/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. * * (C) 2009 @author Red Hat Middleware LLC */ package org.jboss.jbossts.txbridge.outbound; import com.arjuna.wst.UnknownTransactionException; import org.jboss.jbossts.txbridge.utils.txbridgeLogger; import org.jboss.jbossts.xts.bridge.at.BridgeWrapper; import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource; import javax.transaction.xa.Xid; import javax.transaction.xa.XAException; import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.Uid; import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.TwoPhaseOutcome; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Provides method call mapping between JTA parent coordinator and WS-AT subordinate transaction. * * @author jonathan.halliday@redhat.com, 2009-02-10 */ public class BridgeXAResource implements XAResource, Serializable { // Design note: Given the way JBossTS is designed, we could subclass AbstractRecord rather than // implementing XAResource, but this design is more standards friendly and thus portable. private static final List<BridgeXAResource> xaResourcesAwaitingRecovery = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<BridgeXAResource>()); private transient volatile BridgeWrapper bridgeWrapper; private volatile Uid externalTxId; // JTA i.e. parent id private volatile String bridgeWrapperId; // XTS i.e. subordinate. private transient volatile boolean isAwaitingRecovery = false; /** * Create a new XAResource which wraps the subordinate WS-AT transaction. * * @param externalTxId the parent JTA transaction identifier. * @param bridgeWrapper the control for the subordinate WS-AT transaction. */ public BridgeXAResource(Uid externalTxId, BridgeWrapper bridgeWrapper) { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXARresource.<ctor>(TxId="+externalTxId+", BridgeWrapper="+bridgeWrapper+")"); this.externalTxId = externalTxId; this.bridgeWrapper = bridgeWrapper; bridgeWrapperId = bridgeWrapper.getIdentifier(); } /** * Serialization hook. Gathers and writes information needed for transaction recovery. * * @param out the stream to which the object state is serialized. * @throws java.io.IOException if serialization fails. */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.writeObject() for tx id="+externalTxId); //out.defaultWriteObject(); out.writeObject(externalTxId); out.writeObject(bridgeWrapperId); } /** * Deserialization hook. Unpacks transaction recovery information and uses it to * recover the subordinate transaction. * * @param in the stream from which to unpack the object state. * @throws IOException if deserialzation and recovery fail. * @throws ClassNotFoundException if deserialzation fails. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.readObject()"); //in.defaultReadObject(); externalTxId = (Uid)in.readObject(); bridgeWrapperId = (String)in.readObject(); // this readObject method executes only when a log is being read at recovery time: isAwaitingRecovery = true; synchronized(xaResourcesAwaitingRecovery) { xaResourcesAwaitingRecovery.add(this); } try { bridgeWrapper = BridgeWrapper.recover(bridgeWrapperId); // rollback and commit will deal with bridgeWrapper == null cases via ensureRecoveryIsDoneIfNeeded } catch(UnknownTransactionException unknownTransactionException) { txbridgeLogger.i18NLogger.error_obxar_unabletorecover(bridgeWrapperId, unknownTransactionException); throw new IOException(unknownTransactionException); } } /** * Attempts to reconnect the BridgeWrapper if it's not already connected. * If XTS is not ready yet, throws the specified Exception. * * @param exceptionCode a XAException status code. * @throws XAException if XTS recovery is not complete. */ private void ensureRecoveryIsDoneIfNeeded(int exceptionCode) throws XAException { if(bridgeWrapper == null) { // XTS recovery was not ready when deserialization ran. maybe it's ready now, so try again... try { bridgeWrapper = BridgeWrapper.recover(bridgeWrapperId); if(bridgeWrapper == null) { // nope, still not ready... throw new XAException(exceptionCode); } } catch(UnknownTransactionException unknownTransactionException) { txbridgeLogger.i18NLogger.error_obxar_unabletorecover(bridgeWrapperId, unknownTransactionException); XAException xaException = new XAException(XAException.XAER_NOTA); xaException.initCause(unknownTransactionException); throw xaException; } } } /** * Ask the resource manager to prepare for a transaction commit of the transaction specified in xid. * * @param xid A global transaction identifier * @return A value indicating the resource manager's vote on the outcome of the transaction * @throws XAException */ public int prepare(Xid xid) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.prepare(Xid="+xid+")"); // TwoPhaseOutcome needs converting to XAResource rtn type. int twoPhaseOutcome = bridgeWrapper.prepare(); txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("prepare TwoPhaseOutcome is "+twoPhaseOutcome+"/"+TwoPhaseOutcome.stringForm(twoPhaseOutcome)); switch(twoPhaseOutcome) { case TwoPhaseOutcome.PREPARE_OK: txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("prepare returning XAResource.XA_OK"); return XAResource.XA_OK; case TwoPhaseOutcome.PREPARE_READONLY: cleanupRefs(); txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("prepare returning XAResource.XA_RDONLY"); return XAResource.XA_RDONLY; default: // TODO more find-grained error type handling txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("prepare TwoPhaseOutcome is "+twoPhaseOutcome+"/"+ TwoPhaseOutcome.stringForm(twoPhaseOutcome)+", throwing XAException..."); XAException xaException = new XAException("unexpected oucome: "+TwoPhaseOutcome.stringForm(twoPhaseOutcome)); xaException.errorCode = XAException.XA_RBROLLBACK; throw xaException; } } /** * Release any BridgeXAResource instances that have been driven * through to completion by their parent JTA transaction. */ public static void cleanupRecoveredXAResources() { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.cleanupRecoveredXAResources()"); synchronized(xaResourcesAwaitingRecovery) { Iterator<BridgeXAResource> iter = xaResourcesAwaitingRecovery.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { BridgeXAResource xaResource = iter.next(); if(!xaResource.isAwaitingRecovery()) { iter.remove(); } } } } /** * Determine if the specified BridgeWrapper is awaiting recovery or not. * * @param bridgeWrapperId the Id to search for. * @return true if the BridgeWrapper is known to be awaiting recovery, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isAwaitingRecovery(String bridgeWrapperId) { synchronized(xaResourcesAwaitingRecovery) { for(BridgeXAResource bridgeXAResource : xaResourcesAwaitingRecovery) { if(bridgeXAResource.bridgeWrapperId.equals(bridgeWrapperId)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Informs the resource manager to roll back work done on behalf of a transaction branch. * * @param xid A global transaction identifier * @throws XAException */ public void rollback(Xid xid) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.rollback(Xid="+xid+")"); // if XTS has not finished recovery yet we can't throw XA_RETRY here. // We'll settle for RMFAIL which has transient semantics. ensureRecoveryIsDoneIfNeeded(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL); try { bridgeWrapper.rollback(); } finally { cleanupRefs(); } } /** * Commits the global transaction specified by xid. * * @param xid A global transaction identifier * @param onePhase * @throws XAException */ public void commit(Xid xid, boolean onePhase) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.commit(Xid="+xid+", onePhase="+onePhase+")"); // if XTS has not finished recovery yet we wont be able to complete until it does. ensureRecoveryIsDoneIfNeeded(XAException.XA_RETRY); try { if(onePhase) { // no shortcuts, we have to do prepare anyhow if(prepare(xid) == XAResource.XA_RDONLY) { return; } } bridgeWrapper.commit(); } finally { cleanupRefs(); } } /** * Starts work on behalf of a transaction branch specified in xid. * * @param xid A global transaction identifier * @param flags * @throws XAException */ public void start(Xid xid, int flags) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.start(Xid="+xid+", flags="+flags+")"); // do nothing } /** * Ends the work performed on behalf of a transaction branch. * * @param xid A global transaction identifier * @param flags * @throws XAException */ public void end(Xid xid, int flags) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.end(Xid="+xid+", flags="+flags+")"); // do nothing } public boolean isSameRM(XAResource xaResource) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.isSameRM(XAResource="+xaResource+")"); return false; // TODO } public void forget(Xid xid) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("forget(Xid="+xid+")"); // TODO } /** * Obtains a list of prepared transaction branches from a resource manager. * * @param flag * @return the in doubt Xids * @throws XAException */ public Xid[] recover(int flag) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.recover(flag="+flag+")"); return new Xid[0]; // TODO } /** * Sets the current transaction timeout value for this XAResource instance. * * @param seconds - The transaction timeout value in seconds. * @return true if the transaction timeout value is set successfully; otherwise false. * @throws XAException */ public boolean setTransactionTimeout(int seconds) throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.setTransactionTimeout(seconds="+seconds+")"); return false; // TODO } /** * Obtains the current transaction timeout value set for this XAResource instance. * * @return the transaction timeout value in seconds. * @throws XAException */ public int getTransactionTimeout() throws XAException { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.getTransactionTimeout()"); return 0; // TODO } public boolean isAwaitingRecovery() { return isAwaitingRecovery; } private void cleanupRefs() { txbridgeLogger.logger.trace("BridgeXAResource.cleanupRefs()"); OutboundBridgeManager.removeMapping(externalTxId); isAwaitingRecovery = false; } }