\1\25\1\3\6\25\2\1\1\24\1\23\1\4\1\5\1\6"+ "\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\2\41"+ "\uffff\1\1\1\22\17\1", "", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "" }; static final short[] DFA32_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA32_eotS); static final short[] DFA32_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA32_eofS); static final char[] DFA32_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA32_minS); static final char[] DFA32_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA32_maxS); static final short[] DFA32_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA32_acceptS); static final short[] DFA32_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA32_specialS); static final short[][] DFA32_transition; static { int numStates = DFA32_transitionS.length; DFA32_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA32_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA32_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA32 extends DFA { public DFA32(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 32; this.eot = DFA32_eot; this.eof = DFA32_eof; this.min = DFA32_min; this.max = DFA32_max; this.accept = DFA32_accept; this.special = DFA32_special; this.transition = DFA32_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "258:11: (t2= identifier | t2= reservedWord )"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA32_5 = input.LA(1); int index32_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA32_12 = input.LA(1); int index32_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA32_3 = input.LA(1); int index32_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred54_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA32_8 = input.LA(1); int index32_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA32_20 = input.LA(1); int index32_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA32_15 = input.LA(1); int index32_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA32_18 = input.LA(1); int index32_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA32_14 = input.LA(1); int index32_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA32_2 = input.LA(1); int index32_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))||synpred54_CFMLTree())) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA32_4 = input.LA(1); int index32_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA32_9 = input.LA(1); int index32_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA32_17 = input.LA(1); int index32_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA32_7 = input.LA(1); int index32_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA32_13 = input.LA(1); int index32_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA32_10 = input.LA(1); int index32_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA32_19 = input.LA(1); int index32_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA32_16 = input.LA(1); int index32_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA32_11 = input.LA(1); int index32_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA32_6 = input.LA(1); int index32_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred54_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index32_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 32, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA46_eotS = "\136\uffff"; static final String DFA46_eofS = "\136\uffff"; static final String DFA46_minS = "\1\4\50\0\65\uffff"; static final String DFA46_maxS = "\1\u0089\50\0\65\uffff"; static final String DFA46_acceptS = "\51\uffff\1\2\42\uffff\1\2\20\uffff\1\1"; static final String DFA46_specialS = "\1\0\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15"+ "\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\24\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30\1\31\1\32"+ "\1\33\1\34\1\35\1\36\1\37\1\40\1\41\1\42\1\43\1\44\1\45\1\46\1\47"+ "\1\50\65\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA46_transitionS = { "\1\32\1\2\2\51\2\uffff\1\47\1\46\2\51\23\uffff\1\51\2\uffff"+ "\1\51\2\uffff\1\51\1\31\2\51\1\uffff\1\27\1\uffff\1\30\1\26"+ "\1\25\1\uffff\1\23\2\uffff\1\24\3\51\1\15\1\51\1\12\1\13\1\14"+ "\1\17\1\21\1\36\1\51\1\50\20\114\1\51\2\uffff\1\51\1\41\1\42"+ "\1\40\1\43\1\34\1\44\1\35\1\45\1\37\1\33\1\uffff\1\3\1\4\1\5"+ "\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\uffff\1\22\1\1\1\uffff\1\16\1\20\1\51\5"+ "\uffff\1\51\1\114\17\51\1\uffff\1\51\1\uffff\1\51", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA46_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA46_eotS); static final short[] DFA46_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA46_eofS); static final char[] DFA46_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA46_minS); static final char[] DFA46_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA46_maxS); static final short[] DFA46_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA46_acceptS); static final short[] DFA46_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA46_specialS); static final short[][] DFA46_transition; static { int numStates = DFA46_transitionS.length; DFA46_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA46_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA46_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA46 extends DFA { public DFA46(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 46; this.eot = DFA46_eot; this.eof = DFA46_eof; this.min = DFA46_min; this.max = DFA46_max; this.accept = DFA46_accept; this.special = DFA46_special; this.transition = DFA46_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "307:1: expression returns [CFExpression e] : (be= binaryExpression | pe= memberExpression );"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA46_0 = input.LA(1); int index46_0 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA46_0==QUESTIONMARK) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (LA46_0==VARLOCAL) ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA46_0==EQUALSOP) ) {s = 3;} else if ( (LA46_0==PLUSEQUALS) ) {s = 4;} else if ( (LA46_0==MINUSEQUALS) ) {s = 5;} else if ( (LA46_0==STAREQUALS) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA46_0==SLASHEQUALS) ) {s = 7;} else if ( (LA46_0==MODEQUALS) ) {s = 8;} else if ( (LA46_0==CONCATEQUALS) ) {s = 9;} else if ( (LA46_0==IMP) ) {s = 10;} else if ( (LA46_0==EQV) ) {s = 11;} else if ( (LA46_0==XOR) ) {s = 12;} else if ( (LA46_0==OR) ) {s = 13;} else if ( (LA46_0==OROPERATOR) ) {s = 14;} else if ( (LA46_0==AND) ) {s = 15;} else if ( (LA46_0==ANDOPERATOR) ) {s = 16;} else if ( (LA46_0==NOT) ) {s = 17;} else if ( (LA46_0==NOTOP) ) {s = 18;} else if ( (LA46_0==EQ) ) {s = 19;} else if ( (LA46_0==NEQ) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA46_0==LT) ) {s = 21;} else if ( (LA46_0==LTE) ) {s = 22;} else if ( (LA46_0==GT) ) {s = 23;} else if ( (LA46_0==GTE) ) {s = 24;} else if ( (LA46_0==CONTAINS) ) {s = 25;} else if ( (LA46_0==DOESNOTCONTAIN) ) {s = 26;} else if ( (LA46_0==CONCAT) ) {s = 27;} else if ( (LA46_0==PLUS) ) {s = 28;} else if ( (LA46_0==MINUS) ) {s = 29;} else if ( (LA46_0==MOD) ) {s = 30;} else if ( (LA46_0==MODOPERATOR) ) {s = 31;} else if ( (LA46_0==BSLASH) ) {s = 32;} else if ( (LA46_0==STAR) ) {s = 33;} else if ( (LA46_0==SLASH) ) {s = 34;} else if ( (LA46_0==POWER) ) {s = 35;} else if ( (LA46_0==PLUSPLUS) ) {s = 36;} else if ( (LA46_0==MINUSMINUS) ) {s = 37;} else if ( (LA46_0==POSTPLUSPLUS) ) {s = 38;} else if ( (LA46_0==POSTMINUSMINUS) ) {s = 39;} else if ( (LA46_0==NEW) ) {s = 40;} else if ( ((LA46_0>=FUNCTIONCALL && LA46_0<=JAVAMETHODCALL)||(LA46_0>=IMPLICITSTRUCT && LA46_0<=IMPLICITARRAY)||LA46_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL||LA46_0==STRING_LITERAL||LA46_0==NULL||(LA46_0>=CONTAIN && LA46_0<=DOES)||(LA46_0>=LESS && LA46_0<=GREATER)||LA46_0==TO||LA46_0==VAR||LA46_0==DEFAULT||LA46_0==DOT||LA46_0==LEFTBRACKET||LA46_0==INCLUDE||(LA46_0>=ABORT && LA46_0<=IDENTIFIER)||LA46_0==INTEGER_LITERAL||LA46_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) {s = 41;} else if ( ((LA46_0>=COMPONENT && LA46_0<=CASE)||LA46_0==IMPORT) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_0); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA46_1 = input.LA(1); int index46_1 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_1); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA46_2 = input.LA(1); int index46_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA46_3 = input.LA(1); int index46_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA46_4 = input.LA(1); int index46_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA46_5 = input.LA(1); int index46_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA46_6 = input.LA(1); int index46_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA46_7 = input.LA(1); int index46_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA46_8 = input.LA(1); int index46_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA46_9 = input.LA(1); int index46_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA46_10 = input.LA(1); int index46_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA46_11 = input.LA(1); int index46_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA46_12 = input.LA(1); int index46_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA46_13 = input.LA(1); int index46_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA46_14 = input.LA(1); int index46_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA46_15 = input.LA(1); int index46_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA46_16 = input.LA(1); int index46_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA46_17 = input.LA(1); int index46_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA46_18 = input.LA(1); int index46_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 19 : int LA46_19 = input.LA(1); int index46_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 20 : int LA46_20 = input.LA(1); int index46_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 21 : int LA46_21 = input.LA(1); int index46_21 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_21); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 22 : int LA46_22 = input.LA(1); int index46_22 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_22); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 23 : int LA46_23 = input.LA(1); int index46_23 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_23); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 24 : int LA46_24 = input.LA(1); int index46_24 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_24); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 25 : int LA46_25 = input.LA(1); int index46_25 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_25); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 26 : int LA46_26 = input.LA(1); int index46_26 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_26); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 27 : int LA46_27 = input.LA(1); int index46_27 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_27); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 28 : int LA46_28 = input.LA(1); int index46_28 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_28); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 29 : int LA46_29 = input.LA(1); int index46_29 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_29); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 30 : int LA46_30 = input.LA(1); int index46_30 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_30); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 31 : int LA46_31 = input.LA(1); int index46_31 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_31); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 32 : int LA46_32 = input.LA(1); int index46_32 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_32); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 33 : int LA46_33 = input.LA(1); int index46_33 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_33); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 34 : int LA46_34 = input.LA(1); int index46_34 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_34); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 35 : int LA46_35 = input.LA(1); int index46_35 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_35); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 36 : int LA46_36 = input.LA(1); int index46_36 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_36); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 37 : int LA46_37 = input.LA(1); int index46_37 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_37); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 38 : int LA46_38 = input.LA(1); int index46_38 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_38); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 39 : int LA46_39 = input.LA(1); int index46_39 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_39); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 40 : int LA46_40 = input.LA(1); int index46_40 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred77_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 93;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 76;} input.seek(index46_40); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 46, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA49_eotS = "\53\uffff"; static final String DFA49_eofS = "\53\uffff"; static final String DFA49_minS = "\1\4\33\uffff\2\0\15\uffff"; static final String DFA49_maxS = "\1\156\33\uffff\2\0\15\uffff"; static final String DFA49_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\1\2\1\3\6\uffff\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13"+ "\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\24\1\25\2\uffff\1\30"+ "\1\31\1\32\1\33\1\34\1\35\1\36\4\uffff\1\26\1\27"; static final String DFA49_specialS = "\34\uffff\1\0\1\1\15\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA49_transitionS = { "\1\32\1\2\4\uffff\2\44\34\uffff\1\31\3\uffff\1\27\1\uffff\1"+ "\30\1\26\1\25\1\uffff\1\23\2\uffff\1\24\3\uffff\1\15\1\uffff"+ "\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\17\1\21\1\36\1\uffff\1\44\24\uffff\1\41\1"+ "\42\1\40\1\43\1\34\1\44\1\35\1\44\1\37\1\33\1\uffff\7\3\1\uffff"+ "\1\22\1\1\1\uffff\1\16\1\20", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA49_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA49_eotS); static final short[] DFA49_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA49_eofS); static final char[] DFA49_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA49_minS); static final char[] DFA49_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA49_maxS); static final short[] DFA49_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA49_acceptS); static final short[] DFA49_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA49_specialS); static final short[][] DFA49_transition; static { int numStates = DFA49_transitionS.length; DFA49_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA49_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA49_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA49 extends DFA { public DFA49(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 49; this.eot = DFA49_eot; this.eof = DFA49_eof; this.min = DFA49_min; this.max = DFA49_max; this.accept = DFA49_accept; this.special = DFA49_special; this.transition = DFA49_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "329:1: binaryExpression returns [CFExpression e] : (e1= ternaryExpression | e1= localAssignmentExpression | e1= assignmentExpression | ^(op= IMP e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= EQV e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= XOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= OR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= OROPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= AND e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= ANDOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NOT e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NOTOP e1= memberExpression ) | ^(op= EQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= NEQ e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= LT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= LTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= GT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= GTE e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONTAINS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= DOESNOTCONTAIN e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= CONCAT e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= PLUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MINUS e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MOD e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= MODOPERATOR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= BSLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= STAR e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= SLASH e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | ^(op= POWER e1= memberExpression e2= memberExpression ) | e1= unaryExpression );"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA49_28 = input.LA(1); int index49_28 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred106_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 41;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index49_28); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA49_29 = input.LA(1); int index49_29 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred107_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 42;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index49_29); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 49, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA53_eotS = "\13\uffff"; static final String DFA53_eofS = "\11\uffff\1\10\1\uffff"; static final String DFA53_minS = "\1\4\10\uffff\1\2\1\uffff"; static final String DFA53_maxS = "\1\u0089\10\uffff\1\u0089\1\uffff"; static final String DFA53_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\uffff\1\11"; static final String DFA53_specialS = "\13\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA53_transitionS = { "\2\12\4\uffff\2\12\1\7\1\6\23\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\1\2\uffff"+ "\1\5\1\12\2\10\1\uffff\1\12\1\uffff\3\12\1\uffff\1\12\2\uffff"+ "\1\12\3\10\1\12\1\10\6\12\1\10\1\11\21\10\3\uffff\12\12\1\uffff"+ "\7\12\1\uffff\2\12\1\uffff\2\12\6\uffff\21\10\1\uffff\1\4\1"+ "\uffff\1\3", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\1\12\24\10\12\uffff\1\10\2\uffff\1\10\2\uffff\72\10\1\uffff"+ "\16\10\3\uffff\23\10\1\uffff\1\10\1\uffff\1\10", "" }; static final short[] DFA53_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA53_eotS); static final short[] DFA53_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA53_eofS); static final char[] DFA53_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA53_minS); static final char[] DFA53_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA53_maxS); static final short[] DFA53_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA53_acceptS); static final short[] DFA53_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA53_specialS); static final short[][] DFA53_transition; static { int numStates = DFA53_transitionS.length; DFA53_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA53_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA53_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA53 extends DFA { public DFA53(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 53; this.eot = DFA53_eot; this.eof = DFA53_eof; this.min = DFA53_min; this.max = DFA53_max; this.accept = DFA53_accept; this.special = DFA53_special; this.transition = DFA53_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "425:1: primaryExpression returns [CFExpression e] : (t= STRING_LITERAL | t= BOOLEAN_LITERAL | t= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL | t= INTEGER_LITERAL | t= NULL | ie= implicitArray | is= implicitStruct | i= identifier | be= binaryExpression );"; } } static final String DFA54_eotS = "\34\uffff"; static final String DFA54_eofS = "\34\uffff"; static final String DFA54_minS = "\1\51\7\uffff\1\0\23\uffff"; static final String DFA54_maxS = "\1\u0085\7\uffff\1\0\23\uffff"; static final String DFA54_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\uffff\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14"+ "\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\24\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30\1\31"+ "\1\32\1\10"; static final String DFA54_specialS = "\1\1\7\uffff\1\0\23\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA54_transitionS = { "\1\3\1\2\13\uffff\1\6\1\5\1\4\1\uffff\1\11\6\uffff\1\7\1\13"+ "\20\32\1\10\41\uffff\1\12\1\32\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\22"+ "\1\21\1\23\1\24\1\26\1\25\1\27\1\30\1\31\1\1", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\1\uffff", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA54_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA54_eotS); static final short[] DFA54_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA54_eofS); static final char[] DFA54_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA54_minS); static final char[] DFA54_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA54_maxS); static final short[] DFA54_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA54_acceptS); static final short[] DFA54_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA54_specialS); static final short[][] DFA54_transition; static { int numStates = DFA54_transitionS.length; DFA54_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA54_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA54_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA54 extends DFA { public DFA54(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 54; this.eot = DFA54_eot; this.eof = DFA54_eof; this.min = DFA54_min; this.max = DFA54_max; this.accept = DFA54_accept; this.special = DFA54_special; this.transition = DFA54_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "438:1: identifier returns [CFIdentifier e] : (t= IDENTIFIER | t= DOES | t= CONTAIN | t= GREATER | t= THAN | t= LESS | t= VAR | t= DEFAULT | t= TO | t= INCLUDE | t= NEW | t= ABORT | t= THROW | t= RETHROW | t= EXIT | t= PARAM | t= THREAD | t= LOCK | t= TRANSACTION | t= SAVECONTENT | t= PUBLIC | t= PRIVATE | t= REMOTE | t= PACKAGE | t= REQUIRED | {...}? =>kw= cfscriptKeywords );"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA54_8 = input.LA(1); int index54_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred140_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 27;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 26;} input.seek(index54_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA54_0 = input.LA(1); int index54_0 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA54_0==IDENTIFIER) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (LA54_0==DOES) ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA54_0==CONTAIN) ) {s = 3;} else if ( (LA54_0==GREATER) ) {s = 4;} else if ( (LA54_0==THAN) ) {s = 5;} else if ( (LA54_0==LESS) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA54_0==VAR) ) {s = 7;} else if ( (LA54_0==DEFAULT) ) {s = 8;} else if ( (LA54_0==TO) ) {s = 9;} else if ( (LA54_0==INCLUDE) ) {s = 10;} else if ( (LA54_0==NEW) ) {s = 11;} else if ( (LA54_0==ABORT) ) {s = 12;} else if ( (LA54_0==THROW) ) {s = 13;} else if ( (LA54_0==RETHROW) ) {s = 14;} else if ( (LA54_0==EXIT) ) {s = 15;} else if ( (LA54_0==PARAM) ) {s = 16;} else if ( (LA54_0==THREAD) ) {s = 17;} else if ( (LA54_0==LOCK) ) {s = 18;} else if ( (LA54_0==TRANSACTION) ) {s = 19;} else if ( (LA54_0==SAVECONTENT) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA54_0==PUBLIC) ) {s = 21;} else if ( (LA54_0==PRIVATE) ) {s = 22;} else if ( (LA54_0==REMOTE) ) {s = 23;} else if ( (LA54_0==PACKAGE) ) {s = 24;} else if ( (LA54_0==REQUIRED) ) {s = 25;} else if ( ((LA54_0>=COMPONENT && LA54_0<=CASE)||LA54_0==IMPORT) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 26;} input.seek(index54_0); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 54, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA56_eotS = "\45\uffff"; static final String DFA56_eofS = "\45\uffff"; static final String DFA56_minS = "\1\4\1\uffff\24\0\16\2\1\uffff"; static final String DFA56_maxS = "\1\u0089\1\uffff\24\0\16\u0089\1\uffff"; static final String DFA56_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\42\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA56_specialS = "\2\uffff\1\23\1\2\1\12\1\10\1\7\1\20\1\16\1\0\1\21\1\11\1\1\1\15"+ "\1\4\1\22\1\13\1\5\1\14\1\6\1\17\1\3\17\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA56_transitionS = { "\2\1\4\uffff\4\1\23\uffff\1\1\2\uffff\1\1\2\uffff\1\2\1\42"+ "\2\1\1\44\1\40\1\44\1\41\1\37\1\36\1\44\1\34\2\44\1\35\3\1\1"+ "\31\1\4\1\26\1\27\1\30\1\32\1\33\1\43\2\1\1\25\1\24\1\5\1\6"+ "\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22"+ "\1\3\3\uffff\12\1\1\uffff\7\1\1\uffff\2\1\1\uffff\2\1\6\uffff"+ "\1\1\1\23\17\1\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\1", "", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "\1\1\6\44\1\uffff\4\44\23\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\2\uffff"+ "\4\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44\1\uffff\1\44\2\uffff\37\44\2"+ "\uffff\13\44\1\uffff\12\44\1\uffff\3\44\5\uffff\21\44\1\uffff"+ "\1\44\1\uffff\1\44", "" }; static final short[] DFA56_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA56_eotS); static final short[] DFA56_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA56_eofS); static final char[] DFA56_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA56_minS); static final char[] DFA56_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA56_maxS); static final short[] DFA56_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA56_acceptS); static final short[] DFA56_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA56_specialS); static final short[][] DFA56_transition; static { int numStates = DFA56_transitionS.length; DFA56_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA56_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA56_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA56 extends DFA { public DFA56(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 56; this.eot = DFA56_eot; this.eof = DFA56_eof; this.min = DFA56_min; this.max = DFA56_max; this.accept = DFA56_accept; this.special = DFA56_special; this.transition = DFA56_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "488:1: primaryExpressionIRW returns [CFExpression e] : (pe= primaryExpression | rw= reservedWord );"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA56_9 = input.LA(1); int index56_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA56_12 = input.LA(1); int index56_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA56_3 = input.LA(1); int index56_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()||(synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode)))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA56_21 = input.LA(1); int index56_21 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_21); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA56_14 = input.LA(1); int index56_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA56_17 = input.LA(1); int index56_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA56_19 = input.LA(1); int index56_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA56_6 = input.LA(1); int index56_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA56_5 = input.LA(1); int index56_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA56_11 = input.LA(1); int index56_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA56_4 = input.LA(1); int index56_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred175_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA56_16 = input.LA(1); int index56_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA56_18 = input.LA(1); int index56_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA56_13 = input.LA(1); int index56_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA56_8 = input.LA(1); int index56_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA56_20 = input.LA(1); int index56_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA56_7 = input.LA(1); int index56_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA56_10 = input.LA(1); int index56_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA56_15 = input.LA(1); int index56_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred175_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 19 : int LA56_2 = input.LA(1); int index56_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred175_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 36;} input.seek(index56_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 56, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA62_eotS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA62_eofS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA62_minS = "\1\47\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA62_maxS = "\1\u0085\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA62_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\23\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA62_specialS = "\2\uffff\1\0\1\7\1\5\1\21\1\15\1\11\1\1\1\17\1\22\1\4\1\10\1\14"+ "\1\6\1\13\1\20\1\3\1\16\1\12\1\2\1\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA62_transitionS = { "\2\25\2\1\13\25\3\1\1\25\1\3\6\25\2\1\1\24\1\23\1\4\1\5\1\6"+ "\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\2\41"+ "\uffff\1\1\1\22\17\1", "", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "" }; static final short[] DFA62_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA62_eotS); static final short[] DFA62_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA62_eofS); static final char[] DFA62_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA62_minS); static final char[] DFA62_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA62_maxS); static final short[] DFA62_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA62_acceptS); static final short[] DFA62_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA62_specialS); static final short[][] DFA62_transition; static { int numStates = DFA62_transitionS.length; DFA62_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA62_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA62_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA62 extends DFA { public DFA62(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 62; this.eot = DFA62_eot; this.eof = DFA62_eof; this.min = DFA62_min; this.max = DFA62_max; this.accept = DFA62_accept; this.special = DFA62_special; this.transition = DFA62_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "541:9: (t= identifier | t= reservedWord )"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA62_2 = input.LA(1); int index62_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()||(synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode)))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA62_8 = input.LA(1); int index62_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA62_20 = input.LA(1); int index62_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA62_17 = input.LA(1); int index62_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA62_11 = input.LA(1); int index62_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA62_4 = input.LA(1); int index62_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA62_14 = input.LA(1); int index62_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA62_3 = input.LA(1); int index62_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred203_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA62_12 = input.LA(1); int index62_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA62_7 = input.LA(1); int index62_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA62_19 = input.LA(1); int index62_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA62_15 = input.LA(1); int index62_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA62_13 = input.LA(1); int index62_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA62_6 = input.LA(1); int index62_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA62_18 = input.LA(1); int index62_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA62_9 = input.LA(1); int index62_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA62_16 = input.LA(1); int index62_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA62_5 = input.LA(1); int index62_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA62_10 = input.LA(1); int index62_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred203_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index62_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 62, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA72_eotS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA72_eofS = "\26\uffff"; static final String DFA72_minS = "\1\47\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA72_maxS = "\1\u0085\1\uffff\23\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA72_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\23\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA72_specialS = "\2\uffff\1\0\1\7\1\15\1\10\1\3\1\20\1\14\1\5\1\11\1\16\1\17\1\1"+ "\1\6\1\13\1\2\1\21\1\4\1\12\1\22\1\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA72_transitionS = { "\2\25\2\1\13\25\3\1\1\25\1\3\6\25\2\1\1\24\1\23\1\4\1\5\1\6"+ "\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\2\41"+ "\uffff\1\1\1\22\17\1", "", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "" }; static final short[] DFA72_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA72_eotS); static final short[] DFA72_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA72_eofS); static final char[] DFA72_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA72_minS); static final char[] DFA72_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA72_maxS); static final short[] DFA72_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA72_acceptS); static final short[] DFA72_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA72_specialS); static final short[][] DFA72_transition; static { int numStates = DFA72_transitionS.length; DFA72_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA72_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA72_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA72 extends DFA { public DFA72(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 72; this.eot = DFA72_eot; this.eof = DFA72_eof; this.min = DFA72_min; this.max = DFA72_max; this.accept = DFA72_accept; this.special = DFA72_special; this.transition = DFA72_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "138:11: (i2= identifier | i2= reservedWord )"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA72_2 = input.LA(1); int index72_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()||(synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode)))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA72_13 = input.LA(1); int index72_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA72_16 = input.LA(1); int index72_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA72_6 = input.LA(1); int index72_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA72_18 = input.LA(1); int index72_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA72_9 = input.LA(1); int index72_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA72_14 = input.LA(1); int index72_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA72_3 = input.LA(1); int index72_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred14_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA72_5 = input.LA(1); int index72_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA72_10 = input.LA(1); int index72_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA72_19 = input.LA(1); int index72_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA72_15 = input.LA(1); int index72_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA72_8 = input.LA(1); int index72_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA72_4 = input.LA(1); int index72_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA72_11 = input.LA(1); int index72_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA72_12 = input.LA(1); int index72_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA72_7 = input.LA(1); int index72_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA72_17 = input.LA(1); int index72_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA72_20 = input.LA(1); int index72_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred14_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 21;} input.seek(index72_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 72, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA82_eotS = "\150\uffff"; static final String DFA82_eofS = "\150\uffff"; static final String DFA82_minS = "\1\4\134\0\13\uffff"; static final String DFA82_maxS = "\1\u0089\134\0\13\uffff"; static final String DFA82_acceptS = "\135\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\1\1"; static final String DFA82_specialS = "\1\0\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15"+ "\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\1\24\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30\1\31\1\32"+ "\1\33\1\34\1\35\1\36\1\37\1\40\1\41\1\42\1\43\1\44\1\45\1\46\1\47"+ "\1\50\1\51\1\52\1\53\1\54\1\55\1\56\1\57\1\60\1\61\1\62\1\63\1\64"+ "\1\65\1\66\1\67\1\70\1\71\1\72\1\73\1\74\1\75\1\76\1\77\1\100\1"+ "\101\1\102\1\103\1\104\1\105\1\106\1\107\1\110\1\111\1\112\1\113"+ "\1\114\1\115\1\116\1\117\1\120\1\121\1\122\1\123\1\124\1\125\1\126"+ "\1\127\1\130\1\131\1\132\1\133\1\134\13\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA82_transitionS = { "\1\32\1\2\1\54\1\53\2\uffff\1\47\1\46\1\63\1\62\11\135\12\uffff"+ "\1\56\2\uffff\1\55\2\uffff\1\61\1\31\1\66\1\65\1\uffff\1\27"+ "\1\uffff\1\30\1\26\1\25\1\uffff\1\23\2\uffff\1\24\1\71\1\70"+ "\1\67\1\15\1\74\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\17\1\21\1\36\1\72\1\50\1\134"+ "\1\133\1\114\1\115\1\116\1\117\1\120\1\121\1\122\1\123\1\124"+ "\1\125\1\126\1\127\1\130\1\131\1\73\2\uffff\1\51\1\41\1\42\1"+ "\40\1\43\1\34\1\44\1\35\1\45\1\37\1\33\1\uffff\1\3\1\4\1\5\1"+ "\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\uffff\1\22\1\1\1\uffff\1\16\1\20\1\52\3\uffff"+ "\1\135\1\uffff\1\75\1\132\1\76\1\77\1\100\1\101\1\102\1\104"+ "\1\103\1\105\1\106\1\110\1\107\1\111\1\112\1\113\1\64\1\uffff"+ "\1\60\1\uffff\1\57", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "\1\uffff", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA82_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA82_eotS); static final short[] DFA82_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA82_eofS); static final char[] DFA82_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA82_minS); static final char[] DFA82_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA82_maxS); static final short[] DFA82_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA82_acceptS); static final short[] DFA82_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA82_specialS); static final short[][] DFA82_transition; static { int numStates = DFA82_transitionS.length; DFA82_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA82_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA82_transitionS[i]); } } class DFA82 extends DFA { public DFA82(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 82; this.eot = DFA82_eot; this.eof = DFA82_eof; this.min = DFA82_min; this.max = DFA82_max; this.accept = DFA82_accept; this.special = DFA82_special; this.transition = DFA82_transition; } public String getDescription() { return "244:67: (e3= expression )?"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TreeNodeStream input = (TreeNodeStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA82_0 = input.LA(1); int index82_0 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (LA82_0==QUESTIONMARK) ) {s = 1;} else if ( (LA82_0==VARLOCAL) ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA82_0==EQUALSOP) ) {s = 3;} else if ( (LA82_0==PLUSEQUALS) ) {s = 4;} else if ( (LA82_0==MINUSEQUALS) ) {s = 5;} else if ( (LA82_0==STAREQUALS) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA82_0==SLASHEQUALS) ) {s = 7;} else if ( (LA82_0==MODEQUALS) ) {s = 8;} else if ( (LA82_0==CONCATEQUALS) ) {s = 9;} else if ( (LA82_0==IMP) ) {s = 10;} else if ( (LA82_0==EQV) ) {s = 11;} else if ( (LA82_0==XOR) ) {s = 12;} else if ( (LA82_0==OR) ) {s = 13;} else if ( (LA82_0==OROPERATOR) ) {s = 14;} else if ( (LA82_0==AND) ) {s = 15;} else if ( (LA82_0==ANDOPERATOR) ) {s = 16;} else if ( (LA82_0==NOT) ) {s = 17;} else if ( (LA82_0==NOTOP) ) {s = 18;} else if ( (LA82_0==EQ) ) {s = 19;} else if ( (LA82_0==NEQ) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA82_0==LT) ) {s = 21;} else if ( (LA82_0==LTE) ) {s = 22;} else if ( (LA82_0==GT) ) {s = 23;} else if ( (LA82_0==GTE) ) {s = 24;} else if ( (LA82_0==CONTAINS) ) {s = 25;} else if ( (LA82_0==DOESNOTCONTAIN) ) {s = 26;} else if ( (LA82_0==CONCAT) ) {s = 27;} else if ( (LA82_0==PLUS) ) {s = 28;} else if ( (LA82_0==MINUS) ) {s = 29;} else if ( (LA82_0==MOD) ) {s = 30;} else if ( (LA82_0==MODOPERATOR) ) {s = 31;} else if ( (LA82_0==BSLASH) ) {s = 32;} else if ( (LA82_0==STAR) ) {s = 33;} else if ( (LA82_0==SLASH) ) {s = 34;} else if ( (LA82_0==POWER) ) {s = 35;} else if ( (LA82_0==PLUSPLUS) ) {s = 36;} else if ( (LA82_0==MINUSMINUS) ) {s = 37;} else if ( (LA82_0==POSTPLUSPLUS) ) {s = 38;} else if ( (LA82_0==POSTMINUSMINUS) ) {s = 39;} else if ( (LA82_0==NEW) ) {s = 40;} else if ( (LA82_0==DOT) ) {s = 41;} else if ( (LA82_0==LEFTBRACKET) ) {s = 42;} else if ( (LA82_0==JAVAMETHODCALL) ) {s = 43;} else if ( (LA82_0==FUNCTIONCALL) ) {s = 44;} else if ( (LA82_0==STRING_LITERAL) ) {s = 45;} else if ( (LA82_0==BOOLEAN_LITERAL) ) {s = 46;} else if ( (LA82_0==FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) ) {s = 47;} else if ( (LA82_0==INTEGER_LITERAL) ) {s = 48;} else if ( (LA82_0==NULL) ) {s = 49;} else if ( (LA82_0==IMPLICITARRAY) ) {s = 50;} else if ( (LA82_0==IMPLICITSTRUCT) ) {s = 51;} else if ( (LA82_0==IDENTIFIER) ) {s = 52;} else if ( (LA82_0==DOES) ) {s = 53;} else if ( (LA82_0==CONTAIN) ) {s = 54;} else if ( (LA82_0==GREATER) ) {s = 55;} else if ( (LA82_0==THAN) ) {s = 56;} else if ( (LA82_0==LESS) ) {s = 57;} else if ( (LA82_0==VAR) ) {s = 58;} else if ( (LA82_0==DEFAULT) ) {s = 59;} else if ( (LA82_0==TO) ) {s = 60;} else if ( (LA82_0==INCLUDE) ) {s = 61;} else if ( (LA82_0==ABORT) ) {s = 62;} else if ( (LA82_0==THROW) ) {s = 63;} else if ( (LA82_0==RETHROW) ) {s = 64;} else if ( (LA82_0==EXIT) ) {s = 65;} else if ( (LA82_0==PARAM) ) {s = 66;} else if ( (LA82_0==THREAD) ) {s = 67;} else if ( (LA82_0==LOCK) ) {s = 68;} else if ( (LA82_0==TRANSACTION) ) {s = 69;} else if ( (LA82_0==SAVECONTENT) ) {s = 70;} else if ( (LA82_0==PUBLIC) ) {s = 71;} else if ( (LA82_0==PRIVATE) ) {s = 72;} else if ( (LA82_0==REMOTE) ) {s = 73;} else if ( (LA82_0==PACKAGE) ) {s = 74;} else if ( (LA82_0==REQUIRED) ) {s = 75;} else if ( (LA82_0==IF) ) {s = 76;} else if ( (LA82_0==ELSE) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 77;} else if ( (LA82_0==BREAK) ) {s = 78;} else if ( (LA82_0==CONTINUE) ) {s = 79;} else if ( (LA82_0==FUNCTION) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 80;} else if ( (LA82_0==RETURN) ) {s = 81;} else if ( (LA82_0==WHILE) ) {s = 82;} else if ( (LA82_0==DO) ) {s = 83;} else if ( (LA82_0==FOR) ) {s = 84;} else if ( (LA82_0==IN) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 85;} else if ( (LA82_0==TRY) ) {s = 86;} else if ( (LA82_0==CATCH) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 87;} else if ( (LA82_0==SWITCH) ) {s = 88;} else if ( (LA82_0==CASE) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 89;} else if ( (LA82_0==IMPORT) ) {s = 90;} else if ( (LA82_0==PROPERTY) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 91;} else if ( (LA82_0==COMPONENT) && ((!scriptMode))) {s = 92;} else if ( ((LA82_0>=ABORTSTATEMENT && LA82_0<=SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT)||LA82_0==LEFTCURLYBRACKET) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_0); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA82_1 = input.LA(1); int index82_1 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_1); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA82_2 = input.LA(1); int index82_2 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_2); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA82_3 = input.LA(1); int index82_3 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_3); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA82_4 = input.LA(1); int index82_4 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_4); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA82_5 = input.LA(1); int index82_5 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_5); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA82_6 = input.LA(1); int index82_6 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_6); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA82_7 = input.LA(1); int index82_7 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_7); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA82_8 = input.LA(1); int index82_8 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_8); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA82_9 = input.LA(1); int index82_9 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_9); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA82_10 = input.LA(1); int index82_10 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_10); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA82_11 = input.LA(1); int index82_11 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_11); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA82_12 = input.LA(1); int index82_12 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_12); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA82_13 = input.LA(1); int index82_13 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_13); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA82_14 = input.LA(1); int index82_14 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_14); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA82_15 = input.LA(1); int index82_15 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_15); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA82_16 = input.LA(1); int index82_16 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_16); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 17 : int LA82_17 = input.LA(1); int index82_17 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_17); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 18 : int LA82_18 = input.LA(1); int index82_18 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_18); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 19 : int LA82_19 = input.LA(1); int index82_19 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_19); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 20 : int LA82_20 = input.LA(1); int index82_20 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_20); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 21 : int LA82_21 = input.LA(1); int index82_21 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_21); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 22 : int LA82_22 = input.LA(1); int index82_22 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_22); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 23 : int LA82_23 = input.LA(1); int index82_23 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_23); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 24 : int LA82_24 = input.LA(1); int index82_24 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_24); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 25 : int LA82_25 = input.LA(1); int index82_25 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_25); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 26 : int LA82_26 = input.LA(1); int index82_26 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_26); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 27 : int LA82_27 = input.LA(1); int index82_27 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_27); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 28 : int LA82_28 = input.LA(1); int index82_28 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_28); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 29 : int LA82_29 = input.LA(1); int index82_29 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_29); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 30 : int LA82_30 = input.LA(1); int index82_30 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_30); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 31 : int LA82_31 = input.LA(1); int index82_31 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_31); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 32 : int LA82_32 = input.LA(1); int index82_32 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_32); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 33 : int LA82_33 = input.LA(1); int index82_33 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_33); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 34 : int LA82_34 = input.LA(1); int index82_34 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_34); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 35 : int LA82_35 = input.LA(1); int index82_35 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_35); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 36 : int LA82_36 = input.LA(1); int index82_36 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_36); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 37 : int LA82_37 = input.LA(1); int index82_37 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_37); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 38 : int LA82_38 = input.LA(1); int index82_38 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_38); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 39 : int LA82_39 = input.LA(1); int index82_39 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_39); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 40 : int LA82_40 = input.LA(1); int index82_40 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_40); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 41 : int LA82_41 = input.LA(1); int index82_41 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_41); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 42 : int LA82_42 = input.LA(1); int index82_42 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_42); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 43 : int LA82_43 = input.LA(1); int index82_43 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_43); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 44 : int LA82_44 = input.LA(1); int index82_44 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_44); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 45 : int LA82_45 = input.LA(1); int index82_45 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_45); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 46 : int LA82_46 = input.LA(1); int index82_46 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_46); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 47 : int LA82_47 = input.LA(1); int index82_47 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_47); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 48 : int LA82_48 = input.LA(1); int index82_48 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_48); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 49 : int LA82_49 = input.LA(1); int index82_49 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_49); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 50 : int LA82_50 = input.LA(1); int index82_50 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_50); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 51 : int LA82_51 = input.LA(1); int index82_51 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_51); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 52 : int LA82_52 = input.LA(1); int index82_52 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_52); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 53 : int LA82_53 = input.LA(1); int index82_53 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_53); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 54 : int LA82_54 = input.LA(1); int index82_54 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_54); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 55 : int LA82_55 = input.LA(1); int index82_55 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_55); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 56 : int LA82_56 = input.LA(1); int index82_56 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_56); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 57 : int LA82_57 = input.LA(1); int index82_57 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_57); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 58 : int LA82_58 = input.LA(1); int index82_58 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_58); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 59 : int LA82_59 = input.LA(1); int index82_59 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))||synpred51_CFMLTree())) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_59); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 60 : int LA82_60 = input.LA(1); int index82_60 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_60); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 61 : int LA82_61 = input.LA(1); int index82_61 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_61); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 62 : int LA82_62 = input.LA(1); int index82_62 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_62); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 63 : int LA82_63 = input.LA(1); int index82_63 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_63); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 64 : int LA82_64 = input.LA(1); int index82_64 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_64); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 65 : int LA82_65 = input.LA(1); int index82_65 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_65); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 66 : int LA82_66 = input.LA(1); int index82_66 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_66); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 67 : int LA82_67 = input.LA(1); int index82_67 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_67); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 68 : int LA82_68 = input.LA(1); int index82_68 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_68); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 69 : int LA82_69 = input.LA(1); int index82_69 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_69); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 70 : int LA82_70 = input.LA(1); int index82_70 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_70); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 71 : int LA82_71 = input.LA(1); int index82_71 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_71); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 72 : int LA82_72 = input.LA(1); int index82_72 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_72); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 73 : int LA82_73 = input.LA(1); int index82_73 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_73); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 74 : int LA82_74 = input.LA(1); int index82_74 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_74); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 75 : int LA82_75 = input.LA(1); int index82_75 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (synpred51_CFMLTree()) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_75); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 76 : int LA82_76 = input.LA(1); int index82_76 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_76); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 77 : int LA82_77 = input.LA(1); int index82_77 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_77); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 78 : int LA82_78 = input.LA(1); int index82_78 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_78); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 79 : int LA82_79 = input.LA(1); int index82_79 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_79); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 80 : int LA82_80 = input.LA(1); int index82_80 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_80); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 81 : int LA82_81 = input.LA(1); int index82_81 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_81); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 82 : int LA82_82 = input.LA(1); int index82_82 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_82); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 83 : int LA82_83 = input.LA(1); int index82_83 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_83); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 84 : int LA82_84 = input.LA(1); int index82_84 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_84); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 85 : int LA82_85 = input.LA(1); int index82_85 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_85); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 86 : int LA82_86 = input.LA(1); int index82_86 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_86); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 87 : int LA82_87 = input.LA(1); int index82_87 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_87); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 88 : int LA82_88 = input.LA(1); int index82_88 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_88); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 89 : int LA82_89 = input.LA(1); int index82_89 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_89); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 90 : int LA82_90 = input.LA(1); int index82_90 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( (true) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_90); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 91 : int LA82_91 = input.LA(1); int index82_91 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_91); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 92 : int LA82_92 = input.LA(1); int index82_92 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( ((synpred51_CFMLTree()&&(!scriptMode))) ) {s = 103;} else if ( ((!scriptMode)) ) {s = 93;} input.seek(index82_92); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return -1;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 82, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } public static final BitSet FOLLOW_element_in_scriptBlock83 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_scriptBlock95 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_component_in_scriptBlock111 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000200000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_scriptBlock115 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_functionDeclaration_in_element149 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_element161 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMPONENTDECL_in_component193 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_component198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_componentBody_in_component204 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LEFTCURLYBRACKET_in_componentBody233 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_element_in_componentBody239 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFF8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RIGHTCURLYBRACKET_in_componentBody246 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCDECL_in_functionDeclaration276 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_functionAccessType_in_functionDeclaration281 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x05C0060004000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFEL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_functionReturnType_in_functionDeclaration288 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x05C0060000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFEL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_functionDeclaration294 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000000A000000L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_parameterList_in_functionDeclaration298 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_functionAttributes_in_functionDeclaration302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_functionDeclaration306 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PRIVATE_in_functionAccessType328 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PUBLIC_in_functionAccessType336 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_REMOTE_in_functionAccessType344 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PACKAGE_in_functionAccessType352 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCTION_RETURNTYPE_in_functionReturnType373 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_typeSpec_in_functionReturnType377 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE_in_functionAttributes404 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_functionAttributes408 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_functionAttributes412 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_typeSpec444 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_typeSpec454 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFFFFF8000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFFL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_typeSpec460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_typeSpec466 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMPONENT_in_typeSpec488 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCTION_in_typeSpec498 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_typeSpec508 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LEFTCURLYBRACKET_in_compoundStatement539 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_compoundStatement547 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFF8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RIGHTCURLYBRACKET_in_compoundStatement554 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IF_in_statement584 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement588 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_statement592 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0000000000000040L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ELSE_in_statement598 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_statement602 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BREAK_in_statement617 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONTINUE_in_statement627 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_returnStatement_in_statement637 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_WHILE_in_statement649 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement653 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_statement657 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DO_in_statement671 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_statement675 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000800L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_WHILE_in_statement677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement681 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_statement683 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_forStatement_in_statement694 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_switchStatement_in_statement705 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_tryStatement_in_statement715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_statement725 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_tagOperatorStatement_in_statement735 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement747 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RETURN_in_returnStatement773 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF2L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_returnStatement779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TRY_in_tryStatement812 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_tryStatement816 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0000000000110000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_catchStatement_in_tryStatement827 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0000000000110000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_finallyStatement_in_tryStatement837 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CATCH_in_catchStatement868 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_exceptionType_in_catchStatement872 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x05C0060000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFEL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_catchStatement876 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_catchStatement880 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FINALLY_in_finallyStatement901 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_finallyStatement905 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_exceptionType931 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_exceptionType941 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFFFFF8000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFFL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_exceptionType947 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_exceptionType953 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_exceptionType975 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SWITCH_in_switchStatement1005 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_switchStatement1009 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LEFTCURLYBRACKET_in_switchStatement1011 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x00100000000C0000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_caseStatement_in_switchStatement1021 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x00100000000C0000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RIGHTCURLYBRACKET_in_switchStatement1028 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CASE_in_caseStatement1057 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_constantExpression_in_caseStatement1061 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000020000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_caseStatement1063 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF8L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_caseStatement1069 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF8L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_caseStatement1091 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_caseStatement1093 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF8L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_caseStatement1099 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF8L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LEFTPAREN_in_constantExpression1130 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000009200000000L,0x0002000020000000L,0x0000000000000280L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_constantExpression_in_constantExpression1132 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0004000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RIGHTPAREN_in_constantExpression1134 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_constantExpression1142 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000280L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_INTEGER_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1148 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1154 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_INTEGER_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1167 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1185 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BOOLEAN_LITERAL_in_constantExpression1219 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NULL_in_constantExpression1239 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FOR_in_forStatement1287 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1292 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_forStatement1296 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8FDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1301 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_forStatement1305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement1316 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FOR_in_forStatement1329 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_forInKey_in_forStatement1333 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000004000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IN_in_forStatement1335 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1339 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement1343 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FOR_in_forStatement1355 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_VAR_in_forStatement1359 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x05C0060000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFEL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_forStatement1363 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000004000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IN_in_forStatement1365 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_forStatement1369 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_forStatement1373 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_forInKey1397 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_forInKey1413 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFFFFF8000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFFL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_forInKey1419 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_forInKey1425 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_parameter_in_parameterList1471 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_in_parameter1502 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_REQUIRED_in_parameter1507 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x05C0060010000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFEL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_parameterType_in_parameter1514 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x05C0060000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFEL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_parameter1520 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0000000400000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_parameter1523 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_parameter1527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PARAMETER_TYPE_in_parameterType1553 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_typeSpec_in_parameterType1557 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_INCLUDE_in_tagOperatorStatement1582 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1586 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IMPORT_in_tagOperatorStatement1598 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_componentPath_in_tagOperatorStatement1602 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ABORTSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1613 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1618 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_THROWSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1632 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1637 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EXITSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1651 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_tagOperatorStatement1656 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RETHROWSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1669 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PARAMSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1680 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1684 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LOCKSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1695 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1699 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1703 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_THREADSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1714 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1718 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1723 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TRANSACTIONSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1736 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1740 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1745 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SAVECONTENTSTATEMENT_in_tagOperatorStatement1758 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_paramStatementAttributes_in_tagOperatorStatement1762 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0008000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compoundStatement_in_tagOperatorStatement1767 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_paramStatementAttributes1796 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_paramStatementAttributes1800 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_paramStatementAttributes1804 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_expression1837 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_expression1848 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_VARLOCAL_in_localAssignmentExpression1872 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_localAssignmentExpression1876 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0000000400000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_localAssignmentExpression1880 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_localAssignmentExpression1884 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQUALSOP_in_assignmentExpression1910 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1914 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1918 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUSEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1932 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1940 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUSEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1954 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1958 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1962 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAREQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1976 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression1984 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASHEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression1998 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2002 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2006 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MODEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression2020 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2024 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2028 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONCATEQUALS_in_assignmentExpression2042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2046 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_assignmentExpression2050 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ternaryExpression_in_binaryExpression2081 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_localAssignmentExpression_in_binaryExpression2091 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_binaryExpression2101 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IMP_in_binaryExpression2113 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2117 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2121 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQV_in_binaryExpression2135 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2139 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2143 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_XOR_in_binaryExpression2157 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2161 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2165 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_OR_in_binaryExpression2179 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2183 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2187 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_OROPERATOR_in_binaryExpression2201 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2205 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2209 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AND_in_binaryExpression2223 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2227 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2231 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ANDOPERATOR_in_binaryExpression2245 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2249 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2253 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NOT_in_binaryExpression2267 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2271 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NOTOP_in_binaryExpression2284 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2288 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQ_in_binaryExpression2302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2306 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEQ_in_binaryExpression2325 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2329 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2333 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LT_in_binaryExpression2347 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2351 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2355 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LTE_in_binaryExpression2369 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2373 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2377 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GT_in_binaryExpression2391 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2395 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2399 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GTE_in_binaryExpression2413 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2417 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2421 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONTAINS_in_binaryExpression2435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2439 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2443 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOESNOTCONTAIN_in_binaryExpression2457 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2461 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2465 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONCAT_in_binaryExpression2479 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2483 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2487 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUS_in_binaryExpression2501 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2505 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2509 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_binaryExpression2523 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2531 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MOD_in_binaryExpression2545 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2549 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2553 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MODOPERATOR_in_binaryExpression2567 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2571 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2575 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BSLASH_in_binaryExpression2589 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2593 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2597 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_binaryExpression2611 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2615 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2619 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASH_in_binaryExpression2633 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2637 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2641 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_POWER_in_binaryExpression2655 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2659 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_binaryExpression2663 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_unaryExpression_in_binaryExpression2677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_QUESTIONMARK_in_ternaryExpression2700 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_ternaryExpression2704 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000020000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ternaryExpressionOptions_in_ternaryExpression2708 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_ternaryExpressionOptions2732 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_ternaryExpressionOptions2736 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_ternaryExpressionOptions2740 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUS_in_unaryExpression2766 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2770 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_unaryExpression2783 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2787 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUSPLUS_in_unaryExpression2800 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2804 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUSMINUS_in_unaryExpression2817 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2821 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_POSTPLUSPLUS_in_unaryExpression2834 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2838 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_POSTMINUSMINUS_in_unaryExpression2851 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_unaryExpression2855 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_newComponentExpression_in_unaryExpression2868 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_memberExpression2902 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression2906 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFFFFF92007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_primaryExpressionIRW_in_memberExpression2910 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LEFTBRACKET_in_memberExpression2924 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_memberExpression2928 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression2932 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_JAVAMETHODCALL_in_memberExpression2946 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_memberExpression2950 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFFFFF92007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_primaryExpressionIRW_in_memberExpression2954 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFFF8L,0xFFE8EFFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argumentList_in_memberExpression2960 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCTIONCALL_in_memberExpression2976 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_memberExpression2980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFFF8L,0xFFE8EFFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argumentList_in_memberExpression2984 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_memberExpression2995 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3019 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BOOLEAN_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3038 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3056 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_INTEGER_LITERAL_in_primaryExpression3067 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NULL_in_primaryExpression3085 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_implicitArray_in_primaryExpression3114 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_implicitStruct_in_primaryExpression3133 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_primaryExpression3151 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_primaryExpression3174 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier3205 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOES_in_identifier3216 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONTAIN_in_identifier3233 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GREATER_in_identifier3247 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_THAN_in_identifier3261 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LESS_in_identifier3278 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_VAR_in_identifier3295 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_identifier3313 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TO_in_identifier3327 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_INCLUDE_in_identifier3346 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEW_in_identifier3360 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ABORT_in_identifier3378 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_THROW_in_identifier3394 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RETHROW_in_identifier3410 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EXIT_in_identifier3424 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PARAM_in_identifier3441 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_THREAD_in_identifier3457 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LOCK_in_identifier3472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TRANSACTION_in_identifier3489 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SAVECONTENT_in_identifier3499 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PUBLIC_in_identifier3509 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PRIVATE_in_identifier3524 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_REMOTE_in_identifier3538 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PACKAGE_in_identifier3553 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_REQUIRED_in_identifier3567 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_cfscriptKeywords_in_identifier3583 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IF_in_cfscriptKeywords3604 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ELSE_in_cfscriptKeywords3621 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BREAK_in_cfscriptKeywords3636 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONTINUE_in_cfscriptKeywords3650 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCTION_in_cfscriptKeywords3661 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RETURN_in_cfscriptKeywords3672 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_WHILE_in_cfscriptKeywords3685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DO_in_cfscriptKeywords3699 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FOR_in_cfscriptKeywords3716 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IN_in_cfscriptKeywords3732 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TRY_in_cfscriptKeywords3749 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CATCH_in_cfscriptKeywords3765 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SWITCH_in_cfscriptKeywords3779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CASE_in_cfscriptKeywords3792 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_cfscriptKeywords3807 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IMPORT_in_cfscriptKeywords3819 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PROPERTY_in_cfscriptKeywords3832 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMPONENT_in_cfscriptKeywords3843 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_primaryExpressionIRW3866 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_primaryExpressionIRW3879 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONTAINS_in_reservedWord3908 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IS_in_reservedWord3920 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQUAL_in_reservedWord3937 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQ_in_reservedWord3952 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEQ_in_reservedWord3969 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GT_in_reservedWord3985 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LT_in_reservedWord4002 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GTE_in_reservedWord4019 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GE_in_reservedWord4035 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LTE_in_reservedWord4052 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LE_in_reservedWord4068 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NOT_in_reservedWord4085 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AND_in_reservedWord4101 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_OR_in_reservedWord4117 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_XOR_in_reservedWord4134 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQV_in_reservedWord4150 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IMP_in_reservedWord4166 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MOD_in_reservedWord4182 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NULL_in_reservedWord4198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TO_in_reservedWord4213 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQUALS_in_reservedWord4230 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_cfscriptKeywords_in_reservedWord4243 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IMPLICITARRAY_in_implicitArray4266 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_implicitArray4280 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF8L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IMPLICITSTRUCT_in_implicitStruct4309 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_implicitStructExpression_in_implicitStruct4332 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000400L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_138_in_implicitStruct4345 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000020400000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_implicitStructExpression_in_implicitStruct4349 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L,0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000400L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_implicitStructExpression4391 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_implicitStructKeyExpression_in_implicitStructExpression4403 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_implicitStructExpression4407 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_implicitStructExpression4419 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_implicitStructExpression4431 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_implicitStructExpression4435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4464 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFFFFF8000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFFL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4478 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4484 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_implicitStructKeyExpression4499 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argument_in_argumentList4528 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF2L,0xFFE8EFFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EMPTYARGS_in_argumentList4540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_argument4562 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_argument4566 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_argument4570 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_argument4581 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEW_in_newComponentExpression4605 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_componentPath_in_newComponentExpression4609 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0002000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LEFTPAREN_in_newComponentExpression4611 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFFF8L,0xFFE8EFFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argumentList_in_newComponentExpression4615 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_componentPath4643 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_componentPath4653 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_componentPath4663 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x05C0060000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFEL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_componentPath4667 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred14_CFMLTree460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred16_CFMLTree444 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_synpred16_CFMLTree454 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFFFFF8000000000L,0xFFE00000000FFFFFL,0x000000000000003FL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred16_CFMLTree460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_reservedWord_in_synpred16_CFMLTree466 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMPONENT_in_synpred17_CFMLTree488 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNCTION_in_synpred18_CFMLTree498 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred19_CFMLTree547 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BREAK_in_synpred22_CFMLTree617 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CONTINUE_in_synpred23_CFMLTree627 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_returnStatement_in_synpred24_CFMLTree637 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred32_CFMLTree779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred35_CFMLTree947 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred39_CFMLTree1069 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred41_CFMLTree1099 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred51_CFMLTree1310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FOR_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1287 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1292 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1296 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8FDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1301 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred52_CFMLTree1316 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FOR_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1329 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_forInKey_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1333 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000004000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IN_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1335 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1339 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred53_CFMLTree1343 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred54_CFMLTree1419 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_binaryExpression_in_synpred77_CFMLTree1837 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUS_in_synpred106_CFMLTree2501 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred106_CFMLTree2505 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred106_CFMLTree2509 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_synpred107_CFMLTree2523 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred107_CFMLTree2527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xFFE5D792007FFEF0L,0xFFE8EDFDFFEFFFFFL,0x00000000000002BFL}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_memberExpression_in_synpred107_CFMLTree2531 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argumentList_in_synpred122_CFMLTree2960 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_synpred140_CFMLTree3313 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_primaryExpression_in_synpred175_CFMLTree3866 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_identifier_in_synpred203_CFMLTree4478 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); }