package org.nutz.resource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.nutz.castor.Castors; import org.nutz.lang.Encoding; import org.nutz.lang.Lang; import org.nutz.lang.Stopwatch; import org.nutz.lang.Streams; import org.nutz.lang.util.ClassTools; import org.nutz.lang.util.Disks; import org.nutz.lang.util.FileVisitor; import org.nutz.log.Log; import org.nutz.log.Logs; import org.nutz.resource.impl.ErrorResourceLocation; import org.nutz.resource.impl.FileResource; import org.nutz.resource.impl.FileSystemResourceLocation; import org.nutz.resource.impl.JarResource; import org.nutz.resource.impl.JarResourceLocation; import org.nutz.resource.impl.ResourceLocation; import org.nutz.resource.impl.SimpleResource; import org.nutz.resource.impl.WebClassesResourceLocation; /** * 资源扫描的帮助函数集 * * @author zozoh( * @author wendal( */ public class Scans { private static final String FLT_CLASS = "^.+[.]class$"; private static final Log log = Logs.get(); private static Scans me = new Scans(); private Map<String, ResourceLocation> locations = new LinkedHashMap<String, ResourceLocation>(); // 通过/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF等标记文件,获知所有jar文件的路径 protected String[] referPaths = new String[]{ "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "", ".nutz.resource.mark"}; /** * 在Web环境中使用Nutz的任何功能,都应该先调用这个方法,以初始化资源扫描器 * <p/> * 调用一次就可以了 */ public Scans init(final ServletContext sc) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.begin(); // 获取classes文件夹的路径, 优先级为125 String classesPath = sc.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/classes"); if (classesPath == null) addResourceLocation(new WebClassesResourceLocation(sc)); else { ResourceLocation rc = ResourceLocation.file(new File(classesPath)); if (rc instanceof FileSystemResourceLocation) ((FileSystemResourceLocation)rc).priority = 125; addResourceLocation(rc); } // 获取lib文件夹中的全部jar, 优先级是50 Set<String> jars = sc.getResourcePaths("/WEB-INF/lib/"); if (jars != null) {// 这个文件夹不一定存在,尤其是Maven的WebApp项目 for (String path : jars) { if (!path.endsWith(".jar")) continue; try { addResourceLocation(new JarResourceLocation(sc.getResource(path))); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("parse jar fail >> " + e.getMessage()); } } } sw.stop(); printLocations(sw); return this; } public List<NutResource> loadResource(String regex, String... paths) { List<NutResource> list = new LinkedList<NutResource>(); for (String path : paths) { list.addAll(scan(path, regex)); } // 如果找不到? if (list.size() < 1 && paths.length > 0) throw Lang.makeThrow( RuntimeException.class, "folder or file like '%s' no found in %s", regex,; return list; } public void registerLocation(Class<?> klass) { if (klass == null) return; try { registerLocation(klass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation()); } catch (Throwable e) { // Android上会死 String classFile = klass.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL url = ClassTools.getClassLoader().getResource(classFile); if (url != null) { // 基本上不可能为null String str = url.toString(); try { str = URLDecoder.decode(str, Encoding.UTF8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { throw Lang.impossible(); } str = str.substring(0, str.length() - classFile.length()); try { registerLocation(new URL(str)); } catch (Throwable e2) { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Fail to registerLocation --> " + str, e); } } } } public void registerLocation(URL url) { if (url == null) return; addResourceLocation(makeResourceLocation(url)); } protected ResourceLocation makeResourceLocation(URL url) { try { String str = url.toString(); if (str.endsWith(".jar")) { return new JarResourceLocation(url); } else if (str.contains("jar!")) { if (str.startsWith("jar:file:")) { str = str.substring("jar:file:".length()); } return ResourceLocation.jar(str.substring(0, str.lastIndexOf("jar!") + 3)); } else if (str.startsWith("file:")) { return ResourceLocation.file(new File(url.getFile())); } else { if (str.startsWith("jar:file:")) return ResourceLocation.jar(str.substring(str.indexOf('!'))); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Unkown URL " + url); //return ResourceLocation.file(new File(url.toURI())); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Fail to registerLocation --> " + url, e); } return ErrorResourceLocation.make(url); } public List<NutResource> scan(String src) { return scan(src, null); } /** * 在磁盘目录或者 CLASSPATH(包括 jar) 中搜索资源 * <p/> * <b>核心方法</b> * * @param src * 起始路径 * @param regex * 资源名需要匹配的正则表达式 * @return 资源列表 */ public List<NutResource> scan(String src, String regex) { if (src.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("emtry src is NOT allow"); if ("/".equals(src)) throw new RuntimeException("root path is NOT allow"); List<NutResource> list = new ArrayList<NutResource>(); Pattern pattern = regex == null ? null : Pattern.compile(regex); // 先看看是不是文件系统上一个具体的文件 if (src.startsWith("~/")) src = Disks.normalize(src); File srcFile = new File(src); if (srcFile.exists()) { if (srcFile.isDirectory()) { Disks.visitFile(srcFile, new ResourceFileVisitor(list, src, 250), new ResourceFileFilter(pattern)); } else { list.add(new FileResource(src, srcFile).setPriority(250)); } } for (ResourceLocation location : locations.values()) { location.scan(src, pattern, list); } // 如果啥都没找到,那么,用增强扫描 if (list.isEmpty()) { try { Enumeration<URL> enu = ClassTools.getClassLoader().getResources(src); if (enu != null && enu.hasMoreElements()) { while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { try { URL url = enu.nextElement(); ResourceLocation loc = makeResourceLocation(url); if (url.toString().contains("jar!")) loc.scan(src, pattern, list); else loc.scan("", pattern, list); } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("", e); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Fail to run deep scan!", e); } // 依然是空? if (list.isEmpty()) { try { InputStream ins = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(src); if (ins != null) { list.add(new SimpleResource(src, src, ins)); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } List<NutResource> _list = new ArrayList<NutResource>(); OUT: for (NutResource nr : list) { Iterator<NutResource> it = _list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { NutResource nr2 =; if (nr.equals(nr2)) { if (nr.priority > nr2.priority) { it.remove(); } else { continue OUT; } } } _list.add(nr); } list = _list; Collections.sort(list); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debugf("Found %s resource by src( %s ) , regex( %s )", list.size(), src, regex); return list; } public List<Class<?>> scanPackage(Class<?> classZ) { return scanPackage(classZ.getPackage().getName(), FLT_CLASS); } public List<Class<?>> scanPackage(Class<?> classZ, String regex) { return scanPackage(classZ.getPackage().getName(), regex); } /** * 搜索并返回给定包下所有的类(递归) * * @param pkg * 包名或者包路径 */ public List<Class<?>> scanPackage(String pkg) { return scanPackage(pkg, FLT_CLASS); } /** * 搜索给定包下所有的类(递归),并返回所有符合正则式描述的类 * * @param pkg * 包名或者包路径 * @param regex * 正则表达式,请注意你需要匹配的名称为 'xxxx.class' 而不仅仅是类名,从而保证选出的对象都是类文件 */ public List<Class<?>> scanPackage(String pkg, String regex) { String packagePath = pkg.replace('.', '/').replace('\\', '/'); if (!packagePath.endsWith("/")) packagePath += "/"; return rs2class(pkg, scan(packagePath, regex)); } public static boolean isInJar(File file) { return isInJar(file.getAbsolutePath()); } public static boolean isInJar(String filePath) { return filePath.contains(".jar!"); } public static NutResource makeJarNutResource(File file) { return makeJarNutResource(file.getAbsolutePath()); } public static NutResource makeJarNutResource(String filePath) { JarEntryInfo jeInfo = new JarEntryInfo(filePath); try { ZipInputStream zis = makeZipInputStream(jeInfo.getJarPath()); ZipEntry ens = null; while (null != (ens = zis.getNextEntry())) { if (ens.isDirectory()) continue; if (jeInfo.getEntryName().equals(ens.getName())) { return makeJarNutResource(jeInfo.getJarPath(), ens.getName(), ""); } } } catch (IOException e) {} return null; } public static NutResource makeJarNutResource( final String jarPath, final String entryName, final String base) throws IOException { NutResource nutResource = new JarResource(jarPath, entryName); if (entryName.equals(base)) nutResource.setName(entryName); else nutResource.setName(entryName.substring(base.length())); nutResource.setSource(jarPath + ":" + entryName); return nutResource; } public static ZipInputStream makeZipInputStream(String jarPath) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { ZipInputStream zis = null; try { zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarPath)); } catch (IOException e) { zis = new ZipInputStream(new URL(jarPath).openStream()); } return zis; } public static final Scans me() { return me; } /** * 将一组 NutResource 转换成 class 对象 * * @param packagePath * 包前缀 * @param list * 列表 * @return 类对象列表 */ private static List<Class<?>> rs2class(String pkg, List<NutResource> list) { Set<Class<?>> re = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(list.size()); if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (NutResource nr : list) { if (!nr.getName().endsWith(".class") || nr.getName().endsWith("package-info.class")) { continue; } // Class快速载入 String className = pkg + "." + nr.getName().substring(0, nr.getName().length() - 6).replaceAll("[/\\\\]", "."); try { Class<?> klass = Lang.loadClass(className); re.add(klass); continue; } catch (Throwable e) {} // 失败了? 尝试终极方法,当然了,慢多了 InputStream in = null; try { in = nr.getInputStream(); className = ClassTools.getClassName(in); if (className == null) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.infof("Resource can't map to Class, Resource %s", nr); continue; } Class<?> klass = Lang.loadClass(className); re.add(klass); } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Resource can't map to Class, Resource " + nr.getName()); } finally { Streams.safeClose(in); } } } return new ArrayList<Class<?>>(re); } public static class ResourceFileFilter implements FileFilter { public boolean accept(File f) { if (f.isDirectory()) { String fnm = f.getName().toLowerCase(); // 忽略 SVN 和 CVS 文件,还有Git文件 if (".svn".equals(fnm) || ".cvs".equals(fnm) || ".git".equals(fnm)) return false; return true; } if (f.isHidden()) return false; return pattern == null || pattern.matcher(f.getName()).find(); } private Pattern pattern; public ResourceFileFilter(Pattern pattern) { super(); this.pattern = pattern; } } public static class ResourceFileVisitor implements FileVisitor { public void visit(File f) { list.add(new FileResource(base, f).setPriority(priority)); } String base; List<NutResource> list; int priority; public ResourceFileVisitor(List<NutResource> list, String base, int priority) { super(); this.list = list; this.base = base; this.priority = priority; } } protected Scans() { if (Lang.isAndroid) { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Running in Android , so nothing I can scan , just disable myself"); return; } Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.begin(); // 当前文件夹 try { FileSystemResourceLocation rc = new FileSystemResourceLocation(new File(".").getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile()); rc.priority = 200; addResourceLocation(rc); } catch (Throwable e) { } // 推测一下nutz自身所在的位置 //registerLocation(Nutz.class); ClassLoader cloader = ClassTools.getClassLoader(); for (String referPath : referPaths) { try { Enumeration<URL> urls = cloader.getResources(referPath); while (urls.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = urls.nextElement(); String url_str = url.toString(); if (url_str.contains("jar!")) { String tmp = url_str.substring(0, url_str.lastIndexOf("jar!") + 3); if (tmp.startsWith("jar:")) tmp = tmp.substring("jar:".length()); if (tmp.startsWith("file:/")) tmp = tmp.substring("file:/".length()); if (tmp.contains("tomcat")) continue; if (tmp.contains("Java")) continue; //jars.add(tmp); } else registerLocation(new URL(url_str.substring(0, url_str.length() - referPath.length()))); } } catch (IOException e) {} } // 把ClassPath也扫描一下 try { String classpath = System.getProperties().getProperty("java.class.path"); String[] paths = classpath.split(System.getProperties().getProperty("path.separator")); for (String pathZ : paths) { if (pathZ.endsWith(".jar")) addResourceLocation(ResourceLocation.jar(pathZ)); else addResourceLocation(ResourceLocation.file(new File(pathZ))); } } catch (Throwable e) { } sw.stop(); printLocations(sw); } public void addResourceLocation(ResourceLocation loc) { locations.put(, loc); } protected void printLocations(Stopwatch sw) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debugf("Locations count=%d time use %sms", locations.size(), sw.du()); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ResourceLocation rc : locations.values()) { sb.append('\t').append(rc.toString()).append("\r\n"); } log.trace("Locations for Scans:\n" + sb); } } }