package org.nutz.mvc.impl; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.nutz.lang.Lang; import org.nutz.lang.Strings; import org.nutz.log.Log; import org.nutz.log.Logs; import org.nutz.mvc.ActionChain; import org.nutz.mvc.ActionContext; /** * 根据 HTTP 请求的方法 (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE) 来调用响应的动作链 * * @author zozoh( */ public class ActionInvoker { private static final Log log = Logs.get(); private ActionChain defaultChain; private Map<String, ActionChain> chainMap; public ActionInvoker() { chainMap = new HashMap<String, ActionChain>(); } /** * 增加 ActionChain * * @param httpMethod * HTTP 的请求方法 (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE),如果为空,则会抛错 * @param chain * 动作链 */ public void addChain(String httpMethod, ActionChain chain) { if (Strings.isBlank(httpMethod)) throw Lang.makeThrow("chain need a valid HTTP Method, but is is '%s'", httpMethod); ActionChain old = chainMap.put(httpMethod.toUpperCase(), chain); if (old != null) { log.warnf("Duplicate @At mapping with same HttpMethod"); } } public void setDefaultChain(ActionChain defaultChain) { this.defaultChain = defaultChain; } /** * 根据动作链上下文对象,调用一个相应的动作链 * * @param ac * 动作链上下文 * @return true- 成功的找到一个动作链并执行。 false- 没有找到动作链 */ public boolean invoke(ActionContext ac) { ActionChain chain = getActionChain(ac); if (chain == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debugf("Not chain for req (path=%s, method=%s)", ac.getPath(), ac.getRequest().getMethod()); return false; } chain.doChain(ac); return ac.getBoolean(ActionContext.AC_DONE, true); } public ActionChain getActionChain(ActionContext ac) { String httpMethod = ""; if (!chainMap.isEmpty()) { HttpServletRequest req = ac.getRequest(); httpMethod = Strings.sNull(req.getMethod(), "GET").toUpperCase(); ActionChain chain = chainMap.get(httpMethod); // 找到了特殊HTTP方法的处理动作链 if (null != chain) { return chain; } } // 这个 URL 所有的HTTP方法用统一的动作链处理 if (null != defaultChain) { return defaultChain; } if (chainMap.size() != 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debugf("Path=[%s] available methods%s but request [%s], using the wrong http method?", ac.getPath(), chainMap.keySet(), httpMethod); } // 否则将认为不能处理 return null; } }