package org.nutz.filepool; import; import; import; import org.nutz.lang.Files; import org.nutz.lang.Lang; import org.nutz.lang.util.Disks; import org.nutz.log.Log; import org.nutz.log.Logs; public class NutFilePool implements FilePool { private static final Log log = Logs.get(); public NutFilePool(String homePath) { this(homePath, 0); } public NutFilePool(String homePath, long size) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.infof("Init file-pool by: %s [%s]", homePath, size); } this.size = size; this.home = Files.createDirIfNoExists(homePath); if (!home.isDirectory()) throw Lang.makeThrow( "Path error '%s'! ,You must declare a real directory as the '%s' home folder.", homePath, this.getClass().getName()); home = new File(Disks.normalize(homePath)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debugf("file-pool.home: '%s'", home.getAbsolutePath()); } File last = home; String[] subs = null; while (last.isDirectory()) { subs = last.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.matches("^([\\d|A-F]{2})([.][a-zA-Z]{1,})?$"); } }); if (null != subs && subs.length > 0) { String lastName = "00"; for (String sub : subs) { if (sub.compareTo(lastName) > 0) { lastName = sub; } } last = new File(last.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + lastName); if (last.isFile()) { cursor = Pools.getFileId(home, last); break; } } else { break; } } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.infof("file-pool.cursor: %s", cursor); } private File home; private long cursor; private long size; public void clear() { Files.deleteDir(home); Files.makeDir(home); cursor = 0; } public File createFile(String suffix) { if (size > 0 && cursor >= size) cursor = -1; long id = ++cursor; if (size > 0 && id >= size) Lang.makeThrow("Id (%d) is out of range (%d)", id, size); File re = Pools.getFileById(home, id, suffix); if (!re.exists()) try { Files.createNewFile(re); } catch (IOException e) { throw Lang.wrapThrow(e); } return re; } public long current() { return cursor; } public long getFileId(File f) { try { return Pools.getFileId(home, f); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } public File removeFile(long fId, String suffix) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, suffix); Files.deleteFile(f); return f; } public boolean hasFile(long fId, String suffix) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, suffix); return f.exists(); } public File getFile(long fId, String suffix) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, suffix); if (!f.exists()) return null; return f; } public File returnFile(long fId, String suffix) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, suffix); if (!f.exists()) try { Files.createNewFile(f); } catch (IOException e) { throw Lang.wrapThrow(e); } return f; } public File createDir() { if (size > 0 && cursor >= size) cursor = -1; long id = ++cursor; if (size > 0 && id >= size) Lang.makeThrow("Id (%d) is out of range (%d)", id, size); return Files.createDirIfNoExists(Pools.getFilePathById(home, id, null)); } public File removeDir(long fId) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, null); if (f.isDirectory()) { Files.deleteDir(f); } else { Files.deleteFile(f); } return f; } public boolean hasDir(long fId) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, null); return f.exists(); } public File getDir(long fId) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, null); if (!f.exists()) return null; return f; } public File returnDir(long fId) { File f = Pools.getFileById(home, fId, null); if (!f.exists()) Files.makeDir(f); return f; } }