package org.nutz.json.impl; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import org.nutz.json.AbstractJsonEntityFieldMaker; import org.nutz.json.JsonException; import org.nutz.json.JsonField; import org.nutz.json.entity.JsonEntityField; import org.nutz.lang.Lang; import org.nutz.lang.Mirror; import org.nutz.lang.Strings; import org.nutz.lang.util.Callback; import org.nutz.lang.util.Callback3; /** * DefaultJsonEntityFieldMaker * * @author 幸福的旁边( */ public class JsonEntityFieldMakerImpl extends AbstractJsonEntityFieldMaker { @Override public JsonEntityField make(Mirror<?> mirror, Field field) { return JsonEntityField.eval(mirror, field); } @Override public JsonEntityField make(Mirror<?> mirror, final Method method) { final JsonField jf = method.getAnnotation(JsonField.class); // 忽略方法 if (null == jf || jf.ignore()) return null; final JsonEntityField[] result = new JsonEntityField[1]; // 如果有,尝试作新的 Entity Callback<Method> whenError = new Callback<Method>() { // 给定方法即不是 getter 也不是 setter,靠!玩我! public void invoke(Method m) { throw Lang.makeThrow(JsonException.class, "JsonField '%s' should be getter/setter pair!", m); } }; Callback3<String, Method, Method> whenOk = new Callback3<String, Method, Method>() { public void invoke(String name, Method getter, Method setter) { // 防止错误 if (null == getter || null == setter || Strings.isBlank(name)) { throw Lang.makeThrow(JsonException.class, "JsonField '%s' should be getter/setter pair!", method); } // 加入字段表 JsonEntityField ef = JsonEntityField.eval(Strings.sBlank(jf.value(), name), getter, setter); result[0] = ef; } }; Mirror.evalGetterSetter(method, whenOk, whenError); return result[0]; } }