package org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.xatmi.mdb; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.jms.BytesMessage; import javax.jms.Destination; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageListener; import javax.jms.Queue; import javax.jms.Topic; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.transport.JtsTransactionImple; import org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.xatmi.BlackTieService; import org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.xatmi.Connection; import org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.xatmi.ConnectionException; /** * All BlackTie MDB services should extend this class so that they can be advertised */ public abstract class MDBBlacktieService extends BlackTieService implements MessageListener { /** * A logger to log the output to. */ private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(MDBBlacktieService.class); /** * This will allow the connection factory to be failed * * @param name * * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected MDBBlacktieService(String name) throws ConfigurationException { super(name); } /** * The onMessage method formats the JMS received bytes message into a format understood by the XATMI API. * * @param message The message received wrapping an XATMI invocation */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void onMessage(Message message) { try { String serviceName = null; Destination jmsDestination = message.getJMSDestination(); if (jmsDestination instanceof Queue) { serviceName = ((Queue) jmsDestination).getQueueName(); } else { serviceName = ((Topic) jmsDestination).getTopicName(); } serviceName = serviceName.substring(serviceName.indexOf('_') + 1); log.trace(serviceName); if (JtsTransactionImple.hasTransaction()) { throw new ConnectionException(Connection.TPEPROTO, "Blacktie services must not be called with a transactional context: " + getName() + ":" + serviceName); } BytesMessage bytesMessage = ((BytesMessage) message); org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.transport.Message toProcess = convertFromBytesMessage(bytesMessage); log.debug("SERVER onMessage: transaction control ior: " + toProcess.control); processMessage(serviceName, toProcess); log.debug("Processed message"); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Could not service the request", t); } } private static org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.transport.Message convertFromBytesMessage(BytesMessage message) throws JMSException { String controlIOR = message.getStringProperty("messagecontrol"); String replyTo = message.getStringProperty("messagereplyto"); int len = (int) message.getBodyLength(); String serviceName = message.getStringProperty("servicename"); int flags = new Integer(message.getStringProperty("messageflags")); int cd = new Integer(message.getStringProperty("messagecorrelationId")); String type = message.getStringProperty("messagetype"); String subtype = message.getStringProperty("messagesubtype"); log.debug("type: " + type + " subtype: " + subtype); org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.transport.Message toProcess = new org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.transport.Message(); toProcess.type = type; toProcess.subtype = subtype; toProcess.replyTo = replyTo; toProcess.serviceName = serviceName; toProcess.flags = flags; = cd; toProcess.len = len; if (toProcess.type == "") { = null; } else { = new byte[toProcess.len]; message.readBytes(; } toProcess.control = controlIOR; return toProcess; } }