/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2008, Red Hat, Inc., and others contributors as indicated * by the @authors tag. All rights reserved. * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker; public class RunServer { static { System.loadLibrary("testsuite"); } public native void serverinit(); public native void serverdone(); public native void tpadvertiseBAR(); public native void tpadvertiseLOOPY(); public native void tpadvertiseDEBIT(); public native void tpadvertiseCREDIT(); public native void tpadvertiseINQUIRY(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPACall(); public native void tpadvertisetpcallXOctet(); public native void tpadvertisetpcallXOctetZero(); public native void tpadvertisetpcallXCommon(); public native void tpadvertisetpcallXCType(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPCancel(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPConnect(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPConversation(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPConversa2(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPDiscon(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPFree(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPGetrply(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPRecv(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPReturn(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPReturn2(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPSend(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPService(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPUnadvertise(); public native void tpadvertiseTX1(); public native void tpadvertiseTX2(); // SERVICE NAMES public static String getServiceNameBAR() { return "BAR"; } public static String getServiceNameLOOPY() { return "LOOPY"; } public static String getServiceNameDEBIT() { return "DEBIT"; } public static String getServiceNameCREDIT() { return "CREDIT"; } public static String getServiceNameINQUIRY() { return "INQUIRY"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPACall() { return "TestTPACall"; } public static String getServiceNametpcallXOctet() { return "tpcall_x_octet"; } public static String getServiceNametpcallXOctetZero() { return "tpcall_x_octet_zero"; } public static String getServiceNametpcallXCommon() { return "tpcall_x_common"; } public static String getServiceNametpcallXCType() { return "tpcall_x_c_type"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPCancel() { return "TestTPCancel"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPConnect() { return "TestTPConnect"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPConversation() { return "TestTPConversat"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPDiscon() { return "TestTPDiscon"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPConversa2() { return "TestTPConversat"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPFree() { return "TestTPFree"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPGetrply() { return "TestTPGetrply"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPRecv() { return "TestTPRecv"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPReturn() { return "TestTPReturnA"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPReturn2() { return "TestTPReturnA"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPSend() { return "TestTPSend"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPService() { return "TestTPService"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPUnadvertise() { return "TestTPUnadvertise"; } public static String getServiceNameTX1() { throw new RuntimeException("NOT SUPPORTED"); } public static String getServiceNameTX2() { throw new RuntimeException("NOT SUPPORTED"); } public static String getServiceNameTestRollbackOnly() { return "TestRbkOnly"; } public static String getServiceNameTTL() { return "TTL"; } public native void tpadvertiseTestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPETIMEService(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTpcallTPEOTYPEService(); public native void tpadvertiseTestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPESVCFAILService(); public native void tpadvertiseTestRollbackOnlyTprecvTPEVDISCONIMMService(); public native void tpadvertiseTestRollbackOnlyTprecvTPEVSVCFAILService(); public native void tpadvertiseTestRollbackOnlyNoTpreturnService(); public native void tpadvertiseTTL(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPSendTPSendOnly(); public static String getServiceNameTestTPSendTPSendOnly() { return "TestTPSend"; } public native void tpadvertiseTestTPGetrplyOne(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPGetrplyTwo(); public static String getServiceNameTestTPGetrplyOne() { return "TestTPGetAnyA"; } public static String getServiceNameTestTPGetrplyTwo() { return "TestTPGetAnyB"; } public native void tpadvertiseTestTPReturn3(); public native void tpadvertiseTestTPReturn4(); public static String getServiceNameTestRollbackOnly2() { return "TestRbkOnly2"; } public static String getServiceNameNBF() { return "NBF"; } public native void tpadvertiseTestNBF(); }