package org.nutz.mvc.impl; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.nutz.Nutz; import org.nutz.ioc.Ioc; import org.nutz.ioc.Ioc2; import org.nutz.ioc.loader.annotation.IocBean; import org.nutz.json.Json; import org.nutz.json.JsonFormat; import org.nutz.lang.Encoding; import org.nutz.lang.Lang; import org.nutz.lang.Mirror; import org.nutz.lang.Stopwatch; import org.nutz.lang.Strings; import org.nutz.lang.util.Context; import org.nutz.log.Log; import org.nutz.log.Logs; import org.nutz.mvc.ActionChainMaker; import org.nutz.mvc.ActionInfo; import org.nutz.mvc.Loading; import org.nutz.mvc.LoadingException; import org.nutz.mvc.MessageLoader; import org.nutz.mvc.Mvcs; import org.nutz.mvc.NutConfig; import org.nutz.mvc.SessionProvider; import org.nutz.mvc.Setup; import org.nutz.mvc.UrlMapping; import org.nutz.mvc.ViewMaker; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.At; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.ChainBy; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.IocBy; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.Localization; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.SessionBy; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.SetupBy; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.UrlMappingBy; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.Views; import org.nutz.mvc.view.DefaultViewMaker; public class NutLoading implements Loading { private static final Log log = Logs.get(); public UrlMapping load(NutConfig config) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.infof("Nutz Version : %s ", Nutz.version()); log.infof("Nutz.Mvc[%s] is initializing ...", config.getAppName()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { Properties sys = System.getProperties(); log.debug("Web Container Information:"); log.debugf(" - Default Charset : %s", Encoding.defaultEncoding()); log.debugf(" - Current . path : %s", new File(".").getAbsolutePath()); log.debugf(" - Java Version : %s", sys.get("java.version")); log.debugf(" - File separator : %s", sys.get("file.separator")); log.debugf(" - Timezone : %s", sys.get("user.timezone")); log.debugf(" - OS : %s %s", sys.get(""), sys.get("os.arch")); log.debugf(" - ServerInfo : %s", config.getServletContext().getServerInfo()); log.debugf(" - Servlet API : %d.%d", config.getServletContext().getMajorVersion(), config.getServletContext().getMinorVersion()); if (config.getServletContext().getMajorVersion() > 2 || config.getServletContext().getMinorVersion() > 4) log.debugf(" - ContextPath : %s", config.getServletContext().getContextPath()); log.debugf(" - context.tempdir : %s", config.getAttribute("javax.servlet.context.tempdir")); log.debugf(" - MainModule : %s", config.getMainModule().getName()); } /* * 准备返回值 */ UrlMapping mapping; Ioc ioc = null; /* * 准备计时 */ Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.begin(); try { /* * 检查主模块,调用本函数前,已经确保过有声明 MainModule 了 */ Class<?> mainModule = config.getMainModule(); /* * 创建上下文 */ createContext(config); /* * 检查 Ioc 容器并创建和保存它 */ ioc = createIoc(config, mainModule); /* * 组装UrlMapping */ mapping = evalUrlMapping(config, mainModule, ioc); /* * 分析本地化字符串 */ evalLocalization(config, mainModule); // 初始化SessionProvider createSessionProvider(config, mainModule); /* * 执行用户自定义 Setup */ evalSetup(config, mainModule); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("Error happend during start serivce!", e); if (ioc != null) { log.error("try to depose ioc"); try { ioc.depose(); } catch (Throwable e2) { log.error("error when depose ioc", e); } } throw Lang.wrapThrow(e, LoadingException.class); } // ~ Done ^_^ sw.stop(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.infof("Nutz.Mvc[%s] is up in %sms", config.getAppName(), sw.getDuration()); return mapping; } protected UrlMapping evalUrlMapping(NutConfig config, Class<?> mainModule, Ioc ioc) throws Exception { /* * @ TODO 个人建议可以将这个方法所涉及的内容转换到Loadings类或相应的组装类中, * 以便将本类加以隔离,使本的职责仅限于MVC整体的初使化,而不再负责UrlMapping的加载 */ /* * 准备 UrlMapping */ UrlMapping mapping = createUrlMapping(config); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.infof("Build URL mapping by %s ...", mapping.getClass().getName()); /* * 创建视图工厂 */ ViewMaker[] makers = createViewMakers(mainModule, ioc); /* * 创建动作链工厂 */ ActionChainMaker maker = createChainMaker(config, mainModule); /* * 创建主模块的配置信息 */ ActionInfo mainInfo = Loadings.createInfo(mainModule); /* * 准备要加载的模块列表 */ // TODO 为什么用Set呢? 用List不是更快吗? Set<Class<?>> modules = Loadings.scanModules(ioc, mainModule); if (modules.isEmpty()) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("None module classes found!!!"); } int atMethods = 0; /* * 分析所有的子模块 */ for (Class<?> module : modules) { ActionInfo moduleInfo = Loadings.createInfo(module).mergeWith(mainInfo); for (Method method : module.getMethods()) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) || method.isBridge()) continue; if (Mirror.getAnnotationDeep(method, At.class) == null) continue; // 增加到映射中 ActionInfo info = Loadings.createInfo(method).mergeWith(moduleInfo); info.setViewMakers(makers); mapping.add(maker, info, config); atMethods++; } // 记录pathMap if (null != moduleInfo.getPathMap()) { for (Entry<String, String> en : moduleInfo.getPathMap().entrySet()) { config.getAtMap().add(en.getKey(), en.getValue()); } } } if (atMethods == 0) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("None @At found in any modules class!!"); } else { log.infof("Found %d module methods", atMethods); } config.setUrlMapping(mapping); config.setActionChainMaker(maker); config.setViewMakers(makers); return mapping; } protected void createContext(NutConfig config) { // 构建一个上下文对象,方便子类获取更多的环境信息 // 同时,所有 Filter 和 Adaptor 都可以用 ${app.root} 来填充自己 Context context = Lang.context(); String appRoot = config.getAppRoot(); context.set("app.root", appRoot); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debugf(">> app.root = %s", appRoot); } // 载入环境变量 for (Entry<String, String> entry : System.getenv().entrySet()) context.set("env." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); // 载入系统变量 for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : System.getProperties().entrySet()) context.set("sys." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.tracef(">>\nCONTEXT %s", Json.toJson(context, JsonFormat.nice())); } config.getServletContext().setAttribute(Loading.CONTEXT_NAME, context); } protected UrlMapping createUrlMapping(NutConfig config) throws Exception { UrlMappingBy umb = config.getMainModule().getAnnotation(UrlMappingBy.class); if (umb != null) return Loadings.evalObj(config, umb.value(), umb.args()); return new UrlMappingImpl(); } protected ActionChainMaker createChainMaker(NutConfig config, Class<?> mainModule) { ChainBy ann = mainModule.getAnnotation(ChainBy.class); ActionChainMaker maker = null == ann ? new NutActionChainMaker(new String[]{}) : Loadings.evalObj(config, ann.type(), ann.args()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debugf("@ChainBy(%s)", maker.getClass().getName()); return maker; } protected void evalSetup(NutConfig config, Class<?> mainModule) throws Exception { SetupBy sb = mainModule.getAnnotation(SetupBy.class); if (null != sb) { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Setup application..."); Setup setup = Loadings.evalObj(config, sb.value(), sb.args()); config.setAttributeIgnoreNull(Setup.class.getName(), setup); setup.init(config); } else if (config.getIoc() != null && config.getIoc().has(Setup.IOCNAME)) { String[] names = config.getIoc().getNames(); Arrays.sort(names); boolean flag = true; for (String name : names) { if (name != null && name.startsWith(Setup.IOCNAME)) { if (flag) { flag = false; if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Setup application..."); } log.debug("load Setup from Ioc by name=" + Setup.IOCNAME); Setup setup = config.getIoc().get(Setup.class, Setup.IOCNAME); config.setAttributeIgnoreNull(Setup.class.getName(), setup); setup.init(config); } } } else if (Setup.class.isAssignableFrom(mainModule)) { // MainModule自己就实现了Setup接口呢? Setup setup = (Setup); config.setAttributeIgnoreNull(Setup.class.getName(), setup); setup.init(config); } } protected void evalLocalization(NutConfig config, Class<?> mainModule) { Localization lc = mainModule.getAnnotation(Localization.class); if (null != lc) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debugf("Localization: %s('%s') %s dft<%s>", lc.type().getName(), lc.value(), Strings.isBlank(lc.beanName()) ? "" : "$ioc->" + lc.beanName(), lc.defaultLocalizationKey()); MessageLoader msgLoader = null; // 通过 Ioc 方式加载 MessageLoader ... if (!Strings.isBlank(lc.beanName())) { msgLoader = config.getIoc().get(lc.type(), lc.beanName()); } // 普通方式加载 else { msgLoader =; } // 加载数据 Map<String, Map<String, Object>> msgss = msgLoader.load(lc.value()); // 保存消息 Map Mvcs.setMessageSet(msgss); // 如果有声明默认语言 ... if (!Strings.isBlank(lc.defaultLocalizationKey())) Mvcs.setDefaultLocalizationKey(lc.defaultLocalizationKey()); } // 否则记录一下 else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("@Localization not define"); } } protected ViewMaker[] createViewMakers(Class<?> mainModule, Ioc ioc) throws Exception { Views vms = mainModule.getAnnotation(Views.class); List<ViewMaker> makers = new ArrayList<ViewMaker>(); if (null != vms) { for (int i = 0; i < vms.value().length; i++) { if (vms.value()[i].getAnnotation(IocBean.class) != null && ioc != null) { makers.add(ioc.get(vms.value()[i])); } else { makers.add([i]).born()); } } } else { if (ioc != null) { String[] names = ioc.getNames(); Arrays.sort(names); for (String name : ioc.getNames()) { if (name != null && name.startsWith(ViewMaker.IOCNAME)) { log.debug("add ViewMaker from Ioc by name=" + name); makers.add(ioc.get(ViewMaker.class, name)); } } } } makers.add(new DefaultViewMaker());// 优先使用用户自定义 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ViewMaker maker : makers) { sb.append(maker.getClass().getSimpleName()).append(".class,"); } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); log.debugf("@Views(%s)", sb); } return makers.toArray(new ViewMaker[makers.size()]); } protected Ioc createIoc(NutConfig config, Class<?> mainModule) throws Exception { IocBy ib = mainModule.getAnnotation(IocBy.class); if (null != ib) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debugf("@IocBy(type=%s, args=%s,init=%s)", ib.type().getName(), Json.toJson(ib.args()), Json.toJson(ib.init())); Ioc ioc =, ib.args()); // 如果是 Ioc2 的实现,增加新的 ValueMaker if (ioc instanceof Ioc2) { ((Ioc2) ioc).addValueProxyMaker(new ServletValueProxyMaker(config.getServletContext())); } // 如果给定了 Ioc 的初始化,则依次调用 for (String objName : ib.init()) { ioc.get(null, objName); } // 保存 Ioc 对象 Mvcs.setIoc(ioc); return ioc; } else if (log.isInfoEnabled())"!!!Your application without @IocBy supporting"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"all"}) protected void createSessionProvider(NutConfig config, Class<?> mainModule) throws Exception { SessionBy sb = mainModule.getAnnotation(SessionBy.class); if (sb != null) { SessionProvider sp = null; if (sb.args() != null && sb.args().length == 1 && sb.args()[0].startsWith("ioc:")) sp = config.getIoc().get(sb.value(), sb.args()[0].substring(4)); else sp =[])sb.args()); if (log.isInfoEnabled())"SessionBy --> " + sp); config.setSessionProvider(sp); } } public void depose(NutConfig config) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.infof("Nutz.Mvc[%s] is deposing ...", config.getAppName()); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.begin(); // Firstly, upload the user customized desctroy try { Setup setup = config.getAttributeAs(Setup.class, Setup.class.getName()); if (null != setup) setup.destroy(config); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoadingException(e); } finally { SessionProvider sp = config.getSessionProvider(); if (sp != null) sp.notifyStop(); // If the application has Ioc, depose it Ioc ioc = config.getIoc(); if (null != ioc) ioc.depose(); } // Done, print info sw.stop(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.infof("Nutz.Mvc[%s] is down in %sms", config.getAppName(), sw.getDuration()); } }