package; import; import; import; /** * @deprecated as of 5.0.5.Final In a subsequent release we will change packages names in order to * provide a better separation between public and internal classes. */ @Deprecated // in order to provide a better separation between public and internal classes. @MXBeanDescription("Representation of the transaction logging mechanism") public interface ObjStoreBrowserMBean extends ObjStoreItemMBean { @MXBeanPropertyDescription("See if any new transactions have been created or completed") void probe() throws MBeanException; @MXBeanPropertyDescription("Enable/disable viewing of Subordinate Atomic Actions (afterwards" + " use the probe operation to rescan the store):" + " WARNING THIS OPERATION WILL TRIGGER A RECOVERY ATTEMPT (recovery is normally performed" + " by the Recovery Manager). Use the text \"true\" to enable") void viewSubordinateAtomicActions(boolean enable); @MXBeanPropertyDescription("By default only a subset of transaction logs are exposed as MBeans," + " this operation changes this default." + "Use the text \"true\" to expose all logs as MBeans. You must invoke the probe method for the" + " change to take effect") void setExposeAllRecordsAsMBeans(boolean exposeAllLogs); }